
Forward and Backward
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Some things can't be explained by words, by reason, by any knowledge known to man. Take dreams, for instance. Some dreams just appear out of nowhere, with no reason behind them at all. (Or so it seems.)

For example, right now you were dreaming a very vivid dream about Bobby. Which was totally uncalled for, because you never dreamed about Bobby. You never dreamed about any boy at all.

Maybe it was your exhaustion finally building up and knocking down your sanity. Maybe it was something else.

"I'm so glad I chose you," Bobby said, hands threading through your raven locks. "Remind me to never leave your side ever again."

The two of you were lying on the hood of his car at a park, staring up at the stars with your head resting on his chest. This felt nice, you thought. This felt very nice.

You exhaled, a smile working its way across your features. Everything felt so natural. 

"Let's just stay like this forever," you whispered. You propped yourself up on one arm and looked down at Bobby. Your palm found his cheek, cupping it gently as you leaned down closer and closer to him. 

Your lips were less than a centimeter away from his, when--

"No!" you exhaled, finally forcing yourself awake from that terrifying nightmare. You felt rushes of both relief and horror -- both equally overwhelming when you realized you weren't the only one in the room to witness the outburst. 

"So glad you're finally awake," Yunhyeong said, a taunting smirk rounding out his features as you looked at him. He sat cross-legged on the arm chair across of the living room sofa you were lying on. "You should've heard the things coming out of your mouth. Pure poetry, my friend."

"I don't know what you're talking about," you replied, deadpanning. You pushed yourself up and forced yourself to collect your sanity before the crisis brewing in the pit of your stomach showed through your expression. There had to be some kind of logical reason you had a dream about Bobby -- especially that sort of dream. The most obvious explanation, however, you ruled out immediately. 

No, you did not like him. 

Yunhyeong gave you an unconvinced look. "You are so lucky Bobby didn't hear any of that. Even more so that he didn't bring along Yerim when he came over."

"Bobby's here?" you asked, smothering a yawn as you got to your feet. Your stomach lurched when you said his name but you tossed it to the back of your mind as soon as the feeling left. "Why is he here?"

"Apparently, your parents are away at your grandparents' house," Yunhyeong replied, voice still overwhelmed with satisfaction. He was having so much fun with this, wasn't he? "They're staying the night there. Since school's cancelled tomorrow, Hanbin's throwing a party."

"Hanbin's throwing a party," you repeated, raising an eyebrow. "We are in the middle of a thunderstorm."

"That's exactly why," Yunhyeong replied., smirk not leaving his face for even a second. "You won't be able to hear the music over the thunder. You better hurry. It's 8:30. Party starts at 9:00."

You carded a hand through your locks, exhaling. You already knew Hanbin was biting off more than he could chew  with this party business. "Whatever. I'm getting something to eat."

Yunhyeong stood up with you. "Yeah. But before you go, I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition?" you repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"If what you were saying is true, then I'll help you out," Yunhyeong said, shoving his hands in his pockets,  "It's a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' type of thing."

"You'll help me out?" you repeated. It seemed as if that was all you were doing: repeating stuff you didn't understand. That always seemed to be the case with Yunhyeong. "With what?"

"Here's the thing. We both like people in relationships. So, I'll help break Yerin and Bobby up and you'll help break Haeri and Seungyoon up," he elaborated, shrugging easily. You gave him a look. There were so many things wrong with that plan.

"Oh yeah?" you replied sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. "And how long did it take you to think of that genius idea?"

He gave you a look as if he'd been waiting for you to ask the question the entire time. 

"Maybe from the moment you mumbled you loved Bobby in your sleep."

Your jaw unhinged. "I did not."

"Here," Yunhyeong said, digging his phone out of his pocket. "if you don't believe me, I have it all recorded on video."

And so he played it for you. Every agonizing second of it. For once in his life, he was actually telling the truth. The words "I love you" slipped out of your mouth

Several times.



The thing about being friends with Minhee was that she was always there when you needed her. Most times, it was for help with your Geometry homework (because although she at every other subject, she was actually a wiz with math). You'd have never imagined going to her about boy problems, though; Bobby problems, of all things. It was embarrassing, really. Even just admitting it to yourself. 

You lied down on her bed, staring up at her ceiling as if it were he only stable thing in your life. You had to admit, it was kind of therapeutic staring up at the life-sized poster of Got7's Mark pasted on her ceiling. He seemed like a nice guy. Not like Bobby, who just selfishly invaded people's subconsciouses, doing as he pleased-

"So let me get this straight," Minhee said, breaking your inward rant. "You love Bobby?"

"No," you replied. "I just said I love Bobby."

Minhee's eyebrows creased into a furrow. "I'm not following. So you just said you loved him, but in reality, you don't?"

"Exactly," you replied, rolling your eyes at the fact that you had to spell it all out for her. "So now I need your help."

"Well," Minhee began, "I guess I could try to break up Bobby and Yerin, but-"

"No," you interrupted, pushing yourself up into a sitting postion. "I don't want to be with him. I just want to stop feeling these -- these things. It's exhausting."

"What things?" Minhee smirked, arching her eyebrow suggestively. "You didn't tell me what exactly went on in this dream, did you?"

You rolled your eyes. Looks like you were alone on this one. Well that was just fantastic. "Forget it."

"Okay, well you can't stay here," Minhee replied, getting up to her feet. "I'm going soon."

"Going where?" you replied, standing up with her. You were half hoping you could stay at her house, at least until Bobby left. You weren't sure if you could face him, especially with Yunhyeong still hovering around the house like the weirdo he was.

"Hanbin's party," Minhee answered, putting the finishing touches on her lipstick. "Don't tell me you're not going."

"Wasn't planning on it," you replied, shrugging back on your cardigan. "Remember the last time I drank? I kissed Donghyuk. The time before that it was Jinhwan."

"If you ask me, that's a reason you should go," Minhee smirked, tossing you a top and skirt from her closet. "Hurry and put that on. You're coming along with me."

You gave her a look. "Minhee-"

"You asked me to help you, so I'm helping you," she replied, gesturing you to hurry up. "What better way to get over someone than to get under someone else."

You grimaced.




By the time you and Minhee made it back home, the house was already packed. At least there was a higher chance of not seeing Bobby tonight. 

"Well look who it is," a male voice said as soon as you entered the house. You felt a soft tug on your arm and you found yourself in Jinhwan's chest. "You know, Yunhyeong was looking everywhere for you."

You rolled your eyes, unlatching yourself from his body. He reeked of alcohol and cigarettes -- definitely not the best smelling combination. "Hey, Jinhwan. Seems like you're having a good time, huh."

Jinhwan smiled, stance swaying slightly. You grabbed his cup with one hand and steadied him with the other. If he spilled even a drop on your mom's carpet, she'd flip. Of course, that wasn't your fault.

"What are you doing after this?" he asked, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. You flinched as an image from your dream flashed in your mind, but you recovered before Jinhwan noticed something was off. He smiled. "You want me to get you a drink?"

You raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly as you backed away towards the kitchen. "How's about I just take yours?"

Another one of his friends clapped him on his back, stealing his attention away before he could reply.

You continued on towards the kitchen, nearly bumping right into someone. You mumbled a quick apology under your breath, ready to move on, when you felt a palm settle on your shoulder. "Ahri, is that you?"

You turned around and saw Seyeon. "Seyeon, what's up?"

"God, I was looking for you everywhere," she said, tugging you through the kitchen down to the basement. "Hanbin told me to bring you outside if I ran into you."


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I miss this fic sm :(((


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YunaJi #1
Chapter 21: tf is wrong with her? why doesn’t she stick on bobby’s side? what kinda girlfriend is that
AriNJQ #2
Chapter 4: awwww jiwon
how come i never realise that ive read this story before lol
Chapter 23: The flow is simple and calming and I love it so much ;;; I cant stop myself from shipping bobri so baddddddd ugh
Chapter 8: OH MY GOD HOLY SHT...
Chapter 23: Solid Bobri shipper here...I just love everything about this fic...I can't get enough, seriously. :) Kudos.
Chapter 14: I laughed out loud literally at the part about hanbin drowning
Chapter 13: omggg this chap is my fav do far XD
Chapter 13: reading this story for the second time and I still keep falling in love with this chapter ahhhhh ahri and bobby
laroka0104 #10
Chapter 24: I can't wait To read the sequel. This fic is really awesome. (;