New Year

Love at First Sight


Suddenly, “What do you think you’re doing?” Mika asked, Kira turned around and he saw her
“Uh...” he said.

Chapter Seven:

Mika went near him and grabbed the phone from him, she looked at her received calls and saw Syuu’s name, “Oh no, I’m dead” she said then she faced Kira, “Did you talk to him?” she asked, “Well I-” “What did he say!?” she proclaimed, “He said that I’ll tell you that he called, by the way, he sounded upset. You must’ve done something bad” Kira replied. “Oh no, I’m dead, really dead” she murmured as she looked at her phone

“I have to get out of here...” she said to Kira, “Then leave, sheesh.” Said Kira, “I can’t, that stupid leader of yours told the guards that they won’t let me leave unless...” said Mika, “Unless?” Kira wondered, “Unless, one of the members accompanies me out” she added as she looked at Kira with an idea in her mind. “Uh?” Kira wondered, “Hey, help me sneak out of this party” she said, “Heh, and why should I do that?” Kira responded, “I know that you don’t want me here in this party as much as I do” said Mika, “You’re right, fine. I’ll help you sneak out” he said and Mika smiled at him which made him slightly blush.

            Inside, the others were busy talking with the other guests and didn’t notice that Kira and Mika were sneaking their way out of the party, well, Tanaka noticed them but she just watched them leave.

“I’m with him, he’s a boyfriend member” Mika said as she pointed her finger to Kira and her plan worked, the guards let them exit the place.

Outside the Orange Grove, “Whew, my plan worked!” Mika proclaimed, “Heh” said Kira, “Uh, you can go inside already” she said, “You do realize that I’m the guy here” said Kira, “Uh? So? You’re a guy, why? Are you trying to tell me that you’re not?” she said, “My you’re a clueless girl” Kira murmured, Mika glared at him and she started walking away “Uh, wait! You’re not going to take a taxi or something? It’s already late” Kira suggested and he seemed a bit concerned. “Nah, my friend’s house is just near here so I can walk on my way there” she replied, “Let me accompany you” said Kira, “No need, I can go there by myself” Mika replied, “It’s already late, plus you’re a girl wearing a dress, do you expect that nothing bad will happen to you?” said Kira, “Yep” Mika replied, “Tch, you really are different” said Kira, “Heh, I’m leaving now, go back inside” she said then she started walking. “Uh” said Kira.

In Mika’s case, while she was walking on her way to Jun’s house...

“Heh, I can’t believe that moron! Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean that I can’t protect myself? Sheesh, he thinks he’s all that just because he’s a guy; it makes me want to punch him! And who the heck does he think he is? Touching my stuff all of the sudden then he tries to pretend to be concerned? That stupid act of his pisses me off -_- argh! Thinking of that idiot makes me so mad! If he didn’t help me, why I would’ve thrown him off the building >.


“Hey there young lady” a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and it was obvious that he looks like a ert. Mika glared at him and then ignored him, “Hey where are you going gorgeous?” another one appeared out of nowhere, “Uh...” Mika said and she was a bit worried, she was about to go back but as she turned around, she was suddenly surrounded by a group of guys. “You’re a very pretty girl, do you want to hang out with us?” one of them said, Mika stepped backward as the guys were coming after her, suddenly, one of them grabbed her from behind, “You’re not only pretty, but fragrant as well” he said as he smelled her, Mika pushed him away “Argh! Stay away from me you idiot!” Mika proclaimed, the guy got mad and grabbed her again, “You’re coming with us” he added, “Let go of me!” Mika proclaimed as she tried to let herself go but the grip of the guy was too strong, the others started to laugh and say “How cute” “Let’s keep her” with bad intentions in their minds.

Mika felt hopeless, she regretted why she rejected Kira’s offer of riding a taxi on the way to Jun’s house, she didn’t know what to do when suddenly...

THUD! Someone threw a snowball at the guy who got hold of Mika and he was able to let go of her “Who threw that!?” he exclaimed, “I did” the guy who threw the snow ball proclaimed, they turned around and saw “Y...You?” Mika wondered as she saw Kira.

“Hey kid, how dare you throw that-” but then Kira threw another snow ball at him, this made the guy really mad and he proclaimed “GET HIM!” then he and the others ran towards Kira to fight him, Kira was strong enough to handle them. He kicked them one by one but they kept on standing up and attacking him, suddenly, Mika decided to help him.

“What the heck are you doing?” he asked as he was punching the other guys, “Trying to help” Mika replied as she shrew snowballs at the others, “Aish, really...” Kira murmured, he pushed one of the guys, then grabbed Mika’s arm and the two started to run away from them

“H...hey! Where are we going?” Mika asked while they were running, “Away from them, obviously...” Kira replied as he continued to hold Mika’s hand, Mika noticed it and she slightly blushed.

“Hey! Run faster” Kira ordered as he noticed that Mika was slowing down, “Uh, hai” she replied and they continued to run. When they were far away from the guys, they stopped running and continued panting

“Gah, I’m so tired!” Kira proclaimed while he was panting, Mika looked at him in a “You’re not the only one who’s tired” way while panting, then she noticed something, they were already in front of Jun’s house

“We’re here” she said, “Uh?” Kira wondered, he looked at the house and saw the people inside were having dinner. Mika brought out her phone and started to call Jun

Inside Jun’s house, they were sharing stories while eating dinner when suddenly, RING~~ his phone rang, he looked at the caller and it was Mika

“Uh, it’s Mika-chan?” he said, “Eh?” the others wondered, Syuu paused for a while, but continued to eat. Jun answered the call and...

“WHAT? YOU’RE OUTSIDE??” he exclaimed. “EH?!” the others wondered.

Jun went outside and he saw Mika and Kira standing outside his house, Mika waved at him, he waved back with a confused expression on his face. Moments later, inside the house...

“Woah~~” the others said as they saw Mika wearing the black and white cocktail dress. “I can’t believe it’s actually you Mika-nee” said Hana, “Ehe, uh, where’s Syuu-nii?” Mika asked, “He’s at the back porch, did something happen? Because after he called you, he seemed a bit upset” said Jun “Man, I’m going to talk to him *faces Kira* stay here” she said, “Like I have anywhere else to go” Kira murmured then Mika went to the back porch.

While she was gone, the others were staring at Kira, he felt a bit freaked out so, “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked. “This is the first time I’ve seen an idol star inside my house” Jun replied, “Uh” said Kira, “Ne, Kira-nii, are you and Mika-nee close?” Hana asked as she seemed curious on why Kira and Mika were together.
“Uh, well we’re-” but before Kira could finish what he was saying, Jun’s parents noticed him and they inserted in their conversation
“My my, what a pretty looking boy”-Mom “Are you sure you’re a boy?”-Dad. “EH? (-_-||)” said Kira.

            In Mika’s case, she arrived at the back porch and saw Syuu sitting down on the bench and was staring blankly at the floor. Mika felt nervous as she noticed the upset aura around Syuu. She was having second thoughts if she will talk to Syuu, she released a sigh and...

“Syuu...nii” she said, Syuu heard her and turned to her “Mika...” he said. Suddenly, Mika knelt in front of him and started saying “GOMENASAI!” It surprised him especially when Mika kept on doing it; she was like a little child begging for forgiveness for disobeying her parents. Syuu couldn’t help himself but giggle, his giggle then bursts into laughter and Mika started to wonder why he was laughing so hard.

“Mika,*laughs* stop it, I forgive you okay?” he said while he was trying to stop himself from laughing. “Really?!” Mika said with a bright expression in her eyes, Syuu smiled and nodded his head. He admits that he can’t stay mad at Mika even for 5 minutes. He messed up Mika’s hair and asked, “So why were you at the party?” “I didn’t go there on my will okay? The other guys from Boyfriend set me up, they even forced me to wear this dress T^T” Mika whined, Syuu looked at her from head to toe and he slightly blushed “It looks good on you” he said while avoiding eye contact from Mika, “Uh, *blush* thanks” Mika replied, “By the way, how did you get out of the party?” he asked, “Well, that jerk Hasegawa Kira helped me sneak out of the party” Mika replied. “Kira-kun’s here?” Syuu wondered, “Uh?” Mika wondered “How d-” suddenly, “Hey, Daisuke-nii just called, they found out that we snuck out. He’s really mad right now and wants us to go back” Kira inserted, “Eh? B...but how? I mean...” she said then she looked at Syuu. Syuu smiled and said “Go” “Uh?” she wondered, “You came to apologize and you’ve been forgiven, now go back or else you’ll get in trouble” he added Mika smiled and she suddenly hugged him “Arigatou Syuu-nii~~” then she and Kira left. Syuu felt a warm feeling inside when Mika suddenly hugged him and it made him smile.

            Meanwhile, at the Orange Grove “Darn it =__= where did that Kira go? And how dare he take Mika-chan along with him!” Daisuke proclaimed, “Take it easy Aniki, Kira said that they’re on their way back here right?” Hiro asked and Daisuke nodded his head. “Still, I can’t forgive that Kira for sneaking Mika-chan out, it’s 10 mins. ‘Till midnight and if they don’t arrive here on time, they’re going to miss the fireworks display -.-” Daisuke mumbled. “E-eh” the other members said.

In Kira’s case, on the way to the Orange Grove, they suddenly got lost. “Darn it, where was it again?” Kira murmured as he looked around “Oh no, don’t tell me we’re lost” Mika inserted, “Well...” said Kira, “How can you forget the way back when you’re the one who dragged me all the way to Jun’s house?” said Mika, “Well, I’m not used to walking around in places like these. We even took a Taxi on the way to the Orange Grove, sheesh” said Kira, “Argh, really, this is annoying (-_-||)” Mika whined and then she saw a small park near by “Hey, let’s stay there. I’m really tired of standing already” she said. “Uh?” Kira wondered.

Moments later, they sat down at the bench and a few inches apart. They were very quiet but they don’t mind the silence at all. Instead, they just talked to themselves...

Mika’s POV

How in the world did I get lost in a place where I’ve stayed for almost 3 years already -_-
Well, I guess I have an excuse since I’m not familiar with this place, but for him
*glances at Kira then looks away*how can he not know his way around. Argh, not only his face, but his attitude pisses me off. How unlucky of me to get lost with him and man, is it really this cold? Maybe it’s this cold because I’m wearing a dress, argh, darn it!
-END of POV-

Kira’s POV

How unlucky of me to get lost with this girl, I mean, could she be anything but trouble? Seriously, but... she looks like she’s not from here so maybe she has an excuse on why she doesn’t know her way around. But I wonder why I even saved her in the first place? And what happened between her and that Coffee Shop owner? Uh... why am I even asking these stupid questions to myself? She’s just nothing to me. Jeez, I feel so embarrassed for myself already; I really need to stay away from this girl before I lose my cool. Argh
-END of POV-

They continued to keep quiet, it’s like they didn’t even see each other, but Kira can’t help but glance at Mika from time to time, and then he noticed that she was already shivering

“Uh?” he wondered, at first he just ignored it, but as he kept on glancing at Mika, she kept on shivering and complaining to herself how cold it was. Suddenly, “Here” Kira said as he took off his coat and offered it to Mika, Mika stared at him “Heh, cut the act already” she said. “What?” Kira wondered, “Stop acting like you’re concerned, okay? Sheesh.” Mika added then she turned away from her. Kira got irritated about what she did

“Rude girl! I’m not pretending to be concerned, I really am! Uh? What the? Wait, that can’t be right O_O ARGH! Darn it, Fine! If you don’t want the coat then good luck helping yourself!” Kira thought as he was about to tell it to Mika but then, “Yah, you need this okay? It’s none of your business if I’m acting nice or not, just put this on so that you would stop shivering. Seeing you shiver annoys me” Kira insisted as he threw the coat to Mika. Mika had no choice since she was really feeling cold, she decided to put the coat on and it was really warm. They continued to keep quiet for a few seconds ‘till...

“Hey...” Mika said as she was looking the other way, “What?” Kira replied. “T...Thanks” she said in a low voice, “What? I can’t hear you” Kira said as he moved towards Mika, “I said thanks” Mika repeated as she still looked away, “I still can’t hear you” Kira said as he didn’t notice that he was moving towards Mika, Mika got pissed and she faced Kira and yelled “THANK YOU!” “You don’t need to yell” Kira said, “Tch. Egg head” Mika murmured, Kira started to laugh at her, “What’s so funny?” she asked in an irritated way, “You!” Kira replied, “Grrr! Why you-” Mika said as she was about to hit Kira on the head but then Kira grabbed her hands and their faces were very close to each other “Uhh...” they said while blushing. They immediately sat back up but still a few inches close to each other. Suddenly, a fireworks display came out and they heard voices shouting “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” they looked at the display and were amazed to see it. It had a good view at the park where they stayed, Kira then felt a warm feeling inside

“Uh? What’s wrong with me?” he wondered as he held his chest; he looked at Mika as she was looking at the fireworks display and he slightly blushed. “No... Heh, no way... I can’t like her. I... I need to stay away from her” he said to himself.

Will Kira really stay away from Mika? Or will fate continue to bring them together? Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 8 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^
please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****



I watched Boyfriend's Comeback at Music Bank a while ago and it made me go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! <3

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10