Love at First Sight ?

Love at First Sight


Do you believe in Love at First Sight?

Boy says: "Love at first sight? Heh, that's rubbish. I mean, how can you say that you've fallen in love with someone when you only saw her once? sheesh"

Girl says: "Love at first sight? Well, I don't know if it's real but I've seen it a lot in Movies and Dramas. I think it's silly that you've fallen in love with someone when you just saw him once but... I don't know :D"

Chapter One:


"Good afternoon guys!" Mika proclaimed as she entered the Coffee Shop. "Mika-chan! Hi, the usual I guess?" Ami, one of the waitresses asked and Mika nodded her head. She sat down on her usual seat near the glass window and she looked outside. "2 days before Christmas and you're still working Mika-chan..." Jun, the other waiter, said as he placed the cup of coffee on Mika's table. "M-hm. I still need to finish the Music Video that was assigned to me" Mika replied, "Heh, from what group?" asked Jun, "I don't know, I'm not really a fan of idol groups and such" Mika replied then she drank the cup of coffee. "Sou, uh, speaking of Idol Groups, looks like one is performing outside right now" Jun said as he looked outside the window and across the street, a boy group was performing and there were many screaming fans. "Manager! We should get the shop ready, looks like we're going to have a lot of customers" Jun said as he went inside the office.


Mika looked at the boy group performing when suddenly, "AAAHHH!!!" Hana, another waitress, screamed as she saw the boy group performing. "IT'S BOYFRIEND!" she added, "Heh, you sure are a big fan of them aren't you?" said Mika, "You bet! Say, Mika-nee, can you accompany me later, I just want to see them up close, PLEASE?" Hana begged, Mika felt sorry so she said yes and Hana hugged her in reply, then she went back to the cashier, which was her station.

  Meanwhile, the members of Boyfriend were having a solo performance and while the other members were waiting, Hasegawa Kira, Hasegawa Yuki's younger twin, looked around and he saw the coffee shop across the street. The sign board (which Mika designed) caught his attention; he continued to look at the shop when he noticed a girl near the window reading a book. "Uh?" he wondered, he wasn't able to see her clearly because he had poor eye sight, suddenly, "Kira, you're on!" the stage manager proclaimed and Kira went on stage.

15 mins. later, Hana took the chance of sneaking out of the shop along with Mika and they went across the street. When they arrived there, it was the Q & A portion of their performance and Hana paid close attention to them. The other members of boyfriend were asked with different kinds of questions, questions that their fans want to ask them, then one girl asked "Do you believe in Love at first sight?" and the member who was to answer next, was Kira.
 "This is going to be good, Kira doesn't usually speak in front of people but now, he's going to answer that question" said Hana, "Uh" said Mika then she looked at the stage and looked at Kira.

"Again, the question is, Do you believe in love at first sight?" the Emcee asked Kira, Kira thought for a while and... "Actually, no. Love at first sight? Heh, that's rubbish. I mean, how can you say that you've fallen in love with someone when you only saw her once?" he answered and when their fans heard his answer, they were disappointed. "So Kira-kun, are you saying that even if you just looked at the audience right now and saw a girl that you got attracted to, it means that you won't fall in love with her?" the Emcee asked, "Absolutely" Kira replied, "Then, let's have a test shall we?" said the Emcee. "What?" Kira wondered, "Come on! Girls, do you want Kira-kun here to test himself?" asked the Emcee "YES!" the fans replied, "Okay then, Kira-kun, close your eyes for 3 seconds and after 3 seconds, when you open your eyes and see the first girl that appears in front of you, tell us how you feel okay?" said the Emcee. Kira released a sigh and started to close his eyes. While closing his eyes, he started mumbling to himself, "Why do I need to do this? This is nonsense, I mean how can I-" "3!" they all proclaimed.


Kira opened his eyes and he suddenly saw Mika just staring at him, "Uh?" he wondered as he looked at her and he felt something different. (BG Song: Loving U by Stellar)

Then, "Kira-kun? Hey, are you listening?" said the Emcee, "Uh? Huh?" said Kira, "Well?" he asked and Kira noticed that all eyes were on him, "Uhh..." he said, he looked at the audience again and he didn't see Mika anymore, "Uh, heh, nothing" he replied then he stepped backward, his fans were a bit upset, "Aww, that's too bad, well next question..." said the Emcee and they continued to ask questions while Kira, well, he started to wonder why he stared at Mika like that.


  In Mika and Hana's case, SPANK! Takashi Syuu, the manager of the shop and Hana's older brother, spanked Hana on the head, "ONII-SAN! T___T" Hana cried, "That's what you get for sneaking out and going to that concert!" said Syuu, "Syuu-nii, it was my fault, I should've stopped her" said Mika, "No no, it was her fault, in fact, she even dragged you in to this" said Syuu. "Gomenasai Nii-san! T__T" Hana cried, "Tch. Back to your station!"Syuu proclaimed, "Hai T^T" Hana replied and she went back to the cashier. "Kids these days" said Syuu, "Ehe. Uh, Syuu-nii, I need to go already" said Mika, "Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" said Syuu, "Hai! Arigatou Gozaimasu~" said Mika then she left the shop. "Heh" said Syuu then he went back in his office.

 In Kira's case, at their apartment, he was very quiet and the others noticed it. "Hey, are you okay?" Nakano Miharu, the youngest member, asked. "Uh, yeah, I'm just tired" Kira replied. "Really? During your so called test, you kind of spaced out for a while" said Miharu, "Uh. I was, umm..." said Kira, "You saw someone didn't you?" Miharu started to tease, "W-what? No I didn't, tch" said Kira. "Heh, liar" said Miharu and Kira ignored him.


  2 days later, and it was already Christmas. Kira seemed to have forgotten about his encounter with Mika. "I can't believe it, it's Christmas and we can't even celebrate it with our Family" Akiyama Jin, another member, whined. "We still have to work" Sakurai Hiro replied. "And besides, the 6 of us are like a family already so, why don't we celebrate Christmas together?" Takasu Daisuke, the leader, suggested and the other members seemed to like his plan. "Sounds like a great idea" Hasegawa Yuki, Kira's older Twin, added. "Yosh! Then how about we have a little Christmas Party on our own?" said Jin, "Okay!" the other members, except for Kira, proclaimed.

They decided to have a Christmas party on their own and they were given with different tasks. Jin and Hiro will stay at the Kitchen to cook the food, Miharu and Daisuke will set up the decorations, Yuki will call their manager and some staff members and Kira was assigned to go grocery shopping.

"Kira, you sure you'll be all right?" asked Yuki, "M-hm. I can carry two plastic bags okay?" Kira replied, "Heh, take care then" said Yuki then Kira put on his cap, scarf and shades and left. "Would it look awkward if it's snowing and he's wearing shades?" Jin asked, "People dress in a weird way today, so I guess he'll blend in" Miharu replied. "Heh" said Yuki.


  Kira was on his way to the Grocery Store when he suddenly passed by the place where they had their concert, he then remembered Mika, "Uh...why do I keep thinking about that girl?" he asked himself, he looked across the street and saw the coffee shop. "Was she the same girl I saw inside that coffee shop?" he added, and then he realized something "Wait, why am I so curious about her? I'm not falling for her, right? I mean... ARGH! I don't believe in love at first sight" he said to himself. "I don't believe in Love at first sight" he repeated and he continued mumbling it while he was grocery shopping, paying what he bought and walking back to their apartment. He was so caught up on what he was saying that he didn't notice someone yelling "Get out of the way!" suddenly, a girl bumped into him really hard that they both fell on the ground and the girl was on top of him and their face were very very close. "What the?" said Kira, they both looked at each other at the same time and Kira was surprised to see Mika. "Y...You?" he wondered then his heart started beating fast. Mika realized what she has done that she immediately stood up. "I'm sorry!" she apologized then she immediately left in a rush. Kira stood up and looked at her running, "Heh, I can't believe it. How dare she say sorry and leave immediately? Tch" he said while he was rubbing of the dust on his shirt, he picked up the grocery bags and continued his way.

  When he arrived at the apartment, "What took you so long?" Jin asked, "And did you get in to a fight or something?" he added as he saw Kira with a messy hair. "Someone accidentally bumped into me and I fell on the ground" Kira replied then he gave the grocery bags to Jin, "Good thing the ingredients weren't messed up like your hair" Jin said as he went inside the kitchen. "Tch" said Kira then he sat down on the couch, suddenly, "Oi Kira!" Jin called and Kira immediately went to the kitchen. "Yep?" he said as he went near him, "Help me bring the ingredients out please. Hiro's busy making the soup" said Jin, "Okay" Kira replied. He started taking all the ingredients out when suddenly, he noticed something shining inside the bag "Uh?" he wondered, he took it out and realized that it was a necklace, "What's this doing here?" he wondered, he suddenly remembered the time when he bumped into Mika, "Uh, this must be hers" he added. "What do you have there?" asked Miharu, "Uh, nothing" Kira replied then he immediately put the necklace inside his pocket and continued to bring out the ingredients.

  Meanwhile, in Mika's case, during her break time, she went to the Coffee Shop. "Hello~" she greeted as she entered the shop. "Mika-chan! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" they all yelled, "Merry Christmas to you too ^^" Mika replied, "Mika-chan, since its Christmas, we would like to give you our Christmas Special, it's on the house. Consider it as our gift to you" said Jun, "Really? Thanks!" Mika replied, Jun smiled at her then she sat down on her usual seat and started reading the book, then...

"Mika" Syuu said as he approached her, "Uh? Syuu-nii" said Mika, "We're going to have a Christmas dinner later at our place, do you want to come?" he said, "You sure you want me to go?" asked Mika, "M-hm, remember, you're part of the family as well ^^" said Syuu. "Heh, thank you and I'll be there" said Mika, "Good. 7PM, don't be late okay?" said Syuu, "Hai~" Mika replied. Syuu was about to leave but then he noticed something different about Mika, "Uh?" he wondered but he didn't mind and he continued his way.

Pleas look forward to PART 2 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10