chap. 3

Past Vs. Present

Kris' POV:

"Let's follow him!!!" he pulled Luhan out of the bar.

"Fine. Fine. Damn it. You already saw him face to face and you let him go." Luhan whined.

"I told you. Someone suddenly came into the picture and dragged him."

"There! That's Tao right!?" Luhan suddenly pointed at the car that just passed them.

They followed the car until it stopped in front of an apartment building. Kris stopped the car a little too far so Tao won't see them. He saw Tao exiting the car and talking to the guy inside. Then after a while he went inside the car again. They followed the car until it stopped to the near convenience store. Then after that Tao and the guy who's with him earlier took off to another store. A DVD store. After a good 5 minutes they came out. Their last stop is at the bakery then after that they went back to the building where they stopped first.

They saw Tao opened the door so Kris guessed it is Tao's apartment. The guy entered inside too. Even if LuHan protested and told him that they should go home and they should just come back tomorrow, Kris didn't budged. They waited there until the guy came out at 4:30am.

"There. He's gone. What do you want to do now Kris?" LuHan asked when the guy's car is nowhere to be seen anymore.

"I want to talk to Tao. Let's wait here till he comes out."

"WHAT!? We're going to wait again?"

"Yes." Kris answered calmly.

"For Pete's sake Kris! Can't you just ring his doorbell and talk to him?"

"He said he hates me & he tried to run away Lu. Do you really think he would just gladly invite me inside his house like I was some kind of VIP if I suddenly ring his doorbell and appear in front of him like nothing happened!?" Kris asked angrily.

LuHan crossed his arms and shut up. It's rare to see Kris angry. Yes, he's not the kind that's always smiling but he's not the type to get angry easily too. Luhan last saw him like that on graduation day, when Tao got the wrong idea then went missing after getting found out by everyone.

Luhan can still remember how Kris almost destroy his own room. Throwing away everything his hand landed into. Kris didn't really blame him & their classmates. He blamed himself for even agreeing with the stupid idea at the first place.

"Kris. Even if he comes out. You guys won't be able to talk properly if you're both angry. Can't you cool down your self first? If you want to say sorry and bring him back home, then please, do it right. Not like this."

Kris looked at him. It seems like he realized that Luhan is right and he should just back off for now. Tao needs time, he does too. If he's going to talk to Tao he wants to be calm because he knows that Tao won't be.

"You're right."

"Yes of course. I'm right. Let's go home for now. Let's sleep then tomorrow I'll come with you here. Let's make everything right."

Kris and Luhan backed off for now, they went home. Luhan is currently living with Kris. They've been in Canada for almost a month now because of their jobs. They are both Mass Com. graduate.

They build their own business after graduation, which succeeded and is now a famous photography studio. They are both famous photographers now, their names can be easily found on the largest magazines on China.

They've been hired in Canada for 2 months to teach the young photographers from a mass communication school everything they should know about photography. And also they've been invited to do a lot of photo shoot for Canadian Magazines while they are there.

Since Kris is originally from Canada their family has a house in there. And that's where he and LuHan is staying right now. Meeting Tao there is such a big surprise and it's really unexpected.

Luhan went straight to his room to sleep. He keeps on whining about his back hurting for waiting the whole night. Kris went to his room, still blank. He's still battling with himself if he's dreaming or of it's reality. He had a lot of alcohol at the bar after all. He was wondering if his mind was playing games with him from missing Tao so much and feeling guilty so much.

He dropped himself to his bed and stared at the ceiling. He fell asleep like that, blame the sudden reunion, all the following, the waiting and mostly the alcohol. He's already dreaming, dreaming about that day. The day when Tao confessed to him & the day that everything becomes a ty mess.



Kris moved to China when he was 15. Due to his mom's job they migrated there. He met Tao after his basketball flew to their yard, the younger helped him to get it and since then they became close.

Tao is super cute when he was 12, he looks like an big baby. He's whinny and spoiled but not in a bad way, in a cute way. Everyone adores Tao, that is until he turns 15. He suddenly becomes reserved and quiet, he started wearing glasses and he grew his hair. He has that nerd look. But when he's with his best friend ChenChen, he's the usual Tao. The cute and spoiled kid that everyone loves pampering.

He started to avoid Kris too. The times that they are talking and seeing each other starts be lesser and lesser. Kris would still text and call Tao sometimes but the younger's reply is not that long anymore.

He changed a lot, everyone was surprised even his own parents. Kris hates it but he cannot do anything, he tried to ask Tao why they are not close anymore but the other didn't answer him. Kris went with it and endured the pain of missing Tao even if the younger is just living next door.

He endured it until the college graduation. He made up his mind and he was actually planning to tell Tao how he fells if the younger can't say it. But luckily, a day before their graduation, Tao texted him.

He & Luhan, his best friend was fond of Tao of course. He's a cute little brother to them and they like him a lot. They wanted to prank the younger as their last memory on college. They informed all of their classmates to be there where Tao told Kris to go. They wanted to surprise Tao, that's all.

Kris is opposed to the idea but Luhan assured him that everything will be fine and he believed him.

After the graduation, Kris went to the meeting place. Tao is already there.

"Tao~" he called the younger. He doesn't know if he sounded nervous but he just smiled to cover it if he did.

"Kris gege~" Tao smiled to him nervously and awkwardly.

"So? You said you want to tell me something?" Kris said coolly. If only Tao knows that Kris is already jumping up & down from too much happiness.

"Uhm.. .First. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

".. .uhm. ..the thing is.. .uh~ gege~ please don't get angry at me and please don't ignore me after wards. I want to tell you something super important. Oh~ you don't have to give me a reply. Really. I just.. .I just want you to know."

"Just tell me what is it Tao." he said.

"Uhm. .~" Tao closed his eyes and clenched his hands hard. "Kris gege~ I like you. Not the kind of like for a friend or a brother but the kind of like a guy has for a girl." he confessed with eyes shut closed.

You know that feeling when you finally have something you really like. The feeling would be so overwhelming that you'll just end up laughing for suddenly having it? That's what happened to Kris. He's been waiting for all this to happen and now, he's just, super ultra mega happy that it's finally happening.

He laughed and hugged Tao so damn tight and spins him from too much happiness. Everything is going fine. Kris put Tao down, ready to give him his reply which is of course his most awaited line, "I feel the same. I like you too!!".

But their classmates and Luhan came out from where they are hiding in a wrong time. They all laughed at the scene and made fun of Tao.

"Wow. It's my first time witnessing a gay confession." one of Kris and Luhan's classmates said.

"I know right! So disgusting!" another said.

"Kris! Just say yes and take him home. Maybe we can video you guys getting it on then we'll upload it on the internet." another one said.

Kris is so doomed. Luhan tried to stop their classmates for saying more insults but he's too late. Tao is already humiliated and crying. Kris was speechless at how it all ended up. Tao ran away crying, Kris ran after him and when he finally caught him. Tao look at him with hate.

"I hate you! I'm such an idiot for loving someone like you. I HATE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!" Tao shouted and ran away again.

Kris was speechless and he cannot move from where he stands. LuHan came to him and said sorry but he said it's all too late because Tao already gets the wrong idea and he hates him. He tried to call him that night but his phone is dead, he texted him too but he didn't get any reply. The next day Kris went to Tao's house to apologize and explain what really happened.

But it's too late, he's too late. When he knocked to their door he saw Tao's parents panicking. His father is calling the police and his mother is crying. They told him that Tao took all their cash and his mothers jewelries and ran away from home. They said they realized that they are wrong and they shouldn't have hurt Tao. But he's gone now, and they can only call the police to report their ran away child.

Since that day, Tao had been lost. No one sees him ever again. But his parents didn't stop, Kris too. They never stopped looking for Tao. But there's nothing, no one could lead them where he is.



"KRIS! WAKE THE UP!" Luhan shouted at him. He stood up groggily and ran his hands through his scalp.

"What is it?" LuHan asked when he saw Kris' forehead that looks like an old man's because of the lines forming on it.

"I had a dream." he looked at Luhan. ".. .about that day."

"Kris. I'm sorry, everything is my fault. I'm such a back there I.. ."

"Lu. ..I won't say that it's not your fault anymore. But it's not just you, it's me too. We did that to Tao, stop blaming just yourself. Let's just do everything we can now okay?"

"Right. So? What's your plan today?"

"We're going to talk to Tao. No matter what happen, we need to tell him what really happened. He needs to know that I love him."

"Kris.. ." Luhan hesitated a lot. He looked back and forth to Kris and to his hands. ". ..I'm not being negative okay. I just want you to think about it."

"Think about what Lu?" he asked.

"Kris. Do you think if you tell Tao what really happened that day and he forgives you. Do you think he'll still say that he loves you? I mean, it's been 5 years and he hates you deeply on those 5 years. Also, he might be with someone else now, like the guy yesterday?"

"you're right." he sighed in realization. "But.. .even if he's already with someone else, I don't care. If he forgives me then this time, I'll be the one who'll do the confession. But first thing first, he needs to forgive me no matter what happen."

"I'm sure he will. I'm just not sure when. Now get up. I cooked breakfast. Let's plan everything while eating." he pulled up Kris even if he's heavy. Kris gets up with Lu's help.

He won't say that he didn't get angry at Lu when all that happened on the past. But just like what he said earlier, it's not just Lu's fault. They we're on it together so they'll end it together. That's what friends are for right? Sticks or stones they should always be together.

They went to Tao's house on the afternoon and decided to wait there again since they can't bring themselves to knock on his door to know if he's home or not. They waited till night, till they saw the guy who pulled Tao enter the house again.

"So he's home." Lu said when Tao opened the door for the guy.

"It doesn't bother me that he's home. What bothers me is WHAT THE IS HE WEARING!?" Kris said angrily.

"Kris. That's what a guy wears when he's alone at the house. You're wearing the same thing at the house." They watched as the guy pushed Tao inside and close the door so loud that they heard it even if they are a little far from the building. Kris' jaw dropped at the scene, the same for Luhan.

"Wh. .."

"What the just happened?" Kris asked.

"Maybe you're right, maybe we should get worried why Tao is wearing so little." With that, Kris glared at LuHan and his best friend just shrug his shoulders.



a/n: Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment :) ILY'all.

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault