An awkward start

First day
''Good morning North Campus students! Its 7am are you all getting ready for the day ahead? lets play some exciting songs for this morning, Ok up fi-

 Hongbin sat on the edge of his bed and slammed his hand on the radio alarm effectively blocking the noise, the morning announcements at College were never anything worth listening to but he couldn't help wondering who could be so happy at such an ungodly hour in the morning. He shuffled back on his bed resting his back and head against the wall. His bedroom left very little free space there was his bed in the upper left corner next to a single old fashioned window that clearly hadnt been maintained to anyones standards, a small pine bedstand on which sat his College radio alarm and his phone, a large pine desk took up the entire right wall with a small mirror placed in the center of the wall, his wardrobe stood tall at the end of his bed which left him with little to no space to move around. He got himself ready for the day and left his room, he entered the living room of his shared flat, Hyuk sat on the two seater sofa he was almost in a trance like state while watching the TV it seemed like he had forgotten about the half eaten toast he had on the plate which blanced on his knee.

~Ok Hongbin, you have to live with this guy for a while atleast try get along with him even if you just say hello whats going to happen?~

" Excuse me?" Hyuk said with a slight tone of nerves in his voice. He was stood infront of Hongbin waving his hand in an attempt to get his attention.

" Oh sorry i must have been in my own world" Hongbin laughed nervously, it was his first real encounter with this guy, he didnt want to put a foot wrong since he knew he would never live it down.

" No worries, we barely got a chance to talk the other day i was kind of early to the flat so i was really excited to meet the person id be sharing it with, i just wanted to apologise for being like that yesterday you must have been tired and i certainly wasnt helping. But anyway welcome to the campus....."

Hongbin suddenly realised he hadnt told Hyuk anything about himself, his name, his age, where hes come from

"I'm Lee Hongbin but Hongbin is fine and you dont need to worry about yesterday, i shouldnt have acted rud-"


"I'm sorry?"

"Shhh hyung theres a fly on the wall... im gonna get it" Hyuk had ignored Hongbins worried expression and took his slipper off his foot, he slowly crept up to the wall.

" Instead of using footwear to commit fly murders, lets just open a window shall we?" Hongbin proceeded towards the large window and opened it allowing the fly an escape route.

" Ahniyo hyung i'm almost certain thats the fly that was in the bathroom last night while i was showering"

Hongbin rolled his eyes and swatted his hand in the direction of the window and the fly seemed to get the hint.

" YAH! Byuntae!" Hyuk yelled after the fly after he shut the window he turned to face a puzzled Hongbin "Before you ask questions i looked you up on SNS last night since you didnt want to talk, so dont worry i know what i need to know hyung"

Hongbin could only nod to himself ~Impressive, even i wouldnt have thought to make that move~ "Ok, well aside from your name and your ability to hold grudges against flys i dont know anything about you, do you want to meet up later and get to know each other? i mean we are stuck together for atleast a year, I have a class soon but i finish at one"

"Sounds good i have nothing today, shall we meet back here?" Hyuk replied quicker than Hongbin had expected.

"Yeah ok" Hongbin glanced at the clock that echoed in the room "Ok i really have to go, I'll meet you here at one" and with that Hongbin had left.



Hi everyone before you ask no i dont really have any idea where this story is heading or what im aiming to do with it, but all the same its the first thing ive ever written, I hope you'll enjoy reading it,

Thanks again 

*bbuing bbuing for everyone*





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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!