
The Got7 Series: Loving Mr. Dorky

"... Sora?" JB called out.

"... Youngjae. His name was Choi Youngjae..." you sniffled and before JB could say another word, Youngjae grabbed your phone.

"Hyung... Please don't lash out at Sora," Youngjae pleaded.

JB couldn't believe what was happening. One day, he met a shy boy who became his best friend then the next he met you... and now it turned out his best friend and his girlfriend used to be together and what made it worse, still had lingering feelings for one another.

"Come back home NOW. Bring Sora with you..." JB demanded before hanging up and closing shutting down the laptop.

"Youngjae?" you called out and he looked up at you, trying to hide his worry.

"What are we going to do?" you asked helplessly.

You knew Youngjae was going to witness the wrath of JB since he couldn't hurt you. You knew he couldn't bear to hurt you ever so Youngjae was going to pay the price.

"You stay with me. You hear me? Whatever anyone says, stay..." he whispered and you nodded.

With that, the both of you came back to the dorm to see many smiling faces of the rest of the members.

"Noona!!!" Bambam chirped as he rushed forward to hug you.

"Wow, I'm glad to see you back here, Sora!" Jr said with a smile.

However, the happy reunion was shortlived when the sound of JB's bedroom door slammed open, causing everyone to jump.

"Yah, what's with you?" Jackson asked.

"Uh oh..." Mark muttered under his breath, figuring out that JB had found out.

"Hyung, let me---" Youngjae started off but was cut halfway when JB grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall as if he weighed no more than a sack of rice.

"WOAH! OKAY! TIME OUT!" Jackson yelled as he pulled JB away with the help of Yugyeom while Mark and JR rushed to Youngjae's side, leaving Bambam beside you, holding your wrist.

"YOU WERE MY BROTHER!" JB yelled as tears started to stream down his face.

"YOU. WERE. MY. BROTHER!" JB yelled again, this time pointing his finger accusingly at Youngjae after getting out of Jackson's and Yugyeom's grasp.

"I didn't mean to lie to you! WE DIDN'T MEAN TO LIE, HYUNG!" Youngjae explained, his tears fallling down one by one as well.

"YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I LIKED HER SINCE DAY ONE!" JB shouted before turning his attention to you.

"AND YOU!" he pointed at you this time.

"H--- Hyung..." Bambam called out timidly yet he still stepped to the side, in front of you a bit, in case he was going to hurt you.

You were grateful for his effort but gently pushed him away so you could face your rightful punishment.

"... Was my love not enough for you?" JB asked, this time, his voice softer but every word expressed how much pain he was in.

"It has always been enough for me, Oppa..." you sighed, taking him aback.

"... but my love for you wasn't... because I was still in love with Youngjae. Its not your fault at all so please don't blame yourself. Your love had always been enough... I just couldn't feel the same way," you explained and JB turned away, letting out a cold scoff as more tears fell.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I liked you... I really did like you and I thought I could forget about my past. Then Youngjae came into my life again and I did everything I could to give my heart to you but... I couldn't because my heart already belonged to someone else years ago. I didn't want to keep on lying to you and I didn't want you to wait for someone who wasn't going to get over the boy who broke my heart. You deserve better, Oppa..." you added.

JB turned his head back to look at you and your heart broke, seeing how much pain and agony was present in his eyes... those same eyes that used to twinkle everytime he saw you.

"Screw all this," he muttered under his breath before storming out of the dorm.

"JB yah!" Mark called out as he rushed out of the dorm after him  while everyone remained in the living room, speechless.

"Is there something we have to know, you two?" JR spoke up after a long, uncomfortable silence.

Meanwhile, JB was already at the first floor with Mark trailing behind him.


"YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT?! YOU KNEW, DIDN'T YOU, HYUNG?!" JB shouted as he turned to face Mark.

"Youngjae told me just yesterday. I know you're hurting a lot but Youngjae really loves---" Mark explained.

"YOU'RE ON HIS SIDE?!" JB shouted, causing unwanted attention.

"JB, lets just talk at the dorm," Mark said as he hooked his arm around JB's.

"No, we settle it now!" JB said through gritted teeth as he unhooked his arm around Mark's and shoved him lightly.

"Why are you defending him?" JB questioned.

"Because I'm trying to see all of this from everyone's point of view and from all this, Youngjae and Sora have had a hard time. Youngjae had to refrain himself from getting Sora back and Sora was most probably beating herself up from not being able to fall for you after everything you did for her. I get that you're hurt and if I were you, I'd be mad as well. Just don't let this affect your relationship with Youngjae too much. He's your best friend, JB," Mark explained and he sighed in relief seeing JB calm down.

"I'm not going to force you to make up with Youngjae now and I'm sure everyone is going to understand. Just... don't hate us too much," Mark added before walking back to slowly to the dorm.

Meanwhile, the rest of the members had caught on about the whole situation when Mark had come back up.

"Is JB hyung fine?" Youngjae asked as he stood up from the sofa.

"Um... He's going to be fine. He just needs space," Mark said.

"I can't even be mad at anyone... Ugh, so frustrating," Jackson groaned.

Youngjae turned to see you dazing into space and he knew you were overthinking.

"Yah..." he called out as he held your hand.

The sudden warmth brought you back to reality and you looked at him blurly which made him smile.

"I'm worried about JB oppa," you sighed.

He leaned your head against his shoulder and gave a gentle peck upon your forehad before hugging you tight.

"We're all going to be fine... You'll see. Everything is going to be fine," Youngjae whispered into your ear.

For the first time that day, there weren't anymore worries the moment those words came out of his mouth. You just hoped that JB was going to be fine soon.

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Ati5aTHSVR #1
Chapter 18: Looking forward fo this :)
SHINee456 #2
Chapter 17: Yay I finished it!!! It's such a cheesy story, and I like it!
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Ati5aTHSVR #5
Finally finished this story!
Thank you author nim :)
Btw who is next in the series?
ChoiSunYeong #6
Chapter 15: Ommggg its so intense!! I love it
Bilaaaa #7
Chapter 15: It's so cool, i love this. Keep it up !! ^^
ChoiSunYeong #8
Chapter 14: Please update soon