Hoping For the Best

Dangerous Love
“Erica? Erica, are you ok?” I woke up in a haze. Everything took a long minute to become clear, once it did almost instantly words popped out of my mouth. “Haneul . . . where’s Haneul?” I was staring in the face of my husband Loco. He smiled putting a shoulder on me “Thank goodness you’re ok!” I looked at his hand in disgust pushing off of me “Where’s Haneul?” I said my voice getting a little louder. Loco seemed to refuse to answer the question “Don’t move to much, you have a lot of injuries.” Their was anger in my voice as I shouted to the top of my lungs, frustrated “God damn it, where the hell is my son?!” Loco looked down seeming to have a hard time saying the answer “Haneul’s . . . in critical condition . . . the doctors are doing everything they can to keep him alive.” I looked dead at Loco not wanting to believe his words but knowing they were all true. I tried to get up but loco held me down. “Let me go!”“Please Erica, you need more rest.” I tried to fight him “Let go of me!” Loco didn’t budge “No! It won’t do you any good to go see him right now!” I banged on his chest “Let go of me” suddenly I fell back on the bed, losing all strength “I need to see my son.” I was now talking in a whisper, my throat felt like their was something clogged in it as I began to cry uncontrollably. I needed to see my son, he needed his mother. About an hour later, doctors came to see me and I had calmed down. I realized I’d only banged on Loco’s chest with one arm, the other was broken. I also had a broken rib and serious bruises from head to toe, it hurt to touch everywhere. I didn’t care though, right now all that mattered was my son. I stared into somewhere far beyond this evil world thinking of my precious son.“Erica?” I turned slowly to see Loco putting a tray of food next to my cot “please try to eat.” I stared at him with a plain face “Loco?” He looked as if his life depended on every word I said. “Huh?” I looked back into my empty space “Can you please leave?” Loco seemed hurt by my words but I didn’t care, he was a monster. “Ah, O-ok.” It was about 12 at night, this was my chance to go see my child. I stood up slowly and walked down the hall. His room was five rooms away from mine. As I approached the room I felt my steps get slower. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t bare myself to see him suffering. I couldn’t stop though, not now. I walked slowly into the room, my stomach getting a pit feeling. Two more steps and I would be able to see the face of my child, but I was scared. I took one more step then paused. It was time, I took a long deep breath then walked in. There were three beds in the room, filled with injured children, one being mine. Haneul layed in the third cot, unconscious. I walked closer and closer to him, I could feel my body breaking down. “Haneul” I whispered in a cracking voice. I put a hand on the side of his face when I finally reached him. His head was bandaged and so was one of his legs. An oxygen mask covered his small mouth, I could here how hard he was breathing. Tears glistened on my face as I fell to the floor, Haneul’s hand in mine. “Umma’s sorry” I repeated the words over and over as if it would ease my pain. I felt like my world had crashed down on me. I woke up to a woman in a pink outfit tapping me. “Ma’am, Ma’am, you shouldn’t be sleeping here.” It took me a moment before I fully woke up, standing up. I bowed to the made slowly “I’m sorry.” I walked to the door, taking one last look at my son. I lay in my cot thinking of my child and every perfect thing about him. I wanted to go see him again but the doctors wouldn’t let me, so I just imagined him.“Knock, Knock” I looked towards the door to see the bright, happy face of Mr. Bang. “Ah, Youngguk-shi” I forced a fake smile on my face. Mr. Bang walked into the room, sitting in the chair next to my bed. I sat up, with a struggle, and faced Mr.Bang. “How are you” he asked staring at my arm. I did a weak smile “Hanging on.” Mr. Bang laughed, my face suddenly turned distant and cold “Haneul’s in a lot more pain than me.” Mr. Bang looked towards the door “I know, I went to see him first.” He put a hand on my shoulder “Don’t worry he’s going to be fine, you just can’t give up.” I smiled and lifter myself off the bed, Mr. Bang helping me “You want to get some lunch?” Mr. Bang smiled “Let’s go.”
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my friend Maisah told me earlier that this story is going to have at least 10 to 11 chapters so be ready
Chapter 4: my friend Maisah decided to add two more chapters to the story here is one of them she is currently writing the next one maybe there will be more who knows