chap. 6

Past Vs. Present

"Hello? Lu?"

"Yes? Who's this?"

"It's Ivan."

"Oh~ Hello. I know that you asked for my number but I'm still surprised that you really called me. What is it?"

"Is Kris there?"

"No. He's out for a shoot today."

"Good! Can you meet me? Well actually, I won't take 'NO' for an answer so yes, you'll meet me today. You know the coffee shop downtown called 2AAY?"

"yes I do. But.. .wait.. .what is this all about?"

"Meet me and you'll know. Do this for Tao.. .and.. .don't tell Kris anything about this. Tell him later after we meet. I'll see you there at 11sharp. Don't bother eating lunch it's on me. See you there."

Before LuHan could ask anything again, Ivan immediately ended the call. He doesn't want to answer any question for now since he's mentally preparing himself for it later when they meet.

"God. That Panda is so lucky to meet a super good person like me. I'm so cool." he tapped his own shoulder just to look more idiotic than he already is after talking to himself like that.

After teasing Tao non-stop for the kiss he gave him the previous night they talked about moving out of Tao's apartment to Ivan's condo. Tao said he's still thinking about it. Ivan didn't stop convincing him, convincing is actually keeping Tao all-night by jumping up and down to his bed like a 5 year old kid who's too hyper to sleep. Ivan convinced him until he finally said okay.

Ivan wanted to make sure that he won't be alone for a while, even after what's he about to do to change everything. Well, more like what's going to do to change Tao's life. He's really fallen in-love with him, so he'll do everything to make him happy. If keeping LuHan and Kris away from Tao is the only way to make him happy, then he'll do it. He'll keep them away from him no matter what happen. And if letting them talk to Tao will make his friend happy after that, then he's fine with it too. Everything will depend on LuHan now. He'll be the one who's gonna help Ivan to make his decision on what to do.

Ivan went to the coffee shop a little earlier since the owner is his friend. His friend is also a model but it seems like he's more happy running his own business so he's on hiatus now. He's also a Chinese, he's just always forgetting to mention him to Tao. He went straight to the counter where he see his friend as soon as he enters. The guy is wearing a purple apron which kinda looks ridiculous if his friend is not totally rocking it.

"Ivan!!" his friend greeted him. "Long time no see."

"Hello Xing. Your coffee shop is so cool. Except the purple." he joked.

"Dude. That's my favorite color. It looks totally cool for me." they both laughed. They're always like that when they see each other. "So? What brings you here? You have an appointment?"

"Yes. I came here an hour early so we can catch up."

"You did the right decision." he said before taking off his apron. "Chen. I'm taking a break." he shouted on the small window.

"Okay. I'll be out in a second boss." the guy named Chen shouted back.

"let's go to the second floor. The air there is fresh."

They chatted on the second floor while drinking cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake. They did a lot of catching up. Seems like Xing or Yixing will only take a break from modeling for half a year then after that he'll make a huge comeback. After an hour Ivan finally saw Luhan walking. They're still on the second floor so he can see him clearly. Luhan is good looking so every girl he passes is staring at him. His skin is so white that it almost looks like he was glowing under the sunlight.

"My friend is here." Ivan said to Yixing.

"I'll go downstairs to ask Chen to guide your friend here. Lunch is on me, just tell Chen what you guys want to eat okay? What is he wearing?"

"A white shirt with a skull printed on it. Thanks Xing. Let's talk again later when my friend leaves."

"Kay~ later." he said then proceeded to walk down stairs.

After a minute LuHan is there on the table with him. He's all smiles to him like he was actually happy to meet him. They told Chen what they wanted to eat for lunch then the waiter said they'll have to wait since Yixing will personally cook their order. When Chen is gone Ivan scanned Luhan again.

"Stop staring at me." LuHan awkwardly said. "So? Why am I here?"

"I want to talk about Tao. I want you guys to leave him alone." after he said that, that is when LuHan's expression changed. He looks angry and in pain at the same time. He suddenly clenched his fist too like he's getting ready to punch Ivan straight in the face for what he just said.

"Go to hell. Not gonna happen." he intended to leave but Ivan is fast. He grabbed LuHan's hands to stop him.


"NO. If THAT, is this is all about then I'd rather leave. You don't know anything Ivan."

"Then sit. ..and tell me everything."


"Sit." he commanded. Luhan stopped protesting and did what he was told. "I want to know everything and if you really care for Tao, don't you dare lie."

"Why are you getting yourself involved into this?" LuHan asked curiously.

"Because I love Tao and I don't want him to get hurt again. You hurt him once, I won't let you do it again." he said honestly.

It amazes him too how he becomes so attached to Tao in a short period of time. A week ago, he doesn't even know he exist. And now, he's here with LuHan trying to help Tao to get rid of his annoyance.

"Fine. I'll tell you."

LuHan told Ivan everything that happened. How Kris is opposed to the idea and how he forced it. How their classmates acted on their own and insulted Tao. How Tao gets the wrong idea and ran away from home. He told him too about how Kris' life becomes miserable after that incident and it took half a year before he convinced his best friend to move on.

After LuHan finished his story, they are both sighing. Both suddenly felt tired and exhausted. Ivan doesn't know what to say and LuHan is obviously tired from talking a lot. The food was long served to them but they just can't bring themselves to eat it. It took another 5 minutes of silence before Ivan finally grab the spoon and fork and start ravishing the lunch that YiXing cooked for them.

"Eat. I suddenly felt tired. I'll take you home after this." Ivan said and LuHan nods.

"What're you gonna do now? Will you help us so we can talk to Tao?"

"I'll think about it." he said before taking a sip from his orange juice.

Luhan looks dissatisfied with his answer as he continues eating too. Both of them are quiet again. Ivan finished eating first and he watched LuHan eat. Then suddenly an idea crossed his mind which immediately made him curious.

"Why do you keep on staring at me?" LuHan asks as he put his spoon down.

"I'm just curious. Are you in-love with Kris?" Luhan choked on his drink and he made quite a mess. Good thing there's a tissue on the table. LuHan is blushing while he's wiping the mess he made.

"w.. .why did you suddenly ask that?"

"So you are huh~"

"I didn't say I am." he argued.

"Judging from your reaction, yes you are. You're too obvious." he smirked. "Does he know?"

"T.. .That guy is numb and slow so he'll never know."

"How long have you been in-love with him?"

"Ever since we met."

"Wow." he said. "I'll believe you about Kris being numb and slow. And condolence to your dying heart."

"It's not really dying. I'm just happy to see him happy."

"I know how you feel." he sighed. "Well. Do you want to go home now? I'll drive you."

"What's your plan first?"

"I'll contact you again okay." LuHan is dissatisfied to his answer again but it's not like he can do anything to force Ivan to tell him his plan.

"fine. I'll stay here for a while. I like the ambiance. You can go if you want to. I didn't bring my camera with me so I'll just tour myself around the shop. I think it'll be awesome to do a shoot here."

"Do you want to meet the owner?" Ivan asked.

"You know the owner?" Ivan nods to him.

"He's a model just like me. He's Chinese too."

"Wow. Really? Do you think he'll agree to use this shop for a day? We can do the remaining photo shoots in here."

"I don't know. Let's just ask him."

Ivan and LuHan went downstairs to see Yixing. He's wearing his purple apron again while serving a strawberry milk shake to some students near the front door. He looks so elegant with his tucked-in white shirt plus the purple apron is really attractive on him. His dimples is never leaving his face too, it makes him look so friendly and easy to approach. LuHan is not wondering anymore why he became a model, he's made for it.

"Oh~ how's the food?" Yixing asked when he saw Ivan.

"It's really good. Thanks for cooking for us."

"No biggie." he said smiling. "Oho~ is this your friend?" he asked while looking at LuHan.

"Yes. He's LuHan. A Chinese photographer."

"Ohhh~ Chinese. I'm Chinese too. I'm Yixing, you can call me Lay if you want. That's my stage name."

"H. ..Hello Lay. Nice to meet you. Your shop is really cool." he greeted him.

"So Ivan already told you I'm the owner huh~. Thank you, what do you think about the color?"

"I didn't know Purple could be so refreshing until today." he smiled to him.

"Xing, he's wondering if you'll agree to let us use your shop for a shoot? We can also do that to promote it. What do you think?"

"Perfect timing! I was actually gonna hire a photographer. As you said Ivan, the shop really needs some promotion so I was originally planning it."

"Really? That's great! You and Ivan can do the shoot together then. I've fallen in-love to this place." LuHan said.

"Here." he gave LuHan his calling card. "Please contact me about the details. If it's possible and it's not too much to your schedule maybe we can do it this weekend?" Lay asked.

"Wow. That escalated so quickly. You're one lucky guy Lu." Ivan commented.

"This weekends fine. I'll contact you later for the details." LuHan said smiling.

"Please do." Lay returned the smile.

Lay toured them around the shop. He even let them enter the kitchen and the storage room. Lay has an office too, it's on the second floor. And for some unknown reason, he has a bed on his office. Ivan asked Lay what is it for but the model only smiled and told him when he's too tired to go home he's sleeping there. LuHan thinks it's reasonable but the way Ivan teases Lay, it seems like the bed has a different purpose.

Lay introduced his employees too which is also not from Canada. They're Korean. Both exchange students from the past and both fell in-love in Canada and now they're living here. Chen and Xiumin, Lay whispered to them that they better not look at Xiumin too much because Chen is a possessive boyfriend. Ivan just laughed but LuHan is a little surprised at how open Lay is to his employees relationship. When Lay saw how uncomfortable LuHan became after the joke he made about Chen being a possessive boyfriend he felt kind of guilty. He thought maybe LuHan is not used to those kind of relationships.

"Thanks for touring us around Xing. My Panda is already texting me, seems like he's off early to work today."

"Your Panda? Wow. Pretty unique nick name."

"It's cute right?" he wiggled his eyebrows to Lay who laughed at him.

"Your still so funny. Go. Don't want YOUR PANDA to wait do you?" he said to Ivan then he turned to LuHan who's busy reading the menu book. When LuHan felt an eye on him he looked at them.

"Ah. I'll stay here. I want to try their coffee. I have nothing to do at home anyways." LuHan said.

"Okay. I'll go first. Xing I'll leave LuHan here and thank you again. Sorry for taking much of your precious time."

"Don't worry about it, you guys are still more precious than my time anyways."

"God. Still so cheesy." Ivan joked.

He received another laugh from Lay before he finally went outside the shop. Ivan received a text from Tao that he's off early today because of some computer maintenance at work. He asked him if he wanted to hang out somewhere. Of course he wouldn't say no to the invitation. He loves going out with Tao. He loves showing people that he has such a gorgeous friend and he wanted to see their jealous faces.

While he's driving he received a text from Lay. He was wondering if he forgot something at the shop. When he stopped because it's red he took his phone and opened the message.



From: Xing-Xing

Hey. Your friend left too after ordering a coffee. He said something about his friend who's also a photographer asking for help. Well. Actually I need your help too that's why I mentioned that. Can you help me? Please?



Ivan wanted to reply but he's driving. He just put his phone down and waited for the green light. He took a mental note to send Lay a reply later. Before the green light his phone vibrated again.



From: Xing-Xing

Maybe you're still driving. Just help me okay? I just want to know if you can help me get close to LuHan? He's definitely my type and I've fallen in-love with him. I know you don't believe in love at first sight but it's real. Please help me.



After reading Lay's last message, Ivan smiled to himself. Lay is a serious person and even if he earlier about the bed on his office, he knows him. He knows that Lay is serious when it comes to relationships and he wouldn't fool around when he has a partner. He drives until he found a safe spot to park his car for a while. He's kind of excited to send a reply to Lay since it was the first time he asked him for help. Ivan is thinking again that he's really an angel for helping his friends like that. Lay is a good person and single. He can obviously provide for LuHan if ever.

On the other side, after hearing LuHan's story about the past and after figuring out that he's in love with Kris, Ivan is positive that LuHan is a great person. He wants to help LuHan so he doesn't have to spend his life loving someone who's never gonna love him back and he just want to help Lay to find his forever, even if it's still to early for that to happen now.



To: Xing-Xing

I'll help you :D .. .wait for my text okay? I'll do something about it.



GREAT! thanks Ivan. If you ever need my help too, don't hesitate. I owe you.


To: Xing-Xing

Anything for a dear friend. I'm still driving. I'll go now.


From: Xing-Xing

Kay~ I'll wait for your text okay :D



He starts the engine of his car again and went to where Tao is. He's happy to know that after all this even if he's broken hearted, at least he'll make other people happy.

Tao is sitting on the bench in front of the mall waiting for Ivan to come. He changed his office clothes to casual clothes. He's now wearing a pair of TOO FIT jeans and a white shirt. He left his office bag to his locker too and grabbed his Gucci backpack. That bag is a gift from his one-night partner before, after their night together he found the bag in front of his door the next day.

He's been waiting for half an hour now but he's not bored. He's actually having fun because he's gaining too much attention from everyone who's passing him. What can he do right? He really does look like a model. He just didn't discovered it himself sooner, not until Ivan came to his life.

"Someone's having fun showing off." Ivan said as he stood in front of him with crossed arms and a smirk on.

"Why are you so slow?" he hit his shoulders. "Come on! I've been waiting here outside for half an hour now. My skin is burning." he dragged Ivan inside the mall and started to walk around.

"So? What're we gonna here? Shopping again?"

"No. I maxed my card last time. Let's just watch a movie and eat."

"Okay then. Wait~ what movie? Don't tell me~~"

"Yes. We'll watch that CARTOONS! It's cute okay." he wrapped his hands on his arms cutely.

"Ugh~ I can't believe two hot guys are going to watch a cartoons on the theater. They'll think we're gay."

"We are gay." Tao laughed at him.

"I'm bi okay." he pouted.

It's not like he can say no to Tao. Nuh uh~ not after he cutely wrap their arms together. And definitely not after he noticed that most of the people entering the theater are couples. Tao bought the ticket while Ivan bought the snacks. As soon as they entered Tao automatically moved closer to Ivan. He said he's still scared because it's too dark and ghosts might appear. Ivan laughed, he did and said that too when they first watched a movie together. Tao is really cute for his own good.


3 days already passed and Lay is still waiting for Ivan's text. Same for LuHan, Ivan told him to wait so he did. He didn't tell Kris anything too since he's not sure what is Ivan planning. Different from Lay and Luhan, that day after they watched a movie (which Ivan tried hard not to admit that he finds the cartoons cute) together, he called a moving services.

The next day they moved everything on Tao's apartment to his condominium unit. Tao is super reluctant and surprised about the sudden move. He looks very surprised at first too but after hearing a lot of cheesy reasons from Ivan why he moved his things suddenly and he didn't inform him about the move, made Tao's heart soften and in the end, he smiled to Ivan and told the other to treat him to dinner that night.

That's the reason why he didn't contact any of them at all. Tao took a leave from work too so he can settle his things and himself to the new environment. Actually, Tao was hoping he would get fired. He's really not into his work anymore. After seeing Ivan's world, he's more now interested on modeling and everything revolving and related to it.

While Tao is busy cooking for dinner, Ivan finally managed to find a time to text Luhan and Lay. He finally remembered his manager too who's bombarding him with messages and calls which he never replied and answered. He sat on the couch and listen to Tao who's cutely rapping on the kitchen while cooking. The first message was for Lay.



To: Xing-Xing

Hey~ Xing~ I'm sorry I took so long, been busy for the past few days. Panda boy, the one I talked about last time? He moved in with me :D Well do the shoot tomorrow right? Luhan will surely be there. I'll do something so you guys can talk and get to know each other. Do your part and don't you dare get shy in front of him okay!



Ivan suddenly remembered that Kris will be there too and he doesn't want Lay to ask him questions on the spot so he decided to inform him about Kris. Just a little information, and since he said he's in-love with LuHan, Ivan thinks Lay has the right to know Luhan's situation.



To: Xing-Xing

Also~ there's a guy who's named Kris. He's Luhan's best friend and his Long time Unrequited Love. Just want to inform you so you won't ask if they somehow decided to show how close they are tomorrow. Good luck stealing LuHan's attention away from Kris.



When he stopped typing, Tao finally stopped rapping too. But that's not where that ends, now, Tao is singing. His voice is broken and not that great or even pleasant one to hear but because it's Tao, Ivan is hearing it on a whole different light. For him, it's more beautiful than the bird's singing in the morning. Next message was for his manager.



To: Monster Manager

Meneger~ em serry~ LOL.. .chill. I'll show up tomorrow, don't worry. Sorry I missed your calls and I didn't get to reply to your messages. I'm kind of busy. My lover moved into my condo a few days ago so we're really busy tidying up. I'll buy you a gift on Saturday okay~ don't kill me :D



"Van!!! I don't know where you're keeping the plates! Come here!" Tao shouted from the kitchen.

"Wait~ I'll just send my reply to Manager. He's gonna kill me if I don't. Come here and leave the food there. I'll take care of it." he shouted back.

After a while, Tao is sitting on the couch with him and watching the tv that was muted because the music is playing. Don't ask them why is it like that. Ivan wanted to watch the news but Tao wanted to listen to music so that's the only solution they could think of. Ivan typed his last message which is for LuHan. He's careful though, he doesn't want Tao to see who is he texting.



To: Lu Han

After the shoot tomorrow I'll tell you my plan. And.. .can I ask you a favor? Call me tonight. 9pm.




a/n: princearmin, hanriver, snow68, perfectshipping and nornanoha97 :) thanks for commenting :D I Love you all and I'm glad you like the story :D 

nornanoha97 hehe~ I want to ask you~ XD is it okay? hehe. ..Can you choose between Kris and Ivan? if you're in Tao's position, who are you gonna choose? :D

to all the dear readers, I would really appreciate it if you answer my question too :) 

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault