
First day



By the 40th time the battered tennis bal had rebonded back off the wall Hyuk lay flat on his bed staring at the ceiling. Its the first break in the semester meaning 3 weeks of freedom from classes and insane teachers however this also means 3 weeks of class work thats going to be left until the last minute, although the classes were closed students could still stay in their flats if they wished, Hyuk couldnt see the point in heading home for 3 weeks, he liked to use the excuse that its becasue his family home is south of the country and its just too far for 3 weeks.

Hongbin on the other hand had stayed because his family had moved out to America recently and simply couldnt afford the break. It was difficult being away from his family he hated that theyre in a different country from him and now he could once see them once or twice a year, atleast this gave him reason to focus on his studies. Or he could if there wasnt a monotonous dull thud that kept ringing through the flat every few seconds. He had been sat at his laptop for the past hour or so with several papers scattered across the desk and his bed, he had only got half a page into an assignement and couldnt think anymore and instead sat and watched the flashing cursor that seemed to taunt him from the lack of work he was doing. THUMP 'Thats it' Hongbin thought as he rose from his chair to find the source of the noise. Unable to spot any abnormalities in the room he decided to quiz his roomate on the noise.


"Neh?" Hyuk replied not making any movement from his bed or even direct his eyes to Hongbins voice

"Can i come in for a minute?"

"Sure" Throwing his legs over the side of the bed and sitting up to give Hongbin space to sit down if he wished. He watched the pale wooden door open enough for the slim, brown eyed, clearly agitated male to step in.

"Could you you not hear that?" He had crossed his arms infront of his chest making direct eye contact with the younger

"Uhh.. what do you mean?"

Hongbin walked forward and picked up the tennisball off the floor which had rolled towards the bed stand, it didnt take long for Hongbin to work out the source of the noise.

"If youre bored surely you could i dont know, go into town? find the hyungs? oh or work on your papers so you dont fall behind in your work?"

"Its only the first few days into break hyung, chill out a little bit come on we'll go to that take out shop in town!" Hyuk smiled springing from the bed gripping Hongbins wrist and heading out the room.

Being dragged forward Hongbin leaned backwards stopping in their tacks Hongbin forcefully pulled his wrist from the youngers grip "I really dont have time for it today Hyuk, I have been trying to work on my class work for the past hour just this morning it doesnt help if all i can hear next door is constant thudding against a wall!" 

Silence fell on the flat once again. tension began to build within the room almost suffocating

"I-Im sorry.... i didnt realise"

"No you didnt you never do! You might have time to waste and relax but i want to actually pass college, get good grades, have a good job so i can actually see my family without money being such a huge god damn deal! If you want to be a child about it thats fine, go for it, but do it somewhere else for the love of god because youre driving me insane!"

Hongbin hadnt seen the the expression on Hyuks now pastey white face until he looked up, the bright playful young eyes that Hongbin oved to see all the time was now glazed over with fearful and shocked tears his mouth slightly open as if searching for words to say. For the first time in ages a familar numb feeling hit Hongbin again instead of apologising and being the kind man he usually is he exited the room taking the built up frustration into one effective loud slam of his bedroom door.

Hyuk unfroze staring at the bedroom before leaving the apartment himself.

Hongbin sat motionless on his chair with his SNS page now replacing the work he was doing scrolling through his past conversation


I hope youre having fun studing out there! we all miss you back here x


Neh umma, its great... semester break is soon who knows i might be home this time :)


I'am so proud of you Lee Hongbin i feel like its been months since weve talked and even longer since weve seen you. Your little sister said she misses you. I really cant wait until we see you my little bean x :)






Umma... im so sorry my funds arent going to reach for a flight there and back, tell Minnie im very sorry but i cant make it for her birthday. I'll continue to study hard i love you guys x


Thats ok son, we'll see you soon please keep up with your studies we love you to x



A/N: Hi guys so its easter break for me and youd think id have a lot of free time now but im actually really pressed down with assignments so im just putting this up until i get the work out of the way. I hope your hoildays are better than mine atm. Enjoy your hoildays guys!

bbuing bbuing!




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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!