We'll see them soon

First day

Minnie wheeled her bright suitcase across the airport not forgetting to brag about how string she was to be pushing it by herself whilst holding Hongbins hand. Hyuk had Minnies back pack flug over one shoulder whilst he held Mrs. Lees suitcase in another hand as he walked beside Mrs Lee descussing the past few days Hongbin stole glances between his mother and hes little sister, a unmistakable sting in his eyes came like a wave as he swallowed hard in an attempt to rid himself of the lump in his throat he gently squeezed Minnies hand tighter.

"I've really had fun over here oppa" Minnie hummed as she contined through the crowed waiting area

"Good..im glad" Hongbin relpied as he cleared his throat "Hopefully we'll get to do it again soon"

"Will Hyuk still be able to play?" Looking up at Hongbin with the most hopeful expression Minnie had mastered in the past few days.

"I dont see why not" Hongbin smiled down at the little one "Hay you wanna see something funny?" Minnie nodded eagerly 


"When i say go, run for Hyuk"

"Hyuk-ah!" Hongbin called as he and the younger male made eye contact he pointed down indicating at the slightly loose shoelace dragging around his ankles, he waited for Hyuk to fully bend to the floor before quicly nudging Minnies arm "Go" he half whispered. and she did running as fast as her legs could carry her leaving her suitcase behind she didnt stop until she had just enough distance between them to jump onto Hyuks back 

"YAH!" Hyuk fell forward feeling the weight on his back he immedately sussed the situation, he regained his position shifting Minnie to the center of his back "Could you pass your bag to your brother" Minnie nodded and took the horse covered bag from Hyuk shoulder and passed it back to a grinning Hongbin. Hyuk waited until Hongbin was beside him before leaning to his ear "Pabo" he whispered and watched as Hongbins dimples came through from his laugh.

Even through the volume of noise in the waiting area the speakers rose above everyone to announce the flight for America, slowly Hongbin and his family gathered their belongings and headed for their gate number.

"This really has been an amazing weekend" Hongbin sighed as he turned to his younger sister

"Dont be sad I'll see you again oppa" Minnie could see the shine covering Hongbins eyes and the way he looked at the floor "Im sad too but it wont be long until i can play with you again and anyway umma talks to you on the computer so i can do that if i miss you" 

"IF you miss me?"

"I busy with my friends i cant always miss you!" Minnie giggled as she pressed her hands against Hongbins cheeks and he gently blew air in her face, he took her hands away and kissed each one 

"Well... i'll always miss you" He smiled.


"I really cant thank you enough for giving us this chance Hyuk" Mrs.Lee smiling at the young boy

"It was my pleasure it was so nice seeing Hongbin so happy"

"Have you ever thought that part of the reason he was unhappy was because he was hiding his feelings?" Mrs. Lee raised her eyebrow towards Hyuk

"O..oh... i hadnt thought of that.... maybe, atleast he got to spend time with his family now and hopefully he wont be so stressed" Hyuk glanced toward Hongbin who was talking contently with Minnie "And thank you for letting me be a part of your wonderful little family, it was a change but it was a wonderful change" He turned back to Mrs. Lee with a wide grin

"Im glad you think so, hopefully we'll get to see alot more of you... please take care of Hongbin while im not here and for as log as you can" 

"I promise" Mrs.Lee embraced Hyuk gently before he left to talk to Minnie


"Umma.... thank you for making the trip for me" Hongbin said scracthing the back of his neck 

"Of course i would youre my son and i love you, a plan ride is nothing too much for you" She chuckled gently "Please take care of Hyuk, i know he thinks the world and more of you and hes proven that clearly. Minnie has really taken a shine to him to and you know how fussy she is" 

"Yeah... i promise we'll look out for each other" a long pause followed before Hongbin finally spoke up "I... i dont know when we'll be able to do this agian... but i promise i wont leave it so late again... i missed you guys more than i thought and these past few days have meant everything to me" 

"I know... me to.... we'll work around everything we have to dont worry" Mrs.Lee called Minnie over, she watched as her son and daughter smiled and hugged each as siblings would and then embraced Hongbin herself, aloowing them those precious few seconds more together and they parted with a kiss to the cheek. She took Minnies hand and headed for the flight home. 

Hyuk laced his fingers with Hongbins and felt his own tears being to form as he saw Hongbins fall without any attempt to concel them, they slowly walked out of the airport together Hyuk used his free hand to wipe Hongbins tears from his face, as they were about to step onto the road they norrowly missed a car speeding towards the curb, in shock they both paused and waited for the signs of life

"THAT! Is the last time i let you drive!" An ever familair voice came out from the passanger side as the tall, dark N stepped put in time with Ken from the other side 

"Oh please youre just mad you dont have my parking skills" Ken pointed out the oddly neat way the car looked against the curb

"Id like to park my foot up your " N mumbled to himself

"Jeez you guys cant go 10 minutes without fighting?" Hyuk questioned as he high-fived Ken

"We wouldnt be fighting if he hadnt tried to kill me" N side eyed Ken 

"Jealous~" Ken sang in a high pitched voice

"Suicidal~" N reaplied matching the latters high note

"Are you ok?" Ken asked looking at Hongbin

"Yeah im fine... considering i just nearly died" 

"TOLD YOU!" N yelled pointing his fingr squarly at Kens nose 

"Fine fine you drive back" Ken rolled his eyes throwing the keys in the air for N to catch 

"As it was intented" N smiled 

Hyuk opened the door and waited for Hongbin to shuffle in as he did next to him

"Youll see them soon right?" Hyuk asked glancing at Hongbin

"We'll see them soon" Hongbin smiled resting his head on the younger sholder 


A/N: HAY GUYS! ITS BEEN FOREVER.... so i apologise to anyone whs been actually wanting to read this but yeah im offically ending the story here because i have university just around the corner and stuff so im going to be busy to some degree i guess... but i know i want to start up a new story at some point some hopefully ill get around to that. thank you to everyone for reading this i mean over 1000 views?! i dont even know what to say about that but my god xD

bbuing bbuing 


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alouce #1
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy !!
Chapter 5: Aww~ so cute~ *_*
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 5: This is SO CUTE! ^_^
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
chimey16 #5
Chapter 1: Hi, i love your username keke so cute bbuing bbuing author-nim ^_^
jinjineuntae #6
nice story!
candymandy #7
Chapter 1: omg Hyukkie calling a fly a ert kekekeke, i already love this! well done! fluffy pirahana fighting!
Layzercorn #8
This seems really cool, im looking forward to it author-nim ^-^ aiinggg!!