Chapter 10

A Heart As Cold As You

Jyoung Mi woke up the next morning. She looked around her and at the four sleeping boys in the room from the bunk bed.

Leeteuk was sleeping peacefully on the floor, still snoring softly.

Kangin was under the sheets, mumbling in his slumber.

Ryeowook was twisted a little in between the blankets.

Yesung was facing the wall, curled up into a ball.

Jyoung Mi cautiously stepped down the bunk bed's ladder, grabbed her school uniform from yesterday and tiptoed to the bathroom to change.

When she got out of the bathroom, she suddenly came face-to-face with Yesung.

" AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ", they both screamed at the top of their voices.

The commotion woke the other three sleeping figures from their slumbers.

" You ing scared the out of me! ", snapped Jyoung Mi.

" Me?! Scared you!? I should be the one to say that you scared the out of me! ", fired Yesung.

" Well, you ing appeared out of ing nowhere at all! "

" You just suddenly opened the fricking door! "

" You looked like a ing banshee with your crazy hair and messy clothes! "

" How the hell was I supposed to know you were in there!? "

" The damn light was on, it! "

" I was still sleepy, for God's sake! "

" Sungie hyung, calm down! ", said Ryeowook as he restrained Yesung from saying anything any further.

" Jyoung Mi-ah, stop! ", said Kangin as he tried to help Leeteuk hold her back from doing anything rash.

Jyoung Mi huffed and went downstairs in a raging temper. Yesung growled and folded his arms.

" Females. ", he grumbled.




" Boys. ", muttered Jyoung Mi through clenched teeth.

She jammed her shoes on roughly and started for the front door, when Leeteuk stopped her.

" Jyoung Mi-ah, wait! ", said Leeteuk as he blocked her path.

" What?! ", she snapped.

" I'm sorry about Yesung, but you shouldn't have acted that way. ", he told her gently.

" Charming. ", remarked Jyoung Mi sarcastically.  " So you think I'm in the wrong?! "

" Yes and no. ", answered Leeteuk.  " Yes, because you shouldn't have lost your temper and no, because Yesung shouldn't have lost his temper with you. "

" And your point is? "

" I think the both of you should apologize to each other. "

" Uhh, say what? Apologize to him? In his dreams, dude! ", spat Jyoung Mi.

" Jebal. ", begged Leeteuk.  " I don't like it when my friends fight. "

Jyoung Mi sulked until she gave in and went upstairs to apologize. Yesung was already waiting for her in the bedroom with Kangin and Ryeowook.

" Sorry-- ", said Yesung and Jyoung Mi at the same time.

" You go first. ", said Jyoung Mi softly.

" Ani, ani. You can go first. ", smiled Yesung.

" Alright. I'm sorry, Yesung-sshi. ", said Jyoung Mi.

" I'm sorry too. ", said Yesung with a smile.

Jyoung Mi just smiled and went downstairs to wait for the others to get ready for school.




The boys and Jyoung Mi walked to school together. Well, not really, because Jyoung Mi walked a fair distance away from them because she still wasn't quite comfortable with them.

When they reached school, it was like any other normal day. They sat at their desks and listened to Mr. Jung's Science lesson on salt.

" Natron is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and hydrated sodium bicarbonate, plus smaller quantities of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate... "

Jyoung Mi groaned as she buried her face into her arms.

" Booooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnng~ ", she mumbled to herself.

Suddenly, without warning, a terrific crash burst through the windows of Jyoung Mi's class and five black hairy beasts burst in through a shower of glass shards.

" Aaaaaaah!!! ", screamed everyone.

" Holy--! ", shouted L.Joe.

" Holy ! What are those things!? ", shouted Yoseob.

" Omo! Those are the same beasts like the one I saw the night I saved Ryeowook-sshi! ", thought Jyoung Mi.

One of the creatures turned to her and lunged for her, but someone pulled her to safety and the monster crashed into the wall, stunned.

Jyoung Mi looked at her rescuer.


" Are you alright? ", he asked breathlessly.

" Ne. ", panted Jyoung Mi.

" Aaaaaah! Help! ", screamed L.Joe as one of the beasts loomed over him.

Jyoung Mi wriggled out of Donghae's grasp, grabbed a heavy leather book and hurled it at the creature, whacking it in the eye.

L.Joe took the opportunity to escape out of the classroom. He grabbed Yoseob, who was cowering behind his desk, and dashed out of the classroom.

Jyoung Mi started to make a break for it, but another beast tackled her down to the ground.

She watched in horror as the beast loomed over her, bared its long and ugly bloodstained fangs and...

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪