I'm Calling You Out!

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by Shaneru-chi :3

*Mir's POV*

"Uh... uh uh uh..." What am I going to say? I can't just confess the whole thing here! Cheondung hyung help me! I looked at him with hope. Alas, he was looking at his phone, trying to avoid the awkward situation. I could feel their stares on me. "Uhh... Well, I'm not a cross-dresser or anything. I--" I felt a vibration. 

"You have one new message!" Cheondung's rightone? 

"This milk is banana. B-A-N-A-N-A-A~" A.I's ringtone sang.

"Pika pi pikachu?" Minyoung's ringtone chimed.

"Yeoboseyo?" Ji Eun's phone rang.

"I scream for ice cream!~!" Chunji's?

"W-wae is everybody getting messages but me? Oh yeah, I don't have a cellphone!" Eun Mi slapped her forehead.

"Why did everyone just get a text at the same time?" A.I asked.

"I-I don't know..." Minyoung said.

"It's weird... What does it say?" Ji Eun said.

They all looked at their phones. 

"Wait!" Chunji exclaimed.

"What?" A.I said immediately.

"What if, this is like 'One Missed Call'! Except it's 'One Missed Text'?!"

"That's stupid," Minyoung said, hoping it wasn't true. They all read the text message. 

I read it out loud,

To that girl who won the rap battle last time, I'm calling you out! 

This is Infinite's Hoya and I will not stand to lose! 
Place: LaLa's Teen Hangout 
Time: 7:59 P.M. 
Be there or forfeit."

We all looked at Eun Mi. "What? Is there something on my face? I'm pretty sure I off all the ice cream," she responded cutely. 

*Eun Mi's POV*

"Is there something on my face I'm pretty sure I off all the ice cream," I said as I rubbed my cheeks.

Ji Eun looked at me with worried eyes. "What are you going to do?"


"You can't just forfeit! If you do, you're going to look like a weakling! Especially since we're dealing with these Infinite jerks."

"B-but I'm not prepared," I said. Fear and nervousness started to overwhelm me.

"Ji Eun's right," said the tall guy. I think his name is Cheondung?"If Hoya sent this text message to everyone, not just Infinity students, but also Baksu students," he said as he glaced at Mir and the two other girls, "and you don't show up, you'll never hear the end of it from him."

I looked at everyone. Just a moment ago, everyone had their eyes on Mir, but now, they had their eyes on me. My hands started to shake. "B-but..."

"Come on Eun Mi!" Ji Eun said as she grabbed the arms. "Show them what you're made of! Let them know why you got into the finals!" Both her eyes and voice was full of determination. "Hwaiting!"

Easy for you to say! She's not the one who has to go head to head with someone from Infinite!

*A.I's POV*

After much pursuasion from Ji Eun, Eun Mi decided to go. We headed for Hongdae which was only a ten minute drive away. During the bus ride, there was an awkward atmosphere around us. I sat with Minyoung behind Mir and his friend. The two other girls sat on the other side and Chunji sat behind them. 

"Don't think that you're safe now because something came up," I whispered to Mir in a threatening tone. "You still have to explain later on."

"Yes mom! I mean ma'am! Ma'am! Sir - I mean ma'am! Ma'am!" He fixed his wig and slid down in his seat from embarassment. 

The bus dropped us at our stop and we walked the rest of the way. It took us about five minutes to find the place. Between a supermarket and a karaoke lounge, was LaLa's Teen Hangout. The name of the building flashed brightly in an orange neon color. 

"This is it," I said while staring at the two story building. I pushed open the double doors. On our left was a hallway leading to another room and to our right was a flight of stairs. I looked both ways. 

"We'll check the lounge first," I said and walked down the hallway. The others didn't argue and followed. The hallway lead to a vast room that was like a lounge. To the left of the room was like a bar, but instead of selling beer and alcohol, they sold soda and smoothies. Lined up against the walls were numerous couches and tables occupied the rest of the space. On the opposit side of the room was a small stage. And on that stage stood a group of seven boys who looked about our age. I could recognize the Infinity High uniform a mile away and it was out of habit that I scrunched my nose a bit.

The whole room was empty except for us, the seven boys, and a guy at the counter who was refilling the soda fountain. The group of boys lifted their heads or turned around when we walked in. One of the smiled once he saw us.

"Well well," he said with a smirk. For some reason I felt like punching that smirk off his face. "She decided to show up." He walked off the stage and toward us, with his six friends following him. He stood a few feet from Eun Mi who was now at the front of us. The rest of his friends stood behind them. One with straight black hair perked up all of a sudden and began to tap the shoulder of the guy next to him.

"Sunggyu! Sunggyu! That's the girl I was talking about!" He pointed a finger in our direction. I tilted my head in confusion when I noticed Mir hiding behind his friend.

"What are you doing?" Cheondung whispered.

"Nothing! Just let me hide behind your back," Mir whispered back.

The guy with that annoying smirk spoke, "So you decided to come. Good! I thought you would forfeit." He was looking at Eun Mi. So this must be Hoya. "It wouldn't have been fun if you just gave up. So, rap battle rematch. You and me. Right now," he said in a demanding tone.

"B-but! I'm not prepared!" Eun Mi said with a hint of fear. Even though she was standing still, he hands were shaking. 

"It's alright," Hoya said. "I prepared a song everybody knows." He paused before continuing. "BEAST's 'Fiction'."

"Oh my gosh! I love that song!" Ji Eun squealed.

We all turned to look at her and she looked away in embarrassment. "Carry on..."

Hoya looked at her with those "judging you" looks. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "As I was saying, we're doing BEAST's Fiction."

"But I can't sing," Eun Mi said. "I can only rap."

This brought another smirk to Hoya's face. "Really? If it's like that then, I suggest you look for someone to sing with you or you forfeit. Or, you can risk humiliating yourself."

I clenched my fists. These guys are such jerks!

*Mir's POV*

These guys were getting on my last nerve. I wanted to give them a bloody nose. 

"I suggest you look for someone to sing with you or you forfeit. Or, you can risk humiliating yourself."

I looked at Eun Mi. Even though I only see the back of her head, I can tell she was afraid and nervous. She kept her head down. 

All of a sudden, a sharp pain came to my head. I flinched a little and in my mind, I saw a little girl with short hair and a starburst wrapper as a bow. Her head was down to prevent anyone from seeing her tears.

The image fled and I was back in reality. The right side of my head was throbbing and I pressed my hand against it. What was that? I remembered Eun Mi. I have to help her!


"I'll help her," A.I said as she stepped up and pulled Minyoung with her.

But... I wanted to help her... I looked down and realized the situation I was in. Nevermind... I cannot help her.

*A.I's POV*

Ugh! These guys are such jerks. I looked at Eun Mi who was avoiding everyone's gaze. I barely know her... but I just can't leave her helpless like that.

"I'll help her," I said as I moved next to Eun Mi while dragging Minyoung along. "Oh, and her too."

Minyoung looked at me like I was crazy. "What? Why me?"

"Fine," Hoya said. "I'll have Sunggyu and L help me." At that moment, two boys stepped up. One of them had straight, light brown hair and small eyes. He didn't look as arrogant as Hoya, but he was serious about this whole rematch. The other one... I can't even tell what he felt. He had a poker face the entire time. He gave off a cold aura. 

Even though they were a bunch of jerks, I couldn't help but look at the guy with brown hair. I noticed Minyoung stopped blabbering and when I looked at her, she was staring at the poker face guy. 

"So are we good?" Hoya asked.

Eun Mi was still shocked by the fact that complete strangers, strangers from Baksu High no less, were willing to help her out. She reagained her composure and nodded. 

Hoya looked at his watch. "It's 6:55 right now. In a few minutes, students from Infinity and Baksu will fill this entire room. I'll give you an hour to prepare. Once the clock hits 8, the battle will begin."

Infinite walked away without any further words and disappeared behind the stage. We all stood there in silence for awhile. Until Eun Mi broke the silence. 

"Thank you," she said. I think that was being directed at me. 

I smiled. "No problem. Those guys are such jerks, I can't stand it if they won." I turned to look at everyone else. "So, are we going to practice or what?"

Everyone nodded and we decided to go practice back stage. 


We all turned to look at Chunji. "What are you going to do?" He looked at me and Minyoung. "You're wearing Baksu uniforms. You're Baksu students. You just can't appear on stage like that and help Eun Mi. You guys will be outcasts!"

Minyoung and I exchanged looks. 

"He's right," Minyoung said. "What are we going to do about our uniform?"

I looked down at my uniform and then looked at Mir and Ji Eun. A smile crept on my face. "I have an idea."

Ji Eun noticed me looking at her. "Why are you looking at me?"

Yay~ Finally an update! I wonder what's going to happen now :O

Sorry if we're making Infinite such jerks. For the record, we don't hate them! Especially me, Shaneru-chi! I love them so much and I want to hug them and never let them go and and and... ;A; 

Excuse me. I kinda lost myself there for a second. So yeah. Their personalities would change as the story goes on so they won't be all bad~ ^^ Right? I'm right, right?

Ignore any spelling or grammar errors. I'm too lazy to fix them right now.  

*unrelated: That picture of Hoya. alskdfjak;jf;kljasklfj I miss their BTD days ;~; 

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo