At last,Hiro spoke, ”Ano Maki, I have something really important to tell you. I’m going to America for a business trip.”


Maki wasn’t surprised that her onii-san had to go for a business trip. It’s a pretty usual thing for Maki.


Maki said,not shocked,”Onii-san,I understand.”


Hiro continued,”I’ll be going away for 1 year.”


Maki was so shocked she dropped the eating utensils she was holding.


Maki said,slightly agitated,”WHAT?! 1 YEAR?!”


Hiro said in an assuring tone,”But Maki,you need not worry. I’ve managed to persuade our aunt to let her son,which is  our cousin to take care of you. He will be moving in with you.”


“WHO IS OUR COUSIN?”Maki enquired.


“ To be honest, I’m not really sure myself. I will be leaving tomorrow.”






“Jin, you always wanted a sports car right? Well, your dad and I have finally decided to get you one.” Jin’s mother said to Jin.


Jin, who was a little suspicious of her mum, said,” Oka-san, its unusual of you to actual give me what I want. Spill it.”


Jin’s mother said, smiling, ”Jin, you’re such a smart kid! I can never hide anything from you. Well, the truth is, I promised your cousin that you will stay at his house and take care his sister when he is away for  a year.”


Jin almost choked hearing what her mum said.




“Like it or not, a promise is a promise. You have to take care of her for a year  until her brother is back from America. You will only get your sports car after 1 year. You better not let me hear your cousin complaining about you bullying her or you will not get that sports car of yours.“ Jin’s mother said.


Jin sighed. He can never outtalk his mother and he gave in.




Maki laid her head on the table, feeling blue.

Her one and only brother is leaving for America today and she’s unable to accept the fact that she will be living with someone who she has never met for a year.


This morning when Hiro drove Maki to school, he told her that he will be leaving in the afternoon and that she will meet her cousin.

So many thoughts were going through her mind that she was not paying attention to what the sensei was saying.


When lessons ended, everyone left the classroom except for Maki ,Yamapi and Erika.


“Maki, do you want to go for lunch?” Erika asked.


“No thanks, I’m not hungry. Just go ahead without me.”


Erika left the classroom for the cafeteria.


Yamapi could sense that something was seriously wrong with Maki.


“Ne, Maki-chan. Is something troubling you? You look really sad.” Yamapi was really concerned about Maki.


“ Well, my onii-san is going to America and this cousin who I have never met before is gonna take care of me. What’s worst is that my onii-san only told me about this yesterday and he’s leaving this afternoon! I’ve not been here in Tokyo for more than 1 week and I’m not familiar with this place.”


“What happened to your parents?” Yamapi was curious.


“They died in a fatal car accident.”


Tears started to trickle down her cheeks unknowningly.


“I’m sorry Maki-chan for asking about your parents. Don’t cry.” Yamapi went closer towards Maki and gave a shoulder to cry on.


Maki has always been protected by her brother. She does not what to do know that her brother is gonna leave her for a year.


“Thanks yamaa-san for comforting me. I’m fine now.” Maki sniffed and rubbed her eyes.




Poor Maki.

BAKA! I shouldn’t have asked about her parents.

I hope she’s ok now.





Jin, Kame, Matsumoto and Erika were having lunch together.


No No No You show me the faith
Kanarazu I'll keep it for you
Hitorija aa miushinau kara
Hade ni sakebu no sa Keep the faith


“Nice ringtone.” Kame said.


Jin answered his phone,” Hello,mum. WHAT?! TODAY?! OK FINE. Bye.”


Kame asked with concerned looks,” Whats wrong?”


“ Well, my oka-san is forcing me to live with this girl who she claims to be as my cousin for 1 year because her brother is going to America.”


“And you said yes?”


“Well, I had no choice. She my oka-san after all and besides, she promised to get me that sports car I’ve been eyeing on after a year. Oh, and I would not be joining you guys later. I’m moving to my cousin’s house.”



Maki said to Hiro,almost crying,”Onii-san,I’m going to miss you! “


Hiro said, hugging her sister,” We can see each other everyday. We can use the webcam to chat. Remember to listen to your cousin okay?”


Suddenly,the doorbell rang.



Hiro said to Maki,” It must be your cousin. Go open the door Maki.”




Maki opened the door and to her surprise,she saw Jin.







Thats chapter 4 for you:D

Comments are highly appreciated. I think I would not finish chapter5 by today so yea.

Subscribing to my fanfic gives me motivation:D

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OMG! jaejoong is so BAD! ..<br />
and Kame is inlove with Maki yay!! is it possible? They're cousins.<br />
i love your story. please update soon : )
eastseapearl #2
Kya!! I luv this fic... well i love all your fics =D kekeke... this chap is so cute!!!
yaymaki #3
hehe thanks for liking this fic. :D
lol it's ok! I still love this fanfic, especially cuz it turned out to be Jaejoong!! haha I can't wait for the next chapters and to see Jin be all awesome haha :D
KYAAH! Awesome little chapter. I just wish there were longer chapters to allow me to read more awesomeness. But I'm fine with this for now... <br />
I think the person should be.... NISHIJIMA TAKAHIRO! lol sorry about the all-caps :) But I'm not sure if you'd know him (there is a picture of him though on my profile thing, near the bottom) but if you don't then I guess you should use.... well I don't know then...
aupdate soon.. ^w^. Nice
yaymaki #7
haha I promise I will update right after my exams but I can't assure you that it will be an awesome chapter :/ but i'll try my best:D haha thanks:D yea don't think this will a yamaki fanfic:)
Oh and P.S.<br />
Yay! No Yamaki!! :) lol
yay such a quick update! But it's sad you'll be gone for so long :( I'll endure as long as you promise to make a really awesome chapter when you come back!! lol Good luck on your exams :P
yaymaki #10
@eastseapearl hi:D thanks for your support:D i will try my best ro continue this fanfic:D<br />
<br />
@saranghaejkhyun haha hi and thanks for the compliment:D