Chapter 2

A Heart As Cold As You


Jyoung Mi woke up to her alarm clock again. 6:45 AM. Her usual waking up time on weekdays.

She felt something wrapped around her finger. She brought her finger up and saw a bandage wrapped around it. She also felt a bandage or two on her cheek.

Sure enough, when she touched her cheek, she felt a couple of gauze bandages.

She woke up and looked at the mattress on the floor where Ryeowook had slept the night before. But to her surprise, there was no one there anymore.

She shot out of bed and went to the living room, thinking Ryeowook was downstairs.

But no one was there at all. She caught sight of a blue note on the dining table next to a plate full of cooked kimchi and eggs.

She read the note. It read:


Dear Jyoung Mi-sshi,

Thank you for letting me stay at your place for the night.

I've cooked kimchi and eggs for you before I left.

Don't worry about me. I have eaten something already and gone home. I'm not sick also, if you're worried about my health. I am perfectly fine.

Yesterday, you cut your finger on a wood splinter when you saved me from that monster. I was the one who put a bandage on your finger. I also noticed that you had scratches on your cheek, so I put bandages on your cheek too.

Thank you for your hospitality.

I hope we'll meet again soon one day.



P.S.: I'm sorry again for asking you about your life when it is personal. Forgive me and my curiosity.


Jyoung Mi ate the food Ryeowook had prepared.

" Wow! This tastes great! He must be a really good cook! ", she thought as she took another spoonful of kimchi.

When she had finished, she washed her plate and utensils. She put them away to dry and went upstairs to change and get ready for school.

Same routine: bathe, brush teeth, change, comb hair and walk to school.

She wore her socks and shoes, stepped out of her house, locked the door and walked to school.

When she got to school, she expected the girls in the hall to gossip about her as usual. But today was different. The girls hardly noticed her and were whispering something else.

" Hey, did you know 15 new students are coming to KHU???? "

" I heard they're all guys! "

" I hope they're cute! "

" Well, I hope they're a bunch of hotties! "

" You always wish for hot guys like that L.Joe! "

" Ne, I know! Pity that he has a girlfriend already. That queenka HyunA is one lucky girl to be able to catch him like that. But I hope I get a chance with these guys! "

Jyoung Mi rolled her eyes. Girls like them always try to flirt with any boy they think is hot, y or cute.

She opened her locker and grabbed her usual exercise books. She strode off to class. HyunA and her gang were talking about the newcomers too. Jyoung Mi walked to her table and found an unwelcome person sitting in her chair.


" Yah, you're in my seat. ", said Jyoung Mi flatly.

" Ne, I know. I wanna talk with you. ", smiled L.Joe sweetly.

" I don't wanna talk to anyone. Now, scram. ", snapped Jyoung Mi.

" You have a feisty attitude. I like it. ", smirked L.Joe as he stood up.

" You have your oh-so-sweet-HyunA, dude. Leave me alone. ", spat Jyoung Mi as she sat down.

" You're different. ", said L.Joe as he scooted next to her.

" Get away from me. "

" Waeyo? You're interesting.  I like it. ", smirked L.Joe as he touched Jyoung Mi's hand.

" Don't you dare touch me! ", snapped Jyoung Mi as she slapped L.Joe's hand away.

" Yah!!! ", came a shriek.

Jyoung Mi and L.Joe looked up. A fuming HyunA stood in front of them. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes shot murderous glares.

HyunA snatched L.Joe up away from Jyoung Mi and she slapped her hard across the face.

" Don't try to get with my yeobo, you little . ", hissed HyunA as she dug her fingernails into Jyoung Mi's collarbone.

Her nails pierced Jyoung Mi's skin. Jyoung Mi's eye twitched a little at the pain.

" NOONA! STOP! ", shouted a voice.

Jyoung Mi, L.Joe and HyunA looked up. Yoseob was standing at the doorway, looking shocked and angry at the same time.

" Seobie, this is none of your business, arasso? ", said HyunA as she dug her nails further into Jyoung's Mi's flesh.

" STOP HURTING JYOUNG MI-SSHI! ", shouted Yoseob as he slapped his adopted sister's hand away from Jyoung Mi.

HyunA sobbed and ran out of the classroom. L.Joe followed her to try and comfort her. Yoseob tried to wipe Jyoung Mi's wounds, but she refused.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi, are you alright? Noona didn't hurt you that bad, did she? ", asked Yoseob as he dabbed at the cuts on her collarbone.

" Don't touch me. I can do it myself. ", growled Jyoung Mi as she snatched the tissue and wiped her own wounds.

" But you're hurt! ", said Yoseob worriedly.

" What the is the big deal about a few scratches?! I'm fine! ", snapped Jyoung Mi.

Just then, HyunA and L.Joe came back into the classroom. HyunA grabbed Yoseob by his collar and led him away from Jyoung Mi.

" Don't ever talk to this again, Seobie. Do you hear me?! ", shrieked HyunA.

Yoseob didn't respond. He only shed tiny tears. HyunA turned to L.Joe.

" You! Don't you ever flirt with this here! You're mine, remember that! ", snapped HyunA.

L.Joe bit his bottom lip and forced himself to nod. He held back the tears that were collecting in his eyes. HyunA turned to Jyoung Mi.

" And YOU! Don't you dare flirt with my L.Joe or talk to my dongsaeng Seobie ever again, do you understand?! ", she demanded as she jabbed a manicured nail at her chest.

" Go to Hell. Like I will listen to you and your commands, pimp. You're not the boss of me. ", retorted Jyoung Mi.

HyunA raised her hand to slap Jyoung Mi, but L.Joe held her back and shook his head pleadingly. HyunA let her hand down.

" You're lucky I don't kill you here on the spot right now, you . Next time, I'll pull out your hair and shove it down your throat. Got it? ", threatened HyunA.

" Whatever, . ", sighed Jyoung Mi exasperatedly.

HyunA huffed and stormed off, dragging Yoseob and L.Joe with her by their collars.

L.Joe and Yoseob mouthed 'Mianhae' to Jyoung Mi as they reluctantly followed her back to the front of the class.

Just as they sat down, the bell rang and Mr. Jung strode in.

" Annyeonghaseyo, class. ", he said.

" Annyeonghaseyo, Mr. Jung. ", said the class.

" Today, we have 15 new students and they'll be joining our class. I will call them in one by one and they will introduce themselves to you all. Mr. Park, please come in. "

A tall, handsome, angelic-looking, young boy strode in. He had chestnut brown eyes, light brown hair and smooth, peach-colored skin. He had a beautifully stunning smile that created dimples on each side of his light salmon lips.

Some of HyunA's gang members squealed and clapped their hands. Jyoung Mi rolled her eyes.

" Annyeonghaseyo, everyone. Choneun Park Leeteuk imnida. I'm 19 years old. I hope my friends and I can get along with all of you very well. ", he smiled politely.

His voice was clear and gentle like a little stream. Leeteuk bowed and stepped to one side.

" Kamsahamnida, Mr. Park. Now, you can come in, Mr. Kim. ", said Mr. Jung.

A boy with pallid skin, long raven-black hair, luscious lips, oily-black eyes, a slender nose and the most captivating face and figure stepped into the classroom.

Girls ooh-ed and ahh-ed at this handsome boy. There were murmurs of:

" Oh, my god! "

" Who's this ing handsome guy in front of us?! "

" He's hot! "

" Gosh, his lips are so tempting! if I were his girlfriend, I'd kiss his lips all day long if he let me! "

Jyoung Mi groaned and rolled her eyes. The murmurs were getting on her nerves.

" Annyeonghaseyo, everyone. Choneun Kim Heechul imnida. I'm 19 years old, but younger than Leeteuk hyung by a few months or so. Pleased to meet you all. "

Heechul flashed a killer smile and winked. Some girls shrieked, some fainted, some sighed and batted their eyelashes at him. Only Jyoung Mi kept quiet. She looked uninterested and bored.

" Kamsahamnida, Mr. Kim. Next! You, Mr. Hankyung! ", said Mr. Jung.

A boy with spiky black hair, deep brown eyes, an amazing figure and a serious face came in with his hands in his pockets. He had the S-line and abs. His facial features were sharp cheekbones, a sharp nose, mysterious eyes and soft peach-colored lips.

Jyoung Mi saw HyunA sit up straight in her chair and her lips at seeing the handsome boy. She tutted to herself.

" Annyeonghaseyo. Choneun Hankyung imnida. I'm 18 and a half years old. Please excuse me for my slightly broken Hangul, because I'm from China and not Korea. ", he smiled.

His voice was deep and low with a slight accent. His speech was a mix of Hangul and Chinese.

Hankyung stepped aside and stood next to Leeteuk and Heechul.

" Kamsahamnida, Mr. Hankyung. Mr. Kim, it's your turn! "

Another boy with slightly spiky hair as black as night, a sharp and slender nose, tempting lips, black eyes and a slender figure came in.

" Annyeonghaseyo. Choneun Kim Yesung imnida. I'm 18 years old, but I am younger than Hankyung hyung by one or two days. I'm pleased to be here. ", he smiled.

Mr. Jung was about to call the next boy in, but Jyoung Mi raised her hand.

" Ne, Miss Kim? ", said Mr. Jung.

" Sir, why don't they just all introduce themselves in one shot so we don't waste anymore time? ", she asked.

" Ahh, ne. Good idea, Miss Kim. Can the rest of the boys come in, please? ", called out Mr. Jung.

HyunA, her gang and the girls in the class shot her death glares. But Jyoung Mi only scoffed.

Leeteuk, Heechul, Hankyung and Yesung looked at Jyoung Mi and waved to her, smiling. Jyoung Mi only rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

The rest of the new students came in.

" Choneun Kim Kangin imnida. ", said a boy with a mischevious-looking face.

" Choneun Shindong imnida. ", said a slightly plump boy.

" Choneun Lee Sungmin imnida. ", said a cute boy with chubby cheeks.

" Choneun Lee Eunhyuk imnida. ", said a boy with a gummy smile.

" Choneun Lee Donghae imnida. ", said a boy with handsome features that could swoon any girl in five seconds flat.

" Choneun Choi Siwon imnida. ", smiled a boy with a well-built figure like Hankyung's.

" Choneun Kim Ryeowook imnida. ", said a young-looking boy with a sweet voice.

At the name 'Ryeowook', Jyoung Mi looked up. Sure enough, it was that Ryeowook boy from the night before!

Ryeowook saw her and waved to her with a big smile on his face. Jyoung Mi just flicked her head up a little. That was her way of saying hi.

" Choneun Kim Kibum imnida. ", smiled a boy with snow-white skin.

" Yo? Whassup? Choneun Cho Kyuhyun imnida. ", greeted a boy with spiky brown hair.

" Kyu, speak properly! ", hissed Kibum as he nudged his friend in the ribs.

" Yowch! Choneun Cho Kyuhyun imnida. ", said the boy as he shot a murderous glance at Kibum.

" Choneun Henry Lau imnida. I am from Canada. ", smiled a boy with chubbier cheeks than Sungmin's.

" Choneun Zhoumi imnida. I am from China like Hankyung hyung. ", smiled a tall, lanky boy.

" Together, we are SUPER JUNI-OR! ", shouted all 15 boys.

The girls in the class started shrieking at the top of their voices and clapping their guts out. The boys clapped too, but not as loud as the girls. Only Jyoung Mi kept silent.

" Now, boys, take your seats. Your seats are at the back, unfortunately. We are very sorry if the front desks are already occupied. ", apologized Mr. Jung.

" That's alright. ", smiled Leeteuk.

The boys went to the back and chose their places. Ryeowook sat on Jyoung Mi's right and Leeteuk in front of her.

" Annyeong, Jyoung Mi-sshi! ", smiled Ryeowook as he sat at his new desk.

" Yo. ", said Jyoung Mi flatly.

" Oh, Wookie, you know her? ", asked Yesung as he took his place on Ryeowook's right.

" Ah, ne, hyung. She's the one who saved me yesterday. ", explained Ryeowook as he pointed to her.

" So you're Kim Jyoung Mi. Wookie has told us about you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving him yesterday. ", smiled Leeteuk as he turned around to face her.

" Whatever. ", sighed Jyoung Mi as she flipped open her excercise book.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi, why don't you talk much? ", asked Yesung.

" I just don't want to talk, arasso? ", she responded.

" Arasso, arasso. Mianhae. ", apologized Yesung as he sat down.

" Miss Kim! ", called out Mr. Jung.

" Ne, sir? ", answered Jyoung Mi as she stood up.

" You missed the History test yesterday. Waeyo? ", asked the teacher.

" Something came up, so I had to settle it. ", she lied.

Actually, her real reason was because HyunA was acting like a to her again, so she ditched the test because of that.

" Very well then. Sit for the test now. The rest of you, turn to page 57 and that will be our lesson today. ", said Mr. Jung.

Jyoung Mi sat at her desk quietly and finished her test. It was kinda easy for her, since she already revised some time ago.

She handed in her test paper and turned to page 57 along with the class.




At break, girls crowded around the newbies'  tables and flirted with them. The boys were uncomfortable around the number of girls.

Jyoung Mi went out of the class. Inside of her, she was seething. Not only was her quiet place filled with a lot of people, but her privacy could be invaded by tons of girls who hate her!

She went to the roof and sat down. She wasn't afraid of heights at all. Climbing was a part of her.

" Hi. ", said a gentle voice.

Jyoung Mi turned around and found herself face-to-face with Donghae, one of the new boys.

" Yah! Who are you? Whaddya want?! ", grumbled Jyoung Mi.

" I wanna be up here with you too. There are too many girls crowding near me in the classroom.", smiled Donghae.

Jyoung Mi rolled her eyes.

" Great, just when I wanted some peace and quiet away from the crowd. ", thought Jyoung Mi to herself.

" Am I disturbing you, Jyoung Mi-sshi? ", asked Donghae.

" I'm not bothering to answer that question, fish-faced dude. ", grumbled Jyoung Mi.

" Uwaaa~ Do I really look like a fish to you? ", grinned Donghae.

" Sort of. ", said Jyoung Mi as she inched away from Donghae.

He was sitting close to her.

Too close.

" By the way, choneun Lee Donghae imnida. ", smiled Donghae as he stretched his hand towards her.

" Whatever. Choneun Jyoung Mi imnida. ", answered Jyoung Mi.

She used her index finger to push Donghae's hand away. He was surprised at this gesture of hosility.

" I was just trying to be nice, Jyoung Mi-sshi. ", said Donghae.

" I don't like shaking hands with anyone, fish. ", she snarled.

" I'm Fishy Hae! ", joked Donghae, trying to make her laugh.

" And I'm the queen of England. ", retorted Jyoung Mi as she turned her back to Donghae.

Donghae collapsed in a fit of giggles. Jyoung Mi grew irritated. Donghae seemed to notice her anger building up, so he stopped and cleared his throat.

" If you've got nothing better to do, off and leave me alone. ", snapped Jyoung Mi.

" I just wanted to talk to you only. ", said Donghae timidly.

" Well, I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone currently, so leave me be! ", snapped Jyoung Mi.

She jumped down from the roof to the nearest floor and strode back angrily to class. Little did she know that Donghae was following close behind her from a short distance.




In class, while Mr. Jung had to attend to a meeting, Jyoung Mi started drawing a picture of a sad-looking girl in an angel form.

While she was drawing, Ryeowook peered over her shoulder to see what she was doing. Seeing her sketch took his breath away. The picture looked so real!

Leeteuk noticed her drawing and peered over her shoulder as well.

Donghae also started to peek.

He was followed by another boy and another and another, until...

" Stop crowding around me. ", came a command.

Jyoung Mi stopped sketching and slammed her pencil down on the table. The shadows and their breathing were irritating the out of her.

" Mianhae, mianhae. ", apologized Siwon as he backed off.

The rest backed off as well, except Leeteuk. Jyoung Mi heaved an exasperated sigh and looked at Leeteuk sharply.

" What're you looking at? ", grumbled Jyoung Mi as she drummed her fingers on her desk.

" You have a wonderful talent for drawing. ", complimented Leeteuk.

" Whatever. ", sighed Jyoung Mi as she shut her book.

Mr. Jung strode in. He faced the class.

" Class, today I won't have time to teach you anymore as something important has come up. Class is dismissed. But go down to the gym today as it is basketball training today. ", said Mr. Jung and he walked out of the class.

The class dispersed. The girls swarmed the new boys again. Jyoung Mi took her bag and stormed off to the gym.

When she reached the gym, no one was in the court yet. She undressed herself, but luckily, she always wore her sports clothes underneath her school uniform, so she wouldn't have to worry about changing so many times.

She took a basketball from the basket where the basketballs were kept. She dribbled and practiced shooting a little.

She heard noises approaching the court. She ignored it and continued practicing by herself.

The boys entered the court. All the girls either took their seats in the stands or changed into their cheerleading costumes. HyunA was the leader of the cheerleaders.

" All right! Basketball! ", whooped a voice.

" Yah, Kangin! No need to yell! The whole world can hear you shouting, y'know! ", hissed Heechul as he whacked his friend across the head.

Jyoung Mi rolled her eyes as she stood from the net at a distance. She ran, jumped, twisted her body around and dunked the basketball into the net.

Kyuhyun's eyes widened as he watched her. He nudged Kangin.

" Yah, hyung, did you see that? Incredible! ", whispered Kyuhyun with his eyes still agog.

" I know! I saw! That was damn impressive! ", hissed Kangin.

" You have a competitor, hyung! ", laughed Ryeowook as he slipped on a sport jersey.

" Miss Kim Jyoung Mi is the only girl player on the basketball team. She is one of the state's top 5 players and one of the district's top 10. She has won many championships and contests. ", said a gruff voice.

The boys turned around to come face-to-face with a burly-looking man.

" Annyeonghaseyo. You must be the new students. I am Mr. Im Jun Kyung, the basketball coach. ", said the man.

" Did--did you say that Jyoung M--M--Mi-sshi i--is one of the state's top 5 players and one of the dis--district's t--top 10? ", choked Eunhyuk in surprise.

" Ne. ", stated the coach proudly.

" Oh, my shisus... ", muttered Siwon.

" Surprised? ", asked the coach.

The boys nodded their heads.

" Watch her. She's an expert. In the district and the state, she's ranked number one. ", said the coach.

" BWOH?! ", they shouted in unison.

They watched Jyoung Mi as she stood a distance from the mat, ran forward, jumped, did a triple somersault and dunked the basketball into the net like a pro.

Their jaws dropped.

" My god... ", muttered Henry.

" She's amazing! ", whispered Zhoumi.

" My god, her skills are, like, 1000x better than mine! ", said Kangin who was dumbstruck.

" Are you admitting defeat, hyung? ", smirked Kyuhyun as he nudged his friend in the sides.

" Me? Admit defeat? Ani! ", lied Kangin profusely.

" Why don't you challenge her? I must warn you though, she'll give you a run for your money! ", smirked the coach.

" Arasso! I'll play with her! ", huffed Kangin.

He walked towards Jyoung Mi. Jyoung Mi stopped dribbling and looked at Kangin with a bored look.

" Whaddya want? ", she asked in a bored tone of voice.

" Can a ", asked Kangin nervously.

" Are you sure? ", asked Jyoung Mi as she raised an eyebrow.

" N--ne. ", stuttered Kangin.

" Very well. Tell Coach Im then. ", sighed Jyoung Mi as she bounced the ball.

Kangin told the coach and the coach blew his whistle, getting attention from everyone in the court. The noise of the crowd died down.

" Alright, listen up, everyone! Newbie Kim Kangin will be playing against Miss Kim Jyoung Mi, the school's top basketball player! ", announced the coach.

The crowd buzzed with excitement. The boys, who were changing into their sport clothes, stopped what they were doing and sat down in the bleachers.

Girls rooted for Kangin and of course, the boys were rooting for Jyoung Mi. Only a few boys rooted for Kangin. None of the girls rooted for Jyoung Mi, which confused the new boys.

" Whoever reaches 20 points wins the game! Let the match begin! ", shouted the coach.

The whistle went off and Jyoung Mi was already surging towards the net with the ball. Kangin was surprised at her speed that he was caught off guard for a minute.

This was gonna be a hell of a match...




The score was at 19-nil. Jyoung Mi was on 19 and poor Kangin still didn't score any points.

Kangin, who stopped to catch his breath, looked up at Jyoung Mi. She was sweating, but she was still standing strong. She held the ball in her hands.

" This is it. I'm finished! Done for! ", he thought as he mopped his sweaty brow.

His friends were gawking. They couldn't believe that Kangin, their friend who was an ace at basketball, got beaten by a girl! But, hell yeah, she was ranked number one in the state and the district!

Jyoung Mi looked at Kangin. His face was red, he was tired and prespiring like mad. She dropped the ball and signalled to the coach to stop the game.

The whistle went off and cheers and chants of Jyoung Mi's name could be heard.

Jyoung Mi walked over to Kangin, knelt near him and offered him her hand. Kangin looked at her in surprise.

How could she, who was so rude and cold to him and the others a few minutes ago, become warm and friendly all of a sudden?

He accepted her hand slowly and she helped him up. She gave him a pat on his sweaty back, grabbed her gym bag and left the court in silence.

Kangin looked at her retreating figure. Why did she stop the game just for him to rest? She could've just taken the shot and win the game, but she did the exact opposite.




After school, Jyoung Mi walked home. She always kept quiet. Her attitude surprised him, even herself, today.

Why did she stop the game for that Kangin's sake, so that he could rest?

One minute she was cold and rude like always, the next she doesn't take her winning shot just for his sake.

She waited at a traffic light. The pedestrian light was red. Cars and motorbikes whizzed past her on the busy road.

A meow came from below her. Jyoung Mi looked down and saw a stray kitten meowing mournfully. It was dirty and rubbing itself against her legs.

She picked it up and looked at it. It was a white kitten with sky blue eyes and a cute pink nose.

" Aww~ So cute. ", she smiled.  " Do you have a home or a family? "

" Meow~ ", mewed the kitten.

" I'll take it as a 'no'. You can be mine. ", smiled Jyoung Mi.

" Meow~ ", mewed the kitten again as it touched the tip of her nose with a soft, dirty paw.

" Hehe. I'll call you Kitty then. ", chuckled Jyoung Mi.

Jyoung Mi put Kitty in an empty side pocket in her school bag. When the light turned green, she walked to the other side of the road with Kitty sticking her head out of the opening and mewing happily.

Jyoung Mi went to the park instead of going straight home. She laid her bag on the grass and let Kitty out. Kitty mewed and pawed at Jyoung Mi's foot.

" Go and stretch your legs, Kitty. It's good for you. ", said Jyoung Mi.

Jyoung Mi sat down and watched as Kitty ran across the park and disappeared behind a tree.

Minutes later, there was a screech and yaps. Jyoung Mi walked over to see what was the matter.

She saw Kitty stuck on top of the slide and yowling in fright. A brown, puffy Pomeranian stood with its hind legs on the ground and its front paws against the side of the slide and yapping at Kitty.

" Shoo, shoo! ", said Jyoung Mi as she shooed the dog away.

The dog yapped and growled at Jyoung Mi. Kitty leapt onto Jyoung Mi's shoulder in fright and clutched on for dear life.

" Choco! Choco! Here, boy! Here, Choco! ", said a voice.

A boy with spiky, light brown hair approached the Pomeranian. The dog seemed to notice the boy and ran towards it, yapping and bounding towards him on tiny legs.

" Yah, you naughty boy! What have you been up to, huh? ", chuckled the boy as he looked up.

Jyoung Mi's eyes widened as well as the boy's.

" You??? ", they both said in unison.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi? ", said the boy.

" Eunhyuk-sshi? ", guessed Jyoung Mi.

" Ne. That's my name. What are you doing here? ", asked Eunhyuk.

" I don't have to tell you everything I do. ", snapped Jyoung Mi.

" Hyukkie! Who's that? ", came a voice.

Another boy appeared.

" Oh, Jyoung Mi-sshi! ", smiled the boy.

" Whaddya want, Fish? ", muttered Jyoung Mi.

" Hey, only I can call him Fishy! ", pouted Eunhyuk as he clutched onto Donghae's arm.

" Arf! ", yapped the Pomeranian named Choco.

" See? Choco agrees with me! ", said Eunhyuk, pointing to the dog.

" Whatever. I'm going home. ", muttered Jyoung Mi as she rolled her eyes.

" Wait! ", said Donghae as he clutched her hand.

" Don't touch me! ", screamed Jyoung Mi as she whacked Donghae's hand away.

" Mianhae, but do you wanna spend the day with the rest of us? ", asked Donghae.

" Ani. I don't spend my precious time with boys. ", snapped Jyoung Mi as she walked away.

" One minute, she's rude. The next minute, she's friendly. The third time, she's rude again. What a weird girl. ", muttered Eunhyuk as he picked Choco up.

" Hyukkie, don't say that. ", said Donghae.

" Hae, don't you think the same thing? ", asked Eunhyuk.

" I dunno. There's something about Jyoung Mi-sshi that makes me feel sad for her. ", replied Donghae.




Jyoung Mi got home, had a shower, changed and bathed Kitty. She gave Kitty milk and biscuits to eat. Kitty dug into her food.

Jyoung Mi laid down on the couch and closed her eyes for a while.

But she had hardly 5 minutes'  peace when there was a knock at her door. Sighing and grumbling to herself, she got up and opened the door.

Outside her door stood Eunhyuk and Donghae.

" What do you two want now? ", grumbled Jyoung Mi.

" You left this at the park. We followed you home to give it to you. ", said Donghae as he handed her a black and white notebook.

" Eh? My notebook! G--go--gomawo.... ", stuttered Jyoung Mi in surprise.

She received her notebook and was about to close the door, when Donghae stuck his foot in the path of the door, preventing her from closing the door.

" What now? ", sighed Jyoung Mi exasperatedly.

" We want to thank you again for saving Wookie and stopping the game for Kangin hyung's sake. Not many people would have done the same things you did. ", said Eunhyuk.

" Ne. Thank you. ", smiled Donghae.

"'re welcome. ", said Jyoung Mi.

" Well, see you tomorrow at school, Jyoung Mi-sshi! Annyeong! ", said Eunhyuk and Donghae.

" Whatever. ", she said as she closed the door.




That night, after she had her dinner, Jyoung Mi tucked a sleeping Kitty in her basket and looked out the window.

She saw a shooting star zoom away into the distance. She closed her eyes and wished.

" I wish for adventure to come into my life. ", she wished.

Jyoung Mi turned off the lights and went to sleep.

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪