Good -> Bad -> Good day..

Love Journey ♥

The news about you and Hoya dating already spreaded out.

The boys lost their spirits, knowing that you're already taken.

The girls were happy because they can flirt with them.

The teachers, well.. they're against your relationship.

You don't know why though.


One free time, your classmates were teasing you.

"What would you do if Hoya was here, sitting beside you?"

"Nothing." but deep inside you would fangirl.

One of them called Hoya and pushed him inside your room.

They were teasing the both of you.

"Woo! Quick! Make him sit beside Haelin!"

And so they did.

They pushed his chair even closer to yours.

They cheered like crazy.

He just rubbed the back of his neck with a shy smile while you were smiling and blushing.

Suddenly, a teacher entered the room.

"What is this noise all about?"

"Look ma'am! The couple!"

The teacher looked at the both of you.

She doesn't look happy at all.

"Just quiet down ok?"

Then she left.


It was dismissal time when Mrs.Kim asked you to stay behind because there's something she needs to ask you.

"I heard you and Hoya sat beside each other?.."

You nodded.

"...With the lights off?"

Your eyes widened.

"No! The lights weren't off! They were on!"


Mrs.Kim seemed like she didn't believe you.

"It's true!"

"Haelin, it's ok to have a boyfriend but don't do Public Display of Affection. You can do it outside the school not in the school. Besides, I don't know why you chose him. There are a lot of other smart guys out there.."

*but he's the one I like..* you thought.

"..He is just good in dancing. You're smart and beautiful, Hoya doesn't deserve you. You're too good for him. You deserve more."

You hung your head low.

Her words really hurted you.

"That's all. You can go home now."

You bowed then left.

*Why can't they just accept us? Mrs.Kim's words really hurted me.*


The next day, you did your daily routine.

You hoped this day would be a good one.

When you reached the school, you could feel that all the teachers are eyeing your every move.

*I guess it'll take a long time before they could accept us.* You sighed silently.


"Haelin, what club are you going to choose?" One of your classmates asked.

"Hmm, for the Academics club, I'll choose Science. As for the Non-academic, I'll choose Dance troupe." You beamed.

"Wow, dance troupe huh? Then I'll join you! I'll ask my friends if they would like to join too. Then let's audition together."

"Good idea" You smiled.

"But you know, the clubs that you chose are all busy clubs. Not to mention you're also a part of the school's volleyball team. What a busy person you are, Haelin."

The both of you giggled.


The next day, all of you are busy choreographing the dance that you are going to dance for the audition.

You were trying to figure out what dance step suits the song.

You noticed that all of them are infront of you.

"Why are you all there?"

They pointed at the door.

You looked at the door and saw Hoya standing there, looking at you with a smile.

When he noticed that you were looking at his direction, he quickly looked away and pretended that nothing happened.

*Silly Hoya* You giggled to yourself.

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great job!
sunset31289 #2
u need to do a sequel!!!!! it would be sooooo awesome!
@xxkpopxx & FoeverB2UTY: I'll think about it. ^^
@cuckoo: Thank you. ^^ I thought you wouldn't like it since I thought it's not the ending you guys wanted.. ^^;
cuckoo #4
i like this ending... :D its believable...
FoeverB2UTY #5
xxkpopxx #6
you should do a sequel
Yes. *cries* Please wait for the last chapter. ^^ Thanks for reading! :)
xxkpopxx #8
...I never thought L would do that.... O.O
Roger! :)))