Chapter 2

A Year Later

Onew’s POV

I pinched her cheeks for her punishment. She asked me why I did that and I told her it was for forgetting. She’s lazy and a little forgetful girl that’s why I always need to remind her. We walked home together since we’re just neighbors and when I mean neighbors our houses are just beside each other. When we got to her house, her mom invited me to eat lunch and I couldn’t say no because the food was chicken so I gladly accepted.

“You know I won’t be surprised if one day you would grow wings.” she teased. You can’t blame a man for loving chickens so much.

“Annyeong oppa.” greeted Krystal. I don’t really see any resemblance with the two of them. I’ve known them ever since but up until now I really can’t see any.

It was finally time to eat, wahhh I can already smell the chicken and I can hear it calling me.

We were already eating when Krystal started to ask questions. Seriously this dongsaeng of mine asks a lot of questions especially about her sister. She says she does that to annoy her but I think she’s covering the fact that she cares for her.

After eating we stayed in the living room and since I was already there I told Jessica that we should do our homework. She said she was too lazy to do it so we ended up watching a movie. After watching I asked her if she wanted to do it already but she still doesn’t want to. She really is lazy.

“Hey do you want to go to a noraebang? I feel like singing.”

“You have time to sing but you don’t have time to do the homework?”

Seriously this girl.

“C’mon Oppa you’re such a nerd it’s only Saturday we can still do it tomorrow.”

“Aish chincha…” was all I could say.

She stood up and went to ask her mom if she could go. Seriously sometimes I’m thinking on how we became friends, bestfriends to be exact?

“So are you coming with me or not?” she asked me while putting her hands on her waist.

I stood up and nodded, of course I’d go one thing I like besides chicken is singing.

“Aren’t you going to invite Krystal?” I asked when we were little the three of us would often go out.

“I think she’s busy she has to finish a school project.” she answered and went ahead of me.

We had fun singing different songs and dancing to some of it. After almost an hour or so we decided to go home.

While on our way home we saw a couple of kids ganging up on, I guess a child younger than them. Jessica saw that and so she approached them. I tried to stop her but she just ignored me.

“Yah!” she shouted the boys were startled.

“Why are you picking up on him? Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? You’re ganging up on a kid who’s younger than you.” she said. The kids looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

“Who are you ugly?” one of the kids said.

I held in my laughter if she sees me laughing I’m dead later. I saw her eyebrows already creased up.

“Who are you calling ugly? You kids don’t have manners at all. If you weren’t younger than me I would’ve beaten you up already.” she said while calming herself up. I think I need to back her up now.

“Hey kids stop bullying him already and just go home or I’ll tell the police what you did. Don’t you know that even kids like you can get arrested when they see you bullying him.” I said I hope they would get fooled.

“Hey Mr.! We’re not stupid kids who would believe that crap.” he said. So does that make me stupid? I believed my mom when she told me that when I was young. Anyway it doesn’t seem like we can do this peacefully.

“Yah! You kids learn to respect people older than you and don’t answer back to them.” Jessica said.

Okay she’s starting to get scary.

“Even if you’re just kids if you won’t go home right now I’ll be pulling your ears.” she said as she went near them. I can see the kids starting to get scared and backed away.

“Go home now.” she ordered.

The kids just went home and we accompanied the little guy to his home and his mom thanked us.

“One piece of advice don’t let others bully you. You should learn to stand up for yourself but always remember that violence is not an option.” she said then we bid goodbye.

On our way home…

“Aish kids these days.” she said as she let out a sigh.

“You were scary back there.” I teased.

“I need to look scary so that they would leave him alone and it worked right?” she said with a smile.

One good thing about her is that she never gets mad when I and sometimes she would even go with it.



~here's an update hope you like it... but I'm kind of having a writer's block for this story.... and I think this chaper is just random ~anyway hello and thank you to my two subscribers hope you would like this and I promise to make this story interesting and to your liking ^^ ~please leave comments :)

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@tthnguyen thanks for the comment chingu I really appreciate it ^^ the confession will happen on the next chapter :p I'll try to update soon ^_^
tthnguyen #2
So when are they going to confess?? Jess is still in denial....<br />
Update Soon!! :D