Chapter 8

A Heart As Cold As You

Jyoung Mi was walking on a ship. It was stormy and windy. The rain beat down on her skin. The icy wind stung her cheeks and whipped her hair around her dripping wet face.


" Oppa! Oppa! Junsu oppa! ", she cried as she held a rung on the ship's side.


" Jyoung Mi-ah! Jyoung Mi-ah!!! ", shouted a voice.


" Oppa!!! ", she shouted.


" Jyoung Mi-ah! "


She turned her head to the side of the ship. She saw her eldest brother holding tight onto the rung a few metres away from her.


" Junsu oppa!!! ", she shouted as she extended a hand towards her brother.


" Jyoung Mi-ah!!! ", he answered as he gripped the rung even tighter.


" Oppa, reach for my hand! ", she shouted as she stretched her hand even further.


Her brother hesitated and stretched his arm out. But he was just a few inces away from touching her fingers even, a massive wave came and pounded itself against the ship. Water soaked the two siblings.


The rung became slippery and they accidentally let go. The pair tumbled into the icy black ocean.


Jyoung Mi felt her body fall freely from the ship and hit the freezing water. She felt herself sink and bob up again. Worse, she had no lifejacket on.


" Oppa! Opp--oppa! Junsu oppa! ", she shrieked as she was tossed about like a rag doll in a washing machine among the monster waves.


" Jyoung Mi-ah!!! "


She turned her head and saw her brother swimming towards her powerfully. She paddled the best she could towards her oppa. They grasped each other.


" Help! Help! Help! HELP!!! ", screamed Junsu as he flailed an arm in the air.


The ship continued on.


" Oppa! We're gonna die! ", she wailed as she hugged her brother even tighter.


" Ani! We're not gonna die! Have faith! ", he encouraged.


" Oppa! I'm freezing! My arms are going numb! ", she sobbed.


" Hang in there, Jyoung Mi-ah! We're gonna make it! HEY!!! HELP!!! OVER HERE!!! ", her brother screamed at the top of his lungs.


A blinding light was shone upon them. They had been spotted.


" There! Over there! ", said a voice.


" Jyoung Mi-ah! Junsu-ah! ", called a female voice.


" Umma! UMMA!!! ", shouted Junsu frantically.


" Kids! ", shouted a male voice.


" Appa! APPA!!! ", screamed Jyoung Mi.


Junsu swam towards the ship, braving the waves that were trying to exhaust him. He continued to swim until he reached the side of the ship. He held onto a side of the ship the best he could.


" Junsu!!! ", screamed their mother.


" Grab Jyoung Mi-ah first!!! ", her brother shouted.


" Jyoung Mi-ah! Give me your hand! Appa will carry you up! ", promised their father.


Jyoung Mi raised her hand up and she felt herself being lifted out of the water. Her father set her on the deck and wrapped her in a thick, warm towel.


" Junsu oppa! ", cried Jyoung Mi as she stretched her hand towards her brother.


Her brother stretched his arm out and grabbed hers.


" Oppa! Junsu oppa, don't let go! ", she said over and over again.


" Hang on, Junsu! We'll try to help Jyoung Mi-ah pull you up! ", said their father.


" Arasso! Hana, duel, se-- "


Before Jyoung Mi could finish counting, another wave knocked her brother against the side of the ship. He crashed against the metal side heavily.


As a bolt of lightning flashed, Jyoung Mi saw a watery red stain trickling down the ship's side from where her brother had hit his head.




She gasped.


" OPPA!!! ", she shrieked.


Her brother looked up dizzily. His hand started to slip from her grasp.


" J--Jyo--Jyoung Mi-ah...let...go... ", he whispered.


"Aniyo! I'll never let your hand go, oppa! ", she cried.


" Let go...and save yourselves... ", he said weakly.


" Aniyo, oppa! "


But her brother let go of her hand and sank slowly from sight into the water's lurking depths. She cried and tried to jump in to save her oppa. But her father held her back.


" OPPA!!!!! ", she wailed as the ship sailed away from her brother's body...



" Oppa! Junsu oppa!!! ", she cried as she sat up.

Jyoung Mi looked around her. She was on a bed. She was alone in a room.

She lay down again. All those bad memories were resurfacing again. But why?

The door opened, breaking her thoughts. Donghae walked in with Leeteuk and Yesung.

" Oh, Jyoung Mi-ah! You're awake! ", said Donghae.

She just lowered her head and nodded as she bit her bottom lip. The three boys walked towards her.

" Are you alright, Jyoung Mi-ah? ", asked Yesung.

Jyoung Mi started to nod her head and then shook her head.

" Do you wanna tell us what's wrong? ", asked Leeteuk.

Jyoung Mi shook her head as a tear escaped her eye. Donghae noticed it and wiped it away with a flick of his thumb.

" Jyoung Mi-ah, you can tell us what's wrong. We're your chingus. ", said Leeteuk as he wrapped his arms around Jyoung Mi.

Donghae unknowingly clenched his fist at this sight. Was he jealous or something?

Yesung felt his blood boil and his temperature go up to a steaming 120 degrees. Was he getting jealous too?

" It's just a nightmare. That's all. ", Jyoung Mi answered simply.

Donghae heard that, grabbed his hoodie jacket and walked out of the room.

" Hae! Where are you going? ", asked Yesung and Leeteuk.

" Out. I think I know who is responsible for Jyoung Mi's nightmares. ", answered Donghae.

" That's ridiculous. Nightmares aren't controlled by people. ", scoffed Jyoung Mi.

" There are some things in the world that we all never fully know, Jyoung Mi-ah. I hope I can explain it to you one day. ", said Donghae softly.

He kissed her forehead lightly and went out. Jyoung Mi sat on the bed stunned.

" Jyoung Mi-ah, sleep. We'll be around if you need us, arasso? ", said Yesung.

" Arasso. Gomawo. ", she answered softly.

" Annyeong, Jyoung Mi-ah. ", smiled Leeteuk as he her cheeks and left the room with Yesung.

Jyoung Mi stayed up, thinking. What did Donghae mean when he said that there are some things in the world that we all never fully know? And what did he mean when he said he will explain it to her one day?

" So many questions... ", she muttered before she fell asleep.

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪