Wedding Dress

M...m...mrs Horvejkul !

We reached the cafe really fast. As we walked in “Ah.Our darlings are here.”My mum said

I bowed at everyone and greeted them.

Our parents pulled us to seat in front of them and then my dad started to speak.

“As you know your wedding is next week. We’ve already sent the invitations.Now te only thing you have to do is pick out you attire at...”

“My boutique!” my mum cut in clapping her hands in joy.

“And you’ll be picking your wedding rings at tiffany & co.!” Nich’s mum added,also clapping her hands like a kid.

In a flash,we reached my mum’s boutique.

Immediately, when we stepped in, a whole rack of wedding dress was brought to me.And believe me.the rack is long.

I browsed through the whole rack not finding the one I like.

Just then, a beautiful wedding dress caught my eye.

It was elegant yet y.


When I came out of the dressing room,I saw Nich talking on his phone

“Yes babe.I’ll come later.I’m in front of my parents.I’ll...i’ll...i’ll call you” Nich put down without looking at it because I think he was mesmerised by my beauty (just kidding!).

You could see his mouth opened so wide.

“So,what do you think about the wedding dress,Nich?” my mum said cutting the awkward tension between us.

“Wha...Wha...Wha...What? makes you look fat!” nick stammered.

I couldn’t believe it.I was soo angry.I wanted to kill him right on the spot.

But instead,I stormed into the dressing room and got changed.

Nich chose his tuxedo really fast.Like in 10 seconds.I thought he chose a lousy one but when he came out...


He really looked manly and the tux brought out his charismatic look.Those were some of my qualifications for my man ; to be manly and charismatic.

I kept staring at him.He really looked good.

We reached Tiffany & Co. Really fast.

“Um...we have to leave to take care of some problem.So...seee you later.Here is the address.Just come here once your done.” My mum said,pulling the rest of the adults along with them.

Oh God! Of all people to be stuck with the whole day,why does it have to be him!?!

I walked away to choose the rings leaving Nich behind.

So far,after walking halfway through the store nothind attracted me.

Suddenly,I saw a pair of rings that were so beautiful.



I asked the saleslady to show the rings to me.

“Nich!I found....” I turned around only to see Nich flirting with a girl.

I looked away and told the saleslady that i’ll buy those rings.If Nich rather play flirty with girls than be responsible, it doesn’t matter about his opinion.

 I walked towards Nich when suddenly,I had a devious plan up my sleeve.

“Yeobo!” I screamed walking towards him.

Nich turned and gave me a puzzled look.

“Yeobo-ah,i’ve been trying to find you.The kids are waiting for us at home.”I said clinging onto his arm like what does s would do.

“Wh...wh...who are you?” the poor girl asked puzzly.

“Ah.She’s my sister.She has some metal problem.Don’t mind her.” Nich quickly replied.

“Sister,huh.”I took Nich’s hand and mine and showed her our engagement rings.

When she looked at it,she cursed at Nich some language I didn’t understand.She hitted Nich on his head and walked away.

I walked out of the store and giggle like as if nothing happened.

Suddenly,I felt a strong hand pulling me back.

“What in the world was that!?!” nich screamed at me.


“It cannot be nothing,tell me!’’


With that i walked into the car and place my earphones on top of my ears to block out the ‘noise pollution’ Nich was creating.

He sighed when he finally gave up and drove to the address.

When we reached there,a huge mansion greated us.


It was huge.There wasn’t only one building but there were a few.

As Nich drove through the driveway there was a huge fountain.As we stepped out of the car,we were greeted by rows of butlers and maids bowing to us.I walked into the mansion with awe.

“So ,how do you like your house?” nich’s father greeted us.

“OUR HOUSE!!!”nich and i said together.

“Of course!What do you think.That you’d stay with us forever?” my mum cut in.

“But...but...but i don’t want to live with him alone!” I exclaimed.

“Darling,you have to grow up.You have to be independent.” My dad said.

“Okay.we’ll be going now” my dad said,dragging the rest of the adults away.

He did the right thing.When I am angry,you better run or else i’ll crack your head open.

I huffed and walked away.Our house had the modern yet classical touch.

“Butler lee?”I asked with curiosity.

“Ah.Jae rin.” Butler lee replied.

“OMG!I missed you.”

I heard those same words from Nich’s mouth.Looks like he found his family’s butler.

“Butler lee,where is our bedroom?”

“I’ll brind you and your husband there because it is in the room’s building.”

Butler lee offered me his hand and i accepted it with Nich following behind.

We had to cross a beautiful garden and a beautiful lake on a beautiful bridge to reachc the room building.

The room building was 3 stories high.There was even an escalator and a lift! Luckily,our bedroom ws on the first floor.

Our bedroom was big.You could fit a football field in it.


Not to mention our bath room.It was as big as a 25m pool.We had a huge balcony also.I faces the beautiful lake and you could see the horizon.

We had a walk in closet with all our clothes in it already.The walk in closet was so huge that it would take you about 10mins to find your way out.


Living here wasn’t so bad.Maybe i’d like it her or maybe not? 





 YES!!!Finally done with the long chappie.Please comment and subscribe.Saranhamida.Kamsamida.heart



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this was cute!
Chapter 16: I remember this!:D
dimskie #4

yuxuan #5
this story is so good that make me want to read
Yay^o^<br />
I've been patiently waiting for you. It's good to see that you are BACK!
hello!! new reader here!! hehe :)) i like your story no.. scratch that.. I LOVE YOUR STORY!! ehehe.. and hope the 'R' key on your keyboard will work.. hehe update soon!!!
LittleMissKey #9
Hey chingu! Please update soon. Awesome story so far!