
M...m...mrs Horvejkul !

"Omma! Please!I don't want to take another course!",you screamed."Jae yeon,its good for our business.",your mother replied."But I never wanted to take over appa's business!''."Jae yeon-ah...please don't make this difficult.Just do this for us.I know you are a good girl.".You sighed and said,"arasso,arasso.I'll take the bussiness have to promise me to give me raise in my allowance.After thinking for some time,your mother agreed to the terms and let you continue with your lecture classes.

Just as you reached your dorm,Ga eul stepped out and asked you where you went.You see...Ga eul is you bbest and only friend in the university.The rest of the students keep away from you,thinking that if they come to close to you,they might get your geekiness(like its even a dieseas).You pulled Ga eul to on side and told here everything except the part where your mum mentioned it being good for your family's bussiness.Though you are a geek,you are actually a heiress to one of the most riches company in the world.Nobody in the school knows because you told your father to keep his mouth shut.

When you were talking to Ga eul,you didn't notice a presence behind you.Then suddenly, Ga eul's eyes widen and point to something behind your back.You turned around and saw Yoona and her gang."So......what do we have here.The geek and her friend talking.Mind if you share with us?",Yoona said with her high pitchy voice."Go away,Yoona!",you growled."This is my territory.If there is anybody who should go away,it's you, little rat--thing.",she replied.Your face got so red that people might think you painted your face.If you weren't posing as a geek,you could have given her a nice whacking because you are a 4th dan black belt in Teakwondo.But knowing that you have to keep your cover,you relaxed and just walked with Ga eul.

You walked into the dean's office to collect your time-table for you bus iness course schedule.As you walked in the office,you saw athe dean and collected your schedule.You have to go for classes starting from tomorrow.Yo uchecked your schedule ang saw that something was not right.You ran back into the office and told the dean that you were suppose to be posted into the first year class,not the the fifth year class.The dean said it's not a mistake and it was a request from your mum to be posted into the fifth year class,since you aleady know about the basics of business.You just stood there with your mouth opened as the dean walk away.Ga eul came in just in time and took you aside.

"I cannot believe it!You are going to a senior class!?!OMG!You'll meetalot of hotties there.Can get a hottie's phone number for me?",Ga eul said."What!No!Hell no!"you replied."Come on..",Ga eul whined.You loved Ga eul alot as a friend but she cna be whiny at some times.She keep on begging you until the main exit to the school's huge garden.Suddenly.Ga eul stopped at her tracks and her eyes grew wide.She kept pointing but you don't know where.Just then,a pail of paint came down on you and soaked you from head to toe.You heard laughing from the back.You turned aroung and saw Yoona and her gang.But this time, it wasen't only them.Their boyfriends came along too.

Their boyfrind are known to be the school's most hottest guys.let me give you the info:

Nichkhun a.k.a known as teh schools most hottest guy and Yoona's boyfriend.He is known to have gone out with more than 500 girls in his life and thats like breaking up with a girl every week.Though he's yoona's boyfriend,he still goes out with girls and Yoona dosen't mind.There is alot more but I only can tell you the names:Junsu,Junho,Chansung,Taecyeon,Wooyong and Jaebeon,their leader.They are the world wide famous international stars known as 2PM.They are all heirs to a huge company but are known fofr their ability to sing and dance.Basically.they are a kpop group.

You stared at them with fire in your eyes and thought who did this to you.As if he had mind-reading skills,Nichkhun came to you and said,"This is what you get for messing around with my girl.".He smirked and left with the whole gang.People around me were laughing at me.I ran real fast and locked myself in my toilet in the dorm.Ga eul came running to the rescue with an emergency outfit and passed it to you.You took it and prayed to the Lord that nothing else bad should go wrong."Jas, are you okay?",Ga eul asked."Yeah.I'm fine.I'm just glad that it's friday.",you replied.You went to bed early and slept,though you think you could even sleep.

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this was cute!
Chapter 16: I remember this!:D
dimskie #4

yuxuan #5
this story is so good that make me want to read
Yay^o^<br />
I've been patiently waiting for you. It's good to see that you are BACK!
hello!! new reader here!! hehe :)) i like your story no.. scratch that.. I LOVE YOUR STORY!! ehehe.. and hope the 'R' key on your keyboard will work.. hehe update soon!!!
LittleMissKey #9
Hey chingu! Please update soon. Awesome story so far!