Good night hyung

First day

''And i was like ...uh KEN you not?'' Hyuk rolled his eyes at the joke he had heard over a thousand times from his hyung. Ken was barely able to stand by himself so Hyuk had asked him to sit beside him for a while and try to slow down a little and Ken happily complied, although Ken is older than Hyuk he had always seen himself as the more mature of the two two, even as kids.

~At the local park~

The park was buzzing with kids excited to play and climb on every peice of equipment within reach Hyuk sat under the slide occuping himself by drawing stick men in the sandy ground and with every bang on the slide he looked up to make sure it wasnt going to be the last noise he ever heard, to him sitting under the slide was the safest place not to get trampled by others running around.

''HI THERE! What cha doing under there?'' Hyuk looked up sheilding his eyes from the sunlight at the boy hanging over the side of the slide. Ken took the silence as an invitaton to accompy the young boy under the slide.

''Wahh! This is cool, I wanna draw a rocket ship!'' Ken took a thin stick off the ground and began drawing. Hyuk felt uncomfortable with the situation ~What do I do? I was here first, this kid is drawing all over my drawings! maybe I can just go over to another part of the park~

''I like this one!'' Ken said whilst pointing at one of Hyuks drawings ''... what exactly is it?'' Ken asked Hyuk with the biggest eyes he could muster.

''Thats Kan my dog'' 

''OMO thats like my name! Im Ken whats your name?'' 


''Do you want to be my friend Hyuk? alot of people find me annoying so I dont talk to alot of people but I think we can be really good friends'' Hyuk looked around to make sure no one saw how embrassing but funny this scene was.

''I'd like that'' Hyuk smiled which must have been infectious because it seemed to spread to Ken and before they knew it they were the only kids left in the park, but they made an agreement to meet each other every saturday at the park and thats how it stuck.

~Back at the party~

''Ken hyung, can i get you some water or something?, I mean I dont think your roomate will be very happy if he had to spend the night cleaning your vomit of the floor''

''My vomit? I can hold drink better than Ravi'' Ken scoffed and lazily pointed at the slightly wobbly bleach blonde boy stood talking to random people in the corner

''Im sure you can'' Hyuk replied while covering the top of Kens cup which was raised once agian to his lip ''But surely you can slow down, as a favour to me? i dont want to have to piggy back you all the way to college''

''Aww you're concerned about me'' Ken slurred while he put his hand on his chest to physically express his emotions ''You're sweet, tell you what Hyukkie I'll finish this drink and then we can both head back to mine hmm?'' Ken sent Hyuk a suggestive look. It was nothing unusal for Ken he always seemed to turn into a deprived predator when he had enough to drink and he'd express it to anyone or anything, he could walk past a mirror, wink at himself and claim that the miror came on to him the next morning. But Hyuk knew agreeing was the only way to get Ken to stop, he never went through with it all he had to do was walk him back to his room and stay until he fell asleep, on occasions he'd have to give Ken a small kiss but it never went further than that.

''Sure hyung whatever you say'' Hyuk said whilst biting the corner of his lips to hide his smile becasue he had already predicted the end of the night ''Im just going to tell the others we're leaving'' Hyuk winked at Ken to make sure he'd finish that drink as fast as he could.

~Kens flat~

Ken had sobered himself up enough to stand by himself by the time the reached the flats, Ken strode down the halls with his hand tightly locked on Hyuks wrist making it looked like a compulsory game of follow the leader. Ken got to his door and fumbled with the key.

''Let me'' Hyuk said nonchalantly as he took the key from Kens hand and faced the door to unlock it, ken took this chance to slip his arms around Hyuks small waist, Hyuk smiled out of amusement Ken always made this move which was usually followed by a kiss but by the time Hyuk had unlocked the door he had missed his chance.

''Do you want some water hyung?'' Hyuk suggested even though Ken didnt really have a say in it as he made his way to the fridge to get the bottles. 

''Oh come on Hyukkieeee, lets just go to bed ok?'' Ken said steadying himself against the kitchen counter throwing another suggestive look in Hyuks direction.

Hyuk took a bottle from the fridge and glanced at Ken, his head was dropping and his eyes already half closed. Hyuk smirked ''Sure, come on let go then'' Hyuk led the way to Kens room holding the olders hand, Ken was whispering inaudible things that Hyuk assumed where just things about how much he loved him. Hyuk entered the room and let go of Kens hand, he put the water bottle on Kens nightstand and placed an empty bin beside the bed, he lifted the covers and guided Ken to the bed, making sure his head hit the pillows and not the headboard. Hyuk was about to leave when Ken grabbed his wrist and quickly kissed Hyuks hand.

''Thanks'' was the only word the escaped Kens lips before he drifted to sleep. Hyuk tucked Kens exposed arm back under the covers and stood back.

''Good night hyung'' Hyuk smiled before quitely leaving for his own flat.



A/N: Hi, ive been away for a while so im really sorry to anyone that was waiting for another chapter. i wanted to focus on Hyuk abit on this chapter for no reason in particular but i thought it would be nice for a change, i really have never considered Hyuk and Ken as a ship because i see them more as brothers thats why i didnt write anything so 'PG-13' but thanks for reading and ill see you soon!

Bbuing bbuing!

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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!