Wake Up

Forward and Backward
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(I updated a few days ago so if you didn't read ch21 read it first!)


You stared at the message, feeling your entire body go numb. You were exhausted, you were weak, and you were numb.

You sighed, moving up against the headboard of your bed as you stared at the screen wondering what to tell him.

It was funny, really, how little it took to knock you down when you always thought you were a lot stronger than that. You were weak without him. It was such a humiliating thing to admit, but it was the truth.

You shoved your phone back in your pocket and stood up, throwing on the nearest sweater. Even if it meant losing the little energy you left over, you wanted to see him.

After locking your door and shutting off your light, you slid open your window and carefully climbed out, stepping down from a tree branch. It was actually a lot harder than it looked; the fact that Bobby snuck in and out of your room so often even with a broken arm really said something.

As you jumped back to the ground, you almost felt your knees buckle. It was then that you realized you should've eaten that soup you ordered instead of staring at it until it got cold.

You pulled your hood up over your head and continued down the street, led by the single light on in Bobby's house. You had only been there a few times, but now it was your turn to come to him.

You stopped a few feet from his house as you saw him in his bedroom window. He was sitting on his bed, hunched over with his head in his palms.

You felt a wave of guilt hit you from all directions. Suddenly you forget why you were mad, why you had any pride in yourself in this battle.

You took a few deep breaths and walked up to his door, knocking on it before you could contemplate anything else. You felt as if you'd suffocate if you didn't see him.

It took a few moments for Bobby to reach the door, and even as he was staring back at you, eyes cold as ice, no mercy in them whatsoever, you knew right then and there:

You loved this boy.




Bobby was ready to yell, he was ready to argue with you until he couldn't breathe anymore, but for some reason when he found himself face to face with you his mind just somehow blanked. He had no thoughts, just the rigidness in his bones and the heat rushing up to his head.

You looked so weak and sad, and it wasn't even because you weren't trying to hide your feelings because you were using every ounce of strength in you to keep it together; you were just too weak to do anything more than that.

He exhaled, staring down at his feet before looking up with a colder expression. He was not going to bend now, not when he had so much to say. He loved you but he wasn't weak. He wasn't going to let things go just because he loved you.

He swallowed hard. "You know what, Ahri, just because I love you more than you love me you don't have the right to treat me like I don't mean anything."

You closed your eyes, remembering that Bobby wanted to talk and you weren't just going to be a wall to him. You reopened your eyes, and you felt stronger. "I know I was wrong for not taking your side, and I'm sorry. But you were wrong for jumping to conclusions."

Bobby scoffed. "Jumping to conclusions?"

"You still don't trust me with Shin!" you countered, gaining more strength in your voice. "He's not my boyfriend, you are."

"Yeah, so then why didn't you take my side?" Bobby spat, voice twice as loud as yours. "You can't just expect me to trust you when you can't trust me!"

You stayed silent, eyes stuck on his. His eyes were what hurt more than his words. He looked sad and angry and frustrated.

Your eyes softened as you took a step forward. You looked down at his hands. His arms were pinned at his sides and his fists were wound up so tight his knuckles flashed white.

You hesitantly reached out and wrapped your palm around his hand, thumb running over his knuckles. You didn't know he cared this much.

Bobby's fist slowly unraveled as he felt you touch him, movements so gentle he wondered how the two of you were even having the same conversation.

You looked back up at him, and he wasn't at all prepared for it. Even though you were silent, your eyes were pleading, begging him to understand.

"I'm sorry," you said, voice raspy as you set your palm on his cheek. You could feel his jaw clench beneath your palm but his eyes were softening. "I'm sorry that I don't show it enough, but I love you. And I don't care about Shin. I love you."

Bobby closed his eyes, sighing. You didn't know how much he needed to know that. How much it was eating him away because even though he loved you and he loved being with you, it's the worst feeling loving someone who doesn't love you back.

He leaned into your touch, swallowing hard as you brought your other palm up to his cheek. Slowly you were chipping away his anger.

He opened his eyes and looked at you, palms moving up to your hands. Unlike yours, they were so warm and comforting. Even though he was the one who needed it, here he was comforting you.

His voice came out weak, a little louder than a whisper as he leaned in, forehead pressing against yours. "Say it again."

"I love you, Bobby," you said, kissing his cheek, kissing his lips, kissing the heels of his palms. "I love you so much I can't take it."

Bobby swore under his breath, kissing you as soon as the words left your mouth. He pressed his palms to your cheeks, leaning in until your bodies couldn't be any closer.

You inhaled sharply, palms moving up to his hair, sliding down to the nape of his neck. His kisses were rough and desperate, teeth clashing as he lifted you up and stepped back into the house.

You pushed the door closed as soon as you were in his room, and then your hands were back on him, never leaving him for even a second after that.

Your fingers dragged up Bobby's back, tugging his shirt up over his head.




Morning came by in a wink of sleep and you groaned as soon as the sun hit your face, abruptly waking you from your sleep.

You moved from your back to your stomach, scooting in closer to the warmth of Bobby's bare chest. Even though neither of you had gotten much rest, it was by far the best sleep either of you had had.

You really didn't want it to end.

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I miss this fic sm :(((


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YunaJi #1
Chapter 21: tf is wrong with her? why doesn’t she stick on bobby’s side? what kinda girlfriend is that
AriNJQ #2
Chapter 4: awwww jiwon
how come i never realise that ive read this story before lol
Chapter 23: The flow is simple and calming and I love it so much ;;; I cant stop myself from shipping bobri so baddddddd ugh
Chapter 8: OH MY GOD HOLY SHT...
Chapter 23: Solid Bobri shipper here...I just love everything about this fic...I can't get enough, seriously. :) Kudos.
Chapter 14: I laughed out loud literally at the part about hanbin drowning
Chapter 13: omggg this chap is my fav do far XD
Chapter 13: reading this story for the second time and I still keep falling in love with this chapter ahhhhh ahri and bobby
laroka0104 #10
Chapter 24: I can't wait To read the sequel. This fic is really awesome. (;