A Dream........Not! (part 2)

M...m...mrs Horvejkul !

He helped me put on my seat belt and drove of.If you are not a owner of a ferrari,you might think that he is driving to fast but for me,it's kinda slow cause you see,I also own a ferrari but I don't use it cause I don't want to blow my cover.Within minutes,we reached school.As usual,people start flooding aroung Nich's car to greet him.Basically,everyone is his fan.I huffed and prepared for the worst.Once Nich stepped out of his car,I can here girls screaming and some of them even fainting.Nich gave them his signature smile and went to my side of the car.He opened the door and gave his hand to me.I regected it , so he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car.Everyone stopped screaming and stared at me in shock.

I could hear whisperings.I looked up at Yoona and she had jealousy written all over her face.I mean,come on.Wouldn't you be jealous if your boyfriend got out of his car with another girl.I know I would.I excused my way through the crowd and walked to my lecture hall.Luckily,my first lecture wasn't the same as Nich or Yoona but my second on was.I couldn't believe sitting 2 hours in the class with them.I just sighed and walked into the classroom.

The whole class was practically glaring at me.Some of them even scoffed at me.

"I know why she got out of the same car as Nich....she's a ." i heard somebody whisphered.But I think she whispered loudly for me to her.If I wasn't acting as a nerd in school,I'd punch her right in her fake nose.But...sometime...you have to make sacrifises.I ignored her and walked to my seat.

Suddenly,I remembered that I was still wearing my engagement ring.I quickly took it of before you say 'shalamaladingdong' ( i know it's lame but it's the only thing i could think of). 

During the whole class,I only kept my eyes on my note pad and on the board.I was afraid to look left and right.My neck was really cramping up.Just as I was about to burst in pain...the lecture ended.I went to the only place I liked,th library.Actually...I like the schoolgym more but I've got to keep my cover,you know.

The library was totally empty,so it gave of an eerie aura.I picked some books to read but something was holding onto my hand.Normally,I would have thrown the person over because of my reflexes but I stopped because of my cover thingie,again.I looked up only to see the 's face.For your info,it's Yoona.

"Just great.What does she want from me now." I thought.

"What do you think you are doing coming out of my boyfrien's car?"Yoona exclaimed with a frown on her face.

"He just offered me a ride,okay?" I replied

"Take this as an advice.Never go near my boyfriend,you ."

Yoona took out a pocket knife and slashed my palm.It wasn't to deep,but for someone else,it may be super painful.To me,it's not painful.I'm a black belt matial artist for godness sake!I've experienced much worst pain than this.Finally,Yoona walked away and I bandaid my palm with a cloth.I haven't seen Ga Eul the whole day.Wonder what happen to her.I took out my handphone while walking to my next lecture and texted her.













Sorry for the short chappie.I just didn't know want to continue the chappie with.Mianae :(

I've also changed the chappie abit 'cause I don't want the school to know about the marridge yet.I'll update soon! :))))

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this was cute!
Chapter 16: I remember this!:D
dimskie #4

yuxuan #5
this story is so good that make me want to read
Yay^o^<br />
I've been patiently waiting for you. It's good to see that you are BACK!
hello!! new reader here!! hehe :)) i like your story no.. scratch that.. I LOVE YOUR STORY!! ehehe.. and hope the 'R' key on your keyboard will work.. hehe update soon!!!
LittleMissKey #9
Hey chingu! Please update soon. Awesome story so far!