chap. 10 (end)

Past Vs. Present

It's been a month now since Tao left. Ivan lost all contact with him. Tao didn't call him so he didn't call him either. That night when he hugged and kissed Tao's forehead, he knows that it'll be the last time that he'll be able to do it. 

The next day Ivan helped Tao to buy a ticket, a flight to China. He went home with Kris and Luhan who was so surprised when Tao came to the airport with his luggage.

Tao kept saying sorry to him, even said that he really does loved him even for a short while. It's not harsh for Ivan at all because in a little time he's together with Tao, he already knew him the best. He told Tao that it's okay and it's not love he felt for him. It's just that, Ivan was the one who's there when he needs love so he mistook it for Love. Ivan assured him that it's all okay and everything will be fine now that he knows to himself what he wants.

After Tao left, Ivan asked Chen and Xiumin if they can live on  his condominium unit since he already bought it and it would be a waste to let it rot. He told them they could pay him little by little so they can finally have their own love nest. He's now living at the new condominium (which Sica bought for him) at the front of the company. His sister said she made it that way so they can easily go to him when there's an emergency at work. Everything has a catch with her, Ivan is glad that way tho.

Blanc and Éclair was launched so he's been busy since then too. He's still promoting, he even made a logo song for it's commercial. Then they also released a short drama that revolves around 2 models who fell in-love then they merged their business. It's the real story of Blanc and Éclair. Sica is in-love with the owner of Éclair so they merged. He's always thinking about Tao, yes he's busy but the distraction is not enough to make him forget. He loves him and he still does. 

Today, finally he's gonna get some rest. He finished all the fashion shows, all the shooting and all the shoots that'll cover for him for a week of rest. A models life is a busy one. But he's so glad it was that way, at least he has a distraction. He started his day with a breakfast on 2AAY. It's a full course restaurant now, not just a coffee shop. Lay, Chen and Xiumin is not that busy too since Lay hired new crews. 

They accompanied him to breakfast, Xiumin even poured him some coffee, and as usual Chen is jealous and glaring. He's used to it now. Lay is not asking about LuHan anymore, seems like the guy finally contact his friend. It's so obvious because Lay is in a good mood. He doesn't want to ask because it'll surely lead him to asking about Tao too. 

After his breakfast he went to the mall together with Lay. Fan girls recognized them so they made a run for it. Ivan likes his life now, it's all back to normal along the daily routine. He looks happy and HE IS happy. But a part of him is still thinking about his first love. His heart and mind is still telling him that he should contact him. But he knows himself best, if he does that, then he won't be able to move on so he didn't.

He invited Lay to his new condo, they made a deal that Lay will teach him how to make chocolates and cakes. They bought all the ingredients that they'll be needing then as soon as they reach the condo they started working on it. The outcome is not that bad for Ivan's first time. The cake was kind of cute and the chocolate is a little deformed but the taste is exceptional. After laughing at how it looks like Lay finally said his goodbye and went home. 

Ivan was left alone on his condo. He opened the tv, put it on mute then opened the radio. It's his and Tao's old agreement, seems like he picked up the habit. He sat on the couch and watch the tv blankly.

The next day he's so bored to death that he actually asked Mr. Shin if he has any schedule. He doesn't have any since he's on the leave. Then he texted Sica to make something for him. Sica disagreed, she said he needs to rest because his skin is not that healthy anymore because of the lack of sleep.

The next day he finally blew up the house. He was so bored that he messed everything then put it back again. He thinks he's turning crazy now so he laughed to himself and started really fixing what he messed. 

While cleaning he saw the book Tao bought for him. It's a book about sign language. He remembered Tao taught him some useful words through sign language. He decided to do something meaningful so that day too, he enrolled himself to a school that's teaching sign language.

That's what he did on his remaining days without work. Everyday he would go to 2AAY for breakfast then he would take out for lunch. After there, he would attend his class that usually ends in the evening. After almost a week, he becomes a pro at sign language. 

The day before his last off at work he went home a little earlier. He was practicing his sign language while he's on the elevator. He was so happy that even the teachers praised him for being a fast learner. He almost learned everything for almost a week.

He opened his condo unit only to be surprised by Mr. Shin that's currently crossing his arms like Ivan made some trouble which he obviously did not.

"I believe I didn't do anything wrong?" 

"You didn't! But your friends did!" Mr. Shin answered while frowning.

"Friends? Who?" he asked innocently.

"they called me then asked me to tell them your new address then after telling them they called again because your not home so I have to let them in." 

"Who is this friends?" Ivan asked again. He doesn't have any idea because he's not expecting anyone at all. 

"Why don't you go and check. They're on the living room. I'll leave now, I need to talk to your sister because the new model of Blanc and Éclair is back and will come tomorrow at the office." he said then he went out of the condo. 

Ivan walked to the living room to see who is this friend that Mr. Shin is talking about. He's really not sure and he does not have anyone in mind, so he's super curious now.

"IVAN!!!!" his guest jumped to him for a hug which surprised him dearly that he wanted to cry on the spot.

"T. ..Tao? W. ..what~. ..Kris? LuHan!??. ..and .? Who??"

"Ivan! I missed you so much Oh My God!!" Tao said as he push Ivan to the couch to sit. 

"Why are you guys here? What's happening?" he asked.

"I missed you so much that's why we're here. Lu-ge~ and Kris-ge~ expanded their business here so we are moving here." Tao answered. 

"Ivan! Let's go to 2AAY! I want to see XingXing!!" LuHan grabbed his arms.


"Tao wanted to see you." Kris cut him off. "He said he's missing you so much that he could die. We're expanding our business here so we can move and live here for good." 

Ivan looks at Tao and the other nods to him while smiling. He looked at LuHan too and he smiled too. Then he looked at.. .

"Who's that?" he asked while looking at the guy quietly sitting beside LuHan. 

"Oh~!. .." Kris cut him off again. ". ..and Tao and I are together now." 

Ivan suddenly gasped. He doesn't know what to say or even react. He was stoned at where he's sitting. He's happy for Tao really, he knows this is gonna happen. He just didn't expect that they'll come again to tell him that. He looked down for a while then he gathered all of his strength to congratulate them. He wants Tao to be happy so he did that. He'd rather get hurt than see Tao hurt instead.

"Congratulations. Finally." he said while faking a smile. 

"Thank you Ivan. I wish you find your special someone too." Tao hugged him tightly.

"I think I already did, just that we're not meant to be. But I'm okay. Since he's happy now." he said.

He took one deep breath then sigh before smiling truthfully now. It's not like he can do anything now that Kris and Tao is together so instead of crying over it, he decided to Move on. REALLY MOVE ON, this time.

"Oh~!!! VanVan! This is ChenChen!" Tao finally introduced the guy who just keeps on watching on the corner. 

"Hello~ finally we meet." Ivan greeted ChenChen through sign language. 

Tao was surprised. Kris was surprised. LuHan was surprised. And ChenChen is surprised. Ivan just did a sign language like it was easier than breathing.

"Did you just~~" Tao asked wide eyed.

"I was so bored this week so I enrolled myself to a school that teaches sign language." he smiled to Tao then looked at ChenChen. "Can you hear?"

"Yes. I can. You learned everything in a week?"

"No. Only 5 days. I'm still studying." he smiled to him. "I'm the second bff by the way. Tao said I can't be first because it was your place." 

"I know. He told me everything." ChenChen smiled back to him. Ivan promised he saw butterflies flying through the room when he smiled. "Thank you for taking care of him and for bringing him back to us."

"I didn't do anything at all." 

"Guys!!!!! Let me join the conversation!!! Not fair!!!" Tao whined.

Kris and LuHan laughed. Seems like the 3 younger are best friends already. Ivan joined the laugh so did ChenChen and Tao.

That night while everyone is having dinner Ivan smiled to himself. Life will never be the same again without Tao. He knew it when he fell in-love with him. 

He looked at Kris and Tao who looks so sweet that ants are already gathering, surrounding them. He'd never seen Tao more happier than he looks at the moment. Ivan's broken hearted again but at least it's healing so fast because he knows that his first love is truly happy now. And.. ..

"They look so sweet right?" ChenChen said after poking his arms.

"Are they always like that?" he asked then ChenChen nods. "It's kind of disgusting, really." 

They both laughed so LuHan, Kris and Tao looked at them with a question mark on their eyes. They both pretended that they didn't talk about anything then continued eating their food.

"As much as I am happy to see you guys getting along. Will you please~ just take me to Lay so I can have my happy ending too? This is so not fair." he whined.

Ivan laughed at how childish LuHan looked. He crossed his arms so hard and pouted like a kid who didn't get what he wants. They all laughed again. The dinner is so damn bright and happy.

Suddenly, Ivan's doorbell rang. He was sure he didn't invite anyone so he was sure it's just his manager or maybe Sica, they're the only ones who knows his address after all. He opened the door and he got surprised for the second time that night.

"Where's my Baby Lu-ge~!??" Lay asked excitedly.

Ivan sighed to himself again then smiled at Lay. He pointed at the direction of the kitchen where the others are. Lay immediately ran to the kitchen then he heard LuHan and Lay being all lovey dovey, saying I miss you(s).

Ivan closed the door then turned around so he can go back to the kitchen. He almost jumped when he saw ChenChen standing in front of him while smiling. 

"It's so crowded there. Want to go somewhere? Want to tour me around?" ChenChen asked.

"It's already so late. I don't think it's a good idea. I don't  want you to get sick so let's stay home and sleep tonight okay?" he pets his head just like what he used to do to Tao.

He grabbed ChenChen's hand to pull him back to the kitchen but his new friend pull him back too. He looked at him then the other smiled.

"I want Ice cream. Can we go outside to buy it?" Ivan swears he saw the cutest puppy eyes of all the puppy eyes on earth.

"but~~~" Ivan got cut off when ChenChen closed his fist then put it beside his cheeks then did the cutest thing Ivan had ever seen on his entire life.

"Please?" he asked after doing buing buing. Ivan blushed so hard that he could pass as a tomato.

"Wait here. I'll go get my wallet." he smiled to him before kissing his cheeks.

He didn't want to see how ChenChen reacted when he kissed him so he ran to his room without looking back. He told himself that if ChenChen still waited for him then it's the sign. If he didn't then he'll say sorry for suddenly kissing him. 

He took one deep breathe before going out of his room. He walked to the door entrance with eyes almost shut close. He peeked then opened his eyes little by little. 

"So slow. Come on!" ChenChen called him with a smile. He smiled to himself again thinking it'll be another long and beautiful journey.



a/n; I AM SO SORRY~! We all know that Tao deserves Ivan the best but. ..I'm on that part of Shipping where I can only ship Tao with Kris.. .they're the inseparable pair for me and I can't imagine Tao being with Ivan LOL.. .but hey~ Ivan had his happy ending with ChenChen right? He'll be fine LOL

I hope you all enjoyed the story :D Thank You for supporting me and I LOVE ALL :D


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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault