A Sweet Day (:

Love at First Sight


Kira suddenly grabbed her hand and pushed her towards the tree. Mika was so shocked because of his action, instead of feeling mad, she was feeling scared because she’s afraid that Kira might do something to her

“Y... yah, K...Kira, what are you doing?” she said. Kira didn’t respond, he just kept quiet; his head was still lowered down then he faced Mika with a serious look

“Uh?” she wondered as she was feeling really nervous. Kira suddenly leaned towards her and that was when she panicked she suddenly closed her eyes

“Darn it, don’t tell me... he’s going to... kiss me again!? AAAAAAAAAAHH! o(≧o≦)o ” she screamed in her thoughts.

Chapter Twenty Four

Mika shut her eyes closed; she was definitely unprepared and was afraid because her second will be stolen once more by Kira. She braced herself when suddenly, she felt someone rubbing cloth on her lips. She opened her eyes and saw Kira rubbing her lips with his handkerchief “Uh?” she wondered as she suddenly blushed. When Kira was done rubbing her lips...

“What was that for?!” she exclaimed. “Heh, relax. I saw that in an anime once, when the girl wanted to forget all about her first kiss with a guy she doesn’t even like, the guy rubbed her lips really hard so that it’ll be like the kiss never happened” he replied as he turned his back on Mika. “W-what?” Mika wondered then Kira faced her “So if I were you, just forget that your first kiss was stolen by me... Okay?” he added, “Uh... b-but... how can you say that when-” “Yah Ootori, do you like me?” he suddenly asked and Mika was shocked of his question

“E-eh?” she said as her heart started beating fast and her face turned red “If you don’t like me, then you should’ve forgotten about the kiss already” he said as he turned around from Mika, Mika lowered her head, she was confused but she knew that Kira was right. If she doesn’t like him, then she would’ve forgotten the kiss already and act normal just like Kira.
“So does this mean that he doesn’t like me? He’s acting pretty normal... he acts as if the kiss were just nothing to him... heh, I must be really stupid right now... I acted as if the kiss meant a lot to me... heh, this is so embarrassing. Ootori Mika, you sure are an idiot” she said to herself.

“K...Kira” she said. Kira slightly turned to her, “G...gomenasai. You’re right; I shouldn’t have acted that way... I’m sorry” she apologized. Kira smiled at her in a calm way then he grabbed her hand and started walking “Uh?” she wondered, “Seriously, I’m hungry already... let’s go eat” he said while he was holding her hand. “Uh, Kira...” Mika said to herself, she suddenly felt a calm and happy feeling inside of her and she wondered why, but didn’t bother to get to the bottom of it anymore. All she feels right now is her hungry stomach craving for food (^^)

They arrived at an Italian Restaurant and they started to order. The two were acting like they’ve used to. Kira’s face wasn’t turning red anymore and Mika seemed to be okay after what Kira told her though she was a bit sad because of some parts but she didn’t bother to entertain the sad feeling.

Mika ordered a Pepperoni Pizza while Kira ordered the Armenian Pizza (sounds fancy XD). When their orders arrived, they started eating. “You want some?” Kira said as he offered Mika some of his pizza, “No thanks. I don’t like to eat pizza with vegetable toppings” she replied. “Eh? Heh, no wonder you’re so skinny, you don’t eat vegetables at all” Kira said as he ate his pizza. “Heh, look who’s talking about being skinny” said Mika and Kira stuck his tongue out and Mika gave him a glare. They continued eating then he noticed something...
“You don’t like to eat the crusts?” he asked and Mika nodded her head while swallowing her food. “Heh, you seriously are something Ootori” he said then he grabbed the crust and ate them “Uh?” Mika wondered. “Don’t you know that you shouldn’t waste food, sheesh” he said then Mika just smiled at him.

After eating, they went for a short walk at the streets “Why don’t we go back already? Maybe they’re looking for us” said Mika “Heh, I already told Tanaka-san that we won’t be going with them this afternoon. Don’t worry, we’ll meet them at the dance studio around 4PM then go to the next destination after that.” Kira responded. “But wait, where are we going anyway? And why the two of us? Is this... a date or something?” Mika shyly asked as she slightly blushed, Kira laughed and replied “I don’t know. But our next stop will be the ice skating rink” “I-ice skating rink?” Mika wondered. Kira nodded his head then he said “Let’s go” and he suddenly held Mika’s arm which made her blush and he dragged her to the ice skating rink.

(BG Song: Every Sweet Day by IU)

When they got there, Kira started to skate all around the rink while Mika was just watching him by the corner. She sat down on the bench and watched him skate, “Woah, he’s good” she said. Kira faced her then he began showing him his moves “Tch. Show off (=_=)” she added.

Kira skated towards her and he was smiling, Mika noticed it and she looked away, she was slightly blushing but Kira didn’t notice it.
“Yah, let’s skate” he said
“Uh, well...” Mika said in a shy way, “I... I...”
“What? You can’t skate?” Kira inserted. Mika felt a bit embarrassed for herself because she doesn’t know how to skate. She slowly nodded her head in reply and Kira slightly laughed. “Uh?” she wondered as she turned to him.
“Come on, I’ll teach you...” he said as he grabbed Mika’s hand, pulled her up then he started skating.
“M-matte, Kira... I don’t think it’s necessary to teach me, I mean... I feel fine just watching you skate over here” Mika said as she grabbed the pole so that she won’t be able to move.

“What are you talking about? We came here to skate right? Now come on, don’t be such a baby” Kira responded. “I AM NOT A BABY!” Mika proclaimed as she placed her hands on her hips. “Good, now let’s skate” Kira said as he suddenly grabbed Mika’s hand again and started skating towards the center of the rink “Kira! Don’t you dare let go of me!” Mika proclaimed because she was so scared that she might fall down. “Okay2x” Kira replied while he was silently laughing at her “But I’m going to teach you how to skate, all right?” he added and Mika nodded her head.

“Yosh, skating is just easy... it’s like you’re walking on ice with a pair of shoes that has blades” he said as he demonstrated it but there was a problem, Mika didn’t let go of his hand...
“Uh, Ootori...” he said, “Yea?” said Mika, “I can’t show you the demonstration if you keep on holding on to my hand” he added. “I told you I’m not letting go!” Mika proclaimed, Kira released a sigh then he said “I guess we’ll just have to demonstrate it together” “Uh?” Mika wondered.

Moments later, Kira started teaching Mika how to skate. He was still holding her hand because she won’t let go and he was even behind her to make sure that she won’t fall on her back. “Good... wow, you’re a fast learner” he said while he was still holding her. “Yah, don’t let go” she said while they were still skating. Kira thought that Mika was doing well already
“Yah, Ootori, I’m letting go” he said as he loosened his grip. “What?” Mika said as she turned to him then Kira suddenly let go “YAAAAAAH!” she cried then she noticed that she was suddenly skating, “Uh? H-hey, I’m skating!” she proclaimed, “Heh... she did it” Kira said to himself. Mika suddenly turned around and she skated towards Kira

“I’m skating! I’m skating!” she proclaimed as she skated towards him, “Congratulations” he said. Mika didn’t notice that she was going straightly towards Kira when suddenly BUMP! She bumped in to him and they fell on top of each other
“Ouch...” they moaned. Kira stood up and he helped Mika up, she was having a hard time getting up because she kept on losing her balance. She was all up when she suddenly lost her balance again, luckily Kira caught her and they were in a hugging position

“Uhh...” they said to each other then Mika moved away from him “A-arigatou” she said as she slightly blushed. “U-uh, you’re welcome” Kira replied. Then, “Yah Kira, let’s play!” Mika beamed, changing the atmosphere all of the sudden. “Uh?” Kira wondered, “Heh, sure” he added and they started playing in the rink.

            Meanwhile, in Boyfriend’s case, “That Kira... I’m starting to think that he likes Mika-chan, I mean... why does he keep on spending some ‘alone time’ with her? HMMM (-_-)” Daisuke murmured and the others nodded their heads. In Miharu’s case, he was very quiet. He was somehow aware what Kira was planning to do all along.

Flashback: This Morning, before they left the Apartment...

            While waiting for the others to get ready, Miharu decided to talk to Kira about what he overheard during Mika’s and Tanaka’s conversation. “Wait, you were eavesdropping?” said Kira, “No, I overheard their conversation and I decided to listen to them quietly...” said Miharu, “It’s the same thing (=.=)” said Kira, “Well whatever, listen Kira... I know that Mika-chan doesn’t want anyone else to know about this but I think this information can help you know more about her that way when the time comes that she’ll open up to you, you can comfort her and she’ll like you” said Miharu “You seriously want her to like me huh?” said Kira and Miharu nodded his head “Of course” he added. Kira released a sigh and he let Miharu do all the talking...

“I never knew that Mika-chan is afraid to fall in love again...” he said, “Huh? Fall in love again?” Kira wondered. “M-hm, did you know she has never ever entered a relationship yet? She somehow ‘fell in love’ with a classmate of hers and tried to confess to him during graduation but she found out that he wasn’t the right guy for her so... right now, she’s really careful about falling for a guy...” said Miharu, “Heh... now that you’ve mentioned that I somehow feel like she’s not going to like me, baka. You’re making me feel worse (=_=)” Kira said to Miharu, “What? Wait... she has three signs, all right?” Miharu beamed, “3 signs?” Kira wondered.

“Mika-chan said that she has 3 signs to know if she will finally meet the right man. The First sign is that when she sees the guy, she feels butterflies in her stomach. Now I don’t think that’s going to happen since when she looks at you, I can feel disgust and hatred in her stomach” said Miharu
“Yah! That’s not true” Kira protested. “She may hate me sometimes but she doesn’t feel like that” he added.
“Okay whatever; the Second sign is that when she gets kissed by the guy 4 times. The fourth time will be a kiss on the altar when they get married. Isn’t that sweet?...” said Miharu.
“Hold up, she gets kissed by the guy 3 times? And the Fourth time will be when they get married?” Kira wondered.
“Yep. Seems like Mika-chan is the type of girl who doesn’t want to get in contact with just any guy” said Miharu
“Uh... Miharu... I have to tell you something” Kira said as he remembered the accident kiss that happened.
“What?” Miharu said as he was all prepared to what Kira was going to tell him
“Miharu... I... uhh... last night...” Kira said in a nervous way, he doesn’t want anyone else to know about the kiss but after what Miharu said about the second sign, he felt like he should tell him about the kiss.

He took a deep breath and released it then he faced Miharu and said “We accidentally kissed last night”.
“E-eh?” Miharu said in a confused way, seconds later... 
“EEEEEEEEHHHHHH!?(=O=)” he cried
-END of POV-

“I can’t believe they kissed for the second time already, and he doesn’t plan on telling Mika-chan about the CPR thing, but... was the CPR thing really considered as a kiss? Sheesh, that guy is trying to kill himself” Miharu thought, the others noticed that he was spacing out all of the sudden. “Uh, MI-HA-RU~~” Daisuke said as he poked Miharu’s cheeks, he felt it and was annoyed “Yah Aniki, I told you never to poke my cheeks (>.<)” he complained. “Gomen. You were spacing out so I thought of doing that, hihi, you’re so cuuute~” said Daisuke and Miharu gave him a glare then he released a sigh and his face turned into I’m-a-little-worried look. “What’s wrong?” asked Yuki, “I don’t know, I feel like something bad is going to happen” Miharu replied. “Don’t worry, maybe it’s just a weird feeling or something” said Yuki and Miharu kept quiet.

Back in Kira and Mika’s case, after ice skating, they decided to go to the arcade. “Yah Kira, do you play Pokémon” she asked and Kira suddenly got excited when Mika mentioned Pokémon to him. “W-why?” he asked trying to be cool and hiding his excited feeling. “Look, there’s a new video game Pokémon wars, do you want to play?” she said. Kira feeling really excited inside, dragged Mika to the game and they started playing.

While playing, Mika kept on losing and Kira was slowly showing his Pokémon-addicted side. “Uh?” Mika wondered as she looked at Kira playing like an expert “Heh, you must like Pokémon a lot do you” she said “Yep” Kira answered without even thinking. “What?” Mika wondered, “Eh? What?” said Kira, “You like Pokémon?” she asked. “Uhh... n-no” said Kira then he faced his game. “Liar! I hear you say yes” said Mika, Kira released a sigh and said “Okay2x, until now... I still like Pokémon, you happy?” he said. “Until now? Heh, I’m starting to see the other side of Kira right now” said Mika, “Hmmm...” Kira gave her a glare and Mika slightly laughed at him. After playing the game, Mika spotted a hat store that sells different kinds of hats; she spotted some Pokémon hats and decided to check it out. Kira followed her and he was amazed by the Pokémon hats, he noticed a Pikachu hat and decided to buy it. “Yah, let’s go” he said as he grabbed Mika’s hand and they went out of the store.

After going to the store, they decided to go for a walk in the park. Mika noticed the plastic bag that Kira was carrying “What is that?” she asked, “Uh, well...” Kira said then he decided to show Mika the Pikachu hat that he bought “(=.=) seriously, you’re going to wear that?” she asked. “Nope, you are” Kira replied “E-EH!?” Mika wondered, Kira then placed the hat on Mika’s head “There. Now you look like a Pokémon, uhh... I know... you can be my Pokémon, MIKACHU! Mwahahahaha” Kira proclaimed, “(=___=||) seriously...” Mika mumbled and Kira laughed at her, “But you look cute wearing that. Don’t take it off, okay?” he said. “And what if I decide to take it off?” said Mika, “Then I’ll kiss you” Kira replied with a smirk on his face. “Okay I won’t take it off” said Mika, “Good Mikachu~” Kira said as he patted Mika’s head, then they continued walking.

Moments later, Mika decided to buy them ice cream as a ‘thank you’ respond since Mika bought her the hat (which she was still wearing) while Mika was buying the ice cream, the ice cream man kept on staring at her hat “Uh?” she wondered, “Ah, sorry about that ma’am, it’s just that... seeing you wear the hat, it looks...” “Weird right? Well I can’t help it but to wear it since that guy over there bought this for me” Mika said as he pointed her finger at Kira who was sitting on the bench and it seems like he was sleeping “Heh, looks like your boyfriend is fast asleep” said the ice cream man, “Wait, boyfriend?” Mika wondered. “Here you go ma’am, it’s free already since you two make such a cute couple” the ice cream man added as he gave the ice creams to Mika, “Uh thanks” said Mika then she went back to where Kira was.

On her way there, she accidentally bumped into someone, “Uh... gomenasai” she apologized without even looking at the guy’s face
“It’s oka- uh, Mika-senpai?” said the guy. Mika turned to him and when she saw his face “K-Keita?” she said. Then, “Keita! Hurry up will you?” another guy said, they turned to him and Mika was shocked to see the guy’s face

“S-Satoshi?” she wondered with a shocked look on her face.

I wonder who Keita and Satoshi are? Does Mika know them? And why was Mika shocked when she saw Satoshi? HMMM :))

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 25 (◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10