Chapter 5

A Heart As Cold As You

Super Junior walked home. But when they were just a few steps away from their house, Leeteuk's phone rang.

" Yoboseyo? ", answered Leeteuk.

" Leeteuk-sshi, it's me, Yoona. Listen, the Council just summoned me and they told me that they need you for a mission. You have to come here now and fast! "

" Jinja? I'll be there in a second. Annyeong. "

" Annyeong. "

Leeteuk hung up.

" Hyung, where are you going? ", asked Kangin.

" I'm needed by the Angels Council immediately for a mission. I'll be back soon. ", answered Leeteuk.

" Hyung, be careful. ", warned Heechul.

" I will. "

With that, Leeteuk ran across the street, into a deserted alley, spread his wings and flew up into the sky. A gigantic cloud soon obscured him from view.

" Let's go back in. I'm getting roasted out here. ", complained Ryeowook.

Yesung unlocked the gate of the house and they all went inside. Hankyung took off his school blazer and threw it onto the couch. The rest of them just plopped themselves lazily on the couch.

Just then, another phone rang. This time, it was Heechul's phone.

" Yoboseyo? ", he asked.

" Heechul hyung. It's me, Hyun Seung. The Council as well as the neighboring Councils need you, Hankyung hyung, Sungmin hyung, Eunhyuk hyung and Yesung hyung for a mission. Come back here fast. "

" Arasso. We're on our way. "

Heechul hung up.

" You're needed for a mission too? ", asked Donghae.

" Ne. Yesung, Sungmin and Hankyung and Eunhyuk too. We have to go. If Leeteuk hyung gets back before we do, tell him Yesung, Hankyung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and I got called by the Vampire Council for a mission as well. ", said Heechul.

" Arasso. Be careful, hyungs. ", said Kibum.

" Ne. We will. ", said Yesung.

The five boys then ran out of the house and to a nearby forest. But they had barely left when Kangin's phone rang this time.

Suddenly, Shindong's phone as well as Donghae's phone, Siwon's, Ryeowook's Kibum's, Kyuhyun's, Henry's and Zhoumi's phones started ringing.

All of them looked at each other. If their phones were ringing at the same times, then that must mean that their Councils were calling them too.

They answered their phones and sure enough, their Councils did call them for a mission too.

Siwon wrote a note. He wrote:


To anyone who reads this,


If we're not in, it's because our Councils called us too. We might be back late, so don't worry about us.




Siwon stuck the note on the gate after he had locked it.

" Let's go. ", said Kangin.

They went out of their house and split up in different directions.

Kangin went into a deserted alley and pulled out a loose brick, revealing a secret passageway. He stepped into the doorway and the entrance sealed itself shut perfectly.

Shindong blew a star-shaped whistle. A soft, twinkling sound came out of the whistle and a shooting star came down. Shindong jumped onto the shooting star and it zoomed off into space.

Donghae jumped onto his motorbike and raced off towards a wall. Just as his vehicle was about to collide with the hard brick wall, a dark portal opened up. He drove his bike in and the portal closed up.

Siwon got into his Audi and drove off to town where his rendezvous was.

Ryeowook opened a portal of light with his powers and stepped into it, not forgetting to close the portal behind him.

Kibum took out a long, flower-covered sceptre and waved it around his head. Leaves and petals swirled around him slowly. Soon, it enveloped him in a swirling mass of green and pinkish-white. When the swirling had settled down, Kibum had vanished completely.

Kyuhyun took a small black bag, opened it and took out a handful of sand. He sprinkled it on the pavement and muttered a charm under his breath. The sand swirled about and he stepped into the sand, disappearing instantly. The wind blew away the sand.

Henry took out a flute and played a haunting, but enchanting, tune. The wind started to whirl around him. Stray flower petals swirled around him rapidly, creating a barrier. When the wind had stopped, the petals floated down to the ground and Henry was nowhere to be seen.

Zhoumi closed his eyes and concentrated really hard. In the blink of an eye, he vanished into thin air.




Leeteuk flew up onto a cloud. He stepped on it and closed his wings. He walked towards a girl waiting for him.

" Yoona! ", called out Leeteuk.

" Ahh, Leeteuk-sshi! Follow me! The Council is waiting for you! ", said Yoona.

They walked towards an elaborately designed gate. It was made out of gold and sapphires. Two watchtowers stood side by side of the gate.

Two angels stepped out from the watchtower and faced Yoona and Leeteuk.

" Leeteuk hyung, you're here finally! ", said one.

" Ne. Jinwoon, where's the Council? ", asked Leeteuk.

" This way. Yah, Jo Kwon hyung, let's go~! ", said Jinwoon as he tugged at the other angel's arm.

Jinwoon, Jo Kwon and Yoona led Leeteuk to a large fortress. They knocked on its heavy brass doors and Jinwoon blew a horn.

The doors opened and the four angels stepped inside. A Council of 10 angels sat behind a long glass table.

Leeteuk knelt down on one knee and bowed before the angel in the middle.

The angel in the middle was an old angel. He had smooth white hair and a long white beard that reached his chest.

" Rise, Leeteuk. ", said the angel.

Leeteuk rose and faced the Council.

" Angel Leeteuk, you have been summoned for a very delicate mission. The kingdom of the Underworld is preparing to try and take over the world again. ", said the middle angel.

" What is their weapon or their strategy, sir? ", asked Leeteuk.

" This time, they're looking for a person with a cold personality. They will steal the heart of that person and use it as a weapon. ", said another angel.

" What?! How? What will happen? ", asked Leeteuk, shocked.

" We don't actually know what will happen next as we do not have the full details, but if you suspect anyone who is from the Underworld, report back. ", said another angel.

" Arasso. ", said Leeteuk.

" This mission may be a dangerous one, so you'll need backup. We have sent word about the Underworld threat to our neighboring realms. You'll be in with a group of different beings helping you. ", said an angel.

" What about my friends? They can help me. ", asked Leeteuk.

" We know, Leeteuk. We understand how close you grew with your different friends, so they'll be your team for this mission. Yoona will keep you boys updated about any news we receive about the Underworld. ", said the eldest angel.

" Who's this person that is going to be targeted for their cold personality? ", asked Leeteuk.

" Yoona, show him. ", commanded the eldest angel.

Yoona used a crystal ball and chanted a mysterious spell. The crystal ball showed blurry images at first, then the image became stronger.

In the crystal ball was the image of a girl. She was in a house and feeding a kitten. When the girl turned around, Leeteuk's jaw dropped.

It was Jyoung Mi.

" J--J--Jy--Jyo--Jyoung M--M--Mi-ssh--sshi...? ", stuttered Leeteuk in surprise.

" Oh, you know this girl, Angel Leeteuk? ", asked the eldest angel.

" Ne. She's in the same school the boys and I are in. But why her, sir? ", asked Leeteuk.

" She has a sad past, poor girl. Ever since she ran away from her own family, she had become cold. ", sighed one angel.

" How do you know her? ", asked Leeteuk.

" We have files on those with cold pasts, horrible pasts and traumatizing pasts. Hers is a combination of all three. ", answered the eldest angel.

" May I see it? ", asked Leeteuk.

" It is a private file that only high-ranking angels can see. ", said another angel.

Leeteuk bit his lip.

" You have to protect this girl from the people of the Underworld. Especially the 5 princes of the Underworld. ", said the eldest angel.

" Arasso. ", answered Leeteuk.

" Now, go. We'll keep you updated on the Underworld's movements. ", said the eldest angel.

Leeteuk bowed and walked out of the Council Hall. Yoona followed him out. Jinwoon and Jo Kwon were waiting for them.

They walked back to the gates. Jinwoon and Jo Kwon resumed their posts at the watchtowers. Yoona bid Leeteuk farewell.

Leeteuk flew back to Earth. It was already nighttime. He went back to the house. The lights were off and the door was locked.

" Aish! Where is everyone? ", thought Leeteuk.

Just then, he saw a note stuck on the gate.

" Oh, they're out. I guess their Councils called them for the same thing. ", thought Leeteuk.

He leaned against the wall and waited for 5 solid minutes. Just then, an Audi and a motorbike drove up. The vehicles stopped. The person on the motorbike removed his helmet. The person driving the Audi came out.

" Oh, Leeteukie hyung! You're back already! ", said Siwon.

" Ne. Seems like the Council called me for a mission concerning the Underworld. ", said Leeteuk.

" Eh? Jinja? Me too! My mission was something about the Underworld! ", said Siwon.

" Same here! ", said Donghae.

Just then, two portals opened up, revealing Ryeowook and Kyuhyun.

Two medium-sized tornadoes came from the sky and Kibum and Henry stood in front of them.

A shooting star brought Shindong down.

A wall opened up from one side and Kangin stepped out.

Zhoumi suddenly appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Lastly, 5 people ran from the woods and towards them. It was Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Hankyung and Heechul.

" Were your missions concerning the Underworld too? ", asked Donghae.

" Ne. And Hae, your mind reading is creeping me out, y'know. ", shivered Sungmin.

" Woah, wait! Everybody's mission is concerning the Underworld?! ", said Kyuhyun in surprise.

" Ne. But let's go into the house first. I don't wanna freeze out here in the cold night. ", said Heechul.

Ryeowook unlocked the doors and they went in. They showered, changed into comfy clotes and sat down in the living room.

" So, Teukie hyung, since you're the oldest among us, what is our mission? ", asked Kangin.

" The Underworld is trying to conquer the world again. This time, they're targeting a person with a cold personality. They will steal the person's heart and use it as a weapon. ", said Leeteuk.

" Ewwwwwww. Sounds gross. ", gagged Zhoumi.

" I know, right? ", agreed Heechul.

" Who are they targeting? ", asked Siwon.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi. ", answered Leeteuk.

" BWOH?! ", screamed Ryeowook as he shot up from his seat.

" HUH?! ", said Donghae as he sat up straight.

" WAEYO?! WHY JYOUNG MI-SSHI?! ", asked Kangin.

" She has a sorrowful past or so the Angel Council says. I don't know, but we have to watch out for Jyoung Mi-sshi. ", said Leeteuk.

" Hyung, we can't let the Underworld get her. She saved me and I feel that she isn't all cold. ", said Ryeowook.

" You have a point, Wookie. If she was entirely cold, why would she save you or become chingus with us? ", said Yesung.

" Ne. ", agreed Henry.

" But if she continues to be cold, the Underworld will have a higher chance of grabbing her. ", said Eunhyuk.

" Ne. And for that reason, we have to protect her. ", responded Leeteuk.

" But, hyung, if she knows our true identities, what do we do? ", asked Hankyung.

The whole room fell silent. Obviously, they hadn't thought about that. Hankyung had a point. The existence of magical beings had been the stuff of legends, but if a human were to find out that they were real, what were they to do?

" I don't know. ", admitted Leeteuk.

" We just have to keep our identities secret the best way we can. ", said Shindong.

" We can try. We secretly have to use our powers in times of trouble. ", said Sungmin.

" Ne. So, are we all settled? ", asked Leeteuk.

" Ne, hyung. ", chorused everyone.

They all dismissed and went to their rooms to bed down for the night. But Leeteuk couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in his sleep. He was thinking about Jyoung Mi.

What happend in her past that made her so cold?

What was there about her that made his heart jump slightly?

What was there about her name that made him stop in his tracks?

What was her personality before she became rude and cold-hearted?

There was still some good in her, he could feel it.

She wasn't an entirely cold person, if not, she wouldn't have saved Ryeowook or become friends with them.

He opened his eyes. Kangin, who was sleeping on the bunk bed below him, was snoring away peacefully.

Leeteuk climbed down from the bunk bed quietly and went to the window. He sat down on the big window ledge peeked through the curtains. The full moon shone on the empty streets.

Leeteuk leaned against the window sill. He brought his knees to his chest and hugged them.

The moon kinda reminded him of a special person who gave up his life just to save him once in a dangerous situation....

He shook his head when he felt that memory coming back. Tears welled up in his eyes. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself from crying any longer, but it didn't work.

He let out a tiny sob as tears rolled down his eyes uncontrollably. His tears stained his pajama pants and ran down his cheeks.

He heard a shuffling of blankets and turned to see Yesung looking at him. He quickly wiped away his tears, so that his dongsaeng wouldn't see him crying.

" Teukie hyung, why are you crying? ", asked Yesung.

" Ani. I'm not crying. I just had something in my eye. ", lied Leeteuk.

" And I thought angels didn't lie. ", tutted Yesung.

Leeteuk mentally slapped himself. Yesung was pretty smart at times when he wasn't being a weirdo. Besides, they had known each other as well as their friends for years.

" Arasso. I was just thinking of him again... ", sighed Leeteuk.

" Shhhh~ It's okay, hyung. Just cry all you want on my chest. ", soothed Yesung.

Yesung knew why Leeteuk cried. So, he allowed Leeteuk to have his shoulder to weep on. Leeteuk sobbed as he grasped Yesung's shirt tight.

Leeteuk cried till he had no more tears left. He dried his eyes and went back to sleep. Yesung also went back to bed.

" Gomawo, Sungie. ", thanked Leeteuk.

" Anything for my hyung. ", smiled Yesung.

Yesung fell asleep. Leeteuk stared at the ceiling blankly. He was still thinking.

He had to protect Jyoung Mi. She reminded him of his friend who had sacrificed himself just so that he could escape from a deadly situation.

Once, he did something he regretted with every waking breath. He would not make the same mistake again.

He fell asleep, thinking about his friend. He must protect Jyoung Mi even if it cost him his life.

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪