Bad Terms again?

Love at First Sight

Chapter Fourteen:

Mika fell asleep while lying on her bed, suddenly, she was awakened by a phone call “Uh?” she wondered, she picked up her phone to see who it was, it was an unknown number

“Hello?” she said “Yah, shouldn’t you be in that café right now?” the caller replied, “Kira!?” Mika wondered, she looked at her watch and it was already 4 30PM “WHAT THE?” she said, she immediately dropped her phone on the bed and started to change. 5 mins. Later, she left her apartment.

In Kira’s case, he already hung up and he looked at Mika, who was running towards the café, from his balcony. He was laughing at her because she looked funny, suddenly

“What are you doing? Ö” Yuki asked, “Yah! Yuki, it’s just you...” said Kira, “Are you...spying on Mika-chan?” he asked, “W-what? O...of course not...” Kira replied in a nervous way
“Tch, don’t hide it, it’s already obvious... sheesh, but I can’t believe that your rooms are just in front of each other” said Yuki, “W-well...” said Kira, “Ne Kira, let’s have a twin to twin talk” Yuki added. “Huh?” Kira wondered.

In Mika’s case, when she arrived at the coffee shop, “K-K-Konichiwa!” she greeted while she was panting. “Uh?” all of them wondered, “Heh, you’re late” Syuu said as he went near her. “I *pant* know” she replied then she immediately went to her usual seat while Jun prepared her usual order.

            Back at the apartment, the twins were facing each other and they were doing an eye-to-eye contact. “Tell me...” said Yuki, “I have nothing to tell you” Kira replied
 “Really? Then why did you save her life?” asked Yuki “Do you expect me to just let our film editor drown? Besides, Tanaka-san said that she’s the best among the best, so we can’t afford to lose her” Kira answered
“Hmm, you have a point, but how did you feel when you kissed her?” asked Yuki, “For your information it wasn’t a kiss” said Kira
“It wasn’t to you but maybe to us, it was... both your lips touched and-” “Okay that’s enough already!” Kira proclaimed as he looked away. “Uh?” Yuki wondered, “I’ll tell you what’s going on with me okay?” Kira added, “Good twin...” Yuki thought and he paid attention to what Kira will say

“I admit, at first I thought that it was just plain CPR but then Tanaka-san started making a big deal out of it and she keeps telling me that it was just the same as a kiss and I got really bothered by it. I was also bothered by what Tanaka-san said; she said that I was losing my cool already” Kira said to Yuki, Yuki paused for a while, then he started to laugh “Uh?” Kira wondered. Yuki then tried to stop laughing and start talking

“I’m sorry for laughing” he apologized and Kira looked at him, “it’s the first time I’ve seen you like this. Hey Kira, don’t worry if you’re losing your cool, just remember that when something or someone is already in your hands, don’t you ever let go, all right?” said Yuki, “HUH?!” Kira wondered but Yuki didn’t reply, instead, he smiled at him and left the room

“Sheesh, I can feel that Tanaka-san is influential, she already made my brother weird just like her (-_-||)” Kira murmured.

Back at the café, “Here you go Mika-chan~” Jun said as he placed Mika’s order on the table, “Arigatou Jun” said Mika, “No prob” Jun replied then he went back inside the kitchen. While Mika was eating, Syuu suddenly sat in front of her

“Uh?” she wondered, “So how was Okinawa?” Syuu asked but his face seemed like he was a bit worried, “It was fun, who knew that those guys are actually fun to be with” Mika replied. “Sou, Mika... Kira-kun called me last Saturday night and he told me what happened...” said Syuu, “Uh?” Mika wondered
“Good thing he saved you, I was really worried. I mean, how could that actress push you off the cliff?!” said Syuu, “Actress?” Mika wondered then she remembered Rina.
“You mean Fujioka Rina?” she added
“Fujioka Rina pushed you off the cliff!?” Jun exclaimed and everyone was looking at him, “Arghsh!” said Mika then she pulled Jun towards them “Don’t yell! And that spoiled actress didn’t push me off the cliff, all right?” Mika silently proclaimed. “That’s not what Kira-kun said” Jun replied, “What?” Mika wondered, “Wait, he told you that Rina-san pushed me off the cliff? Why I’m gonna-” “Woah, calm down girl, the important thing is, you’re safe, so everything’s okay... now eat” said Syuu, Mika released a sight and she continued eating her food.

After stopping by the coffee shop, Mika immediately went to Boyfriend’s Apartment. In Boyfriend’s case, they were just hanging out (since Tanaka gave them a day off for doing a good job last time) when suddenly, they heard a very aggressive knock on the door. “Argh, who could that be?” Daisuke whined as he got up to open the door, when he opened it “Mika-chan?” he wondered, “Yah, where’s Kira?” she asked, “Kira?” the others wondered, “Why do you want to see Kira? >.<” Daisuke pouted but Mika didn’t reply, she seems to be in a bad mood. Moments later, Kira went out of the room, Mika saw him and she entered the apartment and went near him

“Oi, why did you tell Syuu-nii what happened last Saturday?” she asked in an angry way
“What?” said Kira, “Why? He’s your friend right? He should have the right to know” he added
“Then why did you have to tell him that Fujioka Rina pushed me off the cliff?!” Mika exclaimed
“What? Rina-chan did that!?” the others inserted. Kira felt a bit irritated because Mika was raising her voice at him
“Heh, then how did you end up falling from the cliff if she didn’t push you? Was it due to your stupidity that you fell off from that cliff?” he said “Hey Kira...” said Yuki
Mika suddenly felt a bit hurt about what Kira said, “Stupidity? Heh, well I guess you can say that...” she said as she walked out of the room. “Mika-chan...” said Jin, they all looked at Kira, he was irritated; he went inside his room and slammed the door

“And here I thought they would be in good terms already” said Hiro and the others nodded their heads, Yuki released a sigh and he sat down on the couch. All throughout the night, Kira was very quiet, whenever Daisuke would play around with him, he would ignore him. After dinner, he went inside his room and he leaned on the wall

Kira’s POV

What’s her problem? Sheesh, why? Her friend has the right to know about what happened to her right? I mean, he said that he treats Ootori like his little sister, so they’re practically family; and why is she defending that wicked brat? How could she have fallen off the cliff if no one pushed her? It’s pretty obvious that that brat wanted to get rid of her from the start. Why is she so clueless? Argsh...

*Knock Knock*“Go away!” I proclaimed, “Kira...” uh, Yuki? I opened the door and let him in. even if I’m in a bad mood, I always feel comfortable when I’m talking to Yuki

“Kira, are you okay?”he asked, Okay? The truth? I’m so angry right now and I don’t know why! “Uh, I’m fine” I replied. I can’t believe I lied to him, but as usual, he can sense if I’m okay or not “Liar” he said. BINGO, I released a sigh and kept quiet. I really can’t understand what I’m feeling right now. Why am I so angry? Is it because Ootori got mad at me for telling her friend about what happened to her? Is it because she’s defending the wicked brat? Or is it because I made her mad... wait, what? Hold up, what’s wrong with me? This is the first time I’ve been concerned about someone being mad at me, usually I don’t care if people get angry at me, but why is it like this? What the heck is happening?
            “Kira...” he said
            “Uh?” I replied in a clueless way
            “I know that you’re not the type of person who wants to apologize but... I think you should apologize to Mika-chan for bringing out the point that she fell because of her stupidity” he said.
            “Apologize?” I wondered, yea... I also feel like I should apologize to her. It would make this guilty feeling disappear
            “Heh, no way” Why the heck did I just say that? (=___=||)
            “But Kira-”
            “I will apologize to her IF she will also apologize to me for yelling at me” I said but, I really didn’t mean it. He just released a sigh and he gave me that stop-acting-like-a-brat look. I looked away from him, once again he released another sigh and stood up and left the room. Is he upset because I said no? Really, I wonder why Yuki wants me to get along with Ootori anyway? Does he like her so he’s using me to get close to her? Nah, Yuki isn’t that type of person, besides, he’ll be able to snatch a girl if he really wants to. He’s the prince charming for crying out loud...
*sigh*Apologize huh? Maybe... I should...
-END of POV-

The next day, Mika texted Tanaka-san that she won’t be able to come with them because she’ll be meeting her old friend (remember the caller in Chap. 13?) Tanaka replied and she said that its okay, Mika replied “thank you” and after that, she got ready.

In Boyfriend’s case, when they arrived at the dance studio, “Mika-chan’s not coming?” Miharu asked, “Eh? Looks like Kira really made her upset this time...” said Daisuke but Kira ignored him. “Mika-chan’s not coming because she’s going to meet an important person today” Tanaka answered, “Important person?” the others wondered then Kira remembered the guy that Mika was talking to on the phone last time “Uh, Tch.” He said

Moments later, Boyfriend started practicing and they were really focused on what they were doing, well, there was one guy who was a bit distracted but he still focused on practicing though, Tanaka noticed it.

In Mika’s case, when she arrived at the Coffee Shop, “Mika, your friend is here already” Syuu said as he approached Mika, “Uh, where?” she asked and Syuu directed her to the table where her friend was staying.

“Hey Rui!” she called, Rui turned around and saw Mika, “Mika!” he replied, Mika smiled at him then... “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Syuu said as he walked towards them, “Uh, right. Ano, Syuu-nii, this is Morinozuka Rui, an old friend of mine. Rui this is Takashi Syuu-nii, the owner of his shop” Mika introduced them to each other, “Nice to meet you” said Syuu, “Nice to meet you too, wow, you’re a very good looking man!” Rui proclaimed, “Uh, thank you?” said Syuu, “E-excuse him Syuu-nii, he’s really crazy sometimes and doesn’t know what he’s saying, come on Rui let’s go~” Mika inserted as she grabbed Rui’s arm and dragged him outside, “I’ll see you later Syuu-nii!” she added and they finally left.

Outside, “Yah Rui! Watch what you’re saying, Syuu-nii might think that you’re gay” Mika proclaimed, “Gomen, but Mika, he really is good looking. I hope you’ll end up with him ^^” Rui replied, “Argh really... (-_-)” Mika said then she hit Rui on the head. “Let’s go!” she added as she walked ahead. “M-matte!” Kira proclaimed and he followed.

            While they had their break, Tanaka approached Kira...

“I’ve heard what happened yesterday” she said, “Uh” said Kira, “Maybe that’s the reason why your focus is messed up” Tanaka added and Kira just kept quiet. During lunch time, they decided to go and eat at an Italian restaurant.

“Good thing there aren’t any fortune cookies here” said Daisuke, “How can there be any fortune cookies here when we’re in an Italian restaurant (-.-)” said Miharu and Daisuke glared at him. Kira was still quiet, Yuki was starting to worry but he feels like Kira needs to clear things up by himself. While they were eating, Jin excused himself to go to the bathroom, on his way back, he passed by a table wherein a very familiar girl sat, he looked closely and realized that it was actually Mika and she was with Rui
“M-M-M-Mika-chan!?” he proclaimed.

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 15 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10