chap. 7

Past Vs. Present

a/n; Is that considered as ? nope, not .. .OMG! I'm so sorry LOL .. .I'm such an awkward person! OMG~ I AM SO SORRY XD.. .. I'm warning you XD there's a little YOU-KNOW at the end of this chapter :)

I said I'll wait till the views reached 450. ..but I can't wait anymore LOL.. .so yeah~



"it really hurts." Ivan keeps on clutching his stomach. 

Everyone is panicking, including his manager who doesn't know anything. After asking Ivan what he ate that morning his manager immediately asked someone to but some medicine on the nearest drugstore which is too far away from the 2AAY. His manager said sorry to Kris and Luhan and to Lay too for the sudden interruption on the photo shoot.

Little did the monster manager know that Luhan, Lay and Ivan planned it. Ivan is just pretending that his his stomach is hurting. Actually, Luhan agreed to keep Lay company and to get to know the other. Ivan is just buying them some time. 

Kris is clueless to all of this, he really thought Ivan's stomach is hurting. He's wondering why LuHan and Lay went to the second floor without even inviting him but since LuHan signed to him earlier not to follow, he didn't follow. He stayed on the 1st floor where everyone is. He downed 3 cups of cappuccino already and the staff who bought the medicine is still not there. He's starting to get more pissed now, plus he woke up early so he's really not in a mood for the whole day. 

"Mr. Shin maybe we should cancel the shoot. I think you need to take him to the hospital." Kris suggested. 

Just when Mr. Shin wa about to say something back, the staff opened the door of the shop holding the medicine. Mr. Shin excused himself for a while to make Ivan drink the long awaited medicine then came back to where Kris is. 

"Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I understand that you're very busy and have other appointment to attend to. If you have other schedule then maybe we should really. .." 

"No need." LuHan suddenly cut him off. "Since our model already drinks the medicine we'll just have to wait a while right? If he's still not good after 10 minutes then let's re-sched the shoot."

"10 mins. I'll be fine after 10 minutes." Ivan said still acting in pain. Lay patted Ivan's shoulders when everyone's attention is not on them anymore he whispered to Ivan. 

"You're a good actor. And thank you for making way. I think LuHan is attracted to me too now. Just need to work a little more magic so he can forget about that giant over there." he said smiling.

"Good luck Xing. I'll help you as long as I can." he whispered back. ".. .and thank you for praising my good acting. I'll be on the acting industry in the future so watch out." he bragged. 

On the other corner of the coffee shop, Kris is with LuHan now. LuHan ordered another round of cappuccino for himself and Kris who gave him a 'SERIOUSLY?' look. 

"What's with you today?" Kris asked Luhan. 

"What?" he asked back. 

"Are you and that Lay guy close? And why did you cover for that model?"

"I'm not close to Lay. I just met him today. And 'That Model' refers to Ivan right? He has a name Kris. Stop being so grumpy. It's not attractive at all." 

"I'm not trying to be attractive!" he said a little pissed. "If you just met Lay then why do you guys looks so close? What did you talk about on the second floor? And from today onwards, I'll call that model, 'You-know-who'".

"God you're childish!" he rolled his eyes to him. "He invited me for a movie. I think he likes me. He looks good and a good person too, I think I'll give him a shot."

"What? Isn't it too fast? You just met him today!"

"Why do you care? You almost slept with that shorty model Baekhyun once if it wasn't for his giant boyfriend Chanyeol who suddenly comes to save his princess that was about to be eaten by you. And you only saw each other for a minute. The next thing I know you guys are getting ready to go to the hotel." 

"I was desperately sad and that day okay." he defended himself. 

"Then I'm the same Kris. I'm desperately sad and so I need someone's company. I'm still a man even if I look like this okay." he said before walking away with a smile on his face. 

He walked to Lay and flirted with him like Kris and everyone is not there. Kris just became more grumpier than he already is. He cannot believe LuHan is flirting with that Lay guy. There's really no reason for him to become annoyed seriously, but he can't stop it. He's just, annoyed. 

After 10 minutes just like what Luhan said, Ivan is already fine. The stylist and the make up artists helped him to prepare. Since he naturally looks good in the camera without too much make-up they just redo the eyeliner and a little face powder. Kris is still frowning so no one is daring to approach him. He doesn't look like he's into it too so instead of him, LuHan did the job. 

After they are done to the first floor, Kris admitted to himself that he's not being a professional when LuHan sends him a death glare. He finally told his best friend to rest because he'll do the remaining shoots. They finished the shoot just about when the sun is setting. Kris asked Ivan to do overtime because the sun is just too beautiful when hitting the second floor of the coffee shop. He said it's not for the magazine but for his own collection. Luhan told Kris about Lay being a model too so in the end Ivan and Lay posed for Kris. 

"Not grumpy anymore huh~" LuHan teased when he saw Kris having fun taking pictures of the sunset from the second floor. 

"Go away. Go flirt with your Lay!" he said a little annoyed. 

"What's with you? Are you in-love with me?" he joked. 

"You're disgusting." he said with a -please face on. 

"Ouch. That hurts okay!" he laughed before walking away. 

Kris looks like he's going to murder him sooner if he doesn't stop teasing so he escaped for dear life. LuHan saw Ivan on the stairs leaning on the wall like a model, well~ he's a model but him posing in there is really unnecessary. 

"You're a masochist." he stated with a smile. "Are you having fun hurting yourself like that?" 

"I don't want him to notice so leave me alone." he sounds so rude but he's smiling. 

"Hey~ we're friends now. I'm just worried for your dying heart okay." he smiled back. 

Ivan accompanied him to the first floor. The crews are wrapping up and Lay who's being a generous guy again, asked Xiumin and Chen to make some iced coffee and sandwiches for everyone to eat. 

"That guy is an angel." LuHan unconsciously said to Ivan. 

"Huh?" Ivan asked because Luhan said it in almost a whisper tone. 

"Huh?" LuHan asked back since he didn't know what he said himself. 

"Lu-ge!" Lay called him when he saw them. "Do you like bacon? I could put some on your sandwich." 

"Oh? Did you asked them too?" he pointed at the crews. 

"No. Yours is special." he answered. His dimples is really getting to LuHan, it just looks so cute. 

"Hey! What about mine? I LOVE bacon!" Ivan whined. 

"It won't be special anymore if I put bacon on yours too." Lay said while pursing his lips a little. Ivan laughed at his friends behavior, seems like he's serious about falling in love with LuHan. 

"Geez. Fine. When I get home I'll ask my panda to make some BACON sandwich with a lot of MAYO on it." he said sulking before walking away to help the girls which is his stylist and make-up artist who's packing their things. 

"he said HIS panda. So possessive." Lay said laughing. 

"You know His Panda?" LuHan asked as if he doesn't know and he's just curious. 

"Not really. While he's waiting for you the other day he said he's taming a boy that looks like a panda. Then yesterday he texted me that the guy moved to his house." he explained. 

LuHan just blankly made an I-see face. He was thinking if he should report it to Kris. He looked at his best friend who's already eating the sandwich that was given to him by Xiumin while looking at the photos he took earlier. The guy looks happy so he's not sure if he should ruin his mood again. Before everyone goes home, LuHan received a small gift from Lay. A box of chocolate, he said he made it himself. Even if LuHan is trying hard not to admit to himself that he's attracted to Lay (just not as much attracted to him like he is to Kris), he is. 

The guy is just too sweet and easy to be with. Ivan got lectured by his manager for causing inconvenience for everyone because of his sudden stomach ache. Mr. Shin gave him a whole lot of medicine and told him not to eat anything without knowing how and where it came from. He also told Ivan to look at the expiration date of the foods inside his his fridge. Because of that looooong lecturing, he didn't manage to talk to LuHan. He didn't get to tell him his plan. 

Kris and Luhan went home together and he cannot really call LuHan to talk to him when Kris is there. Kris is still not comfortable and not talking to him so he was sure that he doesn't know anything. He went home and just decided to text or call LuHan to tell him his plan. Tao is not home when he arrived. Perfect timing for him to talk to LuHan. He dialed his number and after a few rings he answered. 

"Why are you calling? Kris is here with me." LuHan said in a whisper. 

"Get out of there then." he ordered. 

"FINE!" he said. Ivan heard him shouting to Kris, informing the other that he's going to buy something. Then after a minute LuHan finally talked again. "So?" 

"what did you guys talked about earlier?" 

"You called and you made me get out of the house just to ask me what Lay and I talked about?" he said obviously getting pissed. 

"I'll tell you my plan later okay~ just answer me now. I'm dying of curiosity!" 

"God! Are you a teen age girl? He just asked me a few questions and I answered." 

"Like what question? I need you to be descriptive okay." 

"Like what do I like to a guy? What part of the body am I looking at first? If I prefer Funny or Cool type? Those." 

"And.. .?"

"What and? I can't remember all of the questions okay." 

"Is there even a little bit of spark with Lay? What do you think of him?" 

"What spark? There's no spark. I did that because you asked me to, that's all." he said in a cold tone. ".. .He's really nice though." 

"How nice?" 

"Obviously more NICER THAN YOU! I'll admit I like his personality and he's kind of funny." 

LuHan said laughing for a while. With that kind of laugh, Ivan knows that LuHan is just trying to hide the fact that he's interested with Lay too. He took a mental note to tell Lay later that he needs to meet and spend time with LuHan more. 

"Ohhhh~" he teased. "Well~ enough about you and Lay."


".. .I want you & Kris to talk to Tao. I'll help you guys."


"Yes. I want Tao to know the truth. I want him to live his life without regrets." 


"Don't thank me yet. We're still not sure if Tao will forgive you guys or not, he's really hurt you know. Even if he misunderstood, the fact that your ing classmates humiliate him and called him names then spreading the video where he confessed to Kris, which reached his parents that caused them to hurt him is still not gonna change. That's still your fault." he reminded him. 

"I know. But we know Tao. He's kind and forgiving I'm sure he'll forgive us if we explain everything." he positively said as if he's convincing himself too that everything will be alright. 

"Pain's changing a person LuHan. Don't hope too much, be realistic and put yourself on Tao's position. I hope he does forgive you though. I want him to go back to China, I want him to see his parents regretting. I want him to see his best friend again which he's been bragging too much to me. I want to see him standing on the ground which made him today without getting hurt anymore. And lastly, I want him to let those people who humiliated him to see how he changed, how he becomes so successful and strong on his own." 

"You really love him too much, Tao deserves someone like you." Luhan said honestly. 

"I asked him if he's still in-love with Kris you know~" 

"And.. ?" 

"He said he doesn't know. That means he still loves him, even just a little, there's still a spark and a space on his heart for Kris." 

"Ivan, If it happens that Tao did forgive us but said he's not in-love with Kris anymore, I'll help you. I'll betray Kris for you, you're just too good for Tao. I'll do it for Tao, as a payment for everything I did to him. Kris can't even get compared to you seriously."

"How dare you say that about your best friend!" he laughed. 

"Just telling the truth." he laughed too. 

"So? What now? How are we going to make them meet?"

"I'll let you guys into my condo. But!.. .I'll be by Tao's side. I promised to him that I'll be there when he's ready to talk to you guys. ..and, I don't want him to hate me for doing this, so I won't give him time to think of any negative thoughts that he might entertain while I'm not there." 

"Okay. When will we do this? We've only got a week left. On the 30th we'll go back to China, our contract at that Mass Com. School will end then." 

"WHAT!? I was planning to do it next month!" 

"WHAT!? why next month? Let's just do it, like NOW!" 

"I was planning to make Tao happy this week, you know, to prepare his mood. His boss was actually my managers classmate on college. I asked my manager to set an appointment tomorrow with this boss so I can secretly ask him to fire Tao." 

"What!? Why would you do that?" 

"LuHan. Tao is made to model clothes. His looks is such a waste inside an office in front of an old computer and wooden desk. There's more to the world than that." 

"I see. So after he get fired you'll make him a model?" 

"Make him a model? No... ." both of them are quiet for a while. And when LuHan finally cannot take the silence he intended to talk but Ivan cut him off. ".. .he's already a model." 

"Wha~? How?"

"I took some pictures of him before while he's trying on some clothes on the mall. Then I made him pose in front of the camera. You don't know how natural he is at it. I made his portfolio and passed it to my manager.. .then you know what happened next. Now, a lot of famous clothing line are asking for him, actually us, to model for them."

"You're a genius. How'd you do all that on your own? You're basically making Tao's life a whole lot more better. I know I already said this but.. .Tao really deserves someone like you." they both laughed at what LuHan said. 

"He does, but I don't have the right to decide for him. Whether he still loves Kris or not is up to him. I'll support him no matter what the outcome is." 

"You're an angel." LuHan said. "But we're still not good next month. We have to do it next week, it's then or never." 

"Fine!! The 30th?" he looked at the calendar that was hanging on the wall. "Good! That's Sunday! We'll do the plan on Thursday then. I want to give Tao time to think if he does forgive you guys." 

"Think if he's going home to China with us?" 


"Fine. I'll tell Kris on Wednesday. I want to surprise him." 

"you mean make him suffer? That guy's head is obviously messed up and you want to tell him a day before?"

"He'll be fine. I just want a little revenge for my dying heart." 

"Now you admit your heart is dying." he laughed. 

"Whatever." he said in a friendly tone. "We talked so long that I unconsciously bought a lot of HD s." 

"You're disgusting." he joked. 

"You're watching it too!" he talked back laughing. "Well, I'm already in front of the house. Do I still have to hear anything important?" 

"That's all. If there's some changes on the plan I'll inform you on text. Thank you LuHan. And please, if ever Lay ask you to meet him. Please do, that guy won't shut up about you and I've had enough listening." he lied. He just want LuHan to get flustered that's why he said that. 

"Okay. I will meet him." he said with a shy laugh. 

"Bye then. Good night." 

"Good night." Ivan hummed a yes. ".. .and, Ivan.. .Lay gave me chocolates before we go home. Please tell him, it's delicious." he said shyly before ending the call immediately. 

Ivan laughed more, LuHan is so transparent. He's not expecting him to be like that at all. Now he's wondering if Kris never once thought his best friend is cute, because right now, Ivan finds LuHan cute. 

"What are you laughing at?" Tao suddenly back hugged him. When he let out a so unmanly shriek the other giggled like a little kid. 

"You love me getting surprised that much?" he asked smiling when Tao sat on the floor clutching his stomach while still laughing so much. 

"Sorry. The sound is just unbelievable." he said trying to stop.

"So? Why are you laughing earlier?" 

"Did I mention to you that I have a Chinese friend here in Canada?" 

"Zhang YiXing right? Owner of the coffee shop named 2AAY?" he bragged that he remembers all the details. 

"Yes. Him. I set him up with someone and it seems like they like each other a lot, more than what I imagined." 

"Wow. You're cupid now huh~?" 

"Yhup." he confidently said. 

Tao has a habit of taking off his clothes on the entrance of the house, only leaving him on his boxer shorts and his usual, white wife beater. It's bad for Ivan's heart but it's good to his mind. He looks y and all, especially now. Now that he's grabbing some strawberries on the bottom of the refrigerator. His hang up on the air like that is just too sinful. 

Ivan is wondering if Tao is doing it on purpose to or if he's really clueless about Ivan getting by him wiggling his like that whenever he's around. Ivan is not that good of a person, he's still a man and his first is Tao so of course he's getting tempted.He stood up from the chair and told Tao he's going to take a bath, he really needs to hide his from Tao. He doesn't want him to think he's an animal. 

"Let's take one together. To save time." Tao said hurriedly because Ivan is leaving. 

That's another one of Ivan's problem. On Tao's first day on his condo they cleaned a lot and they're sweaty all day. That night, because they're both tired and just want to sleep on a soft bed they decided to take a bath together to save time. Since then Tao is always joining him in the bath saying, "To save time". It's really hard for him because he can't do his business. 

Also, since his condo unit is supposed to be for 1 person only, there's only one bed room. Now that Tao is there, they're sharing it. Good thing Ivan's bed is king sized so they didn't have a problem about squeezing each other to death. Ivan is the only one who has a problem again, because Tao is a cuddler. You know what his problem is. 

"Can I have my private bath back?" he joked. 

"Nope. ZiTao loves bathing with Van-Van so NO!" he answered cutely. 

"Thank God he created you cute or else I'll throw you out of the bathroom." he said smiling. 

"I already thanked him. I also thanked him for having such a handsome and gorgeous friend like you." 

"HA! because you said something right I'll make dinner today! Is there anything you want to eat?" 

"Uhm? Friend rice with a lot of diced ham? And a double sunny side up!" 

"Uhh? That sounds like a breakfast to me?" 

"What? I want it okay." he pouted. 

"Fine. Don't pout. Your lips looks like it's tempting me to kiss them." he joked. 

They're already inside the bathroom. Ivan is already stripping, his is gone too. Thanks to his great skills of thinking of hairy legs inside his head. He hates hairy legs, it looks disgusting to him for some reason. Maybe because he himself doesn't have it, his legs is hairless than any woman. He's already when he realized Tao is frozen from where he's standing. And take note, he blushing from head to toe. Ivan doesn't know what cause him to be like that, is it the joke about the kiss or because Tao is seeing his body which is kind of hot if he said so himself. 

"I. ..If you. .." he said in a whisper. 

"Speak louder. I can't hear." 

"I. ..If you want to.. .k.. .kiss me.. .then.. ." he said shyly. He's not looking up at all, just looking at his fiddling fingers. 

"It's okay to kiss you?" he asked nervously. 

"I. ..if it's just a kis~~~mm"

Before Tao could even finish, Ivan launched at him. Who could blame Ivan? He's been holding back ever since their first night together. And Tao living with him and teasing him almost every second when they are together, whether on purpose or not it's really not helping him. He ravished Tao's lips like there's no tomorrow. He put his hands on his cheeks to show him how excited he is to kiss him again and how much he wants it. 

When their lips met, Tao let out a surprised moan which turns them on both. Tao's hands moved on it's own too and they grabbed Ivan's head only to push it more forward to deepen their kiss. Little by little, Ivan managed to make Tao open his mouth. Tao let out a heated moan again when he felt Ivan's tongue entering his mouth. When they had before, Ivan found something magical when he kissed Tao. The roof of his mouth is really sensitive. He let his tongue slide through it and obviously Tao liked it judging at how he fisted Ivan's hair and moaned like there's no tomorrow. 

Tao gripping his hair so tight to the point that it's hurting him just turns him on more. It's really y on his point of view. He let go of Tao's cheeks and grabbed his hips to bring him forward more. Tao opened his eyes that he didn't know he closed when he felt Ivan's against his. Ivan looked back with a begging, lust filled, puppy eyes.

Ivan bites Tao's lower lip before finally letting him go. Tao is now holding at his neck while looking down. He looks like a ripe strawberry because of all the blood that rushed to his face. Ivan is still holding him still, he's scared that if he let go then Tao will fall down. He doesn't look like he has the energy to stand up on his own. 

"I'm so~~" Tao stopped him from talking by shaking his head frantically. They're still not letting each other go. 

"I. ..I want . do more. ..but~ if you don't want to.. .then let. .let me go?" he awkwardly said. 

"Want to kiss again?" he awkwardly asked back. Tao nods his head with eyes shut closed, too shy to see Ivan's reaction. "Tao, look at me." he ordered. 

Tao shook his head. Ivan has no other choice but to let Tao's hips go so he can lift his head with his own hand. Tao lifted his head with Ivan's help but he's not looking at him at all. He's trying hard to avoid his friends eyes. 

"Look at me." Ivan whispered in a y way. Tao blushed more, now even his ears are red. "Tao~" he called his name nervously. 

Tao felt Ivan's hot breath. It smells like mint and coffee and all other things that Tao likes. He doesn't know if he really likes those things, he just like it because he can smell it on Ivan. Him letting out fiery and almost burning breaths like that and IT reaching the skin on Tao's neck is such turn on. Nothing can get compared to it. Tao looked at him, shy and all. Ivan his lips before slowly capturing Tao's lower lip again. 

The panda boy still gasped a lot of air when their lips met, Ivan is thinking if he's really surprised that he's kissing him or if it's a habit. Either way, it's really a turn on so he doesn't mind. Tao playfully rolled his hips to grind their hard ons together. Ivan gasped at the kiss while Tao moaned. Since they obviously both liked the friction, they continued doing that like it was the most natural thing to do. 

Ivan is not breaking the kiss at all. Instead he put his legs between Tao's legs to make it easier for him to grind. Tao is really struggling rubbing on him and he just want to help the poor boy. Tao moaned again and Ivan can really live all his life listening to Tao moan like that. When Tao seemed comfortable, almost sitting on his thighs he guided his hands down to Tao's and squeezed them. It's so soft, and perky.

Tao did his business and grind his hard on, on Ivan's thighs. He can feel Ivan is rock hard too and he wants to help him but his hands is not bulging away from Ivan's neck. Seems like they really like it there. Tao bites Ivan's lower lip this time before separating their lips. Tao looked at Ivan's lips. It's so red and wet from their kiss, it looks so damn y. His broad chest and defined abs is not helping Tao at all. He wanted to touch it but as hands really likes Ivan's neck, it's glued there. 

Before he explode from too much feels from fanboying over Ivan's body, he decided to stop looking at it. He rested his head on Ivan's shoulders, his hands are running over Ivan's head, sometimes grabbing some hair when he feels so good and he just needs something to hold on too. 

"Van~~~" he moaned his name as a warning when he felt something is about to come. 

Tao was wondering when Ivan managed to bring them together on the wall to lean on. It's the wall, Ivan and him. No matter how he thinks they look like erts right now, the fact that Ivan is trapped between him and the wall and he's grinding on him while the other is gripping his so hard, is really turning him on like he will never have the chance to get tomorrow anymore. 

"Is it....?" Ivan whispered on his ear avoiding to say the words. 

Tao nods with a whine. Ivan helped out a little, he helped Tao to move his hips by pushing his up more on his thighs. Tao moaned again and he continuously called Ivan's name till he comes. Tao slowly came down from his high by letting out a lot of incoherent whines. Ivan never lets him go, he just gripped Tao's more while he's resting his head on the wall behind him. 

Suddenly, Ivan's exposed neck looks super tasty on Tao's eyes so he moved forward and bites the skin on it before it like a vampire. Ivan moaned and Tao was amused at how y it sounded so he did it again. He bit on other parts of his neck and on it before letting go with a kiss. 

"My manager will kill me for that." Ivan finally said after the 5th one. 

"sorry~ I was tempt.. ." 

"It's okay. I think my make up artist can cover it with concealer. It felt good." he assured him. "your underwear is so wet. Want to take a bath now?" 

"Wha. ..what about you? I want to help you too." he said cutely. 

"Oh~" he said then he looked at his own bulge that's not calming down at all. "You really want too? Is it okay?" he asked and Tao nods his head frantically. 

"I . ..I want to touch it? Can I?" Tao asked seductively. 

"I'll sit on the tub so it won't be hard for you." he said awkwardly. Tao nods at him so he let go and guided him to the tub. 

You know what happened next. It took them another 20 minutes taking care of their little problems together. After the sticky session they took a bath and settled for ramen for dinner. They're not awakward at all after that, just the usual conversation and actions. 

Only one thing changed. Whenever Tao is looking at him and their eyes met, the panda boy would immediately blush. It's really cute so there's no way Ivan is going to tell him to stop doing it. They still cuddled together on Ivan's bed that night. Tao really likes cuddling with someone, just that, Ivan feels bad for Tao's panda plushie. The one that Tao always hugs when he's still living alone. Now it's just resting on the head board and watching them cuddle. 

Tao whispered good night to Ivan in a different kind of way that night. Instead of the usual kiss on the cheek, it is now a short peck on the lips. Ivan is really in danger. He so scared to imagine forcing himself to Tao just because he can't control himself and he's so . 

He prayed to God to remind him that he's supposed to be an angel not a demon when the time comes that he's so hungry for Tao and he can't stop himself anymore. 

He prayed to God not to ever let that happen because right now, Tao is the most precious one on his life and he would die if he hurt him just because of that.

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault