chap. 2

Past Vs. Present

"OMFG!" Tao shouted as another car exploded on the tv.

In the end he chose 2 action movies and 1 comedy. Ivan let him choose as he said. He bought the ice cream and cake too and a whole lot more of other junk foods. Good thing next day is Tao's day off so he does not have to worry about getting late because of the sudden Movie marathon.

"God! I hate seeing an expensive car explode! What a waste of money!" Ivan commented as he scoop a spoonful of Cookies & Cream Ice cream and dunked them all on his mouth.

"I know right." he said laughing because Ivan looks stupid while trying to swallow everything all at once.

Tao suddenly turned serious. Yes, the movie is distracting him but it's not enough. He's still thinking about Kris. He cannot believe he saw him again. He's really scared right now. Not just because his past is haunting him but also because the perfect life he created might get destroyed by that encounter.

"Hey. You okay?" Tao looked at Ivan and nods. "Stop thinking about it. You know, I can tell you went through a lot. I won't ask what happened to you but if you want I can tell you my story." he said smiling.

"And why would you do that?" Tao asked.

"Just that, you look like your situation is the worst. I want to tell you my story so that you'll think that you're still lucky. I believe my life is a whole lot more tier than yours. I'm confident about it." he said.

When Tao grabbed the ice cream on his lap, put the tv on mute and looked at Ivan, the other knows that he's ready to listen.

So apparently, Ivan is an orphan. His heartless parents leaves him on some random door and never came back for him. He said he was just a baby and he could've died if no one saw him. Luckily someone saw him then adopted him.

When he was 10 his dad died and his mother remarried to an alcoholic bastard who beats him & his mother. When he was 11 he ran away with his mom and ended up on the road. They don't have any money and they're homeless so they starved. He said they even ate some food that was thrown on the trash.

When Ivan said his mother died a few months later after that, Tao cried like there's no tomorrow and his new friend cannot do anything but laugh at how ugly his crying face is. Ivan continued his story after giving Tao a box of tissue.

Tao asked him if he's alright and he said he is. He said he's happy because his mother is now safe and sound on God's side. Ivan said some good souls helped him when his mother died on the streets. He kneeled to them just so they can give his mom a good funeral.

He said that the people who helped them are angels. They helped him, his mother had a great funeral and was cremated. Then after that those people adopted him. And now, he's a working as a model on their clothing line. He's rich now and he can buy everything he wants and he's eating his meal on time, three times a day.

Tao hates to admit it but after Ivan told him about his life, he really did think that he's still lucky. He's still crying, the tissues are all over the place now. He never once taken his eyes off of Ivan, and he never once see even a slight hint of anger on his eyes. Pain, yes, a little but after laughing at his crying face, Ivan is full smiles.

"You're a real good person you know. If I were you, even if I'm rich now, I still wouldn't be able to smile like what you're doing right now. You're a strong person." Tao said as he sniff.

"So? Do you still think your case is worse than mine?" he asked. Tao shook his head and Ivan just ruffled his hair and smiled kindly at him.

"Do want to hear mine?" he suddenly asked.

"Do you want to tell me?" he asked back and Tao nods a little. "Go ahead. I'm all ears." this time it was Ivan's turn to grab and snack and look at him.

"I'm a 2nd year college when all s happened to my life.. ..I was 18.. ." Tao started his story.



"Yes ChenChen, today is the day." Tao said to his best friend who is deaf. The guy showed him his phone so he can read what he wants to say.

"Good Luck and I wish it all goes well." ChenChen typed on his cellphone.

Tao did a "Thank You" in sign language before hugging him. He grabbed his bag and excitedly went to school.

Today is the graduation day of the 4th years. Tao had been waiting for this day the whole year. He promised to his best friend that today he will confess to his long time crush.

The day after, Tao texted Kris , who's his neighbor, his senior, his friend and the love of his life. Kris doesn't know that he's gay but he knows that the older is the same as him.

They met each other when Kris moved to China when he was 15, Tao was 12 back then. They became friends immediately because their house is just beside each other. Tao first realized that he's in-love with Kris when he's 15.

Ever since then, he's been planning to confess but always chickening out in the end. He changed himself too after finding out that he's gay. But today he promised to ChenChen that he'll do it for real.

So, he texted Kris and told the older to meet him on the afternoon after the graduation. Little did he know that Kris and his best friend LuHan already knows what's up and what's about to happen.

Tao confessed to Kris and everything was going fine. Tao was so happy that he finally said what he's been hiding for so long. He loves Kris so much and he wants him to know it. If Kris is going to accept him then super good and if not, it's okay to Tao too as long as Kris won't hate or avoid him.

But something devastating happened. Kris' classmates together with Luhan suddenly came out of nowhere and started insulting and saying that being gay is disgusting. Mostly said, HE IS disgusting.

It deeply hurted Tao. Luhan was there so he was sure that Kris knows everything. They played with him, with his feelings. They are such heartless bastards for doing that to him. Some of the students took a video too and Tao watched them in shock as they laugh and humiliate him.

He looked at Kris but the older is looking at Luhan. He ran away with a broken heart from getting rejected in a bad way. He cannot believe he fell in-love with Kris, with a jerk who loves making fun of people's feelings. He loathes him.

He ran away, his heart was hurting from crying so much that he feels himself starting to lose air and it gets harder and harder to breathe. Kris ran after him but there's no need for any explanation anymore. And he's not stupid to believe any lies that was going to be said. Seeing how they all planned it is enough proof to him that Kris is a heartless jerk.

He said some hurtful things to Kris before running away again. He cannot really remember what he said exactly, he just said whatever it is on his mind. He stayed at ChenChen's place and cried there until the sun is down. His best friend comforted him but it didn't help at all. The pain is just too much.

The video of Tao confessing to Kris got spreads to their small town. Gay people is not really accepted in there and the people are not open-minded to such things.

The video reached his parents so easily and so fast. When he came home that afternoon his mother and father is not fighting as usual. But instead they're in the front door together waiting for him. As soon as he entered his father slapped him so hard that he falls on the ground. His mother just stood there watching while his father is hurting him & telling him that he's a disgrace to the family and he should be ashamed for being gay. His father told him to leave the house and never ever come back. That is when his mother stopped his father. But that's all, she just stopped him. She didn't tell Tao that his father is just surprised or anything, she didn't even comfort him or help him to stand up, instead she looked at him with such disgust on her eyes.

Tao ran to his room and didn't come down for dinner. Even if he did, he knows that his parents won't be glad to see him there. When his parents are both already deep asleep, he entered their room and took all the money they have in there, he took some of his mother's jewels too then he ran away from home. When he's already a little too far he saw an ATM machine. He withdraw all of his money and throws away his ATM card.

He went to Beijing and stayed there for almost a week, he leaves his cellphone dead too. He just cried most of the days there. When everything got finally arranged, he sold all of his mom's jewelries. He bought a ticket at the airport and went to Canada with a bag full of money.

When he arrived to Canada he rented an apartment. Then the next day decided to rest. He threw away his cellphone and deleted his Weibo account. He cried the whole day again. Then the next day he smiled and starts creating his new life. He's good at english so he didn't really had a problem communicating. He easily found a job at some flower shop. That was his starting point.

~~~end of flashback~~~


"It hurts me so much that my 18 years old self decided to run away and never ever come back. On my one week in Beijing I even thought of killing my self. I'm glad I'm not stupid enough to do that." Tao is crying more now, he didn't know he still remembers everything.

He's crying and sobbing so much. Ivan comforted him and told him to calm down. He lends his shoulder to him and he didn't stop his back until he finally calms down.

"One day. Just one day is all it takes to ruin your life huh." Ivan said while still hugging Tao. "Life ." he said chuckling. Tao finally laughed too but he's still sobbing.

"Life ." he repeated as he hug his new friend back.

"Hey. You're strong too. You created a new life despite all that and now you can laugh too. We're both strong."

"We are?" he broke the hug and looked at Ivan.

"Yes we are." he said smiling he wiped Tao's tears too. "Huh~" he sighed. "I think we're destined to meet each other." he joked.

"Want to do it?" Tao asked seriously.

"Dude! I'm so hot right." he wiggled his eyebrows. "I told you, even if you ask me to. I won't do it. We're friends now. I'm already satisfied that I get to sleep with you once." he shrug his shoulders and looked seriously at Tao.

Tao hugged him tight and rubbed his nose to his neck. Then he suddenly laughed cutely. Ivan laughed too. He doesn't know how but he understands Tao so much like he knows him for a long time already when in fact they just met yesterday.

"Be my 2nd best friend." Tao said laughing.

"I know you're testing me." he laughed too. "And.. .wait .. .what!? Just 2nd?"

"My real best friend is in China~ you can't be first." he punched his arms lightly.

Ivan's phone suddenly rang. It both surprised them and made them laugh because his ring tone is so stupid. It was Ivan's maniacal laugh. His 2nd best friend answered the call. When it ended, he back hugged him.

"It's already 4am. Can you believe it? We've been chatting for so long."

"Who called?" Tao asked.

"My manager. I have a photo shoot today at 5am. You should go to sleep." he carry him bridal style just like when they slept together and took Tao to his room. "God, I'm so romantic." he joked.

"yes You are." he said smiling. "Thank you for everything Ivan." he sincerely said.

"You're welcome. Thank you for sleeping with me last night." he joked again.

"Stop it." Tao said cutely while laughing.

"Sleep! I'll call you later today." Ivan was about to close Tao's door when he remembered something. "Hey wait! I don't have your number. You'll give it to me now right?"

"Of course." he answered enthusiastically. He typed his number on Ivan's phone. "Where are you all my life?" he asked him.

"I'm busy doing photo shoots and signing autographs." after laughing at his own joke he finally said his last goodbye and went out of Tao's room.

Tao is so happy now. He's not thinking about Kris or Luhan anymore. He's just thinking about Ivan and how good of a person he is. He's super glad he met him, more than glad when he met Kris.

"He's an angel, my guardian angel." Tao told himself smiling as he heard his front door closed.



a/n: double update :D Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment :) ILY'all.

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault