chap. 4

Past Vs. Present

"Uh? Hello? Who's this?" Tao asked over the phone.

"Guess who?" the guy asked chuckling. Tao recognized the voice but he wanted to play dumb.

"Please just tell me who is this~ I don't have time to play around." he joked. He put his hands on his mouth trying to stop himself from laughing.

"How can you forget me so fast." the guy whined.

"Wait~ are you one of my One night stands partner? Where did you get my number?" the guy on the other line sighed. ". ..Well~ I'm now. No matter who you are, come over now. You know the place right? Hurry up or I'll myself."

Tao ended the call and laughed so loud at his own prank. After 10 minutes his front door almost got destroyed from the loud and strong knockings. He snickered again, he's such a kid but he likes it. He ruffled his hair and his shirt till the third one, he's wearing boxer shorts all day so he really looks y now. He walked to the door and open it.

"Why are you so~~~ IVAN!?" he played dumb.

"You idiot! I thought you said it's just a one night stand? Why are you inviting someone again?" he pushed him inside the house.

"Hey~ careful. I'll fall." Tao is so proud of himself for being a good actor. ".. .I. ..I didn't invite anyone."

"Yeah? FYI~ I'm the one who called earlier and you just shameless invited me here and told me if I don't hurry then you'll~~~~" Ivan stopped talking when he scanned Tao's appearance. ". ..I see you already played with yourself huh~"

"Why didn't you say it was you?"

"And why did you invite someone again?" Ivan asked then crossed his arms. Tao smiled at his friends pose and worried look.

"It's a joke. I know it was you." he said then hugged him.

"Oh God! Heavy~~~" he pulled Tao's shirt to separate them. "are you sure that's a joke? You're not tricking me right now?"

"yes. I recognized your voice as soon as you talked."

"God. Don't do that again. I'm worried sick you know. Can't you stop sleeping around? What if you pick up a bad guy? A serial killer for example." Ivan said as he walk around the house like it was his own.

"I can't stop. What will I do with my self if I'm then?"

"Uh~ Do it yourself?" Ivan rolled his eyes. He helped Tao button back his shirt.

"I can't. My body is sensitive~ I can't do it alone." he whined then walked away. He grabbed some milk on the fridge and tossed one to Ivan.

"Then at least chose the best one partner. What if you get some strange disease because of this? Just choose the best one you can remember. I'll even help you find him if you want. Just don't sleep around with random guys. Seriously." Tao sat beside Ivan. He's really comfortable with him and he doesn't know why. Maybe they know each other on their past life, they just met the other day but look at how close they are.

"You don't have to help me find him because he's already here." Tao said as he open the tv and flip through the channel until he finds a cooking program. He likes watching them. He looked at Ivan and saw how his new friend is staring at him.

"What!?" he asked seriously. "Ugh~~~ why are you so innocent like that?" he asked then lied on Tao's lap.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired~ I did 3 photo shoots today. I'm starving. Change the channel~ my stomach is rumbling just from seeing those food." he changed the subject.

"They didn't feed you?"

"All they have there is bread and fruits. They said I can't get out of shape. I want to eat rice." he said then hugged Tao's hips.

"Then why didn't you stop by some restaurant before coming here?"

"Why don't you ask yourself? You played a prank on me so I hurried over. I want to scold you so much that I forgot my poor stomach." Tao chuckled.

Ivan is super cute at the moment. He looked like a cat asking his master to give him attention. Well, in Ivan's case more like~ he's asking for food. Tao felt a little guilty, his new friend is still wearing some modeling clothes. He really did hurry over just to scold him. What a good guy.

"I'll cook for you. Wait here." he Ivan's styled hair before carefully lifting his head and putting it down to the sofa.

He took off to the kitchen and took out all the ingredients he'll be needing to cook. When you're living alone, learning how to cook is the basics. He's not that good but he's not that bad either. And judging from how his friend's stomach growls he's sure that he'll eat it even if it taste bad as long as it's rice. He cooked the rice first then the chicken curry. That's his specialty, ChenChen taught him how to cook it before. He's confident that it'll taste good and Ivan will like it.

"Hey~ that smells good." Ivan said as he back hugged him and rested his head on his shoulders.

"My specialty. My best best friend taught me how to cook this. Want to taste it?"

When Ivan nods like a kid, he dipped the spoon to the sauce, blow it a little then put it in front of Ivan's mouth. Ivan held his hands to make them stable then tastes the sauce. Tao's heart suddenly starts beating so loud. He just realized that they look like a couple that he'd seen on tv. Like newlyweds couple.

"it's delicious!!" Ivan said as he hug him more tightly. "I'll prepare the table." he said then kissed Tao's cheeks.

"HEY~!" Tao protested.

Ivan just laughed before wondering around the kitchen looking for the plates. Tao felt how warm his cheeks turned from that, good thing he's on his back and Ivan can't see how red his face is. Ivan smiled when he saw Tao's red ears. He knows he's blushing, he did that on purpose as a revenge for the prank earlier.

He found the plates and put it on the table, instead of spoon & fork he found some chopsticks and decided to use them. Ivan ate a lot, Tao is so happy that his friends likes what he cooks. After dinner Ivan can't even stand up because he's so full. Tao helped him to the couch and they watched a movie. The movie they didn't get to watch last night.

"Can I stay here tonight again?" Ivan asked.

"Are you nuts? Your parents will get worried. Go home." he refused.

"Did I forgot to tell you that I'm not living with them anymore? I have my own condo now."

"Then why don't you go home to your condo?"

"It's so lonely there. The night you met me at the mall, I was originally planning to spend the night at the park, inside my car."

"What? Are you an idiot? You have your own condo and you're planning to sleep on your car? In the park? Why is that? You must be insane."

"Maybe I'm insane. That place is just too scary and lonely for me. I don't want to go home. I'm planning to move out since I don't want to stay there."

"You're making it sound like ghost are appearing in your condominium."

"Oh~ how'd you guess?"

"I'm right?" Tao asked a little scared. He might be a guy and looks manly outside but he's really scared of ghosts.

"you're not. I'm just playing around." Ivan laughed and Tao punched his shoulder. "I just don't want to go home. I don't like sleeping alone."

"Don't tell me you're sleeping beside you mom before you move out?"

"What!? No! Of course not! I'm sleeping on my own room. I just don't like the thought of sleeping on a house with no souls. Like, I'm the only one alive? That's so creepy."

"I get it. That's how I felt too when I first moved here."

"Right. That's just too creepy right?"

"Yup. So? When you slept together with me? Do you usually do that? Like me? Always looking for a partner?"

"Dude no. I'm a . Your my first."




"Have you ever heard of Tao?" he chuckled. "Wait. Does this mean I can sleep here?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just tell me more."

"What do you still want to know? I already told you you're my first."

"Oh My God. I.. .I'm so sorry. I mean."

"What are you saying sorry for? It's the best first time ever." he said then rested his head on Tao's shoulders. "There's no regrets Tao. I'm glad it's you and not those girls and guys who keeps on flirting with me. For some reason you're special. Don't ask me why."

Tao is speechless. He cannot believe he took Ivan's ity. He looked at Ivan and he looks so tired. He didn't say anything anymore and just watched the movie. He doesn't want to push the topic because he'll feel more guilty. It's just 7pm and they have nothing to do. They already ate dinner and finished one movie. Ivan said he'll just sleep but Tao said he cannot sleep that early. He said he's not used to it. Ivan keeps him company for another movie. Ivan almost fell asleep if it wasn't for the door bell that suddenly rang.

"I'll see who it is." Tao said. Ivan followed behind to see who it is too since Tao said he's not expecting anyone. Tao opened the door and he was so shocked when he saw who's standing on front of his door.

"LuHan?" Tao asked frowning. "How'd you know where I live? What are you doing here?"

"Tao. ..uhm. ..we kinda followed you last night. Kris wants to talk to you." he said then stepped aside a little so Kris can show his face to Tao.

"Go away! I don't want to see or talk to you!" he said then he attempted to close the door but Kris put his foot inside before Tao can close it. Tao heard how Kris growled in pain so he immediately open it again. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!??" he asked more angrily.

"Please Tao. ..I just want to talk to you.. .please.. .I want to tell you what really happened back then. It's not what you think it.. .~~~"

"Babe~ who's there?" Ivan suddenly asked behind Tao.

Tao is kinda surprised that Ivan called him babe so he turned around and he got more surprised to see the sudden change in appearance. He's not on his modeling clothes anymore, he's almost if it wasn't for the boxer shorts he was wearing. Tao stared at Ivan and he cannot deny to himself that his new friend is undeniably y. For some reason he found himself staring at the guy and he actually forgot that Kris and LuHan is still there. Ivan winked at him and he kinda gets the message.

"No one important babe." Tao answered as he look back at Kris and LuHan.

"Hey." he greeted Kris and LuHan. "If you don't mind. We're kinda busy right now. Please come back another day." Ivan said as he capture Tao's hips and bring him closer to his own.

"Heard that?" Tao asked smirking before closing the door so hard.

Luhan and Kris cannot believe what they just witnessed. They stood there for 5 minutes without talking or moving or even looking at each other. They are both frozen and surprised at what Tao had become.

"Let's go. Let's come back another day." he said as he drag Kris out of the building.

Inside of Tao's apartment. As soon as the door closed Ivan's expression changed well, kinda same for Tao, he's smiling now.

"Did you see their faces?" Tao asked laughing.

"I did." Ivan answered seriously as he put his clothes back on. "Tao. I just helped you this time because I know that you're still not ready to talk to them. But I just want to remind you that you can't avoid them forever. Judging from their shocked faces, I'm sure they won't bother you for a while."

"Why are you so serious suddenly?" he pouted.

"I just don't want you to run away from your past forever. You'll just hurt yourself like this. On the time that they are not bothering you, please think about all the things you wanted to say to them. When they come back, call me. I'll be there with you so please talk to them. Stop running. If you want a new life then you need to settle what happened to the past first."

"Why are you doing all this for me Ivan? Why are you so kind?"

"I really want to be your friend. A good friend. I want to help you just like how my parents helped me. I can tell you're a good person Tao but you got hurt. I want to help you, I want to be the one who will heal the wound you cannot heal alone."

"okay." Tao lowered his head. "Let's face them next time. I... .I'll think about all the things I wanted to say."

"Good." he ruffled his hair.

"Can I curse while talking to them?" Tao asked and Ivan cannot stop himself. Before he knew it, he was already laughing.

"Of course you can. You're a grown up man... .God. You're so cute."

"Stop calling me cute. How can a guy as tall as me be cute?" he asked pouting and slightly blushing.

"But you are." he smiled at him before that both flopped themselves on the couch.

Tao opened the tv that Ivan turned off earlier. They just watched comfortably till Tao felt Ivan's eyes on him. He looked at his friend to see if he's really getting stared at. And he is, Ivan is really staring at him.

"Wh.. .what?" he asked a little shy. He's not used getting stared at. Well, at least not like the way Ivan is staring at him, it's kind of meaningful.

"Can I ask a question?"

"go ahead?" he answered uncertain.

"Promise me you'll tell me the truth first."

"Uhm~ promise?"

"You don't sound sure to your own answer Tao."

"Okay. I promise." he repeated again.

"Okay then. Here's the question. Do you still love Kris?" Tao shifted uncomfortably on his seat when the question was asked. He kept quiet for a long time and Ivan waited patiently for his answer. He took on deep breathe before answering the most important question.

"I don't." he answered while looking straight to Ivan's eyes. Ivan was so surprised he was sure that Tao will say~ ".. .I don't know."

Ivan smiled. That's more like Tao. He thought he would really say he doesn't love Kris anymore. Ivan knows that deep inside Tao's heart he still loves Kris. Even if the jerk played with Tao's heart, even if broke him and changed him. Well, Ivan is glad Kris did that to Tao, if that didn't happen then he won't met him in Canada.

"Forgot about thinking what do you want to say to them when we see them again. Think about what I just asked you instead. That's the real issue here."

".. .I don't want to love him anymore Ivan. He broke my heart once and I don't want to give him a chance to do it again. I don't even know if I can forgive him."

"Tao. ..people change right? Just look at yourself as an example. Just the fact that they wanted to talk to you and insisting on it means they're reflecting for what happened in the past. And I can also tell that those two wants to tell you more than just a sorry."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure but Kris looks hurt earlier. And he said something about explaining what really happened. There must be something you need to know."

"Ivan. ..can we stop talking about them? My head is hurting." he whined like a kid then Ivan sighed. He's weak at Tao's puppy eyes, he just realized that too.

"Ugh~ fine. Just don't look at me with those eyes. But still. ..think about it properly okay." he commanded. Tao nods at him before resting his head on his shoulder again.


Kris and Luhan are both quiet on their way home. They didn't even look at each other. They both had nothing to say, a lot of thoughts ran through their minds but they cannot voice it out. When they got home Kris immediately went to his own room, the same for LuHan. It was all quiet and peaceful until Luhan heard shattering glasses and Kris shouting. He ran to Kris room and saw his best friends bleeding fist and crying face.

He felt it, he's hurt too. He's hurt for his best friend. He knows how Kris loves Tao from the bottom of his heart. After what happened earlier it's not a surprise anymore to see Kris like that but it still hurts. He cried too while looking at Kris' pitiful figure.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!??" he shouted at Kris while crying.

"that should be me Lu! THAT SHOULD BE ME!!" he shouted.

"GET A GRIP!" he shouted again then walked away.

After a minute he came back with the first aid kit. He's still crying, same for Kris who didn't protested when Luhan grabbed his hands and started treating the wound he created. LuHan is so hurt to see Kris like that. His best friend who hates showing weakness is now crying like a kid. He's blaming himself for all of it, he did that to Tao and to Kris. If he didn't think of pranking Tao back then, they wouldn't have to suffer like that now.

"I love him Lu. It hurts so much to see him with someone else." he said while sobbing.

"I'm sorry Kris. I'll make this all better okay. I'll do something. Just please, don't do this again. Don't ever hurt yourself ever again." he finished treating Kris wound.

He doesn't know why he said that to Kris. But he just want his best friend to fell just a little bit better. The pain he was feeling cannot be describe, it's worse than seeing his own brother cry. He hugged Kris and his back until the loud cries turn into quiet sobs.


Back at Tao's apartment. They are still cuddling on the couch while finishing the movie they left playing earlier. Ivan starts to yawn again and again and Tao cannot stop from getting infected.

"Can you lend me some clothes? I want to sleep now for real. I just feel more tired than I already am."

Tao said okay and no problem then took off to his room to get some clothes for Ivan. After his friend took a bath he went to the living room again where Tao is still watching tv. He's getting ready to sleep on the couch but Tao asked him what is he doing.

"Isn't obvious? I'm sleeping now."

"Who said anything about you sleeping on the couch tonight?"

"Huh~?" he asked absentmindedly. Before he knew it, Tao is already pulling him to his room. He didn't protest or more like he can't protest because he's really tired and sleepy so he just let Tao pull him.

"Sleep on my bed."

"And you?"

"Of course I'll sleep here too." 5 seconds, Tao counted it. The seconds that Ivan gave him a that-doesn't-sound-right & I'm-judging-you-so-hard-right-now look. Ivan sighed and Tao smiled at how good he is at making his new friend sigh in frustration.


"No . We're just going to sleep. Why does it sound like I'm the one who's desperate to sleep with you?" Tao asked him smiling. Ivan just smiled too because what Tao just said sounds so true.

"Okay then." he said then he climbs on the bed.

When he found a comfortable spot just beside the wall he took the blanket and covers his body. Tao just watch him as he make himself get used to the bed. After a while Ivan finally smiles at him and called him by opening the blanket as if asking Tao to get inside it. Well, that's how it looks so that's what Tao did. He gets into the blanket and cuddled with Ivan. They fell asleep so fast, maybe because they're both tired.

The next morning Ivan woke up first. He watched Tao who's still snoring and sleeping so soundly. He's still hugging him and Ivan cannot deny that he finds it cute. For almost an hour, he just stared at Tao. He touched his nose and played with it occasionally just to see the annoyance that's crossing Tao's face for a second.

"I think I'm in love." he said to himself as he yawn again and go back to sleep. His photo shoot is in the afternoon so he has a lot of time. He hugged Tao back. He put his hands around his waist and pull him a little more closer. He fell asleep again just like that.

This time, Tao is the one who woke up. He blushed when he felt how close his and Ivan's body is. His remembered hugging the other but he didn't remember him hugging back and now he finds them hugging each other as if they are both scared to let the other go. Since Ivan is still sleeping he just looked at him.

Tao is not in the mood to work today, he's planning to go to the mall and do some shopping. It's been so long since he bought new clothes, he's planning to invite Ivan. He's a model so he's sure he knows what will fit and what is not, he could really use some opinion. He's dep-stressed at everything right now so wasting money is really the best to do now. As he already said, he loves wasting money when he's not in the mood. Well, for now. ..he's just loves watching Ivan sleep beside him and feeling the tight hug.

"If it's you I think I can fall in-love again." he smiled then he buried his face on Ivan's chest and went back to sleep.

Little did he know that Ivan heard him and the the latter is currently smirking like a creep now. Ivan doesn't have the strength to fight Tao's adorableness so he pulls his head more closer to his chest and hugs him more tightly and the other gladly hugs him tightly too.

After another hour, finally they both woke up, on the same time. They're both hungry so Ivan volunteered to cook this time. Tao asked Ivan if he wants to go to the mall while the other is making breakfast.

"I have a photo shoot this afternoon.. .sorry." he apologized to Tao who immediately showed a pouting face which Ivan cannot take because it looks so cute. ". ..but.. .maybe I can lie to my manager that I have a headache? What do you think?" he asked him while smirking. Tao showed a smiling face again and hugged him.

"One day won't hurt right?"

"Right. Now let's eat and take a bath. We've got a lot of shopping to do."

After getting ready they took off to the mall. Ivan needs to admit, Tao is really hot. Each and every clothes he tried on, all of it suits him. Ivan bought all of those clothes for Tao, he said something about wearing it in a shoot to make Tao's View finder. Seems like Tao will become a model sooner or later because of his new friend.

After buying a lot, they ate at some fast food chain which of course amuses Tao. Why? Because people are recognizing his friend and they're taking a picture of them. Tao is wondering why he's loving all the attention he's getting. He starts to wonder to himself that maybe he's really made to be in front of the camera.

"I should've watch tv, I didn't know you we're this popular."

"Yeah? I still remember how you asked my name and when I said it you really didn't show some interesting reaction. That means you don't even really know me right?"

"When I open my tv it's all movies. I'll watch you from now on." he joked.

"Yes. Do that." he said then they both laughed.

They had a lot of fun the whole day. Even if Ivan's fans are following them, they don't really care. They just do whatever they want and shop all they want.

That night Ivan went home. He said something about talking to his manager about the schedule he ditched that day. While Tao is resting on the couch he received a text from Ivan which made him smile unconsciously.



"My manager almost killed me. We're on the news. They called us the model brothers. ROTFL. That's so lame. Well~ I got to admit, you look so gorgeous on the video they took. ^.<"


The compliment made Tao happy. He just smiled to himself and hugged on of the stuff toy Ivan bought for him. After a while another message came.



"I know you're not gonna watch the tv so I informed you. I even recorded it for future references. You look amazing. I want to see you modeling."



He's not planning to reply. He just loves reading the messages. It's the same for everyone who texted him before he never replied to any of them.



"Are you asleep? If you're not can't you at least send me a simple 'Thank You' for today? I love you."



Okay that one made him blush and slid off out of the couch. He suddenly felt like a jelly, his knees becomes weak without explanation.



"Thank You. The last 3 words is really inappropriate."

"Oh~ so you're awake. I don't think it is. Remember when we made love? I whispered those words to you. :D"



Tao doesn't have a comeback on that one. He just killed the stuff toy he's been hugging so tight. His heart is thumping so much.



"Tao that's a joke. Don't get angry okay? I'll come over tomorrow after my schedule. Wait for me Panda :D ILY.. .LOL .. .Good night. :D"



With that last message which Tao didn't replied, he decided to change Ivan's contact name. From "Ivan Li" to "Cheesy Guy Van-Van". He smiled to himself again as he type the new name of his phone.


While Tao and Ivan is flirting through the phone. Luhan and Kris are watching the news where they are in. Kris is in rage again after seeing Tao and Ivan getting so close in front of the camera.

"Kris. Do you want to get close to that model?" Luhan asked.

"And why would I want that?" he asked almost growling.

"I don't know. Maybe to get close to Tao too? Or maybe to get some information from him how to get in touch with Tao or anything related to Tao?" Luhan wriggled his eyebrows to Kris and Kris cannot deny, he kinda like the idea of using the model to get close to Tao again.

"So what's the plan?"

"Easy. He's a model. We're photographers. We could use some of our connections."

"Nice idea! Let's do it." Kris said then they high fived.

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chhungzitao #1
Chapter 12: We are on the same boat authornim,i thought taoxivan was going to be the pair and tried to stop at chp7,but then thought" fine ill read the whole story and change the ending myself"..but SURPRISE²..taoris again!!i might as well sink with this ship..BTW interesting!!TY.
Chapter 12: omg i really fallin in love with ivan bcs of ur pretty story.
ivan... u more than angel
Chapter 11: Oh my god. Don't scare me like that. I'm having a bad feeling. Please don't make tao and Kris together. Huhu tao love Ivan.
Chapter 9: I feel like Tao might go back with Kris. But, I really hope he doesn't. I love Taovan, and there's not enough of it. <3333
Chapter 9: I love it. Ivan why you stop again .why .....huhu so sad. Tao was so . You too. Haha I'm waiting for the next chap. I wish for tao and Ivan happily together. They just so sweet. I'm dying here . more^^
Chapter 8: I love it. So awesome!! But why don't you do it all the way. Haha I'm so y.>///< by the way you're totally amazing. I'm falling in more with this couple . XD
Chapter 7: If it was me in Tao's place, i would choose Iván, i know Kris is not at fault but i would choose Ivan, because I like the way he treats Tao and other people, Definitely I would choose Ivan...
And because I fell in love with this new Ship! I still love Taoris though.
luciferangel007 #8
thank you fir answering my question nornanoha97 (I made the poster myself :) glad you like it LOL) and art18999 hehe. ..I'm an awkward person ain't I XD .. .sorry~

BTW! I'll update cahp.7 when the views reached 450 :D let's all wait hahahaha.. .hwaiting.. .~<3
Art18999 #9
Chapter 6: Tao and Kris should be together
Kris didn't has not the fault