chap. 9 (pt.2)

Past Vs. Present

"Luhan needs me there...." Tao keeps on thinking about that one phrase from Ivan while he's writing his letter to ChenChen.

"LuHan needs you? I need you too." Tao whispered to himself while frowning. "What does he need to you? Do you like him more than me?" he asked then finally threw the pen out of frustration. 

He went out of the room to check where is Ivan since he can't concentrate on writing. Since Ivan knows how to contact Lu & Kris he'll write the letter later. He peeked to the living room and the only person there is Kris who looks so sad and gloomy. 

"That's right. Be like that. I was like that too when you hurt me idiot." he whispered in the air as if it will deliver his words to Kris. "Where is your deer friend eh? You should go all gloomy together." he put out his tongue bitterly.

Since the person he's looking for is not there he moved on and went to check the kitchen. It's empty too. He checked every room to make sure if Ivan is there but he really can't find him. 

He decided to go to the small garden at the rooftop. It's the only place he could think of where his best friend might be. He's there.. .with LuHan?

"Idiot! Why are you with that deer!!" he stomped his feet quietly. He doesn't want them to see him, he wanted to spy to know what they're talking about.


"You guys will be fine. He said he just needs time. I'm sure when you come back, if you are coming back. I'm sure he's forgiven you then." Tao heard Ivan says.

"I don't have the heart to fly back to China knowing he's still angry you know." 

"He needs time, you can't hurry him or you'll hurt him more. Just let him be."

 LuHan sighed so loud then he suddenly lied on the Bermuda grass. He stared at the clouds that is already dark, stars are starting to show up too. It was beautiful, Luhan wished he had his camera with him.

"I'm so tired." he said and Ivan hummed in acknowledgement. "You cried earlier."

"Do you really have to remind me?" he sighed. "I just suddenly remembered everything I've been through when Tao bursts out. I kinda felt the same pain, or maybe worse. And you? You're so pitiful earlier. I wanted to comfort you but Tao won't let go of me."

"ugh~ I regret mentioning you cried." he rolled his eyes while blushing. "Tao needs your comfort more than I do." 

"Yeah right. If I went to hug you I know you'll hug me back on that situation." he chuckled then he received a smack on the head from LuHan. "Ouch!" he protested.

"Stop making fun of me. I'm still older than you." he stuck his tongue out. ".. .and stop hitting on me will you." he joked.

"You wish. I'm . .."

"VAN!" Tao suddenly grabbed his arms. "Come on!" he pulled him up.

"Tao. What's wrong? Are you done writing?" 

"I'll write later." he said to Ivan then he looked at LuHan. "Go home, Ivan will contact you later for the letter." 

"Me? Why me? Why are you in a hurry?" Ivan asked.

"He's taking you away from me!!" he said while pointing at LuHan. 

"What!?" Ivan and LuHan asked in perfect unison.

"Tao. I'm not ta.. ." 

"I don't want to hear it Lu-ge. Go away!" he pulled Ivan with him.

Ivan quietly followed him like a lost puppy. His grip is starting to hurt too but he's not gonna say anything about it. Why? Because he's happy. Why? Because Tao looks jealous.

Tao slammed the door of Ivan's room again like he owns it. He pushed Ivan to the bed then he straddled him. He was sitting on his crotch while crossing his arms as if waiting for something. 

"Are you going to me?" Ivan playfully asked.

"Stop joking! Why are you alone with Lu-ge???" 

"I'm comforting him."

"No~ you're hitting on him!" 

"No I'm not. We're friends now too so I'm COMFORTING him. That's all." he crossed his arms too while he's lying on the bed like a boss. 

"Are you telling the truth!?" 

"I am. Are you jealous?" he asked then Tao blushed. Seems like he doesn't know he just acted like a jealous wife.

"I. ..I'm not. I. ..just don't want to see you with him." 

A warning knock suddenly bothered them, then it wasn't long till the door flew open. Kris and Luhan is on the door. They looked so shocked at Ivan and Tao position specially Kris.

"We'll go." LuHan finally said. 

"Wait." Ivan tried to stop them and tried to sit but he was pushed down by Tao again.

"Let them go home." he frowned to Ivan. "Stay with me." his face suddenly changed into a pitiful one.

"Ugh fine." Ivan said. "Lu~ please take the trouble to lock the front door. me when you get home."

"Will do." LuHan said then he hurriedly dragged Kris who was shaking out of the condo.

He knows Kris will burst any moment now that they're alone. He knows he'll complain about it was supposed to be him under Tao. That it was supposed to be him and Tao inside that dark room. But.. .none of it came. Until they reached Kris' house. 

Back to Ivan and Tao. Since they didn't get to eat the whole day and Tao keeps on complaining about his eyes burning and his stomach growling, Ivan decided to order some Chicken and Pizza. He's really not in the mood to cook after everything. He felt tired and he just wants to lie down on his bed and sleep it off. 

"My eyes really hurts."

"It's because you cried too much." Ivan said while rubbing the corner of Tao's eyes. "You called Lu, Lu-ge~ is that how you call him before?"

"I called him that?" 

"Yes you do."

"I didn't know I did." Tao confessed.

"Congrats again." Ivan said as he yawns. "You're starting to forgive them. That's a good sign. You should hurry up and forgive them. On the 30th they'll go back to China and I don't think they'll be able to go back here again." 


"They just came here to teach on some Mass Com. School. That's what LuHan told me. The owner of the school paid for everything they needed including food and all."

"They're both rich so if they want to come back then they'll be able to." 

"mmm~ do you want them to come back?" 

"I don't know. Don't ask me." Tao said then he rested his head on Ivan's chest.

The chicken and pizza came after a while then they finally ate. Tao almost finished the bucket of chicken alone, good thing Ivan is not that fond in chicken. After eating they washed up then went to bed.

That night Ivan knows that Tao didn't fell asleep at all. He keeps on shifting and grumbling as if he's thinking something and getting frustrated about it. Ivan tried to ignore it since he really wanted to get some sleep because he didn't get to sleep too the other night but.. .he can't stop his thoughts from coming too. Both of them didn't sleep. They just keeps on shifting on the bed then stare at the dark ceiling.

Ivan managed to get 3 hours of sleep. He gets up first the next morning, he lets Tao sleep more since they have nothing to do for the whole day. Ivan took a bath and decided to go to the company to talk to Sica.

He left Tao at home since he can't bring himself to wake him up. It's still early so Ivan stopped at 2AAY to get some coffee. Lay is not there Xiumin said he's off to the farm to get fresh stocks for their cakes. Ivan is glad Lay is not there, he's really not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. 

His thought, ideas and solutions last night helped him get some answers and he's certain to what's gonna happen so he's moving now to prevent causing trouble for everyone.

Friday, 7:30am, Ivan is already on Sica's office waiting for the girl to come. He drinks his coffee while looking outside the glass window. He loves looking at the city, everything is moving and going on with their lives and for some reason that calms him down.

"You're so early." Sica said behind him. He turned around to see her.

"Good Morning Sica."

"Good Morning. So? What brings you here so early in the morning?"

"It's about Tao and his contract."

"Oh~ so it finally happened?"

"Yes... . No.. .not really. I'm just.. .I don't want to trouble you so.. ."

"Don't worry about it. I fixed everything so it'll be temporary. I didn't agreed on anything too. Good thing I waited a while."

"Thank you and sorry for the trouble. If you want you can sleep with me." Ivan joked.

"Dude! That's an old joke okay! I already said it was not me who said that. It was Krystal." he laughed at him.

"Then tell your sister she can sleep with me." he winked at her.

"You're disgustingly desperate. Don't drag her into this idiot!" he walked to Ivan then smacked him on the head. They both laughed then suddenly both quiet. "You know I can comfort you anytime right?"

"I'm okay." he seriously said.

"You don't look like you're okay to me." she kneeled in front of him. "You're still my step-brother so if you need a shoulder to lean on.. ..."

"Don't remind me you're my sister. It's scary." he chuckled.

"stop laughing like that. It hurts me too." she smacked  his head again that gained her a laugh. "do you want me to call Krystal to comfort you instead."

"Please don't do that. Your sister is really insane. I don't think she even considers me as her brother, I think she only want me to be his boyfriend."

"Well, you're really cool and she's living in Korea when mom and dad adopted you so you guys didn't get to bond. She said it was love at first sight when he saw you cooking at the kitchen." she laughed then stood up to sit beside Ivan.

"I remember that. She suddenly jumped me and ask if I was delivered in the house by cupid. Then mom and dad came to lift her up because she looked like she's going to me in the kitchen." he said then they both burst out laughing.

They just laughed so loud like that for so long, until they both feels like they need to stop because they're losing air. Sica patted Ivan's back gently. 

"You're a strong guy. I think you'll be fine. Just don't forget that I'm here, we're all here for you. Mom, dad and Krystal too."

"Nothings happening yet." he smiled at her.

"Then when something finally happen come home and stay with us for at least a week or so okay? It'll make you fell good I promise."

"Got it Sica." he said while smiling.

"and.. .When will you learn to call me older sister? Jie Jie or Noona will be fine too if you want." 

"No thanks. I like Sica more."

"Fine. Anyway. I'll ask mister Shin to move all your schedule next week. Let loose this week."

"Is it really okay? You don't have to do this Sica. You know I'm professional when it comes to work. I'll do all of it if it's important." 

"No. It's okay." she smiled to him. "I'll make you work hard for Blanc & Éclair later as a compensation for Tao's contract."

"Ohhh~" he hummed annoyingly. "So that's how it is."


After talking with Sica he walked around the company. He's just walking around blankly, a lot greeted him but he's not really in the mood to flash his business smile. He nods to them though since he doesn't want to appear rude.

While he's walking he suddenly saw the storage room and a couple shirt took his attention. It was a couple hoodie from Chrome Hearts his favorite brand. He went inside the scanned the hoodies then after nodding to himself he took out his phone. 

To: PreSica
Hey~ there's a couple hoodie in the storage room. Is this sponsored? Can I have it?

From: PreSica
Take it. It is sponsored but it's fine, just take whatever you want from the storage just inform me what you'll take so I can pay for it. 

To: PreSica
You're so kind. I wonder why you're still not married. Thanks :)

From: PreSica
LOL, just take it okay. This kid~~


Ivan smiled at the message he's really a blessed person to have a kind sister like Jessica. He put the hoodies on the paper bag he found somewhere then immediately took off.

Tao's been calling him but he didn't answer any of his calls. He texted him too but he didn't even bother to look at the messages. He decided to turn off his phone since it's really starting to annoy him. He's a nice person yes, but not all the time he's on the mood and kind to everyone, even to his precious ones. There's only a few people who can talk to him when he's not on the mood, one example is Sica. 

He went to 2AAY with the hoodies. He left his car at the company and took the bus. He likes the atmosphere of the people getting on and off the bus once in a while. Since his face is all over the city billboards, he wore a mask and a cap as a disguise. Dealing with a fan won't be good for him on his current mood.

Another one who he likes talking to when he's like that is Lay. It surprised him too at first but since Lay is really kind to everyone, it was kind of understandable. When he took off the bus he walked until he reached the coffee shop. Seems like it's a busy day judging from all the people coming in and out of the door. 

He entered and he was surprised when a long line welcomed him. Chen and Xiumin is out on the floor while Lay is on the cash register. Everyone is so busy and it seems like they won't have a time for him.

"Xing." he called Lay who immediately turned to him.

"Ivan! I'm so sorry. I won't be able to entertain you today. As you can see, we're so busy." 

"I can see that, what's with all the people? What suddenly made your shop VERY famous?" Ivan asked.

"It's the chocolates. The same ones I gave to LuHan. After you said he asked you to tell me it's delicious I added it to the menu, then boom. This happened."

"Well. I have nothing to do today. Maybe I can help around here?"

"OMG!? really? Are you sure?"

"Yes." he smiled to him.

"You'll be a great big help. We're really short handed right now." 

"Where's the aprons?" he immediately asked as he go over the counter like he owns the place.

"Here." Lay tossed him a purple apron, same ones he was wearing.

"I'll put up with the purple today." he joked then he received a light punch on the shoulder from Lay who was showing his dimples. "Do I have to do the business smile?"

"it'll be a big help if you do." Lay answered then went back to the cash register.

Ivan put down the paper bag then wore the purple apron. Now that he's wearing it too, he admitted to himself that it really suits him like it does to Lay. He watched at first to see what he should do, he looked at Chen who's together with Lay then at the other waiters that's busy serving. Xiumin is on the floor too, then he peeked inside the kitchen and everyone is so busy just like outside. 

He starts to move when some high school girls accidentally broke some glass. He cleaned it and told the girls not to walk around for a while since they might get hurt. A lot of people recognized him and it becomes so loud. 

He forgot he's a model. People are already coming there because they recognized Lay, some people are even asking for his autograph and now that he's there too for a moment he got scared that it might be a chaos. 

"Uh~ okay ladies~" then he saw a some guys too. ".. .and gentlemens. Please cooperate with us so no one will get hurt. As you can see Mr. Zhang over there." he pointed at Lay who's looking at him too. "He hates it when someone is getting hurt. You guys will make him cry you know~" he smiled to him.

"That's right." Lay joined him. "Please don't push each other okay? Safety first. You'll get your turns, as a gift I'll add 1 chocolate on each box."

"Okay. Let's do this." Ivan said then he started arranging the lines again.

Everyone was more than glad to comply. He received some glares at the boyfriends but he just smiled to them and avoid them as much as possible, it'll be troublesome to deal with a jealous boyfriend after all. 

He forgot everything, he forgot about Tao, Luhan and Kris. He forgot he's a model, that he's not supposed to be there. He forgot it all and all he did the whole day was flash his prince smile which makes the girls (even grandmas) squeal. 

He likes it there. 2AAY is such a warm place. The customers keeps on coming and Lay never once become vacant. If Lay has a free time tho, he's walking around to give some chocolates to his employees. He's such an angel he even put the chocolates on his employees mouth like they're his girlfriends. He's included too of course, even if it's embarrassing, since everyone ate it, he accepts it too.

The shop finally becomes quiet at 5pm. Lay asked Chen to close the door for a while so they can all eat in peace. It's so busy that they always eat lunch at this time of the day, it became a routine to them now. 

Lay keeps on teasing Chen because apparently he's jealous about the chocolate thing. Chen said something about Lay's finger touching Xiumin's lips for a second. Seems like they're all used to that already, everyone was laughing at how possessive Chen is. He laughed with them too since Chen is so funny.

Lay pulled the tables together to make it a long table, he helped him. Of all the people in the shop Lay looks the MOST tired of all. His eyes are already half lidded like he was ready to sleep right there on the long table they created. 

"Thanks." Lay said to him when they finished arranging the table. "You help us a lot today. I owe you a lot already." 

"Don't mention it. I'm more than glad to help." he smiled to him.

 They all sat down while their food is getting served. Everyone ate together, there's no exception, everyone is in there. Ivan thinks Lay is an angel, just like him.

"let's eat!" Lay announced then everyone starts to eat while chatting happily. Xiumin and Chen is so sweet it was so cheesy to even look at them. "Hey. After this you can go home. Customers won't be a lot at this time."

"Can I stay here for a while?"

"Of course. You can rest in my office if you want. Feel at home, what's mine is yours." 

"I'll help out, it's boring if I don't move around." 

"Are you sure? Still not tired?"

"I'll be fine. As long as you'll call LuHan later while I'm listening. I want to hear you guys talking." he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. 

"Wha.. ." he smiled too. "fine then!" 

After eating just like what Lay said, it's not that busy anymore. At 9pm they closed the shop, everyone went home except for Xiumin and Chen who cleaned up. And.. .seems like the bed on Lay's office was theirs. They live on the shop, Lay said he needs someone to look over it because he's always going home.

While the lovers are cleaning up, Ivan bugged Lay non-stop to call LuHan. Lay was blushing when he dialed LuHan's number then after a few rings he answered. Ivan listened to their cheesy talk, sometimes he would make a disgusted face to tease Lay. When the conversation started to get serious, Ivan made his last disgusted face then left Lay.

He looked at Xiumin and Chen and he remembered that he wanted to give them something. He walked around the counter to search where he threw it earlier that day. He really can't remember where he put it down.

"AH!! so you're here!" he said then picked up the paper bag. "Xiumin! Chen!" he called them then they both walked to him.

"What is it?" Chen asked.

"Here!" he passed them the paper bag.

"What's this?" Xiumin asked.

"A little gift for the both of you." he smiled to them.

Chen took out the hoodie then looked at him. Xiumin took out the other one. They both looked at each other then at Ivan who's smile is never leaving. He really wanted to see them wearing a couple thing.

"Try it on. I want to see you guys wearing it." he said.

"Why are you giving this to us? It's.. .branded." Chen said hesitantly.

"It's a gift. Just accept it okay. As soon as I saw that I immediately thought of you guys. Don't worry, I didn't buy that, I stole that on our company's storage room." 

"What? You stole it?" Chen asks surprised. "Oh my God! Please return it." 

"I'm kidding! I've got the presidents permission okay." he said laughing. "You guys are my friends now too so just accept it and wear it. ..LIKE.. .NOW!" he said as he pointed at the washroom.

"Thank you so much Ivan." Xiumin said then he pulled Chen with him. Chen mouthed a thank you too before while he's getting dragged by Xiumin.

The couple wore it and it was really cute on them, even Lay said so. The four of them chatted for a while until Lay announced that he needs to go home because his grandmother is waiting for him. Ivan doesn't want to bother Xiumin and Chen's lovers time so he decided to go home too. 

He didn't bother turning on his mobile phone. He took out his headset and IPod instead. The ride home on the bus was refreshing as always. He was tempted to a bookstore he saw on the streets so he gets off on the bus stop that's not that far from the bookstore. 

He bought a lot of cool books about modeling and cooking. While he's walking around the shopping district he saw a Gucci Store. He remembered Tao saying he loves Gucci. 

He entered the store, he's not planning to buy anything at all. He's just, window shopping. Everything is so expensive, specially the accessories. He went out of the store since the price was getting on his nerves, he was wondering why it's so expensive. He's allergic to expensive things. If you look at his closet all you can see are cheap clothes but it all doesn't look cheap at all if he wears it. That's the advantage of being a model, even if you wore tore up shirt, people will think it's the new fashion. 

He entered another shop, an accessory shop. A silver necklace took his attention, it's a little bit of expensive but not like the Gucci ones. He asked the saleslady to bring it out so he can see it. It's kind of cute in his opinion. He bought it together with a bracelet.

He went home after that. It's not like he has a choice. He doesn't want to see Tao for now because he knows what's coming but he said to himself that he needs to face it. It'll come to him eventually after all.

When he came home the condominium is dark. He sighed, he was wondering if Tao is gone. He went to the living room to put down the books he bou

ght since it was heavy. He was so damn surprised when he saw Tao sleeping on the couch. He was wondering why he didn't turn on the lights, last time Ivan checked, Tao is scared in the dark. 

"Tao~. .." he poked his cheeks. "Tao-Tao~" he poked his cheeks again. "Huang ZiTao~" he shook his shoulders gently. "BaoBei~"

Tao suddenly opened his eyes then when he saw Ivan he hugged him. Ivan hugged him back gently, Tao is so warm. He buried his face more on Tao's neck, smelled him, hugs him tighter then push him back down the couch.

"Where did you go? I called you but you didn't answer, you turned your phone off. I waited for you the whole day but you didn't come. Look at the time! It's so late and you just came home!" Tao scolded him.

Instead of answering Tao's question he lift his face then kissed Tao's lips to make him shut up. The panda boy kissed him back. It was an innocent kiss, just their lips touching that's all.

Tao knows that Ivan is not in the mood for it so he separates their lips and hug the other again instead. Tao started scolding Ivan again but the guy on top of him is not answering or even saying any word. He's just quietly lying on top of Tao like it was his own bed. 

"Let's go sleep. I'm tired." Ivan said then he pushed himself up. 

Tao reached out his hand because he thought Ivan will pull him up too like what he's always doing, but, Ivan didn't help him. As soon as he stood up he walked to his room alone while taking off his clothes one by one. 

When Tao opened the bedroom door, Ivan is already lying on the bed only with his boxer shorts on. He was hugging the panda that was supposed to be on the top of their heads. 

Tao is so worried. He doesn't know why Ivan is acting that way. He's scared that he'll lose him, he's scared that one of those days, Ivan will throw him away. He's not used living alone anymore, he loves staying on one roof with Ivan.

"Are you asleep?" Tao asked Ivan but he didn't answer. 

Tao slept too, he convinced himself that his best friend is just tired and needs to rest. He lied on the bed too then he hugged Ivan's back. He wished to God to make Ivan's mood better again on the next day.

Saturday, 5am, Ivan woke up with a ring on his phone. He was sure Sica told him he's off for a week so he's sure it's not his monster manager. He answered the call without looking who it is that's bothering his sleep.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"It's Kris." 

When Ivan heard the name he suddenly shoot up. When he realized how fast he did it he looked at Tao, worried that he woke up the other. He sighed in relief when Tao didn't even make any movements. He went outside the room to make sure his best friend won't suddenly wake up only to hear him talking to Kris.

"It's so early. What do you want?" he asked in a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry. I just. ..I haven't been sleeping since the other day.. .I want to talk to you but Luhan won't wake up so I took his phone." 

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Do you love Tao?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

"What do you think? I believe you know the answer to your own question." he answered annoyed.

"Just don't hurt him okay? I.. .I love him so much. All this time, even since I met him. But I'm a ing idiot and instead of making him happy, I hurt him. .. .Take Care of him and make him happy. Do all the things I didn't get to do with him." Ivan can tell Kris is crying. He sounds so pitiful that it was breaking Ivan's heart too.

"That goes without saying Kris. But. .... .I don't think what you're saying now is appropriate. I'll end the call now. Bye." he ended the call without even waiting for Kris answer.

Instead of going back to bed, he took a bath and went to 2AAY again. Just like the other day, he decided to help to his friend's shop. He took out the battery of his phone and put it somewhere on Lay's office. 

Lay is worried for him and he keeps on asking what is wrong but Ivan doesn't want to drag his angel friend to his own problems. He smiled to him and just said he fell in-love with the shop too and he's off to work for a week so he's helping out. 

Luhan came in the afternoon, Ivan was so glad that Kris is not with him. LuHan said his goodbyes to Lay who almost cried when the other said he's going back to China and won't be able to return for a very long long time. LuHan left after an hour of talking to Lay.

Because it's weekend, most of the people coming are couples. Ivan is frowning so hard that Lay told him to help on the kitchen because he's scaring the customers. Ivan learned making the special chocolate when he got in charged inside the kitchen. 

The whole day he only get to eat once. Lay was giving him food but turning it down saying he's not hungry. He bought himself a cappuccino tho. Lay didn't want to accept the money Ivan was giving because he's helping out in the store for free but Ivan forced it to the cash register. 

He went home at almost 11pm. He asked LuHan when he came in the afternoon what time is their flight. LuHan said it's in the afternoon. Ivan keeps on sighing when he gets home. 

"Tao~ are you awake?" he asked when he saw Tao already on their bed. 

"Are you angry?  Did I do something wrong? Why did you leave me the whole day again without a word? You turned off your phone again." Tao said while crying.

He didn't get up, he just keeps on hugging Ivan's pillow burying his face there whenever he's sobbing. It broke Ivan's heart. Tao is really good at breaking his fragile little heart and to think they're not even friends for that long. 

"I'm sorry. Lay needs me at his shop. It's so busy and phones are not allowed." he his back gently before lying beside him and hugging him from behind. "Tao~ do you know what day is it tomorrow?"

"mmm~" he hummed while wiping his own face then he turned to face Ivan. They looked at each other's eyes like the whole world doesn't exist, only them. It's their own little world. 

"At 4pm tomorrow LuHan and Kris will go back to China." Tao frowns at him. "I'm going to ask you something so will you promise you'll answer honestly?"

"O. ..okay.. .I promise." Tao said.

 "What do you want to do?" he asked seriously.

"I. ...I don't know."

"I left you alone so you could think. You're not telling the truth Tao. Let's do it again. What do you want to do?" he asked him again.

Tao's tears suddenly falls down to his cheeks. He cried silently while looking at Ivan's eyes with guilt. Ivan knows the answer just from his eyes. He wiped Tao's tears and kissed his forehead before hugging him tightly.



a/n: It's a double update :D please read the part 1 :D

Chapter 10 will be the last one :D I hope you enjoyed the story and. ..thank you for all the readers, all the subscribers anD all those who commented :D I love you guys A LOT :D ~<3

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault