Chapter 3

A Year Later


The next morning, it was a usual morning. Jessica woke up and ate breakfast and of course her day wouldn’t be complete without bickering with her sister. After her daily routine she went off to school. Krystal caught up with her.

“Yah! unnie why did you leave me?” she asked as she was catching her breath.

“You were slow.” she said.

“Hey! unnie isn’t that Onew oppa.” she said as she pointed her finger in front.

Jessica immediately followed her finger and she saw no one.

“Aish~” she said as she held her fist high almost about to hit her.

“I knew it. You like him right?” she teased.

“No I don’t.” she denied.

“But it’s so obvious but I don’t think he would notice because he only loves one thing and that is chicken. I think he would even exchange you for a chicken.”

“Yah!”  Jessica shouted.

“Calm down. I’m just saying what I’m seeing.” she stated. “But seriously unnie you like him, right?” she added.

Jessica looked at her with a ‘should I tell her’ look.

“Don’t worry you can tell me besides I have no intention on telling him. It’s fun watching you two.”

“Aigoo~” she said as she pinched her sisters cheeks. “Don’t in with my private life.” she added as she went ahead.

“Unnie~” she whined as she followed her.

When they got to school they separated ways. Jessica went to her classroom and she saw Onew was there.

“Good morning!” he greeted. Jessica greeted back.

Then just in time the teacher came in and started class. She assigned a pair work. Onew was about to ask Jessica but was beat up by Yuri one of their classmates. So he looked for another partner.

“Thanks for being my partner. I really need the grade if I want to pass this subject.” she honestly said. She’s her classmate that wasn’t really good in Science while that was your specialty.

“Sure as long as you help too.” Jessica said. She really hates people taking advantage of her that’s why she always pairs up with Onew. And the fact that she was named the Ice Princess no one really wants to be paired with her.

After the subject, they passed their paper work and then they headed to their next class which was P.E.

“Let’s go together.” Yuri suggested as she grabbed Jessica by the arm and practically dragged her to the gym.

“From now on let’s be friends. You’re not the person I heard from the rumors.” she said with a smile.

“Thanks I guess.” was all Jessica could say. A girl who was jealous of her since she was close with Onew spread the rumors about her being an ice princess. She didn’t bother clearing her name since even if she did the girl will just spread other rumors.

“I actually just approached you for the pair work a while ago but now I want to be your friend.” she said. There were also pairing works during their class and so Yuri was her partner.

After class Yuri invited her to eat lunch with her. The three of them ate. Jessica introduced her to Onew and vice versa. I guess you can say that Jessica found a new true friend besides Onew.





~sorry for another boring update... if you have any comments or suggestions for this fic feel free to tell me ^^

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@tthnguyen thanks for the comment chingu I really appreciate it ^^ the confession will happen on the next chapter :p I'll try to update soon ^_^
tthnguyen #2
So when are they going to confess?? Jess is still in denial....<br />
Update Soon!! :D