"Just talking"

First day

The better half of the park activites were spent with both Hongbin and Hyuk taking part in a relentless game of tag, although neither of them were phyiscally unfit they stuggled to meet the same limtless stamina shown by young Minnie. After a good 40 minutes spent lying in the grassy bank of the hill with mindless chatter among themselves they eventually decided to head into town for a some what unful-filling lunch of ice cream cones followed by a small amount of shopping, during a small session of Minnie and Mrs. Lee directing themselves tochanging rooms it gave Hongbin and Hyuk and chance to talk with each other.

"I had pictured the last day being a lot more relaxed" Hyuk sighed from exhustion as he sat himself in the shoe section of the clothing store

"Its been nice to get out in the city for a change stop complaining"

"I had enough of the city as a kid"

"What do you mean?" Hongbin sat next to the younger male watching each of his facial expressions changing as he seemed to trace of memories for his childhood, from what Hongbin could observe Hyuk hadn#t been all that fond of them

"Honestly its not bad, just.....as a kid i got more advantages than others would alot of kids realised who my parents were and my background and somehow developed a fear of me like i had some higher ground than them, so like most kids i went outside alot to try get around and meet new people, i spent alot of time just aimless wondering around but then i came across this little park and it was just packed full of kids so i went in but i couldn't talk to anyone there so i hid out under the slide just sketching in the dirt but then i met Ken and things started to pick up so... i guess it wasnt all that bad" Hyuk only spoke while focusing on spiining the small platic tip of his shoelace repeatedly however Hongbins focus was 100% on Hyuks story 

"I had no idea....it sounds pretty horrible. So i guess Ken must be like your best friend right?"

"And only"

"Hay!" Hongbin answered with a small giggle at the end

"Sorry, you know what i mean" He replied nuding Hongbin playfully

"Not that you need alot of friends when you have me i mean.. come on" Hongbin tried lighting the mood by playing the cool card as he attempted to lean back he missed the end of the chair and stumbled backwards just in time for Hyuk to grab his wrist and pull him back up again

"Thanks" Hongbin turned to Hyuk who returned the eye contact Hongbin gently raised his hand and slightly moved Hyuks chin over a little before capturing his lips in a small but sweet kiss that made time slow down and their whole surroundings just melt away Hyuk carefully moved his hand over to interlock with Hongbins. They broke the kiss before Minnie bounced around the corner and paused looking at them both with her tiny mouth gaping open 

"W-what? we're just t-talking" Hongbin stuttered, Minnie shifted her weight to one side and rested her hand on her hip 

"I'm 8 not stupid* She replied surprising Hongbin to the fullest extent but casued Hyuk to burst out laughing. Mrs.Lee emereged to the scence with and small shopping bag 

"Are you done?" Hongbin questioned 

"I think so" As they walked out of the shop Hongbin and Hyuk continued holding Minnies hands on either side while Hongbin had offered to carry his mothers bag for her "Well i think its about time we're heading back to the hotel to freshen up for our meal out tonight" Mrs. Lee spoke whilst glancing at her small chian watch. The arrived back at thier hotel soon enough where Hongbin handed back his mothers bag and arranged a meeting time before walking back to his flat with Hyuk.

"Youre coming to the meal tonight right?" Hongbin causally blurted out 

"Oh y-yeah i think your mum mentioned something about it... i mean if thats ok i dont want to be in the middle of your family meal and stuff right before they're about to leave again"

"Omo do you not get it yet?" Hongbin chuckled stopping dead infront of Hyuk stopping him from moving "You cant ruin the family meal....You ARE part of the family..... pabo" Hyuks eyes widened to an extraordinary size blinking only once "You've done so much for this family without realising it and youre with me so youre kind of stuck with it" Hyuks stepped forward to embrace Hongbin in a warm thankful hug brfore realeasing his grip he paused to look at the ground as he did in the clothing store in a small almost un-audioable 

"Thankyou" passed Hyuks lips after which he looked up to see Hongbin smiling back at him before taking his hand and continuing their way back to the flats.


A/N: Super excited this week i found out about my university placement (clearly not an english major) so ive been celebrating these past few days hence lack of updates... anyways i do now have an offical conclusion to this story that i ight update in a new chapter or just add onto this one at a later date but anyways I'll see you guys soon (she says hopefully) 

bbuing bbuing!


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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!