Introduction to MAMA

The Dragon Couple

Before We Begin: I want to break the fourth wall, so I'm going to give up now and go make Kyungsoo do it for me. Hopefully. If he feels like it.

“Kris, there is a world beyond your computer screen. I hope you realise that.” The constant clicking of the mouse and the sounds of character interaction and battles was enough to drive her insane, but because Tora liked to think she was a sweet and considerate girlfriend she let it slide. Mostly because MAMA – the online hit sweeping through the country like the Phoenix’s fire – was an addictive game, and apparently the game designers didn’t put enough save points in it to have people take a break. Though she wondered what her boyfriend Kris saw in the game, she had been nice enough to buy him a cushion with his favourite in-game symbol – a tribal-like dragon – for his recent birthday. Said cushion rested on said boyfriend’s lap as he furiously jabbed at keys to make his characters do things that mere mortals could not, like slow down time or shatter the earth with a single stomp.

“You’re not one of those creepy otaku types, are you?” she suddenly voiced aloud, leaning over Kris’ shoulder as he commanded the character on the far right of the screen to raise a large earthen wall around his quartet of heroes as a shield. MAMA was the story of twelve characters each with their own power and back story to play through while they protected their creator (a tree. Of all things), with links to other characters and their powers were upgradeable and…that was where Tora lost interest.

“I only go as far as to write fanfiction and obsess over my favourite ship.” Kris spoke up, his battle over and the need to move around knocking at his tight arm and finger muscles.

“And that is?”

“The Dragon and the Phoenix.”

“Really? I thought the Dragon and the Panda was the obvious one.”

“It is, but there are some definite canon Dragon/Phoenix moments. Besides, I’ve never been mainstream.” No you have not, Tora wanted to say, but she loved Kris (some days she had doubts) so she instead leaned down to kiss his cheek before moving into the kitchen to get a drink. Kris padded after her after a while, stretching his long arms over his head and grunting as he felt joints click and pop back into their proper places. He wrapped those long arms around his girlfriend’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, with a little difficulty considering there was ten centimetres of height between them.

“If I asked you to cosplay with me one day, would you?” he asked.

“Mm, maybe. What were you thinking of cosplaying?” she replied.

“Well, Chanyeol wanted to go to Overdose next month but he said that whoever was going with him needed to dress up.” Trust Chanyeol to say that, “I told him I could be the Dragon if he needed one.”

“Chanyeol ships Phoenix/Ferret and Phoenix/Dragon, just so you know. In that order.”

“Dragon tops! He always tops!”

“Maybe in the stuff you’ve read.” Tora rolled her eyes and hugged her boyfriend closer, feeling his pout against the skin of her neck. She wouldn’t tell him that her cousin actually shipped the Dragon as the top. He was just as much of a weirdo as Kris was.

Author's Note: So hopefully Kyungsoo broke the fourth wall for me and everything in the above splurge of words is understandable and the innuendos about what everything is are obvious.

-GuardianOfTheDawn :3

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Chapter 12: How do i follow this? Was the first chapter the actual beginning of the story and the others are side chapters? Or is this all the story, it just skipped ahead? I like it by the way!, i just dont know how to read it. :)
penguinwriter #2
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Chapter 14: update agaaaain! aweyyysome oh my g
This is a good story