Day Off

Love at First Sight


Mika released a sigh and said “You’re just wasting your time” she was about to leave but then Kira grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him and he suddenly hugged her.

“U-uh!?” Mika exclaimed while she was blushing.

Chapter Sixteen:

While Kira was still hugging her, “W-what are you doing?” Mika asked. “I don’t have anything to give you in return so I thought of hugging you instead” Kira replied as he was slightly blushing. Suddenly, he felt his heart beating fast “U-uh?” he wondered, suddenly...

“Looks like these two made up already” Jin said as he and the others entered the room, Kira unhugged Mika and they turned to them, “YAH Kira! WHY DID YOU HUG Mika-chan!?” Daisuke cried, Kira smirked and said, “To piss you off” “ARGSH! YOU LITTLE...” Daisuke said as he was about to hit Kira but didn’t continue it “I will not hit you this time since you already made up with Mika-chan” he added and he walked away from them “Uh...” said Mika. “Well now that we’re all in good terms, why don’t we continue your practice and let’s all work hard for your comeback guys” said Tanaka. “M-hm!” the others proclaimed. They did a fighting yell and after that, they continued with their practice.

Kira and Mika seemed to be in good terms already, they would even talk to each other and Kira would tease Mika. The others noticed how close they have been and how Kira was also starting to change. A week has passed and they were really focused on their come back, all of them were working hard; they even practiced up until 2 in the morning to really perfect the choreography. Mika would also help them by giving them bottled water and towels, she even brings them extra t-shirts to wear; it’s a very tiring job but she’s the assistant manager after all. They also noticed that Mika keeps leaving at around 4 30 in the afternoon and comes back at around 5PM. They wanted to ask her where she went but they always forget to do it. When weekend came, Tanaka decided to give them a day off

“YOSH ~~ A DAY OFF!!” Daisuke proclaimed, “What will you guys do?” asked Hiro, “I am going to go for a very long drive today~~” Daisuke answered, “Wow~~ that’s so cool. I think I’m going to date myself for today” said Hiro, “Count me in on that one!” Jin inserted, “Didn’t you hear me? I said I’m going to go on a date with myself (-_-||)” said Hiro, “I heard you, and so am I but we are going to date ourselves together” said Jin “What? But-” “No buts! We’re going out” said Jin, Hiro had no choice so he agreed.

“What about you two?” Miharu asked the twins; “We’re going out today, you wanna come?” said Yuki and Miharu nodded his head. “By the way Kira, why don’t you ask Mika-chan to come along with us? It’s her day off too” Yuki suggested, “Heh, I don’t want to” Kira replied, “Why? Aren’t you in good terms already?” asked Miharu but Kira didn’t reply, he just gave them a smirk. “Uh?” the two wondered.

In Mika’s case, she was surprised because she woke up early. She decided to go to her living room and stare at a blank space to think of what she’ll do today.

“Day off huh? I WONDER WHAT I’M GOING TO DO @___@” she cried. She decided to call some of her friends who are also in Tokyo but they seem to be busy with work and stuff. She also wanted to call Syuu but she knew that he’ll be busy with the coffee shop and all. She also wanted to call Hana but its Saturday and she needs to work

“I guess I’m going out on a date with myself then...” she said then she decided to take a bath first.
The members started leaving on their own, Daisuke went ahead to go for a drive while Hiro and Jin left as well. The three youngsters were taking a long time since Yuki suddenly fell asleep inside the bathroom

“Next time, you’re going last so that we can leave you behind” Kira teased, “Yah! Don’t be so mean to me (>.<)” Yuki replied and Miharu laughed at them. It was 10 am and the three left the apartment while wearing their disguises.

“So where are we going?” Miharu asked, “Why don’t we go to the mall? It’s been a long time since I’ve been there” Yuki suggested and the two agreed. In Mika’s case, she left the apartment and decided to walk around first.
            “I have no idea where I’m going so I guess I will just let my feet do all the work and lead me to a place where I can have fun” she said to herself and she started walking. She was walking around and she arrived in different kinds of places. First, she arrived at a Laundry Shop “UH... I just did my laundry *_*” she said to herself. Next, she arrived at a Meat house “I’m going to remind myself not to eat meat this lunch time (=_=||)” and lastly, she arrived at a theater “Okay, I have no idea why I arrived at this place.”  She walked around and suddenly felt tired. “That’s it! I’m not listening to my feet anymore, I’m going to the mall and eat my lunch there” she said to herself and she went to the mall.

At the coffee shop, “I already miss Mika-nee (=3=)” Hana murmured. “Uh, you don’t get to see her too often now do you?” Jun asked and Hana nodded her head. “How can she see her when Mika-chan leaves right after she finishes her order” said Ami, “Uh, that’s right. Why is Mika-chan leaving so early anyway?” asked Jun “That’s because she’s working as an Assistant Manager as well” Syuu answered. “EH!? But that’s not like Mika-chan to accept that kind of job” said Jun. “Actually, she didn’t read the part of the contract that said ‘if something were to happen to the current assistant manager, you will replace him’ or something like that.” Syuu replied. “Heh, not reading a contract properly? That is so like her” said Jun and the others, even Syuu, agreed.

Miharu, Yuki and Kira were already hungry so they decided to eat at the food court inside the mall. When they arrived there, they scattered to go buy some food. While Miharu was ordering, he was looking around when suddenly “Uh?” he wondered as he saw a familiar girl sitting all alone in a table. “Here you go sir” the cashier said as she gave Miharu his change, “Arigatou” Miharu said with a smile then he took his tray and walked towards the girl.

When he arrived there, “Hey!” he said but the girl didn’t look at him. She didn’t hear him because she was wearing earphones and didn’t bother to look up. Miharu pouted then he suddenly slammed the table, it shocked the girl, she was angry and she stood up saying “OI YOU LITTLE-” but when she saw Miharu’s face, “Miharu-kun?” she wondered. “Mika-chan, you’re so mean!” Miharu proclaimed and yes, the girl was Mika (XD) “What are you doing here?” she asked, “Eating lunch of course, mind if I join you?” he asked, Mika nodded her head and said “Sure” Miharu then sat down. “By the way, why are you here and all alone?” he asked. “I don’t have anyone to go out with since they’re all doing their work; I’ve decided to go to the mall alone” Mika answered, “And how well is it going?” asked Miharu “I never knew it was this boring (-___-)” Mika answered, Miharu slightly laughed and said “You should’ve told us that you needed some company” “Us?” Mika wondered. “The twins are with me ^^” Miharu replied. “Sou... well the truth is I’m tired of seeing your faces already since we’ve been together for a week already but I can’t do anything about it now since you saw me” said Mika. “EH!? That’s so mean!” Miharu cried and Mika laughed at him.

           Meanwhile, the twins were already finished with their orders. “Where’s Miharu?” Yuki asked, “I don’t know. I bet he’s still ordering” Kira answered. They decided to sit down and wait for Miharu, but he didn’t show up. Kira was getting impatient and he started to look around for Miharu; he spotted him and he was with Mika. “Miharu (-.-)” Kira mumbled, “Uh?” Yuki wondered.

Miharu kept on telling Mika weird jokes but it made her laugh a lot. Suddenly, “Ehem” the twins said as they arrived at the table “Uh?” the two wondered when they saw them
“Yah Miharu, why didn’t you tell us that you were with her?” said Kira, “We waited for you for how many minutes!” Yuki added, “Sorry. I forgot to tell you guys that Mika-chan was here. Hihi” said Miharu and the two decided to sit down as well. Yuki sat next to Mika while Kira sat next to Miharu

“Why are the three of you here in the first place?” she asked “We haven’t been to the mall for a very long time already so we’ve decided to come here since it’s our day off ^^” Yuki answered. “Sou, and I thought you guys will just rest for the whole day” said Mika. “We’re not that lazy you know, well... Miharu and I aren’t, I don’t know with my Aniki here” Kira said and he continued eating. “Yah! I’m trying my best not to fall asleep all the time okay? And did you just call me Aniki?” said Yuki “Heh” said Kira, then Yuki suddenly pinched Kira’s cheeks “OUCH!” he cried “Such a cute brother but what can I say? I’m the older one so I’m cuter” said Yuki, “Heh. Yeah right” Kira said with sarcasm. “Hmm... ne Mika-chan, you do think is cuter? Me or Kira?” Yuki asked as he turned to Mika and she almost choked, then she drank some water “Looks like Mika-chan doesn’t want to admit who’s cuter between the two of you because I’m the cutest, right Mika-chan?” said Miharu “Huh? (-__-||)” said Mika, “No I am!” Yuki proclaimed and the three started to argue.

“I guess I’m stuck with these kids (=__=||)” Mika murmured and she continued eating. After eating, they’ve decided to go walk around first and check out some stores. While checking out some stores, Kira went inside an accessory shop and started to look around; he didn’t notice that Mika was actually behind him. He was looking around when he saw a necklace with a star pendant on it

“Uh?” he wondered as he noticed that it looked a bit familiar then
“Uh! That necklace is almost the same as my necklace” Mika proclaimed from behind, Kira turned to her with a puzzled look. “I have a necklace just like this one except mine has a letter ‘M’ on the middle. It was given to me by a friend and I always wear it even when I take a bath or go to sleep. I never take it off, here I have a picture of it” Mika said as she showed a picture of her neck with the necklace on, “It’s almost the same right?” she added. “Uh, yeah” Kira answered. “But unfortunately, I lost it T_T” Mika cried, “Uh?” Kira wondered, “It was during Christmas that I lost it. *sigh*, wait, we bumped in to each other that day right? I wonder if... nah, it couldn’t have been” said Mika then she went outside, “Necklace huh?” Kira said then he remembered the necklace that fell inside the plastic bag “Uh? So it really is hers...” he added. He looked at Mika who was outside talking to Yuki, “Uh...” he said.

            After checking out some stores, they decided to go watch a movie

“This is my first time watching a movie with you guys” Mika said as she entered the cinema and the other three followed. They decided to watch a Jackie Chan movie and they were really find the movie funny; they laughed so hard at the first part but when the fighting scenes came, Yuki found it boring, well actually, he fell asleep. His head was swaying back and forth, Mika noticed it since she was in the middle of the twins, “Uh?” she wondered but she ignored it and continued to watch the movie. Suddenly, Yuki leaned on Mika’s shoulder and he was sleeping, Mika was surprised and she turned to him “U..uh, Y...Yuki-kun” she said trying to wake Yuki up but he wouldn’t. Kira noticed it and he saw his brother sleeping on Mika’s shoulder, he suddenly felt a bit jealous and wanted to wake Yuki up but he couldn’t. Mika couldn’t do anything so she released a big sigh and continued to watch the movie.

In Yuki’s case, he wasn’t aware that he was actually sleeping on Mika’s shoulder but he felt it was a very comfortable position; suddenly... he had a dream


Yuki’s Dream + Yuki’s POV

I found myself in a meadow, the sky was clear. The wind was fresh, everything looked wonderful. I saw a girl sitting under a tree, I was captivated by her beauty and suddenly, I felt like I wanted to approach her. I walked slowly towards her and I hid behind the tree to look at her secretly. I don’t want her to find out that I’m watching her. She was just sleeping peacefully and I thought that I should take a close look at her, I quietly sat next to her but when I saw her face it was...
“Mika-chan?” she heard me and started waking up. What’s this? Why is Mika-chan in my dream? Don’t tell me... I like her?! O___O
“Uh?” she said as she was waking up, she turned to me and saw me, then she smiled. Aww, how cute (>w<) wait, why am I blushing? Why am I like this? Do I really like her? But I shouldn’t... “Yuki-kun” I was surprised when she called me, I turned to her but when I saw her face, I was shocked to see Kira! “AAAAAH!!” I yelled

-END of Dream + POV-

Yuki suddenly yelled “AAAAAAH!!” and he woke up and saw Kira in front of him “AAAAAHH!!” he yelled again. “YAH! What’s wrong with you? Why do you keep on yelling at me!?” Kira exclaimed. “Wait, where are we?” he asked, “We’re still at the movie theater, the movie’s done so we can leave already” Miharu answered. “Uh?” he wondered, he looked around and he saw that the others were leaving already...

“Matte, where’s Mika-chan?” he asked, “She went to the bathroom to wipe off the saliva that you drooled on her shirt while you were sleeping on her shoulder” Kira replied. “EH!?” Yuki cried.

In Mika’s case, while she was washing off the drool “I can’t believe he drooled over me (=__=) but... *remembers something* why did he hold my hand all of the sudden? It really gave me the chills” she said to herself, after that, she went outside the bathroom.

“Mika-chan!” Yuki called and he went near Mika “Uh?” Mika wondered. “Mika-chan, I’m sorry for drooling on you T_T” he apologized, “its okay...” Mika replied, “B...but I” “Really, it’s fine ^^” Mika said and she smiled at him, then Yuki remembered his dream and he suddenly blushed. “Why?” he asked himself. Kira noticed something and he suddenly grabbed Mika’s arm “Let’s go” he said as he walked ahead dragging Mika with him “Uh? Kira wait~” Miharu proclaimed and he and Yuki followed.

“Yah! Let go of me” Mika proclaimed but Kira didn’t listen to her, “Hey, I said let go!” Mika repeated and she was able to let go from Kira’s grip but she accidentally knocked over his hat. “Uh! Sorry!” she apologized, then

“HEY! IT’S HASEGAWA KIRA-SAMA!” the girls suddenly recognized him, “Oh no...” said Kira, then... “Kira, RUN!” Yuki proclaimed, Kira grabbed Mika’s arm and started to run while the girls chased him, “Darn it. We have to help him” said Miharu, “This is deadly, but we have no choice” said Yuki, “Uh?” Miharu wondered. Yuki took his hat off and he knocked off Miharu’s hat, “Yah, what are you doing?!” Miharu cried. “HEY GIRLS!!” Yuki yelled, some of the girls who were chasing Kira looked back and saw him, “YUKI-SAMA! MIHARU-SAMA!” they yelled and they chased after them, “Quick run!” Yuki proclaimed and the two started running on the other direction
“Remind me to hit you on the head later!” Miharu exclaimed and they continued to run. They were able to leave the mall safely but the group of girls continued to chase them, “Wait, can’t we stop? I’m tired of running already!” Mika proclaimed while they were running, “Not until we lose them!” Kira proclaimed, “B-but...” Mika said as she was running out of breath. Kira noticed that she was slowing down already, they turned to a corner and saw an alley, they decided to hide there, the girls who were chasing them lost track of them and they went the other way. Kira looked around and noticed that the girls were already gone, “Yah, let’s go” he said as he went out of the alley but Mika didn’t follow him, he turned to her and noticed that she was still catching her breath.

“Heh, you’re really weak aren’t you?” he said but Mika didn’t respond, “Uh?” he wondered. He noticed that Mika was also holding her chest tight and she was having a hard time breathing “Yah, are you okay?” he said as he went near her suddenly, she passed out but Kira was able to catch her “O-Ootori!” Kira cried. “Oh no...” he said.

At the coffee shop, Syuu looked at the time and it was already 4 30. “Where is she?” he wondered, then... “Welcome to our- uh? Mika-chan!?” Jun exclaimed, Syuu quickly went out of his office and when he turned to the door, he saw Kira and on his back was Mika who was still unconscious. “UH!?” he proclaimed.

(BG Song: Hold My Hand by IU)

 Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 17 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10