I hate you

Love at First Sight


At 4:20, they were done with practice. “Okay guys, I’ll see you tomorrow!” Tanaka proclaimed and they replied “Yes Ma’am!”

Mika was about to leave but then, “Mika-chan, matte!” Jin called, Mika turned around and she saw the other members walking towards her. “We’re going to the arcade, do you want to come?” Hiro invited, “Uh, no thanks. I have somewhere to go to” Mika replied, “Eh? That’s too bad” said Miharu, “Gomenasai. Maybe next time, when it’s not 4 30 in the afternoon” she said then she left.

“Huh? What did she mean by that?” Daisuke wondered, Kira remembered what Syuu said, he looked at the time and it was already 4:25

“So she’s on her way there huh” he said to himself.

Chapter Nine:

            When Mika arrived at the Coffee Shop “Konnichiwa~” she greeted as she entered the shop. “Mika-chan! Finally, you’re here~” Jun greeted. “Uh, Hana-chan’s not yet here?” she asked. “Well, Hana’s class will end at 5 30PM” Syuu inserted as he went out of his office. “Syuu-nii, konnichiwa~” she greeted, “Konnichiwa, the usual?” he said and Mika nodded her head, then she went to her seat.

            In Boyfriend’s case, they decided to go to a private arcade and played there. There were only 6 of them there since the other idol groups/stars were overseas or were performing somewhere else.

“Awww, we’re the only ones here >.<” Jin whined. “I like it better, that way there will only be less noise” Kira responded. “I can’t believe Mika-chan can’t come” Daisuke whined. “Well let’s respect her decision of not coming, besides, it must be something important that’s why she can’t come” said Yuki, “Heh, is spending time with yourself important?” Kira murmured, “Did you say something?” Yuki asked, “Uh, nah, I was just...talking to myself (-_-||)” Kira replied. “S...sou” Yuki replied and they started to play at the arcade.

They seemed to enjoy having the whole place to themselves but as an hour passed, they got bored all of the sudden. “Man, this is so boring!” Hiro proclaimed and the others agreed. Then, “I’m going out to buy some food” said Kira, “I’ll come with you” Miharu said and the two left the arcade.

            Back at the coffee shop, “What is taking Hana so long? Her school isn’t that far from here” Syuu said to himself as he kept looking outside the window. Mika noticed it so she went near him, “Hana-chan’s not yet here?” she asked and Syuu nodded his head. “Manager, some help over here?” Jun said as he was having a hard time carrying the trays to the customers table, Syuu was about to help when suddenly, “I’ll help him, you stay here and wait for Hana, okay?” said Mika, “But-” “No buts, I’m going to help whether you like it or not” she said, “Heh, fine. But you need to dress like a worker her if you want to work” said Syuu. “Uh?” Mika wondered. Moments later....

“Wow Mika-chan! That uniform suits you well ^^” Ami said as she saw Mika in her uniform. “Good thing we have an extra one” Jun added, “Yosh! Let’s get to work” Mika proclaimed and she started helping out at the restaurant.

            Meanwhile, in Hana’s case, she was on her way out of her classroom when she looked at the time and it was quarter to 6. “Darn it! I need to go, my bro’s going to kill me” she said as she quickly ran out of the building. On her way to the coffee shop, she suddenly bumped in to a gang. “Uh, sorry” she apologized, she was about to continue to her way when suddenly, the leader of the gang grabbed Hana’s arm

“Where do you think you’re going?” he said
“Uh, hey! I already apologized didn’t I?” she said
“So? Sorry isn’t enough, come with us” the gang leader said as he started to drag Hana along with them. “HELP!” Hana yelled, suddenly...
“Let go of her!” a guy proclaimed, they turned around and saw a guy wearing a green shirt and jeans. Hana was surprised to see who it was, the guy suddenly threw a snowball at the leader and the leader was able to let go of Hana, the guy suddenly grabbed Hana’s arm and the two started to run.

When they were in a safe place already, the two of them were trying to catch their breath, then... “Are you okay?” the guy asked and Hana nodded her head. “Heh, good” he said and Hana slightly blushed. “Umm, ano... thank you for saving me” she added and the guy smiled at her “No problem” he said. “H...how about I make it up to you? I’m on my way to my brother’s café, come with me, I’ll treat you” she said, “Really?” the guy wondered, Hana smiled and nodded her head. “Sure, let’s go” the guy replied and the two of them started to walk.

            In Kira’s case, after he bought some drinks, he was looking for a place where he can buy the food, “I wonder where Miharu is? He said that he was just going to check on something...” Kira said to himself as he was looking around, then... “Uh?” he said as he found himself in front of the Black and White Coffee Shop. He stared at the door for a couple of minutes, he felt like he wants to enter the café but his mind said not to. He released a sigh and was about to continue his way, but as he passed by the window where Mika usually stays, she wasn’t there. He stopped and wondered “Where could she be?” Suddenly,

“Kira-kun!” Syuu called, Kira turned around and he saw him, “Uh?” he wondered. “Ah, I forgot to introduce myself last time right?” he said and Kira just looked at him “I’m Takashi Syuu, the owner of this shop” Syuu introduced himself to Kira. Kira nodded his head in reply, “Do you want to come in?” Syuu suggested, “Well, I’m supposed to look for a place where I can buy some food” Kira replied. “Then I suggest that you come inside and check out our menu” said Syuu, then he grabbed Kira’s arm and dragged him inside the shop.

“Welcome to our-” Mika greeted but when she saw the person who just entered the shop, she wasn’t able to finish her greeting and the smile on her face turned into a shocked expression when she saw Kira entering the shop. Kira turned to the counter and he saw her wearing the shop’s cute uniform, he slightly blushed and looked away.

“Weh, eh, what the heck is this egg head doing here!?” Mika exclaimed, “Egg head?” Kira wondered, “Mika, be nice. Remember, he’s a customer” Jun whispered “Uh” said Mika then she looked at Syuu and Syuu gave her the be-nice-to-the-customers look. Mika released a big sigh and she forced herself to smile.

“H...Hello sir” she said with a forced smile on her face. At first, Kira didn’t like what was happening but then he thought of an opportunity to piss Mika off. With a grin on his face, Kira ordered “Find me a seat; make sure it’s next to the air condition” “What?” said Mika, “Yah, you heard the man, find him a seat” Jun whispered, Mika released as sigh and started to search for a seat that was next to the air condition. Moments later...

“H...How do you like your seat sir -.-||?” Mika forced herself to politely ask Kira. Looking at Mika being polite made Kira want to laugh out loud but he controlled it and kept his cool. “Yah waitress, aren’t you going to give me the menu?” he said, “Uh, right.” Said Mika then she grabbed the menu from the counter and gave it to Kira.
Kira looked at the menu and he acted as if he got bored on what was on it, he even yawned at it and it slightly irritated Mika. “If you think that the menu is boring, why did you even went inside this place?” she murmured, “What?” said Kira. “Nothing.” Mika replied. “Tch, so what do you dislike here?” Kira asked, “Me?” Mika wondered, “No, I’m talking to myself” Kira answered with sarcasm. “-_- your face is what I really dislike right now” Mika thought to herself “Umm, I don’t think there’s anything in the menu that I dislike” she answered. “Really? That’s too bad” said Kira. “Grr... and why is that?” Mika asked as she her head was boiling already. “None of your business, sheesh” said Kira then he continued to look at the menu.
“Calm down Mika, you can do this, don’t give in to this egg head” Mika said to herself, then...

“I’ve made up my decision” Kira said as he closed the menu and gave it to Mika, “Uh, your order sir?” she said. “I’ll have 6 large muffins” he said. “Okay” Mika replied in a cold manner and she went to the counter and gave the list to Jun

“Are you okay?” Ami asked, “NO!” Mika proclaimed, “I’m really mad right now, I don’t know how in the world did he get here and why is he pissing me off all the time?! I mean, we’re not that close, I didn’t even do anything bad to him” Mika added, then... Syuu patted Mika on the head “Uh?” she wondered as she felt a little calm
“Take it easy okay? Besides, if you’re working here, you should learn how to handle customers like him” he whispered to Mika, Mika took a deep breath and sighed, then she faced Syuu

“Okay2x, I’ll calm down” she said, Syuu smiled at her and she patted her on the head again “I’m going to wait for Hana outside” he said. Mika nodded her head and Syuu went outside the shop, then...

“His order’s here~” Jun proclaimed as he placed Kira’s order on the counter. Mika took it and gave it to Kira, “There” she said. “Tch, I’m going to check it first if it has any poison” Kira said as he opened the box, “My you’re over reacting” Mika murmured. Kira smelled the muffins then...

“Yah, this one has nuts” he said, “So?” said Mika, “One of the members is allergic to nuts” said Kira, “then you eat that muffin instead and he will eat yours” said Mika, “Change it to blueberry” Kira ordered, “Huh?” said Mika “Are you deaf? I said change it to blueberry” Kira repeated in a louder tone. Mika released a sigh and changed the muffin with nuts in to blueberry muffin
“Here you go” she said as she was still irritated after what Kira did. Kira smirked at her and he stood up, “A-ri-ga-tou” he said but not with a thankful face, he started to leave.

Kira was about to go back to the arcade when suddenly, “Matte!” Mika called, Kira heard her and he turned to her “What?” he asked. “You... heh, I hope that you won’t ever come back to this place” she said. “Huh?” Kira wondered, “I really hate seeing your face” said Mika, “Then if you hate seeing my face, why did you even work for the group in which I’m in?” said Kira, “Heh, it’s because I-” but before Mika could continue what she was saying, she saw Hana a few meters away from the shop and she was with someone familiar. When they were almost close, Mika realized that Hana was actually with...

“Mika-chan? Kira?” Miharu wondered as he saw the two in front of the shop. “Uh...” said Mika, “Mika-nee! Can you believe it? Miharu-kun saved my life from a gang a while ago~” Hana said as she approached Mika, but Mika didn’t reply. Miharu started to wonder what was happening, “Kira... why are you here?” he asked. “Heh, I just bought these...” Kira replied as he showed the box of muffins to Miharu, “Uh?” Miharu wondered. “Let’s go back, they’re probably waiting for us” Kira said as he walked ahead, “Uh, hai” Miharu replied, but before he left, he faced Mika and Hana with a confused look, he also noticed that Mika wore an upset expression on her face. “What happened?” he wondered.

Mika and Kira seem to be in bad terms right now, do you think that they'll make up or will they continue to hate each other 'till the end? And what about Miharu and Hana? Do you think something will happen between the two of them? :)) Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 10 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^
please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10