(PH) The man that loves

Drabbling through Eunhae's world (Two authors' game)

This time I really had no idea how to make it interesting. :D So I went for something easy, I hope you´re not disappointed too much! Enjoy some fluff, guys. - PandaHero

My prompt: Besides dancing he also loved the extra cuddle sessions.







It was getting cold outside a little so I dressed a bit more. In the leather jacket that I got as a gift from my boyfriend I felt handsome. Or at least I hoped I looked good as I was on my way to meet him. Walking swiftly, I made a pit stop at the bakery and bought some sweet bread. I stopped one more time to buy a takeaway coffee for me and cocoa for Hyukjae. Hyukjae was my guy, we´ve been going out for four years already.

Running faster to be on time in the studio to see him practice, joggling with the snack in my hands at the same time. Soon I was able to enter the slim cheap looking building. I climbed some stairs and walked through the thin hallway resonating with many different heavy beats. The studio was full even in the late hours but I didn´t get easily confused and headed straight for Hyukjae´s classroom.

The music was still on but when I carefully opened the door, there weren´t any students. Only Hyukjae. He caught me when he glanced into the big mirror wall and smiled at me. I smiled back and quietly walked to the bench. I would wait for him to finish the song, he was dancing. I loved to see him dance but not as much as he loved to dance.

Hyukjae was all sweaty, his purple bangs sticking to his forehead. His clothes were loose and crumpled, also a little dusty from some break dance moves perhaps. But even like that his body that moved fluidly like a liquid had enough grace to catch you unprepared. His movements looked strained but not awkward, he was in control of his own body. But sometimes he would let the muscles go loose and ride the waves the music was creating until the water would break against the shore like beats. Perfection, even after seeing it so many times, I couldn´t take my eyes off.

The song ended and I clapped like a seal. Hyukjae laughed and shook his head, he was simply one with the music, he didn´t find it worth the applause. For him it was as if I was praising a fish for swimming, but I still thought he deserved a praise. He walked to me leisurely and gave me small peck on my lips.

“Hello,” he said and blinked.

“I was worried I would come late to see you dance but you waited,” I told him and took off my jacket. I gestured him to sit down and take a look into the plastic bag, then I sat next to him with my cup of coffee.

“You said you were coming so even after the class ended I figured I should wait for you. I was practising a little,” he mumbled while picking which sweet pastry he should choose. He went for chocolate in the end.

“Your little practises are like final stages,” I chuckled. I told you he wasn´t aware of his own abilities. I thought he could become really amazing, yet I didn´t want him to lose the happiness he was feeling from his dancing. He was enjoying his life and that was what not even the biggest stars could easily achieve.

“How was at work?” As expected he changed the topic.

“Alright,” I shrugged, “I got yelled at by my boss again but it´s not like I take Jung Junha to heart.”

“Of course,” Hyukjae snorted.

After replenishing our energy, Hyukjae rushed to change into warmer and dryer clothes. I in the meantime cleaned the garbage and turned off the lights in the room. On the hallway I could still hear sounds coming from some of the practise rooms. To pass the time I tried to divide all the songs but they were so mixed that in the end I had to give up. At that moment Hyukjae returned with a bag over his shoulder and took my hand.

“I know you want to hurry and cuddle at home but how about we stroll around for a bit?” I asked and he smiled at me. I got yes! Usually he would whine to rush home but today he made an exception and I was happy for that. I wanted to walk with him hand in hand just like that sometimes. But after a while he became restless after all.

“It´s getting chillier,” he tried to use the weather as an excuse first.

“Here,” I grinned and gave him my scarf. We walked some more before I felt his fingers twitch a little, what now?

“The practise was quite demanding today, the boys were actually idol trainees,” he flexed his muscles and cracked his neck. So you´re exhausted and want to go home, hm?

“Good you have so much stamina, you can handle those easily,” I retorted knowing very well that he would hurt his own pride by saying otherwise. Which man would admit weak stamina?

“Donghae,” the last resort was acting cute. I sighed when he bumped our shoulders lightly and pouted, I couldn´t resist that, could I?

“You´re right, it´s getting cold, let´s go home,” I chuckled. There was no way I could hold this kid back when he wanted to just get home and cuddle. Who was I to spoil it to him when he was surely looking forward to it the whole day. I wonder if he loves cuddling as much as he loves dancing.

We walked back to the block of flats still hand in hand. I pulled out the key from my pocket and opened the glass door. Hyukjae let go of my hand and called the elevator. He was all giddy standing in the closed space, his eyes shining. I wondered if I should ask for a kiss but at that moment the metal door opened with a ding and Hyukjae rushed out. I shook my head and walked after him to push the key inside the hole and finally open the door to our common home. Once the door was open he jumped inside like a bouncing ball, completely forgetting about me.


“Choco! Come to daddy!” He cooed and I sighed.


Oh, I didn´t tell you right? Hyukjae liked to cuddle his dog the most.







The end







Hello! I hope you liked it, it wasn´t really creative but I think it suited the mood eunhae set with that "same background picture" issue a few days ago. So cute, seriously those two. Thank you for reading  and here´s another prompt, a little short maybe:

"As the bell hit twelve o´clock, he couldn´t stay still anymore."



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Chapter 21: what is that?????
haha. u usually write dark plots and monster and only romance once in a while. what makes you write this one? but really, this is unexpected and good too. plz write this kind of comedy (plot twist?) once in a while too.
I thought I've already read all your drabbles and only long stories are left. But can u believe that i just found this? I'm so happy and it almost feels unreal. I've got new to read. Yayyyyyy!!!!
Chapter 2: Sweet
Chapter 10: This is so cuteee♡♡♡♡ I could read am intere fan fiction with this ploy. Also "I'll be a good kitty " is interesting ahahaha
Iwantsurfaces #5
Chapter 15: Loved this
Iwantsurfaces #6
Chapter 14: Sad but nicely written. Curious to know why you use 'gender' when you mean ''?
Iwantsurfaces #7
Chapter 6: Sorry if youre sick of seeing my comments. I thought I'd just put a note on the stories I liked, but it turns out I'm liking a lot
Iwantsurfaces #8
Chapter 5: ah! Instead of putting his life with hyukjae into songs he put it into cartoons
Iwantsurfaces #9
Chapter 4: Sweet!
Iwantsurfaces #10
Chapter 2: Argh. I want more of this