To the park!

First day

The family weekend went by like a whirlwind, before anyone had guessed it the 3 days were numbered which meant Mrs. Lee and Minnine were due to head back home. Although their flight wasnt until later on in the day Hongbin wanted to push as many activites as he could in the last day, Their weekend had been spent showing off the area and its attractions Hongbin even managed to put together a small party for missing his sisters birthday, needless to say he made up for it in the endless rounds of musical statues. The weekend couldnt have gone any better for Hongbin and his family.

"Wow its actually the last day" Hyuk blankly stated from the kitchen 

"Yeah, its come so quickly but honestly I. AM. EXHAUSTED" Hongbin flopped onto the sofa re-arranging the pillows under his head before he folded his arms over his eyes to sheild them from the sunlight

"I thought you be kind of upset and all" Wondering over to the sofa Hyuk folded his arms at the back and kneeled down against it resting his chin on his arms

"How can i be upset? i have had the most amazing weekend with my umma and mini me its given me such a nice break away from everything annnnd i got something i wanted for a long while this weekend" lifting his arms just enough for one eye to peek through at the younger boy and flash a small smile

"Oh your parcel finally arrived?" Hyuk asked in a sleepy tone 

"Ah you know what i mean" Hongbin replied sitting up to face Hyuk 

"You got two parcels?"

"Its not even 10 and youre trying to be funny" Hongbin pursed his lips together to avoid giggling and providing Hyuk with more of an ego, Hyuk tilted his head slightly to meet Hongbins fixed gaze befroe chuckling slightly and standing back up 

"I try" 3 rapid knocks came at the door "Its open" Hyuk shouted over his cup of coffee 

"Good morning, King Ken hasgraced you with his presence and you are welcome" Ken said waltzing his way through the door, Hongbin sighed heavily before returning back to his previous relaxed state "Whats up with grumpy?" Ken said as he leant over Hongbin gently poking his face in various places 

"Nothing hyung" Hyuk smiled over the scene he was watching play out infront of him 

"So.. beside the whole family reunion thing anything else... i dont know particularly different with you guys?" Ken threw continous glances at Hyuk who just turned in the opposite dir inspecting the cupboard doors Hongbin had turned over so his face was now in the pillows "Alright i can take an obvious hint" Ken laughed as he apporoached the fridge 

"Hongbin?" instantly Hongbin lifted his head at the sound of the ever sweet voice 

"Umma... good morning, are you all set for tonight?" Hongbin asked sitting up making room on the sofa 

"Neh, neh we packed this morning so we could have a full day today"

"Great where would you like to go?" 

"Actually i was thinking maybe so spend the morning going the parks and stuff for Minnie then maybe spend the evening having a family meal before the airport"

"Thats sounds nice" Hongbin glanced around and spotted a hyper active young girl bouncing around the kitchen talking to both Hyuk and Ken "Ill just have a shower, get dressed and we can go, i know this park not too far from here Minnie would love" 

"Well have fun at the park you guys I have to make sure Ravi is up, god only know who long that kid can sleep for" Ken waved good bye to the small crowd of people the flat before exiting

"Umma is oppa coming to the park with us?"

"Of course Hongbin is coming with us why would you ask that?"

Minnie whined as she grabbed Hyuks wrist "Not Binnie, Hyuk oppa...please?" Hyuk looked embrassed at the young child

"Actually i dont think tha-"

"Please oppa?" Minnie looked at him directly the better puppy eyes than anyone could have guessed

"I'd love for you to join us Hyuk" Mrs. Lee saved him from falling into the trap of the puppy eyes

"Oh... ok sure that would be great" Hyuk lifted Minnie onto the counter handing her a cup of fruit juice, he smiled before looking over at Mrs. Lee "Are you sure you want me to come? I dont want to be a bother in your family time" Mrs. Lee approached the counter, she lifted her young daughter off the counter before indicating Hyuk to join her in a private conversation 

"I really want you to join us, youre not a bother to us at all you dont worry I know about my sons feelings for you i support the both of you all the way, we've all taken a shining to you including Minnine and shes a critical kid youve done well, infact i was also hoping youd join us for our family meal tonight" She took Hyuks hand in her own to ensure he felt the sincerity in her words 

"Thank you.... I'd love to" Hyuk said without breaking the firm eye contact 

"Umma! Binnies done! lets go to the park!" Minnie dragged Hongbin through the sitting room with one hand 

"Are you coming with us?" Hongbin asked Hyuk to which he replied with a nod and Minnie used her other hand to hold onto Hyuks with a vice like grip 

"Lets go already i want to play on everything!" Minnie squealed as she lifted her legs and swung her body using the two males strength as support

"Alright alright we're going now" Mrs. Lee held her sons arm as the began to walk out of the college grounds towards the park.



*Crawls out from hiding* uhh hay, i wasnt sure if i should carry on with this story or not but now that im finally down with college i have an unbelievable amount of spare time on my hands so i think im going to do another couple chapters here then maybe start developing another train wreck?

bbuin bbuing ^x^



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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!