The big plan

First day

The guilt that surrounded Hyuk was pressing down almost suffocating him. He cursed himself for not realising that Hongbin wouldnt want to do anything, he really didnt mean to annoy him, he just wanted something to do or someone to talk to. He knew the honey blonde boy was so engrossed in his studies but he never guessed it meant so much to him that his entire future dependend on his own indiviudal dedication and yet there was something so moving about the lengths Hongbin would go to for his family.

Money had never been a big issue for Hyuk or his family not since his dad had become the CEO of a major media outlet and his mother becoming one of Seouls top female lawyers. Their busy schedules always collided infact it had been so long that Hyuk cant even remember the last time both his parents and himself had time together they seemed to make up for this by showering their son with gifts of anything he wanted, but right now the only thing he really wanted was to make it up to Hongbin.

He had an idea of what he wanted to do but with such little time left of semester break he was going to need alot of help to pull this off succesfully, with an idea set in his mind he messaged his oldest hyung and set the plan into action.


Hours later and Hongbin had completed 3 of the 5 essays set over break, with half of them done he decided he earned some free time, spiing around in his computer chair to face away from his laptop he stood up, stretched, yawned and ran his fingers through his hair before interlocking them and the back of his neck and tilting his head towards the celing.

He cleaned up his paper work from the desk the radio and headed for the shower. A refreshing blast of cool water directly hit his chest, relaxing his muscles he closed his eyes and let his mind dift. Never in his life has he felt so over whelmed by pressure that he snapped at someone with such aggression ashe did to Hyuk possibly the only real friend hes had, Hyuk never knew of Honbins trouble because he didnt want pity or for Hyuk to feel like he should walk on egg shells around him, but maybe if he had told him sooner he wouldnt be in the position he is now

"You've really screwed up this time" Hongbin sighed getting out the shower and drapping a towel around his waist. Once he was changed he entered the living area drying his hair off he glanced at the empty kitchen counter he was sure he had left his phone on there this morning, bruhsing it off he opened the fridge to bring out a bottle of water

"Nearly 6?" he questioned himself fixing his gaze on the large kitchen clock. the lack of noise surrounding the place was making he grow suspicious, carefully he walked up to Hyuks door he knocked and called his roommates name almost in a whisper but their was no reply

"Hyuk? I...Iam opening the door ok?" Slowly placing his thin hand against the door he pushed it open. Empty... the room was still in the same state it was prior to the arugement. A million and one thoughts raced through Hongbins mind at once but was brought back then he heard the faintest click assuming it was Hyuk coming back he went to greet him as whole heartedly as he could but there was no one there yet again. Putting the noise down to his imagination he set off to look for his phone with a realisation he had no way to call his own mobile without Hyuk.

"Ahh of course he would take his phone!" Settling the send an email to himself in hopes he would hear his phone ping, which he did on the coffee table "when did I... i really am going crazy these days" he perched himself on the sofa picking up his phone and smiling to himself reading back past message conversation he and Hyuk had sent each other. "Where is he? its been hours?"

~N's flat~

"Ok i get you feel bad and everything but isnt taking he phone and going through his contacts just going to make him worse?" N asked upon Hyuks re-appareance to the flat, he had called the rest of his frineds of to help him with the big operation.

"Relax when i got there Hongbin wasnt the the liveing area and when i got back he still wasnt there by my guess he didnt even notcie the phone was gone" Catching his breath from the run he stood over N's sholder veiwing the laptop screen "Did you find her?"

"Is that doubt i hear in your voice Hyukkie?"

"Well its not confidence"

N swirled on the bar stool delivering a quick but effective neck chop to the younger male. he turned back to the computer screen before scrolling through a few names and contact details "Here right? Mrs. Lee Meng thats her picture right and that little girl is her daughter right?"

"I never doubted you for a minute hyung" Hyuk smiled gripping onto N's sholder to lean closer to the screen "Yeah thats her same email address as the one in his phone and she has the famous Lee dimples as well as the kid"

" Lee dimples?" Rolling his eyes at the statement N still found it cute "So youre doing all this but when are you planning to confess to him?"

Hyuks face dropped and turned red "I..I dont think i can. I dont think he would feel the same" he felt Ns hand come to his neck agian but this time it rested at the back and conforted him, Hyuk looked up to meet his hyungs gaze

"Its better to know for sure rather than dragging it out so much and always wondering right?"

Silence filled the air in the flat "Look worst case scenario he doesnt feel the same way you guys can still be friends right? sure it'll be a little awkward at first but from what ive seen Hongbin is a nice guy just a little... reserved hes not the type of person to be horrible in rejection. And best case scenario Hyukkie finally gets himself some"

"Yah!!" Hyuk jabbed Ns ribs with his elbow. But he saw his friends point Hongbin is nice andit was better than feeling like this all the time "Alright" he mumbled

"What was that?" N asked cupping his ear and leaning down closer to Hyuks mouth "My age must be affecting my hearing"

"I said alright, I'll tell him when everythings in place but first we need to get in contact with Mrs. Lee" Jumping into the vaccant bar stool Hyuk opened an email with a smile plastered on his face.

Dear Mrs. Lee

I hope this message finds you well, my name is Han Sanghyuk i share a flat on college grounds with your son Lee Hongbin. recently he has been under a lot of stress and feeling down. I wanted to help him out by arranging something with your help and hopefully we can help him become happy again. Please contact us soon. Thank you

3 hours had passed and Hyuk was about to head back to his flat before Ns laptop alerted him of an email notification, with a sudden burst of energy Hyuk raced to the computer and read.


Hello Han Sanghyuk!

Thank you for letting me now about my son, i havent heard from him in a little whle and was growing concerned. But hearing he has such lovely friends that want to help him in his time of need makes me happy, and i am more than willing to help you in whatever it is you wanted to do just let me know~


Thank you well I understand Hongbin has been feeling down lately because he wasnt able to come and see his family. This must be difficult for you with your son on the other side of world.... I wanted to help by means of arranging a flight from America over here so you can see your son


Although this would be nice im afraid we dont have the money to spend on flights to South Korea mianhae


Actually Mrs. Lee this is where i wanted to help out....


It was gone midnight by the time Hyuk had finished conversing with Hongbins mother and almost everything was set

"Ok quick catch up" Hyuk annonced to the boys who had splayed themselves around the living room "I spoke to my parents and theyre going to send me the money for a flight for Mrs. Lee and her daughter to arrive at incheon airport on Monday-"

"Monday?!" Ravis voice came out of nowhere

"Yes Monday why?"

"Today is Saturday"

"Sunday technically" Leo answered pointing at digital clock sat by the TV

"Ok.. so tomorrow theyll be arriving at 12pm where~" Hyuk pointed at N

"I will greet them at the departure gates, get them lunch then drive them back to the campus and then message you when we're here" N said nodding his head clear with his instructions

"While this happens im going to get Hongbin to walk to that takeout shop and wait for N's message. Leo will entertain the kid while Ravi and N make sure Mrs. Lee is comfortable at mine and Honbins place-"

"Then you guys head back and great actor Ken says flats have been broke into so you guys better get back quickly" Ken interrupted while lying on his back kicking his legs in the air like a dying animal.

"Right, Hongbin comes in sees his family, spends a few days with them and then we have a happy Hongbin again" Smiling to himself at his plan Hyuk mental congratulated his genius mind

"Happy? the kid talks less than i do" Leo scoffed pulling grapes off the vine.

"Well im heading back now ill see you guys 9am monday morning. Dont breath a word of this to Hongbin" Hyuk pointed at each member and left but not before picking up his phone fromt he counter while 'accidently' jabbing Leos ribs



Anyo!!! finally able to write something again i feel like its been forever! so i treid to make up for it a little with the quantity of writing but i didnt want to drag it out too much and i didnt watn to go into the meet right away so you guys are going to have to wait for that ;)

Lets me make it up to you in gifs

bbuing bbuing!








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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!