Crazy kid

First day

1 week turned into 2 and 2 weeks turned in 4 in a flash, Hongbin and Hyuk had practically become inseperable following the same routine every morning. Hongbin had started to become closer to Hyuks group of friends, although he never directly contacted them he liked to go along with Hyuk when he could.

N was probably the most outgoing member of the friends, which would explain why he wants to do that god awful radio announcements every morning. Leo was the quiet one, infact Hongbin is such he had only heard he complaining to N about how annoying he was being. Ken was the funny sarcastic one, after learning about how close Ken and Hyuk were Hongbin took an instant dislike to him so tried to avoid him the greatest extent. Ravi helped N at the radio station, he was the guy with any and all knowledge about music which really surpirised Hongbin as to how he managed to get into college if all he wanted from life was to make music.

"So,,, you coming or not?"

"I dont know the fair? really? yeah its alright but you always get the crazy kids and the parents that dont pay attention to those kids then they start screaming when they dont get to goldfish that jsut die a week later"

Hyuk had been trying to convince Hongbin to come to the fair for well over and hour and it finally started to seem like Hyuk was winning. "Hyung the 'crazy kids' will be around rides like the tea cups and those mini rollercosters, we'll be around the haunted house and the bumper cars"

"no we wont" Hongbin retorted almost instantly

"Well yeah we will, what do you mean?"

Hongbin held his glass of water by the rim and used his index finger to point at Hyuk "Dont you still class as a 'crazy kid'?"

"Hyung im 18, im not going on the tea cups anymore" using his hand he made a cross of his chest "cross my heart" he said before smiling

~At the fair~

Hongbin wore fluffy white ear muffs, a thick scarf and black trench coat, not because he was particularly cold but mostly to block out the deafing screams of kids over reacting to the smallest bit of excitment.

"I knew this was a bad idea" Hongbin yelled through his scarf in order to be heard properly

"You havent given it a chance, come on i want to get tothe bumper cars bali bali!" Hyuk began tol run towards the bright flashing attraction that had already become popular among other teenagers.

Hongbin took his time walking up to Hyuk "I told you, you were still a crazy kid" Sharing a smile and a giggle it wasnt long before they were able to get on the ride

"One or two?" a heavily made up women sat behind the glass openly chewing gum with an expression of boredom painted on her face

"Im sorry?" Hyuk asked

"One or two?" there was a brief silence before the lady rolled her eyes "Are you riding on your own or with a friend?"

"Oh um on my own" Hyuk replied as he passed the money under the glasses and took a single chip and steeped to the side to wait for Hongbin

"One" he simply stated before passing his money and taking his chip, whilst walking towards Hyuk he took a second glance at the women behind the glass and felt a tinge of irony that such a miserable person worked at a place that brought happiness and laughter. "Geez whats her problem?" Hongbin asked not directly at anyone but Hyuk took the chance to answer it

"Maybe shes related to Leo hyung?"

"Well it doesnt seem impossible" Hongbin slected a random navy blue car as he sat and observed Hyuk carefully picking out his own car in the corner of his eye he witness a tall dark figure running across the floor towards Hyuk, with Hyuks back turned away that protective feeling took over Hongbin once again as he let the adrenaline rush through him he instantly abandonned his car and raced towards Hyuk, the dark figure and just brushed their hand over Hyuks shoulder before Hongbin grabbed the strangers arm and tugged it away

"AHH what are you doing?!" the familar voice of Ken screamed which made Hyuk turn around to witness the scence

As Hongbin spoke he released his grip on Kens arm "O-oh K-Ken hyung..... mianhae i just.. I saw someone running towards Hyuk and I just wanted to make sure it wasnt some crazy person, Ken held his shoulder and gently rubbed in circles

"Ahh ottokaji? Its ok, you were just trying to look out for a friend, but yiu dint need to be that abusive alright?"

"Ne" Hongbin held his head low like a fearful puppy and waited for Ken to say goodbye to Hyuk before racing back to his own car, as the ride started Hongbin slowly pressed on the peddle and circled the track listening to the music that was playing before he was rammed into from the left by the younger

"Its called bumper cars for a reason hyung" Hyuk yelled before driving back off and overtaking Hongbin. He loved that about Hyuk, hes ablilty to forgive and forget in an instant, being so carefree it made a refreshing change.

Both boys had managed to hit each other a good few times before the ride eventually stopped and they dismounted the cars and headed to the exit together.

"Where next hyung? come on your choice?" Hyuk had grabbed Hongbins arm and was jumping on the spot really resembling a crazy kid

"Anything that will calm you down" Hongbin laughed at his cutness before reaching up and grabbing the youngers shoulders to hold him in place.

"TO THE HAUNTED HOUSE" Hyuk grabbed Hongbins wrist and dramatically pointed and yelled at the sky then set off.

'Its going to be a long night' Hongin smiled into his scarf enjoying the feeling of being around the childish Hyuk.


A/N: I cant really make out if this is ok or jsut overally sarcastic, but good news is i do now have a rough idea of where this story is going so hopefully it wont be so dificult to read. Thanks for reading and i'll see you soon (0.0)/

bbuing bbuing!




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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!