Another Fight?

Love at First Sight


“Why do you guys even care if I date Syuu-nii or not, it’s up to me right?” she said

“But I don’t get it Mika-chan, why him? I mean, why can’t it be Kira?!” Daisuke proclaimed and Mika was puzzled why he said that

“Aniki!” said Yuki as he tried to stop Daisuke from telling Mika something

“What do you mean?” asked Mika

“Mika-chan, you still don’t realize that Kira likes you don’t you?” he said

“W-What?” said Mika

“Kira likes you!” Daisuke proclaimed and at the same time, Kira just entered the room, he dropped his bottled water after hearing what Daisuke said. All of them turned to him and they were shocked “Kira...” said Miharu.

Mika slowly turned around and saw Kira and they were both shocked.

Chapter Thirty Two

Kira didn’t know what to do, he can’t tell Mika how he truly feels; he’s not yet ready. He smirked and said “Heh, how can I like a clumsy girl like her?” “Uh?” the others wondered as they were shocked of what Kira said. “Kira...” said Daisuke

“Aniki, stop saying things that are not worth saying. A star like me can’t possibly have feelings for someone like Ootori. I mean look at her, she may be cute but she’s not the girlfriend type at all. Takashi-kun must’ve been blind because he asked her to be his girlfriend” he added
“Kira stop it” said Yuki
“No, I won’t stop. Takashi-kun is one handsome guy but I wonder what this klutz did to make him fall for her, heh. I pity Takashi-kun, maybe he was just carried away by their friendship” he added. “Kira, that’s enough already” said Miharu, Kira just smirked when suddenly

Mika slapped him really hard. “Uh!” the other members were surprised and even Kira was shocked but he also expected that Mika would slap him somehow. His cheeks were as red as ever, “You have no idea what’s going on...” she said. “Uh?” Kira wondered as he turned to her and felt that something was wrong. After slapping Kira, Mika immediately left the practice room. “Mika-chan!” Miharu said as he was about to go after her but Jin stopped him “Don’t... let her be alone for now” he said. The atmosphere was very quiet, Yuki wanted to approach his twin but it seems like Kira is not in the mood for talking. Tanaka suddenly entered the room without even realizing the quiet atmosphere

“Hey you guys get ready for your fan signing event this afternoon” she said while she was looking through some papers but the guys were quiet. They didn’t move an inch and it annoyed her, “Yah, what’s wrong with- uh?” she wondered as she finally realized the silence. “What happened?” Tanaka wondered, she looked at Kira whose cheeks were still red. “What happened?” she asked but no one dared to reply, “What happened!?” she proclaimed in an angry way, finally Kira was about to tell her the whole thing when suddenly

“Nothing, we’ll prepare now. Come on guys” Daisuke said as he went near Kira and both of them left the room together, the other members stood up and left the room as well. “Uh? What’s going on?” Tanaka asked herself.

In Mika’s case, at the Black and White Café

“One more chocolate cake!” she proclaimed, “Coming~” said Ami “Another one?” Jun wondered and she nodded her head. “That’s the fourth one already” said Jun “I know, she must be really upset right now. You know how she is” said Ami “Yah, where’s my chocolate cake!” Mika proclaimed, “Ah, I’ll be right there~” said Ami “Eh? At least she doesn’t drink all her problems away” Jun said to himself then he released a sigh and continued doing his work.

In Mika’s case, she started eating her fourth cake, “Darn you Hasegawa Kira!” she proclaimed in her head as she remembered what Kira said

“He really hurt me this time, if he only knew why I did this! ARGSH! Even if I tell him, he won’t be able to understand it. That guy doesn’t have any heart at all! ARRRGHH!! He really irritates me!!!” she proclaimed in her thoughts then she remembered what Daisuke said

“Kira likes you!” –Daisuke

“And to think that I almost believed Daisuke-kun when he said that Kira likes me *blush* I feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself right now. I regret liking that egghead. I always knew it from the start; he’s not the type of person who would give in to love. I regret for almost liking him *sigh* I guess all those times that I thought he helped me because I thought he liked me and actually cared for me were just... nothing to him” she said to herself, she suddenly felt down and didn’t bother to continue eating the cake. She leaned back and looked outside the window; she stared at the open space then remembered how she first saw Kira. Soon, flashbacks of her and Kira’s moments appeared in her head

(BG Song: Don’t be mad anymore by G.Na)

In Kira’s case, on their way to their destination “Mika-chan’s not coming?” asked Miharu “I’ve called her how many times already but it looks like she won’t pick up. Did something happen to her?” said Tanaka and the guys kept quiet. Tanaka then looked at Kira assuming that he’s the reason again, “What did you do this time?” she asked but Kira kept quiet and Tanaka released a sigh.

Kira looked outside the window and he remembered the words that he said to Mika
“I shouldn’t have said those words to her. I admit it, it’s entirely my fault. Once again Hasegawa Kira, the biggest jerk in the whole world, hurt Ootori Mika’s feelings. *Sigh* But I didn’t know what to do, I’m not yet ready. Even I myself was shocked when those words came out of my mouth. But I had to do it anyway, I can’t let her see that I’m hurt because of her and Takashi-kun” he thought then he released a sigh and kept quiet the whole time.

            Mika fell asleep on the table; suddenly someone poked her cheeks “Mika~” he said, “Ummm” Mika groaned as a sign that she didn’t want to be bothered but the guy suddenly tickled her and she got up “Yah!” she proclaimed as she turned to him but when she saw his face, she was shocked. “R-Rui!?” she exclaimed, then “MIKAAAAAA!!” A girl yelled, Mika looked back and saw one of her closest friends “CHIZUNEEEE!” she proclaimed and the two hugged and jumped around the café “Yah, Mika-chan... can you please lay low?” Jun whispered “Ah, hai. Gomenasai” Mika apologized then she let Chizu and Rui sit with her.

“I can’t believe it, you’re here!” Mika proclaimed as she felt happy seeing one of her closest friends, “Hey what about me?” Rui inserted, “Shut up, we’ve met before already” said Mika “Tch” said Rui “But why are you here?” she asked Chizu, “Well since the Reunion will be held here, I’ve convinced Rui to come here early that way I’ll be able to spend more time with you ^^” Chizu replied, “Really? Aww thanks Chizu!” Mika proclaimed and Chizu smiled at her, then she remembered what Rui said “Uh Mika... is it true?” she asked “Huh?” Mika wondered, “Is it true that Hasegawa Kira likes you?” Chizu whispered, “What the? Where... ahh, Rui” Mika said as she turned to Rui and Rui pretended that he didn’t know anything. Mika released a sigh then she suddenly felt her heart aching again, she was about to answer when suddenly

“Mika, you’re here?” Syuu said as he approached the table. Chizu looked at him and was immediately captivated by his charm. “Syuu-nii, you’re back” said Mika “I sure am” Syuu responded then he saw Rui “Uh, Morinozuka-kun, it’s good to see you again” he said as he shook hands with Rui, “Nice to see you too Takashi-san ^^” Rui responded, then “Ehem” said Chizu, “Uh... Takashi-san this is Chizu, my girlfriend and one of Mika’s closest friends” said Rui “Really, it’s nice to meet you ^^” said Syuu as he shook hands with Chizu, “Nice to meet you too” said Chizu, Syuu smiled in reply then he turned to Mika “Shouldn’t you be at work by now?” he asked “Uh... about that... I’ll tell you later” Mika replied “Well okay then, let’s meet at the mall by 5PM okay? I’m going out for a while to check on some business that my grandfather told me to handle. See you later” said Syuu “Hai” Mika replied then he left.

When he was gone, “Was that your-” “Yah, I thought you were only friends!?” Rui exclaimed but Mika just kept quiet “Hey Mika, you’re not telling us anything at all” said Chizu “Gomenasai” Mika apologized, she took out her phone from her bag, she realized that her phone was on silent mode and she kept receiving missed calls from Tanaka. “Uh?” she wondered then she remembered the fan signing event. “Oh no!” she said as she stood up “What’s wrong?” asked Chizu, “I have to go. I am so dead, I forgot that there was a fan signing event today, argsh” Mika replied “Fan signing event?” Chizu wondered, “Well I’ll see you guys soon, call me if you need anything!” she proclaimed then she quickly left the café

“Uh?” both of them wondered, “Heh, same as always” said Chizu.

In Mika’s case, she was trying to look for a taxi but there weren’t any,
“Argsh, Ootori Mika why did you even bother walking out a while ago when you just arrived!?” she proclaimed to herself. “If I run, I’ll be able to arrive there in time... *sigh* these heels better be worth it” she added then she started running.

Meanwhile, they had the fan signing event at a Bookstore; their fans didn’t even notice that Kira was actually upset. “Arigatou~” a fan girl said as Kira gave her the CD “Dou ita” Kira responded and he continued signing the other CDs.

“Good thing Kira is good at hiding his feelings” said Miharu; “M-hm” said Hiro. “I wonder where Mika-chan is?” Jin wondered. “I’m kind of worried, what if Mika-chan would decided to quit right now and never ever talk to us” he added “Don’t over react too much Jin” said Daisuke “Uh?” Jin wondered. “Aniki seems pretty serious right now” he whispered to Yuki and Yuki nodded his head. Daisuke turned to Kira and remembered what Kira said to Mika
“Kira, I don’t know what’s going on with you but I know you never meant to say those things to Mika-chan” he thought, then “Daisuke-kun” a fan said as she gave Daisuke a present, “Ah~ arigatou ^^” he said and signed the CD.

15 minutes later, Mika finally arrived at the bookstore and she was panting, “Uh?” the guys wondered as they looked at her. Good thing it was their break, they immediately approached Mika
“Are you alright?” “What happened?” “Where have you been?” they asked, Mika didn’t bother to answer them, instead she went near Tanaka and apologized to her.
“Tanaka-san, gomenasai! Hontou ni gomenasai!” she apologized as she bowed in front of Tanaka “Uh, omo, no need to do that Mika-chan...” Tanaka said as she lifts Mika’s head up “Uh” said Mika, “What happened? You’re sweating and you look like a mess” Tanaka added, Mika leaned on the wall trying to catch her breath, the others started to worry even Kira himself then he remembered what Syuu said

“...Apparently, she can’t run for a long time or else she’ll be out of breath and pass out” –Syuu

Kira was afraid that Mika might pass out again, he stood up from his seat and was about to go near her when he remembered what he did “She’s probably mad at me until now, if I go near her, she’ll get mad even more” he said to himself, he sat back down and looked away. This time, Mika didn’t pass out, luckily, she was back to breathing in a normal way and told Tanaka that she couldn’t find a taxi so she had to run to the bookstore from the Black and White Café

“Sou...” said Tanaka “But why did you leave in the first place?” she asked “Uh” said Mika then she glanced at Kira and caught him looking at her, both of them looked away, “Oh, both of you are in bad terms again huh” she said as she was able to catch up with the situation, the others kept quiet. After the fan signing event, the atmosphere was still awkward. They all wanted to say something to each other but they were afraid that it’ll make the mood worse. A few moments later, Daisuke couldn’t take the silence any longer, so he spoke up.

“Mika-chan, I want to apologize for yelling a while ago” he said “Uh?” the others wondered, Mika turned to him and said “It’s okay... the news must’ve shocked you guys as well” said Mika “Yep” Jin inserted, “I mean... I didn’t know you were that fast, plus. It seems like you’re not even interested in Takashi-kun at all” he added, “Jin-nii!” Miharu proclaimed, “Uh?” Mika wondered; she felt that what Jin said was right, “Heh” she said as a smirk formed on her face. In “So are we okay now Mika-chan?” Daisuke asked, Mika smiled at him and she nodded her head. “YEHEY~~ PAPA IS SO HAAAPPPPPYYY~~” Daisuke proclaimed as he suddenly hugged her;
“Yah!” Mika proclaimed and she pushed Daisuke away from her, “Didn’t I tell you to not do that!?” she added, “Gomene ^^” said Daisuke and the others laughed at him. She may be in good terms with Daisuke and the others but it seems like she’s not yet in good terms with Kira. Whenever they would have an eye to eye contact, Kira would avoid her and look away. Mika didn’t even bother yelling at him since she feels like he doesn’t even care at all. At around 4 50PM, Mika bade good bye to them as she left to meet Syuu at the mall

They watched her leave and Daisuke released a sigh, “If only she was my real little sister, I wouldn’t even allow her to go near Takashi-kun” he said, “But Takashi-kun isn’t a mean person, I mean if Mika-chan likes him then we should respect her feelings as well...” said Hiro, “You’re right, but the problem is Hiro-nii... I feel like Mika-chan doesn’t even like him” said Miharu “I agree” Jin added then all of them looked at Kira

“What?” Kira wondered, “Aren’t you going to tell us the whole reason why you told Mika-chan that you don’t like her?” said Daisuke “I don’t like her” said Kira “Kira, maybe Mika-chan was convinced by your acting but we weren’t. We’ve known you for a long time already, plus... I’m your twin. I can sense that you were lying all along” said Yuki and Kira just kept quiet, “*Sigh* I really don’t know what to do with you” said Daisuke.

In Mika’s case, when she arrived at the mall she saw Syuu waiting for her at the entrance “Syuu-nii!” she called as she waved at him and he waved back. Both of them entered the mall “So why are we here again?” Mika asked as she and Kira were walking. “Did you forget my half brother’s birthday will be the day after tomorrow so right now, we are going shopping” he said. “Eh?” Mika wondered, “Come on” Syuu said as he smiled and dragged Mika to the boutiques.

Syuu’s fashion sense is the same as a girl’s that’s why Mika has no problem if he chooses the dress for her. They entered some boutiques and found some dresses but Syuu wasn’t interested in them. They entered to a boutique named “LADY SEOUL” and there, Syuu found dozens of dress that he wants Mika to wear; he picked some and gave them to Mika

“Try them on, I’ll be waiting” he said, the sales lady accompanied her to the dressing room and she started changing into the dresses that Syuu picked, she showed herself to Syuu after changing from one dress to another but Syuu gave a lot of thumbs down. He thought that Mika looked too mature in the dresses he picked; he decided to go for an cute but elegant look. After 20 minutes of changing into different dresses, “Syuu-nii” Mika said as she came out from the dressing room hoping that Syuu would say ‘yes’ to the dress. Syuu turned to her and when he saw her, he smiled and said “That’s it!” Mika felt relieved because she was tired of changing already, she immediately went back to the dressing room to change back to her normal clothes.

After shopping, they decided to eat at an Italian restaurant. When Mika and Syuu entered the place “Uh?” Mika wondered as she felt like she’s been there before. “Are you all right?” Syuu asked as he saw Mika staring at the place, “I’m fine” Mika replied and both of them sat down. Mika looked at the menu and she ordered Pepperoni pizza, “I’ll have the~~ ah, I’ll have the Armenian Pizza please” Syuu said to the waiter. Mika looked at him and the order was really familiar to her

“Déjà Vu much” she murmured. When their orders arrived, Syuu started cutting the crust off of Mika’s pizza “Arigatou” she thanked him, “You’re welcome ^^” Syuu replied then he started eating the crust “Uh” said Mika, suddenly she remembered the time when she and Kira came to eat at the same restaurant and Syuu ordered the same thing that Kira ordered when they ate there “Darn it, I’m thinking about that egghead again” she thought.

After eating dinner, the two went back to their apartments. When Mika arrived at hers, she put the paper bags down and she went to her room and lied down on her bed

“What a tiring day!” she proclaimed as she stretched out her arms, suddenly... she remembered Kira

“Uh?” she wondered, she also remembered what Kira told her and when she slapped him really hard

“I shouldn’t have done that but you made me do it... you said all those hurtful things to me” she said

“If you only knew...”

Okay, I have to admit... I don't even know if this chapter makes sense

I'M REALLY SORRY! T___T I hope to update soon with a chapter that would really make sense

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 33 (◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10