With B2ST (3)

Wrong Decision

doojoon told you to stop. And you were standing infront of the six of them. 

They looked at each other and smirked.


You were in your room and you didn't hear these.

Yoseob: So just like this? What are we going to do to her?

Gikwang: I want her to suffer living with us.

dongwoon: hyung! I agree,that will be fun! I don't know why but i like her being teased! 

junhyung: why not? *smile*

doojoon: what you going to do?

gikwang: Let's make her scared of us first. 

hyunseung: How are you going to do that? 

Gikwang winked,"seduce" 

Dongwoon: You crazy? You want to cheat her feelings?

doojoon: Aww our maknae has feelings too! 

yoseob: And i can seduce her with my aeygo! keke

gikwang: I'm just kidding. I would not even do that. On her? no,never. 

Just the you came out of the room to go kitchen (remember just now you came out? In the previous chapter)

~flash back ends~

You:"What? Why are your staring at me like this?"

gikwang: *she's really pretty. Wait what am i thinking?*

doojoon: *quickly changes  Emm,it is about time for dinner already. Do you want to go eat with us? Since there's no more food in the fridge. We can go super market too! 

you: Are you sure? 

junhyung: So you're not hungry? Fine then. 

just then your stomach growled. 

yoseob stand and pull you with him. " Let's go eat!" 

you'e surprised. Why are they treating you so well all of the sudden



You were in the restaurant with them. Eating korea bbq meat and more. You kept eating non-stop.

dongwoon:"woah,you eat alot." 

Hyunseung: "Just like me" haha

You ignore them and just continue eating.

After you all are full, your walk to the super market. You took 3 packets of your favourite cereal,planning to pay it yourself. Thus you were holding it.

Doojoon: Hey,put it inside the trolley. 

You: But i'm just buying it for myself.

Doojoon: Just.put.it.together.

you:ermm,ok. You walk to the trolley and put it in. 

Yoseob and dongwoon were fighting over the type of sauce they should buy. You look at their childishness and smile. Gikwang saw you,but you didn't know. 

After paying for the groceries,you all were walking to the carpark. Just then,you saw 5 men standing infront of you.

"Hey Dongwoon! " One guy shouted.

They saw you and immediately introduced themselves.

"Annyeong we are shinee! I'm Onew!"

"I'm key!"

"I'm minho*wink*"

"I'm jonghyun"

"And i'm taemin"

"nice to meet you." they said together.

"Hi," You smiled. " I am _____. Nice to meet you!"

*If is not because of beast,i would be able to be in SM entertainment,with them. Sigh.*

jonghyun: "See you again! We got to go! Bye~ " 

taemin winked at you. You smiled. then they just walked off. *ahhh,taemin is so cute!!!*



You all were waiting for the lift to go back to the dorm. It is already 9pm. Doojoon's phone rang.

"doojoon ah,it's me."

"Yes manager hyung?"

"Please come to the cube building now. tell yoseob,hyunseung and dongwoon to come too! It's urgent!" 

"Ok,right away."

they went off. leaving you,gikwang and junhyung. Both of them were holding on the heavy bag of groceries. 

You all entered the lift. There was an awkward silence. no one was talking, You was standing at the side. Just then the lift stopped. 


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that was nice i like it.. :)
Awwwh! I'm sorry, Dongwoonie Oppa.. But, I think Raina really likes you.. xDD Nice story by the way!
Raeah96 #3
What happen to woonie? Feel so sad for him. I would choose dongwoonie. Hehe
followyourheart #4
Nice story :)<br />
but short one, it ended so soon D:
aw what a cute ending :)
waaaaaaw DEBAK nice ending<br />
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nice story
I like the ending!! keke<br />
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Update soon!~
Ah, such a haapy ending:) hehe
ysluckystar #9
awwww... it ended. :( awesome story, by the way! :)
Oh my god oh my god oh my god!<br />
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Update soon!