Hyuks hints

First day

The pair approached a large dark building set in the corner of the fair under the trees where there was a dim green light breaking through each window which could almost go unoticed compared to the bright flickering light set out on the wooden porch leading the a slightly open door way.

"Guys look!" the sudden break of silence caused both Hyuk and Hongbin to jump before even entering the haunted house.

"When did you guys get here?" It was Ravi, the bleach blonde rapper boy, he came bounding around the corner followed by the rest of the group. N had linked arms with his flat mate Leo whilst trying to sppon feed him bits of pop corn which he continously refused looking as bored as ever, Ken was pre-occupied by his phone Hongbin had presummed he was texting someone with great anger and frustration fom the way his expression reamined still and annoyed when Ken had began to approach them he could see that his frustration was caused my a simple phone game. The idea of getting so wrapped up in a game and almost isolationing yourself from your surroundings caused the slightest hint of amusement to show on Hongbins face.

"We havent been here long, i just saw Ken hyung at the bumper cars actually did he not tell you" Hyuk asked Pointing his gaze in Kens direction

"Oh yeah" Ken cooed with a giggle he turned to Ravi "I would have told you but then when i came back you guys had gone off somewhere so i was trying to find you and by the time I'd completly forgotten"

"Aishh hyung i really think theres a touch of ADHD in you" Ravi replied sarcastically and Leo couldnt help but let out the tinest laugh "Oh hay! I made the great Leo hyung laugh, I have the power!" Ravi excalimed in victory to which everyone could only roll their eyes

"Yeah so anyway we where just about to head into the haunted house what about you guys?" Hyuk stated sharply

"Ohhh that sounds fun! shall we go in all together?" N had asked making it sound like he was referring to everyone but his gaze was firmly fixed on Leos expression only. Feeling the uncomfortable gaze Leo looked at N and then at the house

"You really want to go inside a wooden crate for 5 mintues with plastic zombies, bats some flashing lights and a stupid ghost laugh track?" Leo looked at N with a raised eyebrow, N smiled and leaned his head onto Leos shoulder nodding, hugging his arm tighter

"As long as im with you" he sighed closing his eyes, Leo quickly glanced over at Hyuk and shrugged N off his side "Youre not coming in?"

"Nope" Leo coldly replied, taking his phone out of his pocket he check the time before turning to the others once more "Its getting kind of late, im going to head back before they close off the gates" Leo began walking off into the distnace where no matter for far ahead he walked he could always here his hyungs footsteps running beind him to catch up.

The slince between the remaining 4 men and reached an uncomfortable level of awkwardness, so Hongbin had decided to be the one to speak up "So did.... did you guys want to come in with us?" looking at both the elders he really hoped they refused so he could spend more time with Hyuk by himself

Ken took a slight glance at the youngest male before looking towards Hongbin and Raci "Actually Leo hyungs right, i have exams soon and you have that god awful radio thingy in the morning" Ken threw a graze at the blonde radio annoncer

"Yah! thats helpful to the students! and my music is the first thing theyll hear in the morning! dont trash talk it like you can do better!" Ravi swung his hand around to Kens arm which recieved a gentle blow

"Oh please, you pick a song from a pre organised palylist and hit play, bread could do your job." Ravis expression and turn to complete disgusted like Ken had just wiped the bottom of his shoe across his face. "See you guys" Ken gave the pair a small wave before he his heels and began to walk out closely followed by the enranged Ravi throwing, not at all hurtfull, insults at his elder.

"Is it really that late?" Hyuk asked taking his phoneout of his jacket pocket and tapping the on button, Hongbin looked over his shoulder to glance at the time.

"We have enough time to go in here if you still want?" Hongbin offered

"Well the College gates are shutting soon and once their closed they dont open again until morning hyung, maybe we should head back now. Better to be safe then sorry right?" Hyuk chuckled to himself remembering that 'better to be safe than sorry' was Hongbins well loved motto.

"I guess so"

The two students walked out of the amusment park together managing resist the smell of the pop up food trucks as they walked by.

~At the flat~

Coming out of the shower Hyuk hung a towel over his shoulders to avoid the water from his hair dripping to his clothes, he joined Hongbin on the sofa, He had half lay himself on the sofa with his laptop proped against his knees and an cursious expression filled his face. Hyuk flicked on the TV and out of curiosity glanced over at what Hongbin was look at on his laptop. Confusion hit him like a ton of bricks as he saw the thing that had grabbed Hongbins  attention was a simple black and white photograph of a flower pot sat in a dark empty room on a windowsill with the blazing sunlight managing to fliter through one tiny area.

"What even is that?" Hyuk brought his inner thoguht to the outside

"You mean you dont see how beautiful this is?" Hongbin sat up in surprise and stared at Hyuk seeing his flat mates blank expression he shifted his position to explain the photography to Hyuk "You see this flower? And see how its surrounded by everything dark and horrible? but then you have this one bit of sunlight the one bit of hope this flower has, is hitting it perfectly and the the flower through all the odds of survial is still in full bloom? Now do you understand?"

"Wow, i never would have seen it like that before, it is really pretty" Hyuk replied staring with full interest on the picture.

After some time had past each of them vacated to their separate rooms where Hyuk found himself smiling at the memories of the night

~flashback to the fair~

"Shall we go together?" N asked. Hyuks mind went blank and all at once filled with how little time he had to spend with Hongbin, looking around to makesure no one saw his actions but Leo he quickly began shaking his head at N's request.

To his delight both N and Leo quickly left the scene

"So did... did you guys still want to come with us?" what was he doing Hyuk wondered before he quickly shot a glance at Ken mouthing the word 'no' waving his hand by his neck at which Ken got the hint and dragged Ravi with him

~end of flashback~

It really was a night to remember, although now he could guess that his hyungs had the chance to about wanting to be alone with Hongbin but he really didnt care.


A/N: Hi everyone, I'am stupidly sick at the moment so I understand if you guys hate this chapter. But i tried to make it more fluffy than usually and at the same time get everyone else into the story which was difficult ngl xD, but i promise soon theres going to be alot more things happening rather than just constant fluff. Ok see you guys (0.0)/

bbuing bbuing!


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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!