
Love at First Sight

Chapter Thirty Three

2 Days Later...

The two were still not talking to each other though Mika seems to be in pretty good terms with the others and they are now okay with Mika ‘dating’ Syuu. They had another fan signing event at Tokyo tower and during their break

“Tonight we’re going to attend Masaru-kun’s party right?” asked Jin and Hiro nodded his head, “Besides, we’re going to perform there as well” he added. “Sou... it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Masaru-kun, I mean who knew he was actually the heir to one of the richest group here in Japan” said Jin “Yes, it was truly... unexpected” Yuki added.

After the break, they continued fan signing. Mika’s job this time was to watch over the boys and of course, help them with their gifts. “Darn it, this is heavy!” she proclaimed as she was carrying a box full of gifts from their fans, then “Let me help you with that” one of the twins said as he helped Mika carry the box “Uh, Kira?” she said to herself but something wasn’t right. “Domou” she thanked him and he smiled at her “Yuki-kun... why are you wearing a wig that looks like Kira’s hair” she said, “EH? I mean I’m not Yuki, I’m Kira!” he proclaimed and Mika just laughed at him, he released a sigh and took off the wig “Fine, it’s me!” he proclaimed “Tch” said Mika “But it’s incredible that you were able to tell us apart... I mean, how did you know?” asked Yuki “Simple, when you smile it’s like I’m looking at a girl smiling and besides... Kira doesn’t smile” Mika replied and it made Yuki slightly laugh, after that they went back to where the others were.

At around 5PM, they were already done. They finished early because Boyfriend needs to prepare for a party that they will attend and same with Mika, she arrived at her apartment and quickly took a bath. An hour and thirty minutes later, DING DONG her door bell rang and she was still inside her room “COME IN!!” she yelled, Syuu opened the door and entered the apartment along with Hana, they decided to wait for her in the living room. “I’m kind of excited to what Mika-nee looks like, especially when you’re the one who picked the dress for her Syuu-nii!” Hana proclaimed, “Heh, don’t worry Hana she’s going to be really pretty” said Syuu “OOOOHH, I can’t wait to see! I also can’t believe that you two started dating already, argsh. I’m so envious” said Hana, “Yah, you’re not yet allowed to date, got that?” Syuu said being an over protective brother, “Argsh... still, I’m happy for the two of you” she said, “I was right, they will end up with each other ^^” Hana thought. 10 minutes later, the door opened

“Uh” both Syuu and Hana said as they sat up, Mika slowly went out of the room and both of their eyes widened when they saw her wearing the White gauze trim tube dress, her hair was curled in the ends

(This is the dress that Mika wore. DISCLAMER: I do not own this picture)

“H-how do I look?” she asked as she noticed the two staring at her “You look amazing Mika-nee!” Hana proclaimed and Mika felt relieved, “Come on let’s go already~ I’m so excited!” Hana proclaimed as she grabbed Mika’s arm and pulled her towards Syuu, “You two go together okay? You look soooo cute!” she added and the three of them left.

Meanwhile, “Wow you guys look great!” Tanaka proclaimed as she saw the guys ready for the party, “I’m actually impressed by what Kira is wearing, I mean... it makes him look like an angel... with the white suit and everything” said Jin, “Heh, here wear these masks, it’s a masquerade party” Tanaka said as she gave them their masks, “Arigatou” they thanked her and they went inside the car.

           When they arrived at the Mansion, “These masks are itchy” Miharu whined, “Then take them off” said Kira, “Nah... it makes me look cute” said Miharu and Kira rolled his eyes, then...

“Guys!” a guy called them, they looked back and saw the birthday boy “Masaru!” they said as they approached him “Happy birthday” they greeted “Arigatou Gozaimasu” Masaru responded, “Guys, your table will be over here next to my brother and sister” said Masaru. “I didn’t know you had a brother and a sister” said Hiro, “Well now you know (^^)” said Masaru. The guys sat down and waited for the other guests to arrive.

When the three arrived at Syuu’s grandfather’s mansion, Mika was about to enter when Syuu and Hana stopped her “Not yet Mika...” said Syuu “Uh, why?” asked Mika “We will enter when our names would be called” said Hana “Eh?” Mika wondered.

30 minutes later, the guests were talking and mingling when suddenly, “I announce the arrival of Takashi Group’s President... Takashi Shinji-sama” the Emcee announced and all of them clapped their hands as the President of Takashi Group entered the hall.

“Takashi group?” the guys wondered, “Then is Takashi-kun related to Masaru-kun?” asked Jin, “There’s no way” said Daisuke, then “Next, we have Takashi Masaru-sama’s half brother, Takashi Syuu-kun and Takashi Masaru-sama’s half sister, Takashi Hana-chan” the Emcee added, the boys were shocked when they heard the names of Hana and Syuu, they turned to the door and they saw them entering the hall, “NO WAY!” they proclaimed as their jaw dropped when they saw Hana and Syuu enter, then the girl who was with Syuu, caught everyone’s attention. “Uh?” all of them wondered as they stared at her, even though she was wearing a mask, she somehow captivated the guests with her presence, “Uh?” Mika wondered as she noticed that everyone was staring at her.

Meanwhile, “Yah, who’s that pretty girl with Takashi-kun?” asked Hiro “If she’s their other sister, then I’m definitely asking her out” said Jin and they gave him a glare. Kira wasn’t paying any attention at all, he was just looking around but Miharu kept bugging him to look at the girl. He finally turned his head to the door but when he saw the girl “Uh?” he wondered as he felt his heart beat faster, in fact. He felt the same thing when he first saw Mika... “Ootori?” he thought as he looked at the girl. The three of them passed through the crowd as they went to their table, when they arrived there, Mika didn’t even realize that they were actually sitting next to Boyfriend, well... Mika does have bad eye sight that’s why she has no idea at all plus all of them were wearing masks and it was a bit hard to recognize them. The other members also didn’t realize that the girl was Mika; she looked so different from her usual self, only Kira was able to identify who the girl was, he kept on staring at Mika while the boys kept on staring at Syuu and Hana

“I can’t believe it, I never thought Takashi-kun is actually related to Masaru-kun... I mean, I’ve always thought he was but never expected that he really is” said Jin and the others nodded their head. “Mika-chan is one lucky girl” said Hiro and they nodded their heads, “Speaking of Mika-chan, I wonder where she is?” said Jin. Kira rolled his eyes as he knew that the girl at the next table was actually Mika, “I can’t believe they don’t recognize her” he murmured. A few minutes later, there was a small program that allowed the birthday boy to have a little speech, after that... it was mingling time for them. The guys mingled with some girls but they didn’t introduce themselves as members of Boyfriend. Meanwhile, Syuu and Hana went near their grandfather

“Grandpa!” Hana said as she ran towards her grandfather and hugged him, “Hana dear, you’ve grown so much already” he said. “Heehee” Hana responded. Their grandfather isn’t the strict type; he’s more of a lovable type and is an open minded person, though he takes some things seriously like business and marriage. He saw Syuu walking towards him and he brought Mika with him “So, this lovely lady who caught everyone’s attention a while ago is actually my grandson’s girlfriend” he said as he greeted them, “Heh” said Syuu. “Ah. Konbanwa, Ootori Mika desu, hajimemae Takashi-san” Mika said as she bowed down to Shinji. “My, you’re a lovely one, I don’t even know why you became my grandson’s girlfriend” he joked, “Oji-san~” whined Syuu and Shinji laughed at him. “I see you’re doing well my boy. I’ve also heard that your coffee shop got featured in the news because a so called idol group ‘Boyfriend’ worked there for a whole day... now when did you become so interested in those kind of stuffs?” asked Shinji “Actually Oji-san, Mika was the one who handled the shop that day and she works with them that’s how she got them to work there” Syuu replied “Really? Wow, your girlfriend is already wife material” said Shinji and he laughed, “Wife?” Mika wondered then she turned to Syuu and he gave her a don’t-worry look, then...

“Oji-san” Masaru called as he went near them, “Masaru-nii!” Hana said and she hugged him, “Oh my little princess, you’re not little anymore (^^) you’re prettier than ever!” Masaru proclaimed, “Tss, Masaru-nii you’re just playing with me >3<” Hana pouted and Masaru ruffled her hair and said “No I’m not ^^” “Why don’t the three of you talk while Hana and I will go get something to drink” said Shinji as he grabbed Hana’s arm and the two of them left.

“Aniki, it’s good to see you again ^^” said Masaru, “Same here. I’ve heard that the company became more successful because of you, congrats” said Syuu “Arigatou... I’ve also heard that you and Hana are doing well. It’s good to know that ^^” said Masaru, “Thanks” said Syuu then Masaru turned to Mika, “Konnichiwa, I’m Takashi Masaru, Aniki’s half brother” he introduced himself to her, “Nice to meet you, I’m Mika, Syuu-nii’s friend ^^” said Mika “Friend?” Masaru wondered, “I mean girlfriend” said Mika and Masaru smiled at her, “She’s one interesting girl Aniki ^^” he said, “Heh. I know” said Syuu.

After the mingling and talking, Masaru announced the community dance to begin. “May I?” Syuu said as he invited Mika to dance, “E-eh?” Mika wondered but Syuu grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor and they began dancing the waltz, “I didn’t know you can dance” said Mika “Well you also don’t know that I can sing huh” said Syuu “Really? What a surprise” said Mika; the guests were looking at them while some joined them

“I don’t think that girl is related to Takashi-kun at all, I think she’s his date” said Hiro “Then if she’s his date... it means that...” said Jin and all of them turned to the girl “Mika-chan?” they said in unison as they looked at the girl who was dancing with Syuu, “Woah, they look good together” said Jin then Daisuke hit him on the head “Baka! That should be Kira over there” he said then all of them turned to Kira who was leaning on the wall and he seems to be sleeping, Daisuke shook his head and said “Someone help us get Mika-chan and Kira together on the dance floor” suddenly

“Okay, time for you guys to invite someone to the dance floor that are not your dates” the DJ proclaimed “THANK YOU!” Daisuke proclaimed. Syuu and Mika stepped aside until, “Syuu-kun, do you want to dance?” one girl asked “Of course ^^” Syuu replied which made the girl slightly blush and both of them went to the dance floor.

Mika was just looking around when suddenly, someone bumped into her or most likely, he was being pushed towards her “Uh gomenasai” she apologized but when she saw the guy, “Uh?” she wondered as she somehow felt the guy was very familiar

“Uhm, would you like to dance?” he asked, “M-Me?” Mika wondered as she pointed at herself “Of course you, sheesh” he thought, “Uh... M-hm” he said, “I don’t even know how to dance” said Mika, “Oh” said the guy. He released a sigh then... “It’s okay, I’ll lead” he said then he brought Mika to the dance floor and they started dancing

While they were dancing, Mika kept staring at the guy “His face is really familiar, but I don’t get it why I can’t remember. Am I really this forgetful? Seriously... he looks like... argh, I don’t know!” Mika proclaimed in her thoughts, then... “If you keep staring at me like that, you might fall in love with me” he said “EH!?” Mika cried in her thoughts, “Tch. How arrogant” she said as she looked away “You still don’t recognize me do you?” he asked and Mika turned to him with a puzzled face, he just smirked and continued to dance...

Meanwhile, “Those two look good together, better than the other one” said Daisuke “Uh, you’re right. They look like angels dancing like that since both of them are wearing white” Yuki added and the others nodded their heads. Miharu decided to look around when he spotted someone at the salad bar eating “Uh?” he wondered. In Hana’s case, she was eating while looking around then she saw a girl giving her boyfriend a peck on the lips, she immediately looked away as she suddenly remembered something.

“Darn it, why can’t I forget that whole thing? Who am I kidding, how can I forget that when it was my first kiss (>_<)” Hana said to herself as she remembered what happened.


(The time when Hana and Miharu were on their way to the Café and they were talking about Mika, Syuu and Kira)

“WHAT!? They kissed!?” Hana cried. “Seriously, Nakano Miharu... you need to staple your mouth shut that way you won’t spill secrets like that” thought Miharu “Omo, no way... nii-chan needs to know about this” Hana said as she suddenly brought out her cell phone, “Matte, Hana-chan, don’t!” Miharu proclaimed as he tried to get Hana’s phone but she was keeping it away from him “Nii-chan must know!” she proclaimed. The two were strangling each other so that Miharu can get the phone when suddenly Miharu accidentally pinned Hana towards the wall and he got hold of her hand which was holding her phone, they stared for a few seconds at each other as they turned red because their faces were only a few inches from each other, suddenly Hana snapped out of it and started struggling so that Miharu would let go of her hand and she can call he brother but then “Hana-chan!” Miharu proclaimed and it made Hana stare at him once more “forgive me” he said in his mind then he suddenly kissed Hana and she was so shocked that she dropped her phone and it fell into one of the plastic bags. After that, their face were so red and Hana forgot all about calling her brother about the kiss...

When the two arrived at the coffee shop...

“Hana-chan! Uh?” Mika said as she saw the two looked awkward and their faces were red, “Are you okay?” she asked as she approached Hana “H-Hai” Hana replied, “We’ll put the groceries in the kitchen” Miharu added and the two went to the kitchen.


Hana shook her head and said, “Argh, but I wonder why he did that? Does he like me? Uh, what am I saying, there’s no way he would like me... besides, there are a lot of pretty girls out there that would really look good with him *sigh* good thing he’s not here” she said to herself, suddenly...

“Hana-chan” a guy called her name, “Uh?” Hana wondered, she turned around and was surprised to see “Miharu-kun!?” she said, “Uh... you recognize me? Heh, Mika-chan’s eye sight must be really poor” said Miharu “Wait, what are you doing here?” she asked “Masaru-kun invited us, Hana-chan I really want to apologize to you because I suddenly took your *blush* first kiss” he said, Hana suddenly blushed and said “I-It’s okay” “Umm, Hana-chan if you don’t mind, do you... want to dance?” he asked, Hana turned to him and she was red all over “S-Sure” she said then the two went to the dance floor and started dancing.

“Uh, yah Miharu is dancing with Hana-chan!” Jin proclaimed as he spotted the two, “Aww, how cute. Our baby found a lover. Hihihihihi” said Hiro, “I envy Kira and Miharu; I want to dance too!” Jin whined, then “Would you like to dance with us?” a group of girls asked them, the other three said yes while Yuki decided to watch them

He was looking at the dancers but his focus was on Kira and Mika, he suddenly remembered his dream “Uh? Heh... Kira, if you didn’t like Mika-chan then I would happily be the one to confess my feelings to her but since I found out that you like her, I decided to throw those feelings away. It hurts but since you are my younger twin, I want to see you happy. Whenever you’re with Mika-chan I can always see you smiling and enjoying the time; ever since Mika-chan became close with us, you were starting to be more cheerful and happy... and it really made me happy too so please... don’t let go of her” he said as he looked at the two.

While dancing, Syuu saw Mika dancing with the guy, he looked closer and realized that the guy was actually Kira “Kira-kun?” he said, then...

“Okay, looks like all of you are tired already because of the dancing; now we have some special guests for tonight and they are going to come up here and perform a little something for us. Everyone, give it up for BOYFRIEND!” the Emcee announced, Mika was very shocked, she turned to the guy, the guy smiled and took of his mask, “K-Kira?” she said, Kira then went on the stage where he met up with the other members

“I’m your BOYFRIEND! Good evening everyone, first of all we would like to greet a very good friend of ours a Happy Birthday. Masaru-kun, Otanjoubi Omedetou! We would also like to thank you for inviting us here and letting us perform, so why don’t I stop talking here and start singing. Everyone, I hope you enjoy our performance ^^” said Daisuke and then they started performing.

Mika was still in shock when she found out that she actually danced with Kira, she looked at them while performing but she was actually looking at Kira who was also looking at her, Syuu saw them looking at each other and he suddenly felt a bit down.

After the performance, the food was ready to serve, while eating Mika was very quiet as she kept on glancing at Boyfriend’s table, Syuu also noticed it but he didn’t say a word. A few minutes later, when Mika looked at the table again, Kira was already gone “Uh?” she wondered. 15 minutes later, a video presentation was being played and Mika decided to excuse herself. She decided to go to the garden outside to get some fresh air.

“Woah, it’s so pretty here” she said as she was walking along the path, then she spotted a bench and decided to sit there, she released a sigh and said to herself “I can’t believe I danced with Kira and wasn’t able to recognize him, though my eyesight is bad, I can’t see clearly when I’m wearing this stupid mask *takes the mask off* and he was wearing a mask as well... but I wonder how he and the others got into that party in the first place?” she said to herself “Hmm, they must’ve known Masaru-kun for a long time already...” she added. She was still thinking about the dance then she remembered what Kira said

“If you keep staring at me like that, you might fall in love with me” –Kira

“Tch. Such an Arrogant Egghead, oi Hasegawa Kira I WILL NEVER IN MY LIFE FALL IN LOVE WITH A JERK LIKE YOU!” she proclaimed, she stood up and was about to leave when suddenly, her foot got caught on a vine that was sticking out on one of the bushes and she fell on the ground and scratched her knee “Ouch” she cried, she looked at her knee and saw it bleeding, “Oh great!” she sarcastically proclaimed, she was about to stand up when suddenly, someone helped her up and he let her sit on the bench, she looked up and saw Kira

“Uh?” she wondered, “Heh, such a klutz” he said as he sat in front of her “This is what you get for calling me an arrogant egghead and a jerk” he added, “Y-you heard that?” asked Mika and Kira just rolled his eyes, he took out his handkerchief and started wiping the blood off the wound. “Y-yah, it hurts!” Mika proclaimed, “Sit still” he said and Mika sat still, after that...

“You should go back inside so that Takashi-kun can put some medicine on it” he said as he stood up but Mika just kept quiet. “What? You can’t walk? You want me to carry you back inside?” he said but Mika still kept quiet, “Uh” said Kira as he kept quiet as well, he decided to sit next to her, then...

“You do realize that I’m still mad at you” she said without looking at Kira, “Heh. I know” said Kira “That’s why I came here to apologize” he added. “Uh?” Mika wondered as she turned to him, “I’m sorry if I said those things to you... I’m sorry for being an arrogant egghead and a jerk” he apologized, Mika was shocked at first but then she started to laugh “Uh?” Kira wondered as he turned to her “Yah, why are you laughing!? I’m already apologizing to you” he said, Mika controlled herself from laughing and said “It still sounds awkward whenever you apologize” “Uh” said Kira and he felt a little embarrassed “But I’m serious here” he added, “Uh? *smile* I know” said Mika and Kira turned to her “I’m sorry for slapping you that time, I was really mad because... because you don’t even know what’s really going on yet you said such hurtful things” said Mika and Kira just kept quiet, “But Kira... do you really think that I’m not the girlfriend type?” she asked while she was slightly blushing, “Heh, why did you suddenly asked that?” said Kira “Uh... nothing” Mika replied and she looked away.

“Uh?” he wondered then he smiled.

There was another silence between them, when “Uh Syuu-nii’s probably looking for me, I’ve been gone for quite some time already; I’m going ahead” she said as she stood up and was about to leave but then she forgot that she injured her knee, it caused her pain and she was about to fall but then Kira grabbed her and he suddenly hugged her.

“What the?” she wondered as she was shocked of what Kira did.

“Please... don’t go” he whispered.

“U-uh?!” she said as she suddenly blushed.

(BG Song: Will You Smile for Me by Zia)

Is it already time for Kira to tell Mika how he truly feels? :))

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 34 (◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10