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   I can hear them calling for me, but my body refused to move, my mind refused to answer. I can feel that I am changing, but my mind and body is trying to resist the change. I can feel that my soul is yearning for the change, yearning for something or someone to make it feel complete. What is this feeling?

   The last thing I can remember before I passed out was the tears in Sehun's eyes and my Appa telling Jongin to teleport us to the hospital. Am I still in the hospital, but why does this place smell like dirt and rust? This is different from the clean and the sterile smell of the hospital that I have frequently visited to see my Yixing ge. Where am I?

   I forced my eyes to open because I can sense that the place is unfamiliar. The face I am expecting to see is not the one in front of me. I close my eyes again and willed this moment to be just one of my bad dreams. But when I open my eyes he is still there. He is as tall as my Appa, he looks strong and powerful too, but what makes me feel afraid all of a sudden is his bloodshot eyes. I knew from the moment I saw him that he is not a wolf, he is something far more dangerous.


   "Finally you are awake, do you know that they've waited for you for two weeks to open your eyes? Too bad for them because I got so lucky to be the first to know that the bond worked and it saved your weak heart." He motioned for a man to secure the leather straps in my arms and legs. "Don't worry sweetheart those are fine leather, it will not bruise or scratch your skin, my claws will do the job. And since you are my guest here in my humble abode, I don't want you to tire yourself by trying to escape. Just relax and enjoy the show, arrasso." He cupped my face with his big cold hands that made my whole body shiver in fear. "You are really a pretty thing, no wonder even those who are not yet bonded to you can't let you go. You probably have lots of question, I will tell you a sad story in a few minutes let me call your Fan-fan Appa first, I mean your mate." His last sentence made me more confused, who is he? Why I am here and did he just say that my Fan-fan Appa is my mate?

   He sat on a chair beside the bed where he have tied my body. He put his phone on speaker mode so that I can hear their conversation. When I heard my Fan-fan Appa's voice I can't help but cry. "Yeoboseyo." I want to scream for my Appa to hear me, but he looked at me menacingly and motioned for me to keep quite as his sharp claws trail down from my upper arm to the tip of my middle finger. I know that if I will not obey him, he can easily cut my skin open with those glass like claws.

     "Are you excited to finally talk to me, did you already kill the young wolf messenger for being such a pathetic useless member of your pack? I think you will not do that right now, you are too kind to be an Alpha. But you will soon once you see blood flowing in your mate's neck." I heard my Appa's angry growl on the line."Don't you ing dare touch her. Just tell me what you want, wealth, territory, power or my own life. I will hand it to you in a silver platter, just don't touch her."

     "Your name is Yifan right? Wu Yifan, the powerful dragon, everyone want's what you have young Alpha. But unfortunately I am not part of that everyone. I am not open for negotiation, I don't want anything that you are offering. I have lost interest in anything when that ten-year-old fire wielder burned my mate into ashes nine years ago. I want all of you to feel the same pain that I am still feeling for losing my mate. Since you are all stupidly connected to your weak mate, I don't even have to exert

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Hi readers, I will be editing and adding new chapters to this story soon. Please watch out and support my story. Have a great day
Byuntae-bacon #2
Chapter 71: oh my gosh I loved this story so much! Keep up ur writing. You’re so talented :)) I really enjoyed reading this
Chapter 71: Aaaaaa beautiful story! I love how you didn't rush the plot and make them as her mate for a long time. Love them all especially their children!
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 71: Chapter 65: I love this story so much! It’s so beautiful~
Chapter 71: This is so so so beautiful..
My heart cant take this beautiful story..
Thank you for this ❤
This is the best fluffy story of exo ot12 x oc i have ever read.. Ussually i prefer fantasy genres of exo but this story is a perfect combination of fluff and fantasy... i also noticed that the babies names are alphabetical which i think is creative because I have trouble creating names for my fics that isnt a korean name which takes me more than15 minutes to think of a name for an oc character :' I hope you continue writing more stories or ever write a sequel because my favourite character has to be the 12 babies... an epilogue will do fine too because the babies mate has got to be the baby girl Sophie saved... thank you for writing this fanfic..
Chapter 71: I love this fanfuc so I keep on rereading it all over again
mymaiee #8
Chapter 30: But that's cruel Yixing-ah. Using people's lives in order to save Sophie is selfish :'( But I guess when you love someone too much, you will do anything, isn't?
myungsoodaehyun36 #9
Chapter 57: I laugh too much during the disney scene with Sehun-ah xd
NurSabrina123 #10
Chapter 62: There are 12 of them but sophie only have 10 fingers ? ? ? How about the another 2 then hahaha im so confused . Sorry