chap. 8

Past Vs. Present

"I got fired today." Tao said blankly when Ivan asked him why he's home early.

"Oh~ sorry." he faked a sympathy. "You'll be fine. Let's just find a suitable job for you okay?"

"I shouldn't have maxed my card the last time. Now I'm broke."

"I'll provide for you." he smiled at him.

"I don't want that. You're already letting me stay here for free. It'll be too much if you provide for me too. I'll find some part time job tomorrow."



"I know a SUITABLE job for you. You'll have lots of fun and you'll earn a lot of money."

"Really? What is it?" he asked excitedly.

"My wife. All you need to do is do house chores then I'll give you all you want and need. Just name it." he smirked to him.

"Ivan! Are you an idiot!??" he hit his shoulders. Ivan laughed at Tao's reaction, he tried to be manly but ended up cute.

"Okay. Okay. Come with me tomorrow okay? I don't have a schedule so after I introduce you to someone that'll help you get the job let's go to the arcade."

"The arcade? Can't we go home instead? I want to stay home with you. Let's buy some snacks then watch movie all day."

"Oh~ okay then. Let's stay home." he said happily. "You know~ I'm still wondering."

"Wondering about what?"

"About you. You're so manly when you're on your working clothes but when you're at home you're nothing but cute and clumsy big baby panda. Why is that?" he asked.

"I don't want people to think I'm weird so I'm trying hard to act manly when I'm outside the house. But when I'm in the house I don't care, it's my comfort zone so I can be me. Do you hate the gap on my personality? I can change~" he asked worriedly.

"No! Don't change. I love the gap okay. I'm just glad that you're not acting all tough in front of me. That means when you're with me, you're in your comfort zone too right?" he smiled to him.

"Right. I really really really like you, you know." he smiled back.

"Obviously." he rolled his eyes as if telling Tao, 'do you even have to say?'

The next day, Monday, they went out of the house early in the morning. Ivan took Tao to 2AAY for breakfast. Chen one of Lay's waiter who got close to Ivan a few days ago joked about their shop selling coffee and pastries not breakfast and lunch. It is true, LuHan & Ivan's lunch the other time was just made by Lay and it's not on the menu and now, Ivan is back with Tao to eat breakfast which is also not on the menu.

Lay stepped in to tell Chen it's okay because he likes it when someone is coming to eat meal. He said he was thinking about expanding the business so it's nice to see that someone is coming back not for the coffee but for the food. Ivan introduced Tao to Lay. The two Chinese guy conversed in Mandarin, Ivan understands some of the words since he's half and Lay taught him the language before.

Tao asked why they ate out when they have food for breakfast at home. Ivan said his manager is coming to meet them and he's the one who'll introduce Tao to his new job.

After a while Mr. Shin came to the shop, same time when Chen served the breakfast that Lay cooked. Ivan ordered some coffee and bread for his manager, he knows his manager doesn't eat rice in the morning. They ate while Mr. Shin is explaining Tao's new job. He showed Tao the viewfinder that Ivan made for him. He recognized the clothes, those clothes are the one he and Ivan bought together. He cannot believe Ivan managed to make a profile from those store bought clothes. And he doesn't even know those pictures exist. Mr. Shin told Tao to go to the studio so he can sign a contract with the company, same one as Ivan's company, and also to meet the person who hired him. He said the president really likes his appearance and since it's a recommendation from Ivan he got hired without meeting the president first for the interview.

Tao looked at Ivan with a surprised look but the other just winked at him then continued eating his food like he's not on a diet. He got scolded by his manager tho. Since Tao is really broke and the job is already in front of him, he doesn't want to waste the opportunity. He accepted the job and told Mr. Shin that he'll go meet the president today to say thank you. Ivan said he'll come too so Mr. Shin offered to come with them.

While Tao is busy getting asked a lot question by Mr. Shin, Ivan slipped on the table to talk to Lay. He wanted to about the chocolates that he gave to LuHan.

"Hey." he called Lay who's busy doing something but when he saw who called him he immediately went to him with a smile.

"LuHan wanted me to tell you that he loves the chocolates that you gave him yesterday."

"REALLY? HE LOVES IT?" he asked excitedly. He looks like a kid who just received a pack of candy.

"Yes. Why don't you text him and ask if he wants more. Tell him you'll buy all the chocolates in the world for him." he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Hey~ I didn't bought that. I told him I made it myself, did he not hear me?" he asked a little disappointed.

"Really? You personally made it??" Lay nods.

"Wow. You're so romantic. Don't worry I just assumed that you bought it, he didn't say anything about it being store bought."

"Oh~ I'm glad. I put a lot of effort on that." he said smiling again.

After a few more teasing Ivan was called back on the table by his manager. He said he's busy the whole day because he needs to arrange Tao's and his schedule so they need to go to the company now. They went to the company after saying thank you to Lay who cooked for them. Tao is really surprised when he met the president. It was a girl and so young. He was actually expecting an old man, or an old woman at least.

The president introduced herself as Jessica Blanc. Ms. Jessica or Sica as he told Tao to call her, asked Tao and Ivan to model for her clothing line that will get introduced to the public next month. She said she's thinking about a fashion show too at the opening of her first branch. She showed some of the clothes that they're gonna sell and said the design really looks like it'll fit Tao and Ivan perfectly.

The name of the business is Éclair and they're also planning to add another name which is Blánc that will sell eyewear. Tao can't really say no to a job so he just accepted anything and everything that was being thrown at him. He really likes where all that is going and he just realized how interested he is on the fashion world. He even unconsciously commented on the designs and even suggested a little about it. Ms. Sica was so impressed to him, she said Tao is just like Ivan when he was first introduced to the company.

Since Ivan recommended him, he was put under the same manager. He signed a contract and in just one day, he has a job, a high waged job. Also, Ivan and him will be together a lot starting that day so he's really looking forward to it. Ivan toured him around the company and also introduced him to his close friends. Tao was so interested on the storage room where they're keeping the sponsored clothes. Ivan said if they're lucky enough, sometimes the big brands are giving them free clothes that's on the trend too.

After the tour they finally felt tired and decided to go home. They went to the supermarket first, to buy some snacks. Since Tao needs to budget his remaining money, he asked Ivan to pay and said he'll return it when he got his first salary. Ivan told him not to worry about it. They went home with at least 2 bags of junk foods and smoothies with them.

While watching movies cartoons, Tao suddenly becomes restless on the couch. Ivan felt it when Tao starts to shuffle where he is sitting as if he cannot find a right position to make himself comfortable.

"What's wrong?" he asked him.

"I. ..I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" he asked again.

"What we.. .the other day.. .can we?"

"I can't understand what you're trying to say Tao."

"I want to do it again."

"Do what again?" he asked. He really doesn't have any single idea what Tao is trying to say. What's clear to him is that he looks like a tomato.

"The other day when we.. ..k. ..kissed." he looked shyly at Ivan. "I. ..I want to do it again?"

They both silently stared at each other. They both know that they crossed the line when they comforted each other. Ivan told himself not to ever do that to Tao again because 1.) he's scared that the other will think he's taking advantage of him and 2.) He doesn't want it to look like a payment for everything he'd done for him.

"Tao.. .I.. .I'm sorry. When we did that, I was out of my mind and.. ."

"You don't want to do it again?"

"Not that I don't want to. But I'm scared. I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you."

"You're not. I'm the one who wants to do it, not you. It should be the other way round right? You should be the one who thinks I'm taking advantage of you?"

"I'm not thinking that at all."

"Then I'm the same Ivan. I'm not thinking that at all. I just really wa. ..want to do it. Can't we?"

"I don't know Tao. ..I'm uncertai~~~"

Before he could finish what he was about to say Tao is already ravishing his lips. He can't say no to that anymore so instead of worrying what might happen, he fight for dominance and Tao easily gave up. He carefully and gentle laid Tao on the couch without separating their lips. When they do separate, they stared at each others eyes. Ivan still looks a bit of unsure about everything so Tao did his best to let out a smile before reaching up to give Ivan a peck on the lips.

"Please?" he said. He's not really sure himself why se said that word, it just came out.

Ivan seems like he understands thought as he nods slightly before smiling and kissing Tao again. Tao put his hands on work and started to lift Ivan's shirt then run his hands through his abs. Ivan smiled on the kiss because they way Tao touches his body felt like he's worshipping it. Tao felt the smile through the kiss so he slightly slapped Ivan's stomach that made them both smile before letting go of each other's lips.

"That hurts~" Ivan whined while smiling and staring at Tao's sparkling eyes.

"So stop smiling." he answered as he stares back.

They didn't get to finish the cartoons that they're supposed to watch. Didn't get to eat the snacks they bought. They just made out in the couch, touching and kissing each other non-stop. Ivan felt it when the urge to continue owning Tao. Touching him isn't enough, he wanted all of him, he wanted to claim him just like what he did on their first meeting. He wants Tao to scream under him, writhing and begging for him to go faster. He felt it, the need and want, but he stopped himself.

Tao on the other hand was ready to get taken again. After Ivan touched him and releasing for three times, he's still not satisfied. He's hungry for Ivan, he wants him to continue. He wants him inside, but Ivan stopped. He's unsatisfied too, it's clear to the both of them, Tao can see it clearly without looking twice. He wanted to cry when they stopped after his third release.

He wants Ivan and Ivan wants him too so he doesn't really know what's stopping them. He wanted to ask him but he can't, not after Ivan smiled so sweet to him. Not after he kissed his forehead before snuggling with him. Not after Ivan pulled him close to his chest and told him they should sleep for a while. Not after he showed all those kindness and thoughtfulness.

Ivan fell asleep first and Tao just watched his sleeping face. He looks comfortable while hugging him. He doesn't know why he smiled when he's hurt. It was a bittersweet kind of smile a tear fall out of his eyes. A lot of thoughts came to him and he asked himself.

"Why won't he continue? Does he hate me? Is he disgusted because I slept around with random guys before? Does he think I'm dirty? A ? I managed to satisfied him on our first night right? So why won't he continue?" Tao asked himself as he hug Ivan more to hide his tears.

Tao fell asleep after questioning himself a lot. They cuddled together preventing each other to get out of each other's arms. When they woke up it's already dark outside. The movie ended ages ago and the snacks that they're supposed to eat are all over the table, still untouched. Ivan managed to walk through the mess without falling down to open the lights.

"Good Evening beautiful. You look gorgeous." Ivan greeted Tao when he was finally able to see him.

"Good Evening." he greeted bitterly. Ivan knows Tao is not in the mood. Maybe because he wanted to sleep more? He's not really sure but he reminded himself to be extra sweet to him.

"I'll prepare dinner. You can sleep more if you want to. I'll wake you up when I'm done." he said as he sat beside Tao whose still lying on the couch.

"I'm okay. I'll help you." Tao finally smiled after Ivan touched his hair and it with a lot of gentleness and affection.

"You sure?" he asked and Tao nods. "Okay then." he smiled to him before reaching out his hand to help him stand.

Dinner is the usual mood again. They would joke about how they burned the food because Ivan's commercial came on the tv and they both watched it that caused them to forget the food on the stove. They're both happy and laughing. Tao is in the mood again and Ivan was so glad that he is.

Tuesday, Tao stayed at home while Ivan is out to do some shoot on the studio. Tao did nothing the whole day he just sleeps, he didn't eat to since he's too lazy to make food for himself. he only ate when Ivan came home with a take out with him.

Wednesday. Nothing to do. They both sleeps till 9am, they have no intention to get up if it wasn't for Ivan's stomach that started growling even if his eyes are still closed. When they both heard it they both woke up and laughed tho. After breakfast they had nothing to do again. They tried to play games on their phones but it was too boring for them. Ivan asked Tao what he usually do when he's on his day off, Tao said he's out of the house to watch movies. Tao asked Ivan back, he said he's out with some friends on the club.

"There's really nothing to do." Ivan said as he throws a pillow on Tao who's staring into space.

"Want to learn something cool?" Tao suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

"Sign language!" Tao said excitedly.

"What's with that? Wait~! You know sign language?"

"Did you forget? ChenChen is deaf~"

"Ah!!!" he said while pointing at Tao. "He taught you?"

"Yhup! So?"

"I think it'll be interesting. Let's do it. Let's do nothing but learning sign language today. I need to surprise your first best friend if I ever meet him so he'll agree to share you with me." he said then they both laughed.

They really did nothing but learning sign language that day. Tao is a good teacher and Ivan is a great student so it's a win win situation. Ivan learned so much in one day, he managed to create sentences using sign language on one day. Tao was so happy to think that one day, his two best friends will meet each other and will converse using sign language. A world without spoken words are nice once in a while. Tao remembered how he's easily at ease before whenever he's talking with ChenChen using sign language.

He watched Ivan practicing what he learned and he's just happy to see him do it. When he's uncertain and confused with some gestures he would look at Tao and ask for 'help' (also in sign language). Tao would immediately help him do it then Ivan would smile at him and say 'Thank you' (through sign language again). They're so into it that they starved themselves in the end.

Since Ivan won't stand up on the couch still practicing, Tao decided to cook. They skipped lunch and just ate some junk food so they're really hungry. Ivan giggled secretly when Tao pouted and stand up to cook. He's too lazy to cook so he waited for Tao to do it. When Tao turned around, Ivan did the 'I Love You' gesture in his hands then pointed it to Tao before going back to practicing. He's really loving sign language.

Ivan is happy all and all, if it wasn't for the sudden remembrance of the day tomorrow. It's Thursday, the day that Tao's life is going to change. He suddenly sighed. He took a mental note not to sleep tonight so he can think a lot of scenario that was going to happen to tomorrow. He decided to think of a better reaction on each scenario too.

He's preparing himself to two big things.

1.) Tao will forgive them and go home to China.

2.) He's going to confess to Kris again and they'll live happily ever after, then they'll forget about him.

That is Ivan's two worst case scenario. He's so damn scared but he reminded himself of what he's always saying, "If Tao is happy, so am I."

He's going to see it through the end even if he got hurt on the way. He's not the type to give up in the middle of the war after all.



a/n: next chapter is a double update (Chap. 9 part 1 and Chap. 9 part 2) The story will end on Chap. 10~

I'm working on a new fic, the Title is "It was You" :) please listen to Daeho's "It was you" . ..I wrote the story after listening to that :D

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault