Chapter 7

A Year Later


That day Onew got to spend more time with Jessica since Yuri would make excuses. Even until dismissal time Yuri still made an excuse to leave first.

~time skip

Yuri tried her best to help Onew with Jessica at the same time she would help the latter realize her own feelings.

~another time skip

Yuri asked Krystal’s help to hook her sister with Onew. They had a hard time since Jessica doesn’t really want to admit to herself. She keeps on denying the fact that she was having feelings for Onew. She was actually scared since she thought that he might not have mutual feelings. She was scared to lose her best friend.


“Unnie hurry up.” shouted Krystal who was impatiently waiting downstairs.

Jessica looked at her reflection in the mirror one last time before she headed down. They were actually going out with Yuri, what she doesn’t know that they had planned something for her.


On the other hand…

“Oppa!” called Yuri who was banging the door for a while now. She was in front of Onew’s house but no one was answering.

“Aish did they leave? They’ll be coming out any time soon.” she thought as she knocked again.

She was about to give up, thinking that their plan would be a complete failure when she heard the door open. She turned around and was happy to see Onew who clearly just woke up.

“Why are you here so early in the morning?” he asked as he saw her approaching him.

“I’ll tell you later for now go and take a really quick shower.” she ordered him as she pushed him inside the house.

Onew wanted to protest but she was just to bossy that he just did what he was told. He took a really quick shower, it took him 15 minutes, the fastest one he had done. When he was ready he went to the living room where Yuri was and he saw her sitting on the couch tapping her fingers on her lap.

“Finally.” she said as she stood up and dragged Onew out.

“Wait!” he said as he got out from her grip. He made sure he has money and the door was closed. When he was done they headed out the front gate.

“Where exactly are we going?” he asked and as if on cue they heard someone call them. They both turned their heads to the caller and saw Krystal and Jessica.

“Why are they together? Don’t tell me he’s coming along? I thought it was supposed to be only us girls?” Jessica thought as they made their way to them.

“Annyeong.” greeted Yuri with a smile.

“Okay let’s go.” exclaimed Krystal as she held her arms forward.

“Wait! I thought it was just us girls?” she asked.

“Since we’re going to shop we should at least have a guy to carry our stuffs.” Yuri said as she playfully hit Onew in the arms.

“YAH! You woke me up just to carry your stuff? I’ll be going back to sleep then.” he said then turned back to his house.

Yuri grabbed hold of his arm and whispered “We’re helping you here. The shopping is just an excuse so just play along for now.”

Onew then looked at her and she just flashed a smile. Yuri then went to Krystal and linked arms with her so Onew and Jessica were left behind.

“Sorry I didn’t know she asked you to come.” said Jessica as they followed the two.

“It’s alright at least I get to spend time with you.” he said, he didn’t notice that Jessica was blushing.

“I guess it would be fine if he comes.” Jessica thought.









~yey! I was able to update this one again keke ^^ I'm feeling lonely in this fic that's why I'm not really motivated to update sorry if I take too long to update... please leave comments ^^

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@tthnguyen thanks for the comment chingu I really appreciate it ^^ the confession will happen on the next chapter :p I'll try to update soon ^_^
tthnguyen #2
So when are they going to confess?? Jess is still in denial....<br />
Update Soon!! :D