chap. 1

Past Vs. Present

Today is Tao' unluckiest day. He went to work early but ended up being late because of the traffic. He finished encoding the work that was given to him but he forgot to save it before shutting down his laptop so he ended up starting all over again, good thing he remembered everything & he's fast. When he took a break for lunch he forgot his wallet on his table. And now, he's on his way home, decided to stop by the library and guess who he saw.

"Tao! Is that really you? OMG! So you're here!! OMG!" Luhan hugged him.

Luhan is his senior in college. Tao never once thought that he'll ever see him again. He moved to Canada to leave everything that happened to him in China for Pete's sake. Now, he cannot believe that someone from his past is in front of him.

"W. . Why are you here LuHan?" Tao asked nervously.

"What? Are you the only one allowed to be here in Canada?" Luhan asked with a sad face. "Hey...Please tell me the truth. Right after that incident on graduation day you stopped coming to school, you ran away from home and had been lost since then. Did we.. .I mean.. .Are we the cause of that?" he asked while rubbing the back of his head.

"What do you think? I'm sure you know the answer to your own question." Tao answered with anger but he's calm. "That's the past now. Please, let's not talk about it."

"I understand that you don't want to talk about it but. ..We. ..uhm. ..we're guilty for what happened you know. Do you know that your parents are still looking for you?"

"They are?" Tao asked surprised. He never once contacted his parent since he leaves China. He threw his phone somewhere and bought a new one when he arrived to Canada.

"Of course they are. Tao, we're so sorry for. .."

"I need to go now LuHan. Please forget what happened in China." he said as he grab his bag. He walked away leaving Luhan standing there. He suddenly stopped walking when he felt that LuHan's eyes is still on him. "Actually LuHan, just forget that I ever existed. Forget about me and PLEASE! tell no one that you saw me here. Good bye."

He went to the counter of the library, and showed the librarian his card and the book he's borrowing then he exited the library as fast as he can. It'll be troublesome if LuHan somehow decided to follow him. He can't handle people, specially him.

When Tao set foot on his apartment he finally breathe. He doesn't even know he was holding it in the first place. On his way home, he keeps on thinking about what LuHan said. So his parents are looking for him. It's kinda surprising since they're the ones who told him to leave and never come back.

He shrugged everything that LuHan said. He took out the book he borrowed and reads it. He decided to forget that he ever saw LuHan today. After reading at least 20 pages of the book, he finally felt sticky. He took a bath, prepared dinner and went to bed. He didn't sleep of course, he finished reading his book first. He wanted to improve his English more since there are still some words that he cannot understand and he cannot pronounce properly.

That night he dreamed about that day. His senior's graduation day. The day when everyone laughed ang insulted him. The day when his parents told him to leave the house because he's a disgrace to the family. The day when he broke his heart and decided to run away.

He woke up the next day with tears on his eyes. No matter how much he convinced himself last night to forget about seeing LuHan, he cannot do it. He miss China, he miss his parents no matter how angry they are to him. He miss his best friend. He miss the time when everything is fine and peaceful. But he's not intending to go back. Ever.

He called his manager to inform him he was sick, even if he's not. He wanted to be alone and think for the whole day. He wanted to make sure that he's fine again when he goes outside his apartment. He did nothing the whole day, he didn't even dared to stand up on his bed. Well, that is until his stomach finally growled so much that he cannot ignore it anymore.

His fridge is empty so he decided to finally go outside to do some grocery shopping. It's his favorite thing to do when he's stressed. He loves wasting money and buying things and a lot of food that he can eat later.

While he's doing the grocery he keeps on convincing himself not to contact anyone he knows in China. He knows that if he somehow heard any news, he'll want to go back and everything will be messy again. He doesn't like his old self and old life.

He leaves not just because of what happened that day. Actually that incident just gave him the courage to leave. He's been planning to run away since he started college. His parents doesn't care about him. They are always working, and when they are home, they keeps on arguing about anything and everything.

Now that he's living alone, he gets all the freedom he's been dreaming. He's not even lonely when he comes home to his silent apartment, he told himself that the silence is better than his parents arguing noise.

When he first comes to Canada he doesn't know anyone. He came there because of that reason. His family is rich so of course he took a lot of money before leaving home. He needs it after all, he's not stupid enough to run away without money on his pocket. He's not on the top of the class for nothing. He's smart so as soon as he landed on the foreign land, the first thing he did was find a place to stay and a job.

He's been living like that for 5 years now. And he never once thought that his old life is better. No. He's happier now, he loves his new life and new self. No one in Canada knows him, no one can laugh at him for being him. He's loved in this place, why? Because well, he's handsome, cute, kind, fashionista, smart, elegant and he's ing y. He can do everything in here and no one will care.

There are hardships of course. Like, getting yelled at first day of work. Or struggling because of language barrier. Or almost getting on an accident because he cannot read some signs. But he get through all that by himself. BY HIMSE.. .

"Oops~ sorry." he said as he bows to the guy that his cart bumped. He face palmed himself mentally for getting lost on his thoughts about the past. "Are you okay?" he asked the guy.

"Yes. I'm okay." he answered. When the guy looked at him he suddenly stared like he just saw the most beautiful person on earth. "Hi. ..I. ..I'm Kevin." he introduced himself.

"I'm Tao. I'm really sorry for bumping you.. .I. ..uh~ got lost in my thoughts and I didn't really see you there."

"It's okay Tao. Uhm~ are you .. . alone?" Kevin asked. Oh well, another thing that Tao loves in Canada is this scene. He's not really used to it at first but now, you can call him a pro. At Flirting and One Night Stands.

"Yes. I am. And you?" he asked with his sweetest smile.

"I'm alone too. Want to do our groceries together?"

"But your cart is already full?" Tao teased. Kevin immediately grabbed another cart and walked beside Tao.

"My list is still long." he said as he wiggles his eyebrows.

Tao laughed a little. His new friend is a little too obvious. Well, not like he cares since it'll only be a one night stand. And take note, Kevin is one good looking guy. He's a little taller than Tao, his hair is blonde, his face is perfect and he looks kind and caring.

After the grocery shopping Tao shamelessly asked Kevin who's place are they gonna stay. Kevin gets it and he looks a little disappointed but still chose. They went to Tao's apartment and get it on. Tao is wrong, he just looks caring and kind on the outside but in bed he's an animal. But it's okay. Tao's loves it rough.

All of Tao's previous partners hates the idea of one night stand but they cannot do anything but leave the next day because Tao wants them to. If Tao wants it he will get it. Kevin leaves the next day with a disappointment on his face. He keeps on convincing Tao that they should meet again, even as friends but Tao didn't even hear him out and threw him out of the apartment.

Tao is one great partner in bed. No wonder all of his previous partners gets addicted with just one night. But not like them, Tao is not desperate. His heart is still closed to anyone, it's still broken and he himself is still wondering when will the scar of the past heal.

He went to work today. He's fine now, after that rough night with Kevin he felt a whole lot more better. He did a job well done at work after getting a contract signed. Even his boss praised him, even treats him to lunch and told him to go home early.

He's in a very good mood while he's walking home. He stopped at the library again to return the books he borrowed. Then after that he went to the mall to get some cake and wine to celebrate with himself or maybe if he's lucky he'll be able to meet someone who's good in bed just like Kevin.

"TAO!?" a familiar voice called him out.

"OH ME! NOT AGAIN!!" he whispered to himself before turning around to see Luhan already walking to him.

"We meet again." he said smiling. 

"Didn't I tell you to forget about me LuHan? Can't you just ignore me whenever you see me?" he asked a little annoyed.

"I can't really do that. Hey~ I've been trying to find you since the other day. Where do you live?"

"And what makes you think that I'll tell you?" he crossed his arms like a boss which makes Luhan a little surprised. Luhan is still in a daze because of Tao new found confidence. He just stood there while staring at him. "I'm busy so please. Just leave me alone."

With that one last annoyed sentence he leaves LuHan standing on his spot once again. Oh how much Tao loves his new self. He's cool if he said so himself. No, not cool, he's bad . When Tao is out of sight another guy came to Luhan. He stands in front of him with a judging look.

"What happened to you?" the guy asked.

"Kris! Where the are you when I see Tao? You ing idiot! I saw him again and you're not here you !" he said to his best friend.

"You little ! Why didn't you call me!?" he asked angrily.

"If I called you I'm sure he would run away you sick bastard!" Kris agreed to that one. "From now on! I am ing forbidding you to go somewhere where I cannot see you whenever we're out together. If I see Tao one more time and you're not there to see him, God forgive me but I will bury you alive somewhere in here you ing Chinese-Canadian dork!"

"Fine you dwarf little ! But right now. .. Why don't we follow Tao!? I really want to see him."

"Dude, let it go for now. Our world is so little now. Judging from what he's wearing, I think he's working so I'm sure he won't go anywhere. And he said, 'if we ever see each other AGAIN' .. .he used the term again so I'm positive that we'll see him again."

"Wow. You're calm now huh~ since you've seen him two times already. How about me you sicko! I want to see him too!"

"Stop being a kid okay. We'll see him again, we just need to hang out around here."

"You're calm because you already said sorry to him." Kris said as he lowers his head. They suddenly turned serious, a heavy atmosphere suddenly surrounded them.

"Even if I did, he didn't say I was forgiven. He just said that I should forget about it and forget about him, that he ever existed. He's that hurt. We hurt him that much." he said with a tone of guilty.

"Why did we even thought about doing that to him? We're such . We're the real disgrace to our families. We destroyed him." Kris said.

"Yes we did. We cannot do anything about the past now. All we can do now is to make sure that he will forgive us from the bottom of his heart and bring him back home. I'm so glad I came here with you Kris. If I didn't, then we won't see Tao again and we'll be guilty forever."

Kris sighed in frustration. Ever since LuHan told him that Tao is also in Canada it's been bothering him. He wanted to see him again. He wanted to make everything right and bring Tao back to China. To his parents, to his best friend, to them.

"But I really seriously want to see him like, right now." Kris sighed again.

"You'll be surprised. He changed. A LOT." LuHan smirked at him.

"Pain changes a person Lu. I know that I won't be able to recognize him if I ever see him again."

"Oh~ so you've been preparing yourself huh?"

"Lu, I know that you know that on those 5 years, since Tao went missing, I never once stopped thinking about him. If he's okay, if he's eating right, or where he is, or if he's still alive."

"Yeah~ yeah~ I know. You're always texting me on the middle of night asking me if I have a news about Tao right? on the first year that he's gone you did that like everyday. Good thing after another year it became weekly, on 3rd year it's monthly, on 4th year every 2 months, till now. I think God, finally took pity on you."

"I just really, really, really want to see him." Kris said as he took a photo of him and Tao out of his wallet. "I miss him so much and it's really killing me to know that he's here but I cannot see him."


Tao sighed. He didn't expect to see LuHan again. Well, he's not really going to spoil the fun just because of that. After all he met, yet, another guy that's gonna warm up his bed for the night.

He met a guy named Ivan on the mall. Just like the usual routine, a little introduction and get to know each other then after a while, Tao asked which place are they gonna stay. And just like always, it's Tao's place again.

Tao has standards at picking men of course. He's not just randomly picking them then take them home and have with them, no. What he's first looking at them is their height. He's pretty tall himself that's why he likes someone who's taller than him. He believes their bodies gets more compatible if he's shorter than his partner. Oh and he's undeniably a bottom. Rain or shine, even if you turn the whole world up side down, he's a bottom.

Ivan didn't waste anytime. As soon as Tao opened the door of his bed room, he immediately carry him bridal style to bed and strip him out of his clothes. At first Tao thought Ivan would be like Kevin who's rough in bed. But he's wrong, he is super kind and caring just like what he looks.

He's calm and composed in bed and it's obvious that he knows what he's doing. He touched Tao like he's a precious diamond and he keeps on whispering sweet nothings. When he entered Tao, he kept on kissing him and he didn't move until the pain on Tao's face is gone. He's a super sweet partner and Tao cannot say he didn't like it and of all his One Night Stand partners he's sure that Ivan is the one that he will never forget the most.

Ivan almost convinced him to give him his number. But Tao reminded himself his own rules. No numbers, no strings attached and if they see each other again, pretend like he doesn't know them. It's easier that way. He's just preventing himself to get hurt.

The guy is really understanding. When Tao said 'no' he said that he's happy that at least Tao thought about it for a minute. And he also asked Tao not to ignore him if they ever see each other again. He also promised that what happened last night won't happen again so Tao better greet him when they somehow bumped each other on the streets.

Tao is convinced. Ivan is really special, in a friend kind of way. He's comfortable with him, that was the first time that he didn't throw someone out in the morning. Ivan walked him to work. Really weird right. But Tao thought, "It's fine. Finding a good friend through is not that bad once in a while."

He had another tiring day at work. He's used to that, it's not that hard anymore but he's still super tired. Sometimes he was thinking of finding another job. It's not like he's bragging but he got offered a modeling job a lot of times before. But if he did that then it won't be long till his old life will come find him or contact him right? Then everything will be ruined again.

He was walking out of the building when a car honked behind him. He was surprised of course, multiple people looked behind. He looked back too.

"Hey." Ivan greeted him. When Tao didn't show any amusement on his face he became cautious. It's like he's taming a wild animal. "Don't get angry that I'm here again. I was on my way to go to the club and I saw you walking so I thought I'll at least greet you." he explained.

"I'm not angry." Tao said in a whining voice. The guy chuckled a little at how childish it sounded. "I'm just surprised to see you again. We saw each other last night until this morning."

"I know right. Anyway, I'll give you ride till the library. I need to go right and your apartment is on the left, right?"

".. .uhm~"

"Come on~ don't think about last night. I already promised this morning right? Just friends." he assured him.

"Well, okay then." he said then get inside Ivan's car.

Ivan is one honest man. He really did drop Tao off the library. Before he could go away, Tao stopped him.

"What is it?" Ivan asked.

"Where are you off to?" he asked curiously.

"I told you earlier. To the club." when Tao didn't say anything the guy kinda figured him out. "Want to come? I think you need to chill out." he invited him smiling.

"I'm not bothering you right? I mean, are you meeting someone there?" he asked nervously.

"No. It's just me so don't worry about it." he motioned Tao to get inside the car again so the other did. "But your working clothes won't blend in."

"Should I go home and change?" he asked worriedly. Not fitting the crowd scares him, SO MUCH.

"That'll be bothersome for you right? If you want, I have some clothes at the bag at the back seat. It's not that fancy but I think it'll suit you. Want to try?"

"Of course. I'll just.. ." Tao is so flexible even if he's tall. He managed to change his seat and now he's at the back. ".. .be here." he finished his words.

"Damn! You're flexible!" Ivan said amused.

"You bet I am. You bended me easily last night too, did you forget?" he . "I'll just change here okay. Don't peak."

"Tease me more and you'll see yourself on my bed tonight." he joked. Tao made a face again, the same one when he saw him earlier. "That's a joke Tao. You started it first." he defended himself.

"Yeah. ..right." he said awkwardly.

Once in a while, Tao would caught Ivan looking at him through the mirror. He doesn't like it, but he doesn't exactly hate it too. It's just like how a friend would teasingly look at your junk while you're together inside a changing room, that's all. He managed to slip through the clothes he borrowed. It fits him perfectly. Specially the leather jacket. Ivan even whistled when he saw him wearing it.

"Just like what I thought. It suits you. If you want, you can keep them."


"Yes. It doesn't really suit me like the way it suits you. You totally rock those clothes."

"Thank you." he said a little shy.

"Just stating the fact. Well. We're here." Tao looked outside. The bar is a famous one judging by how many people are going inside and out of it. The club was named, Eons.

"I'm kinda nervous." Tao admitted.

"Wait. Is this your first time in a club?"

"Yes. I'm not really fond of loud music and drinking so I've only gone on those silent bars where you can order an orange juice or milk." Ivan laughed at what he said. He can't find it funny though. He just told him the truth.

"You're cute. Don't worry. You'll be fine. All you have to do is stay beside me. You don't have to drink any alcohol of you don't want to, I can order some kind of juice for you. Come on." he said as he pulls Tao out of the car.

Super loud music bombarded them as soon as the door opened. Ivan motioned Tao to walk beside him. Well, they are both pretty hot so they are really getting a lot of attention. Guys or girls, both are whistling at them, some even started flirting with Ivan but he shrug them all off. No one dared to approached Tao and he was wondering if he somehow looks ugly.

"Hey!!" he pulled Ivan's shirt.

"What!?" the guy asked him, already shouting so they can hear each other.

"Do I look ugly?" He asked more louder. Ivan laughed again.

"You're not. You're gorgeous. I know what you are thinking. Don't get worried because no one is approaching you. They're all just too scared because you're one hot piece of ." he shouted back.

Tao blushed at the compliment. He relaxed a little when they finally found a spot. They sat there for a while before Ivan leaves him to order some drinks. He's not drinking, he settled himself to something non-alcoholic and his new friend is more than glad to order it for him. He's a real good guy.

Everything is going fine. Tao even danced, which surprises everyone. Why? Because hell, he's super flexible and every moves he make turns out too y for anyone in the club to handle. When he gets off the dance floor everyone is almost drooling, except his new friend that is.

He went back to their table when he felt tired from all the dancing. He felt good, if he knew partying like no tomorrow in clubs felt that good, he should've done it earlier. He sipped from his juice that's still a little cold. It at least quenched his thirst a little. He's looking at Ivan who's already hooking up with a group of girls. He actually looks hot when he's with girls.

"Tao!?" he heard someone calling his name. He rolled his eyes to see who's calling him.

" it! Not again!!" he mentally cursed when he saw LuHan. "Didn't I tell you to ignore me?" he shouted at him. He stood up and went to where Ivan is, he informed his friend that he's going to the bathroom. He didn't know that Ivan followed him. When he's already inside the bathroom the noise died down a lot, it was kind of nice to the ears. "Damn it! Why do I have to see him again and again. my life!! me!"

"Gladly." a very familiar voice said. A voice that he will never ever forget. He looked at the mirror to see him. The man who turned his life miserable.

"KRIS!?" he chanted his name like he cannot believe he's seeing him.

"Hello Tao. Long time no see. You look... ." Before Kris could finish what he was going to say, Tao walked to the door intending to leave but Kris is fast, he stopped him by pulling his hands. Tao had no will to look at him. He hates him, so much.

"LET GO!!" he shouted as loud as he can. Good thing there's no one in the bathroom and it's super noisy outside.

"Tao, please don't run away. Listen to me okay!" Kris said as he try to make Tao look at him. But the younger is persistent. Even if it's obviously hurting him and his skin is already turning red, he still keeps on pulling his arms out of Kris' grip.


The door flew open and Ivan entered with an angry expression. He immediately walked to Tao grabbed Kris' hands and ripped it off, of Tao's reddening arms.

"Good thing I followed you Tao. Come on, let's go home." Ivan said as he gave Kris one of his death glares.

Tao was glad that Ivan didn't ask or even tried to pick a fight with Kris. He himself just wants to go and never go back there again. He nods to his new friend and they went out of the club as fast as they can. They didn't look back, they just walked fast.

Kris was left there on the bathroom, surprised at what just happened. Tao's words are just like knife, it cuts his heart and he was bleeding. And also he's so pissed at the guy who took Tao away. He punched the mirror to release all his anger, his rage. He cannot take what he's feeling at the moment, and he just what to throw anything be sees to feel okay again.

Back to Tao, Ivan took him home without asking anything. They are both quiet inside the car and Tao is super duper glad that Ivan didn't ask anything because if he does, he's sure that he'll cry. He doesn't want Ivan to see him like that. Not when they just got close.

"Hey, I won't ask anything about what happened so can I stay at your place tonight?" he asked out of the blue. Of course Tao would think of one reason why he wants to stay the night on his apartment. ".. .I'm not planning to sleep with you, even if you ask me to." he said.

"Then why do you want to stay?" Tao asked suspiciously.

"I just think you need a friend right now. I promise I won't ask. On our way here I saw a convenience and DVD store. You want an Ice cream? Or maybe cake I saw a bakery near here. You can choose the movie." he offered.

"How'd you know I like ice cream & cake?" he asked again.

"I guessed. That's what my sister is eating when he's dep-stressed." he smiled to him kindly.


"Depressed & stressed." he explained. "So? What do you think?" Tao looked like he's having second thoughts. " I won't ask anything. PROMISE. It's just the Ice Cream & Cake, the movies, me, you. Nothing else."

"Will you be okay sleeping at the couch?" Tao asked slightly smiling. Ivan smiled back and opened the door of his car again.

"I can even sleep on the floor and there'll be no problem." he said smirking.



a/n: Hello :) I just want to inform those who don't know who is Ivan :) He's Tao's friend . ..I mean, real-life friend :) I really love Tao so I ship him with EVERYONE. I ship him with ChenChen (his deaf friend) and I ship him with Ivan :) ~<3 

Here's Ivan & ChenChen's Picture :D


Ivan & Tao



Ivan, Tao and Lay :D



I can't get the picture where ChenChen, Ivan and Tao are together but yes, they have a picture together :D

(Oh~ and the name Kevin~ it's just a random character, I just used Kevin because of Kris, well, I think you all know why hehe)

Well, That's all :) Thank you for reading.

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault