Chapter 3

A Heart As Cold As You


Jyoung Mi got up slowly. But her head was spinning for some reason. She felt dizzy and tired. But she ignored the buzzing and throbbing in her head.

She got up and walked slowly to her bathroom. She showered and splashed cold water on her face, thinking that she was just sleepy.

She changed, had a slice of peanut butter and jelly bread for breakfast, fed Kitty and walked off to school again. But she walked slowly.

Her head was causing her to hear ringing and buzzing in her head.

She stopped for a while and massaged her temples. The pain soothed a little and came back again after a while.

" Argh! ! My head is killing me! ", thought Jyoung Mi as she shook her head.

She continued to walk to school, despite the pain in her head. She accidentally bumped into someone.

" Yowch! Hey, watch it! ", complained the voice.

" Whatever! Mianhae! Nah, satisfied!? ", shouted Jyoung Mi.

" Eh??? Jyoung Mi-sshi??? ", said the voice.

Jyoung Mi looked up as she held the side of her head. It was Yoseob.

" Oh, it's just you, Yoseob-sshi. ", grumbled Jyoung Mi.

" Are you alright??? Mianhae! I didn't see you coming! I didn't mean to yell at you! ", apologized Yoseob.

" I'm fine, I'm fine! Why must everyone get so worked up about me?! It was just a freaking accident! ", muttered Jyoung Mi.

" You wanna walk to class together? ", asked Yoseob.

" Ani. I can walk there by myself. ", said Jyoung Mi flatly.

She sped off for her locker before Yoseob could ask her again. She leaned against her locker. Her head was getting worse.

She stood up groggily. She took her books and her pencil case and went off to class.

When she reached her desk, she buried her head in her hands and leaned on her desktop. Her head was throbbing and her vision was slightly blurry.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi? "

Someone gently shook her shoulders. She looked up. She saw Zhoumi shaking her shoulders and looking at her.

" What? ", she answered monotonously.

" Are you alright? ", asked Zhoumi worriedly.

" Ne. Why should you be concerned about me? Go and do your own thing. ", she snapped weakly.

" You look sick and tired. Are you sure you're alright? ", he asked.

" Ne, ne, NE! Now, let me be! ", shouted Jyoung Mi as she lost her cool.

Zhoumi got a little scared and backed off. Jyoung Mi rolled her eyes and leaned on her desktop again. She closed her eyes to catch 40 winks for a while.

10 minutes later, Jyoung Mi felt her hair being jerked up roughly. She awoke with a yell of pain and looked up. A smirking HyunA stood in front of her holding a handful of her hair in her hand.

" What the did you pull my hair for?! ", she yelled as she stood up.

" I was bored. So, I decided to pull your hair for fun. ", smirked HyunA.

Jyoung Mi grabbed HyunA's arm tight.

" You're messing with the wrong person, Kim HyunA. After seeing me in this class for 5 years and antagonizing me for all those years, you still don't know what I'm capable of. ", said Jyoung Mi.

With those words, Jyoung Mi twisted HyunA's arm and a sickening crack followed. The class turned their heads in shock.

" Omo! My arm! You ! You broke it! ", gasped HyunA.

" I only broke a muscle in your arm, you pimp. You're lucky I don't snap your neck right now. ", scoffed Jyoung Mi.

" You ing ! ", screamed HyunA and she slapped Jyoung Mi across the head.

Actually, she meant to slap her face, but she was so angry that her slap was misjudged. Unfortunately, Jyoung Mi felt her dizzy head throb again under the slap. She stumbled back a little.

HyunA noticed this and started whacking Jyoung Mi's head repeatedly. Jyoung Mi tried to fight back, but since HyunA had the advantage, she was on the losing side.

HyunA didn't cease slapping Jyoung Mi repeatedly. L.Joe and Yoseob tried to pry her off Jyoung Mi, but HyunA only shoved them away and continued to whack Jyoung Mi again and again.

Jyoung Mi opened her eyes groggily and kicked HyunA in the shin. HyunA stopped hitting her and screamed in pain.

Jyoung Mi pulled HyunA's hair, causing her to shriek in pain. She pulled HyunA's hands behind her back roughly. Jyoung Mi slammed HyunA against her desk roughly.

" What's going on here?! ", said an angry voice.

Everyone in the class looked up to see a furious Mr. Jung.

" Miss Jyoung Mi and Miss HyunA, to the principal's office NOW! ", commanded the teacher.




HyunA and Jyoung Mi sat facing Mrs. Lee, the university's principal. She drummed her fingers on her desk.

" Who started this fight? ", asked the principal.

" She did! ", answered Jyoung Mi and HyunA in unison as they pointed their fingers at each other.

" Since the both of you won't admit who was wrong, both of you shall be punished. The both of you will have an hour's detention for tomorrow! ", said the principal and dismissed the both of them.

Sulking, HyunA stormed out of the principal's office. Jyoung Mi grumbled under her breath as she walked back to class.

When Jyoung Mi reached the classroom, she grabbed her bag and marched out of the class, ignoring Mr. Jung's commands to come back to the class immediately.

Jyoung Mi walked all the way home. She was pissed off. Her head throbbed again, sending waves of pain and breaking off her train of thought.

She reached her house and was greeted by Kitty. But the kitten seemed to notice that something was wrong with her mistress.

She mewed worriedly as she pawed at her mistress'  foot. At that moment, Jyoung Mi collapsed and passed out on the floor of the living room.

Sensing that her mistress needed help, Kitty ran out of the house and reached the university. She ran to Jyoung's Mi's class and scratched at the door.

Mr. Jung, who was teaching the class at that moment, opened the door in curiosity and Kitty dashed in. She went over to Kibum for some mysterious reason and pulled at his pant leg. She mewed and tugged at his pant leg.

Kibum, who was paying attention to the lesson, felt the kitten tugging at his pant leg. He looked at Donghae who stared back at him.

Donghae glanced at Kitty for a while and then looked at Kibum. Kibum stood up and followed Kitty out of the school and back to Jyoung Mi's house.

Jyoung Mi was still lying unconscious on the ground. Kibum felt her forehead. She was having a serious headache.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated as he laid his hands on Jyoung Mi's forehead. A pale aquablue light glowed from his hands, spurting into little streams of energy and disappearing into Jyoung Mi's forehead.

He could feel the energy flowing from his hands and coursing through her head. Her headache melted away slowly, but surely.

When he was done, he lifted the unconscious girl onto the couch and covered her with a blanket. He petted Kitty a little and walked out of Jyoung Mi's house, locking her door behind him.

He went back to the school where the class was waiting. Mr. Jung looked at Kibum confusedly. Kibum shrugged and sat down again.

A voice rang in his head...

" *Donghae's voice, *Kibum's voice "

So, did you heal Jyoung Mi-sshi already?

Ne, hyung.

That was one smart kitty.

I know, right?

Should we visit Jyoung Mi-sshi after school?

We could, but you have to ask Teukie hyung first.

Ne, ne. I know. Let's pay attention to Mr. Jung now.


The both of them turned their attention back to their lesson.

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪