Problem in Paradise

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Six years later...


   There is a woman standing in the corner touching her baby bump with a soft smile on her face. Another woman is walking slowly, making sure that every step she takes will not cause harm on the precious being she is carrying inside her. A mother is trying to calm her crying baby by singing a lullaby while another one is smiling at her toddler who made a mess of his cookies. A couple just went out of the doctor's office with a smile on their faces while the husband protectively holds his wife's tummy. On the other hand, I am watching everything around me with envy.


   My husbands don't know that I've been secretly visiting the floors of the hospital that houses the ob- gynecologist and pediatricians offices. I will also often go to the hospital nursery to look at the several newborn babies sleeping there. I will longingly touch the glass wall that separate me from those bundle of joys. The glass wall is just like a barrier to my own dream of having my own baby. For five years, every mating season we've been trying to get pregnant. The fertility pills and special diet just reminds of my unsuitability as a mate. And every one line showing on the different brands of pregnancy test kits that I've used was like a painful blow to my heart. My menstruation after the mating period mocks me and made me feel useless, for I cannot give them an heir.


    I was busily staring at the newborn twin babies lying in a crib near the glass window, daydreaming that I will one day have twins. That I didn't notice the constant ringing of my cell phone. "Mrs. Zhang, madam can you please turn off your phone it is disturbing the sleep of the babies inside." A nurse taps my shoulder to get my attention when I didn't hear what she said. "Mrs. Zhang your phone. Please. I think you have to answer it." "I'm sorry before I go can I ask you a favor. Don't tell Yixing that I visited the nursery. Please promise me." "No, problem madam. I won't tell your husband." I vowed to her and mouthed thank you because I have to answer the call on my phone. When I check the name of the caller it is LuhanDeer, my second husband. "Love are you alright, why are you not picking up the phone. Your driver told me that you are still inside the hospital and Yixing is not answering as well." He asks worriedly. "Deer, I'm okay, sorry I didn't hear that my phone is ringing. I was busy staring at the view of the city here at the rooftop garden of the hospital. I will go down now to the lobby. See you in fifteen minutes Luhannie. Wo ai ni." I just lied to my mate. Dui bu qi. "Alright, take care love, Wo ai ni. I can't wait to see you."


   Luhan and I will go on a date today to help me relax and prepare myself for the mating season with him. The mating season of wolves only happens once a year for two weeks and my four husbands who held the highest rank in our pack have been trying to get me pregnant for past five years already. Since Yifan, Luhan, Suho and Yixing hold the highest position and they all have alpha blood in them, by wolf tradition, I need to produce heirs for them first. To guarantee that someone will be able to lead the pack in the future. And I've been disappointing them every year. 


   The driver stopped in front of COEX mall and I already saw Luhan waiting for me near the entrance. He run towards my direction and opened the passenger door for me. "Love I miss you so much." He kissed my lips repeatedly oblivious to the stares of the people entering the mall. "Deer people are staring at us already. I miss you too, but you just saw me this morning." He kissed my forehead and whispered, "Let them stare, we own the place they are actually trespassing. I just miss you every second that I am not with you." He captured my lips again for another kiss. He can sometimes be very childish and will insist on doing what he wanted. "I think that's enough kiss for now. I will kiss you more inside the movie house." I just pinched his cheeks for his behavior. He's really cute, my manly deer. As we made our way to the Megabox that houses the mall's cinema Luhan started asking questions. As his mate, I know that he can sense that I am hiding something.


   "Do you want us to build you a rooftop garden in our estate, you seem to be fond of the garden in the hospital. Every time you will visit Yixing you will always end up on the garden." "Deer our garden at home is already perfect you don't have to add another at the rooftop. I always end up in the garden because every time I will visit Yixing in the hospital I will bring his lunch and we will eat in his office. I'm just so full  after and I have to walk for awhile." I tried to make my voice sound as convincing as possible. The truth is every time I will know that Yixing will be stuck for hours in a board meeting with his fellow doctors in the hospital after lunch time, I will volunteer to bring him lunch in the office. For that is the only time I can roam in the hospital without him following me and visit the places that make me happy and sad at the same time. But Luhan will not give up. "Or did the Unicorn decided to cheat on us and made love to you in his office. He is not answering as well when I called him." I stopped walking and face him. "Yah, erted deer, when will you stop. Unicorn did not  cheat on his time with me. He knows that it is not yet his time." "Arraso, I'm just worried about you love. Please forgive me." I kissed him and run away towards the ticket booth of the cinema. I know that whenever I will be the one to initiate the kiss with them it will always leave them breathless. I've been using that method to make them stop every time they are worrying about my safety and when I am hiding something from them. For me those kisses mean I am sorry for hiding something. I am sorry for lying. "Wait for me love, don't leave your deer here. I might get lost." Luhan whined like a child while I skip like a little girl. 


   We've decided to watch t

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Hi readers, I will be editing and adding new chapters to this story soon. Please watch out and support my story. Have a great day
Byuntae-bacon #2
Chapter 71: oh my gosh I loved this story so much! Keep up ur writing. You’re so talented :)) I really enjoyed reading this
Chapter 71: Aaaaaa beautiful story! I love how you didn't rush the plot and make them as her mate for a long time. Love them all especially their children!
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 71: Chapter 65: I love this story so much! It’s so beautiful~
Chapter 71: This is so so so beautiful..
My heart cant take this beautiful story..
Thank you for this ❤
This is the best fluffy story of exo ot12 x oc i have ever read.. Ussually i prefer fantasy genres of exo but this story is a perfect combination of fluff and fantasy... i also noticed that the babies names are alphabetical which i think is creative because I have trouble creating names for my fics that isnt a korean name which takes me more than15 minutes to think of a name for an oc character :' I hope you continue writing more stories or ever write a sequel because my favourite character has to be the 12 babies... an epilogue will do fine too because the babies mate has got to be the baby girl Sophie saved... thank you for writing this fanfic..
Chapter 71: I love this fanfuc so I keep on rereading it all over again
mymaiee #8
Chapter 30: But that's cruel Yixing-ah. Using people's lives in order to save Sophie is selfish :'( But I guess when you love someone too much, you will do anything, isn't?
myungsoodaehyun36 #9
Chapter 57: I laugh too much during the disney scene with Sehun-ah xd
NurSabrina123 #10
Chapter 62: There are 12 of them but sophie only have 10 fingers ? ? ? How about the another 2 then hahaha im so confused . Sorry