Wedding Day

M...m...mrs Horvejkul !


I groaned as I supported myself.I just woke up.I can't believe that one week passed by so quickly.I took a look aroung my room which my be the last one since after the wedding,I'll be staying at my....sorry.....OUR new home.I dragged myself to the bathroom.I seriously do not want to say i do.

Once i finished bathind,I walked out of my room.Once i laid a foot out of my room,i was dragged by my unni.No,i do not have a sister but the unni is my make-up artist.To tell you the truth,I don't know how to put on make-up.So my unni always helps me.

"Jae-rin,your mum told me to take care of you and make sure you don't escape from the wedding.Come on,we have alot of things to do.First,we have to get you to church." unni spoke as she dragged me to the car.

We finally reached the church and I haven't fully recover from sleep.Everything was happening so fast that I don't know whats going on.It's morning,crying out loud.I know I can wake up in the morning,but,I couldn't sleep at all last night.I slept at around 5am in the morning.I kept on thinking should i run away of not.

There were ladies waiting for me inside a room in the church.One of them came forward and pushed me down onto a seat.She started curling my hair.I felt kinda bored so I took out a comic book and started to read.Once she finished,I looked up.

I really looked great.I loved my hair.It looked like this...


I wanted to look at myself all day but I was dragged by unni and she started to apply my make-up.My make-up was elegant yet classy.


In all,I really looked the way I wanted to look like if I were to get marride.But...the only problem is that i'm getting marride to HIM.Of all people,god chose him!URGHHH.

I got ready and I heard a knock from the door.It was my dad.

"waaaaah!Jae-rin.You look so beautiful.Jae rin-ah  I know you will probably hate appa for the rest of yoou're life but I want to tell you that this is my second best day of my life for you." appa clutched my hands.

"Appa!Don't say that!I woun't hate you.But...what's your best day in you life?"

"You!And I got a surprise for you.Come in."He shouted over the door.

A talll muscular man from behind the door came in the room wearing a nice black suit that showed his muscular chest.

"Dongseng!!!"I screamed running towards him.

Yes,I have a younger brother.He's always not home because he has to take care of his father-in-law's bussiness.

He married before me and it was also an arrange marrige.He loved his wife throughout the whole marrige.And that createda little girl who is my dear niece,Yeun Ja.

"What are you doing here!?!Where's sis-in-law and Yeun Ja?" I hugged Yunho.

"Why?You don't want me here?They couldn't come." he replied.

I squeeled like a little girl.Just then my dad gradde my hand and brought me to walk down the ile.

I looked at everyone.I really wanted to run away but when I looked at Nich,he really looked like my ideal guy.I was mesmerized by him.

But I looked away once I felt his gaze on me.

My father handed me over to Nich and we said our vows and exchanged rings.

"You may now kiss the bride." When the priest said that I opened my eyes wide and looked at Nich.He smirked.

I can't believe he smirked!He pulled me closer and kissed me!

He took my first kiss!I tried to push him away but he kept holding me.He tried to get his tongue into my mouth but I bit his tongue.

After the kiss,photographers started to take photos of us and we smiled.Nich grabbed my hand and squeezed it real hard.

I yelped in pain but i kept it to myself.I continued smiling until we got into the limo.

"Why did you kiss me!?!" I yelled.

"Whaaaat.The priest told me to kiss you." Nich replied.

"You could have just kissed my cheek.Not my lips.i was saving that first kiss for someone special."

"Thats your first kiss?Hahahahahaha....." nich continued laughing.

I ignored him and looked out the window.i really couldn't believe him.i kepy silent throughout the whole trip.I had to get ready to for the night party.

The driver reached the hotel and I went right into the suite to get changed.Nich had a different room,so i'm relieved.

I had a beautiful gown.


I wore these shoes...


I tied my hair....


I had thismake-up...


I he ard loud impatient knockings on my door.I huffed and opened the door.I couldn't believe what Nich was wearing.


It showed off his chest muscles.I was practically drooling but I just looked away.

"You look y"He said in a seductive voice.I shrugged him off and walked to the lift.He caught up with me and walked into the lift with me.

"Hey.Paparazzi are going to take pictures with us but don't worry.Dad has paid everyone not to publish these photos.Just act alone with me." he said.

My God!What have I got myself into!









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this was cute!
Chapter 16: I remember this!:D
dimskie #4

yuxuan #5
this story is so good that make me want to read
Yay^o^<br />
I've been patiently waiting for you. It's good to see that you are BACK!
hello!! new reader here!! hehe :)) i like your story no.. scratch that.. I LOVE YOUR STORY!! ehehe.. and hope the 'R' key on your keyboard will work.. hehe update soon!!!
LittleMissKey #9
Hey chingu! Please update soon. Awesome story so far!